tsimonq2 | agaida: nm-tray was accepted into Bionic. | 00:12 |
agaida | and? | 00:38 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> just an fyi :) | 00:43 |
agaida | as long i don't have to use it - fine | 00:43 |
lubot | <mariogrip> what window manager does lubuntu-next use? | 00:44 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> Openbox | 00:44 |
lubot | <mariogrip> *trying to install this on debian* | 00:44 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> @agaida, No, you HAVE to use it :P | 00:44 |
agaida | nope - even systemd-networkd is the better alternative | 00:45 |
lubot | <mariogrip> (Photo, 1070x797) https://i.imgur.com/IrzAhd1.jpg \o/ | 00:46 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> Cool :) | 00:46 |
agaida | thats easy - staring a minimum iso and typing apt install openbox task-lxqt-desktop is really rocket science :D | 00:47 |
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [lubuntu-seeds] tsimonq2 pushed 1 new commit to bionic: https://git.io/vAcWI | 00:49 | |
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- lubuntu-seeds/bionic c5da6a5 Simon Quigley: Replace network-manager-gnome with nm-tray. | 00:49 | |
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [calamares-settings-ubuntu] tsimonq2 pushed 9 new commits to master: https://git.io/vAc4b | 01:44 | |
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- calamares-settings-ubuntu/master 4a98bfb Simon Quigley: Rename README to README.md so GitHub can pick up on it better. | 01:44 | |
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- calamares-settings-ubuntu/master 246e221 Simon Quigley: Lubuntu's show.qml isn't really part of Calamares anymore; it's been modified so heavily that you can't really call it that any more. | 01:44 | |
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- calamares-settings-ubuntu/master d55f3b0 Simon Quigley: Update the URLs in branding.desc. | 01:44 | |
lubot | Bot_zeromeia was added by: Bot_zeromeia | 02:10 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> Welcome! | 02:10 |
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [calamares-settings-ubuntu] tsimonq2 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vAcE3 | 02:47 | |
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- calamares-settings-ubuntu/master ec02c3b Simon Quigley: Release to Bionic. | 02:47 | |
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- calamares-settings-ubuntu/master 0020464 Simon Quigley: Add a .gitignore file for debian/files. | 02:47 | |
lubot | <Jacob Kim> Oh yeah | 02:49 |
lubot | <Jacob Kim> Hows calamares going | 02:49 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> Pretty good :) | 02:49 |
lubot | <Jacob Kim> U think we can ship it in 18.04? | 02:49 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> Yeah | 02:49 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> With Lubuntu Next | 02:49 |
lubot | <Jacob Kim> Niice | 02:49 |
lubot | <Jacob Kim> Srry i cant rlly help with areas like these | 02:50 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> It's all good :) | 02:50 |
lubot | <carriewst> (Document) http://vps.tsimonq2.net//file_3838.png | 04:17 |
lubot | <carriewst> @tsimonq2 @VikingRedwolf | 04:18 |
lubot | <Jacob Kim> Nice | 04:18 |
lubot | <Jacob Kim> Niiiiice | 04:18 |
lubot | <Jacob Kim> We gotta fix lubuntu ui for this to fit in tho | 04:20 |
lubot | <Jacob Kim> :P | 04:20 |
lubot | <Jacob Kim> This looks awesome but then would look a lot nicer with windows ui :P | 04:20 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> @carriewst We accept PRs: https://github.com/lubuntu-team/calamares-settings-ubuntu | 04:20 |
lubot | <carriewst> Oo | 04:21 |
lubot | <carriewst> @Jacob Kim, Sheesh, dats my style | 04:21 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> It's just QML :) | 04:21 |
lubot | <carriewst> Okek | 04:21 |
lubot | <Jacob Kim> I like ur style | 04:21 |
lubot | <carriewst> Thanks | 04:21 |
lubot | <carriewst> I do others too | 04:21 |
lubot | <Jacob Kim> Looks like NetBeans product u noe | 04:21 |
lubot | <carriewst> Like dis | 04:21 |
lubot | <Jacob Kim> The font | 04:21 |
lubot | <carriewst> Fwd from alamo18: reworked shadows | 04:21 |
lubot | <Jacob Kim> The ui | 04:21 |
lubot | <carriewst> (Document) http://vps.tsimonq2.net//file_3840.png | 04:21 |
lubot | <carriewst> @carriewst, Making this in code | 04:21 |
lubot | <carriewst> @Jacob Kim, Yus, ik | 04:22 |
lubot | <carriewst> @tsimonq2, I'll try to rework the ui | 04:22 |
lubot | <carriewst> (Sticker, 512x512) http://vps.tsimonq2.net//file_3841.webp | 04:22 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> @carriewst No anime stickers, please. | 04:22 |
lubot | <Jacob Kim> That font looks awesome with paintballs exploding in the background | 04:22 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> Also, please keep it on topic. | 04:22 |
lubot | <Jacob Kim> xD | 04:22 |
lubot | <carriewst> @tsimonq2, Sorry | 04:24 |
lubot | <Jacob Kim> I should try designing ui also | 04:28 |
lubot | <Jacob Kim> Its what i think draws pple in | 04:29 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> You guys should run this through @VikingRedwolf though, he's the lead for that sort of thing :) | 04:29 |
lubot | <Jacob Kim> Aside from performance | 04:29 |
lubot | <carriewst> Ok :3 | 04:30 |
lubot | <carriewst> @Jacob Kim, You're 13 right? | 04:30 |
lubot | <carriewst> I think i saw your age somewhere | 04:30 |
lubot | <Jacob Kim> Oh hell no | 04:31 |
lubot | <Jacob Kim> Im not that young | 04:31 |
lubot | <Jacob Kim> Im 17 xD | 04:31 |
lubot | <carriewst> Ok | 04:31 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> Please guys, let's keep it on topic :) | 04:31 |
lubot | <carriewst> @Jacob Kim, I'm 14, simon is 15 | 04:31 |
lubot | <Jacob Kim> Kk | 04:31 |
lubot | <carriewst> @tsimonq2, Is there a ot? | 04:32 |
lubot | <carriewst> Like group | 04:32 |
lubot | <Jacob Kim> @tsimonq2 is lubuntu ok with hidpi | 04:32 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> @carriewst, not atm | 04:32 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> @Jacob Kim, Openbox needs support, it's implemented in upstream LXQt. | 04:33 |
lubot | <Jacob Kim> Oh so lxqt isnt using openbox rn right | 04:33 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> LXQt can use whatever window manager we choose. | 04:34 |
lubot | <Jacob Kim> Oh thats nice | 04:35 |
lubot | <carriewst> @tsimonq2, Even i3? | 04:36 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> Yep. | 04:36 |
lubot | <carriewst> Omggg | 04:36 |
lubot | <carriewst> Thanks | 04:36 |
lubot | <VikingRedwolf> @carriewst, O | 10:15 |
lubot | I like it! | 10:15 |
lubot | <Jacob Kim> hey guys im trying to make a promo video for lubuntu next | 11:15 |
lubot | <Jacob Kim> if there are some images or stuff that i could use can u gimme some | 11:16 |
lubot | <num13> @Jacob Kim, Sounds nice :) | 12:01 |
lubot | <carriewst> @VikingRedwolf, :3 thanks sir | 12:31 |
=== lynn_ is now known as gryphon | ||
lubot | <tsimonq2> By the way wxl, Lubuntu Alternate images are broken. It won't install a kernel because on the image, when they pull the packages, they have to set up an actual repository on the image and pull from that, but for some reason when that local, mini package repository is being created, the Packages file for binary-amd64 goes missing. | 22:21 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> Er, binary-all | 22:22 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> So it's a bug in apt that has to be hunted down. juliank was looking at it, but I volunteered to bisect the issue. | 22:22 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> If you feel inclined you can go ahead, but there's a critical bug filed against apt which has the details | 22:23 |
wxl | yeah i've been watching slightly | 22:23 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> OK cool | 22:23 |
wxl | is i386 similraly problematic? | 22:23 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> I think so but I'm not entirely sure. | 22:24 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> It broke sometime in between Jan 31st and Feb 1st's image being made | 22:24 |
wxl | let me grab an image | 22:24 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> That also corresponds to the most recent apt upload | 22:24 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> OK | 22:24 |
wxl | is server having the same problem | 22:24 |
wxl | ? | 22:24 |
wxl | in general the best first step to take with issues on d-i is to see if server's having the problem. if so, let them know and they'll usually solve it for you, and quickly XD | 22:25 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> They have switched to sub-iuqity by default so I'm not sure. | 22:25 |
wxl | oh hell. | 22:25 |
wxl | i didn't recognize they were going live with that so soon | 22:25 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> XD | 22:26 |
lubot | If anything though I feel like I need to learn more about this stuff so I personally tracked down the right people and asked them about it. | 22:26 |
wxl | especially now | 22:26 |
wxl | since we'll essentially be maintaining d-i on our own | 22:26 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> Right. | 22:26 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> I wouldn't mind if you tagged along and learned as well :) | 22:26 |
wxl | right | 22:27 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> All of it's in lp:ubuntu-cdimage fwiw. The whole nine yards. | 22:27 |
wxl | i'll have an image in about 20 minutes and then i'll give this a go. do you know at what point this fails? | 22:27 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> Kernel installation. | 22:27 |
wxl | ugh eta keeps changing. i'll ping you when i get something going | 22:28 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> Sure sure. I'm about to go to sleep anyways XD | 22:29 |
wxl | k | 22:29 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> (which is why I'm pinging you suggestively; if you can figure out where in apt this goes wrong, then I'd be interested to know) | 22:29 |
wxl | i can't even boot the image in vbox :/ | 22:36 |
wxl | of course this is on this dumb hybrid system i have. i'll try it on the new machine soon enough | 22:37 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> Harumph. | 22:37 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> OK | 22:37 |
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