
=== FrankF1 is now known as FrankF
prince-charmantHello, How can I change the system date in lubuntu ?06:22
hateballprince-charmant: rightclick the clock in the tray iirc06:27
hateballprince-charmant: otherwise use the "date" command in a terminal06:28
prince-charmantrigth-click did not permit me to change the date06:29
krytarikThere is also a menu item for it.06:30
prince-charmantin the system menu I start the date/time config, I unlock it then when I chenge the month ... It brig me in one second to the current month06:31
prince-charmantI have tried to set the date in a terminal - he say= "invalide date format" ..Grrrr06:34
GopalRis there anyone for my Lubuntu installation problem?10:24
GopalWhy do I get “No root file system is defined” when I try install Lubuntu alongside Windows 7?10:26
linguiniI just installed lubuntu 17.10 on a new machine.  After rebooting, the display is at 1024x768.  Why?13:23
linguiniI expect the display to be 1920x1080 or similar13:24
redwolflinguini, that's the default resolution. you can change it later13:24
redwolfemm bye :|13:24
linguiniNo, I can't change it.13:25
linguiniMonitor Settings only lets me select 1024x768 (or auto, which does nothing).13:25
redwolfoh, maybe you need proprietary drivers13:25
linguiniHow do I find the ones I need and load them?13:26
linguiniI have rebooted several times, and *ONE TIME* the display was 1920x...13:26
redwolflook at the "additional drivers" menu13:27
linguiniLooking at dmesg, I notice that efifb was not probed on the "good boot"13:27
linguiniredwolf: Thanks; additional drivers tells me that I have one device that is "Unknown:Unknown", and it is "not working".13:28
redwolftry activating it. it might solve your problem13:29
linguiniI will use processor microcode firmware from Intel CPUs from intel-microcode (opensource).13:29
linguiniWhy wasn't this the default, me wonders...13:29
redwolfI have an unknown device as well, and it ended to be the gpu coprocessor13:29
redwolfwe can't install proprietary things by default13:29
linguiniWhy not?13:29
linguiniI also wonder why the display was 1920x during one "good boot" -- strange...13:30
redwolfbecause of licence issues13:30
redwolfwe try to keep our systems "free"13:30
linguiniWhat's the license issue?13:30
redwolfif you decide to install privative codecs or proprietary drivers (not managed by us) it's on you13:31
linguiniThe processor microcode firmware description says it is opensource.  Hmm.13:31
redwolffunny :)13:32
redwolfsometimes more than one appear there13:32
redwolfand some are from Nvidia, so not opensource13:32
redwolfwho knows13:32
linguiniI applied the changes, but the resolution did not change.  Perhaps I need to reboot.13:33
linguiniCan I find a list of distributions that include and/or avoid proprietary drivers by default?13:34
redwolfyes: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-distros.en.html13:35
dzhoon the latter front, I'd ^^^^ look at that :-)13:35
redwolfthose don't include any proprietary code nor 3rd party packages (like drivers, Adobe colour profiles, etc)13:35
linguiniI don't see Debian, Ubuntu, or Lubuntu on that page.13:36
redwolfno, we make easy to install proprietary drivers, but we don't include them in the ISO13:36
dzhoyou won't, because FSF doesn't like the fact that Debian et al have had non-free repositories, packages to install non-free (yet freely-redistributable) stuff13:37
linguiniAs a user, I'd like to say I find such a position painful.13:37
linguiniIOW: I'd prefer 1920 and proprietary code to 1024 and only free code.13:37
dzhoyes, well, there is a certain amount of pain that proprietary code presents.13:38
dzhothat's the fundamental value judgement that these projects make.13:38
dzhoconvenience is important, but not so much as to override other concerns13:38
* linguini wishes for a table that shows distributions by philosophy13:39
dzhoI'd be surprised if wikipedia doesn't have something that's close, if not exactly that13:42
dzhodistrowatch too13:42
linguiniKind of surprising to me that Debian is considered "not free enough" by FSF.  I think of Debian as uber-free, bordering on pushy.  But that's probably based on information sources that tend to be inflamatory.13:46
Unit193They have a non-free section.13:47
linguiniAm I wrong in thinking Linux Mint is "Debian/Ubuntu + proprietary drivers by default"?13:47
linguiniThat is to say, I have the impression that the reason most people use Linux Mint is something along the lines of: "video actually works after I install!"13:49
linguinihttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Linux_distributions shows some information.  However, e.g., one doesn't see any difference between Linux Mint and Debian on the page.  But it seems to me that the two differ in philosophy.13:49
lubot<tsimonq2> That is offtopic here, please stop.13:50
linguinihttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Linux_distributions describes some of the third-party distributions that are not controlled or guided by Canonical.  That is closer to a philosophy.13:52
linguiniMaybe "goal" or "purpose" is a more accurate term.13:52
linguiniFWIW, I would like to support Canonical, because I like user-friendly Linux.  But I feel conflicted about strict adherence to FSF.  My mom doesn't know how to install propietary drivers and doesn't really want to learn.  If it doesn't work by default, it doesn't work for her period. :-/13:57
lubot<tsimonq2> Please, this is best for the offtopic channel13:57
lubot<tsimonq2> /command !offtopic13:58
ubottu#lubuntu is the Lubuntu support channel, #lubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Lubuntu, and #lubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:58
linguiniWho is tsimonq2?13:58
linguinilubot: Are you a bot or a person?13:58
lubot<tsimonq2> This is a Telegram bridge and I'm the Lubuntu Release Manager13:59
lubot<tsimonq2> :}13:59
linguiniOh, so you're tsimonq2?13:59
linguiniTelegram bridge to where?13:59
linguiniI assume you're telling me that what I'm saying is offtopic then.13:59
lubot<tsimonq2> @linguini, Yes14:00
lubot<tsimonq2> @linguini, A Telegram channel :)14:00
lubot<tsimonq2> @linguini, Correct14:00
linguiniI don't mean to be offtopic.  I just wanted to give some feedback as a current and past Lubuntu user.14:02
lubot<tsimonq2> OK.14:02
linguiniWhat's the appropriate channel to ask whether Linux Mint is viewed negatively by Canonical?14:07
lubot<VikingRedwolf> O.O14:08
lubot<VikingRedwolf> I think there's no need for that14:08
lubot<tsimonq2> @linguini, Not sure.14:12
linguiniI'm curious because I could imagine Canonical viewing a distribution such as Linux Mint as ... unethical ... or something.  But ... maybe Canonical doesn't care about popularity or if their repositories are reused for projects with different goals.14:13
linguiniSadly, I must away.  Thanks for the help and info.14:17
=== lynn_ is now known as gryphon
linguiniAfter enabling "additional drivers" for "unknown:unknown" and rebooting, my resolution is still 1024x768.17:27
linguiniPerhaps I should try the live distribution and see if I get the same..?17:27
geniiCan you re-cap your issue?17:28
linguiniI just installed Lubuntu 17.10 on a new Z370 HD3P / i7-3800 system.  I get 1024x768 at login time.17:32
linguiniOne time, for unknown reasons, after a reboot, I got the proper 1920x768.17:32
linguiniI have dmesg from both the "good" and "bad" boots.  There is little difference, except in the "bad" boot, I see that efifb is probed, and it returns: mode is 1024x768x32, linelength=4096, pages=117:33
linguiniSomebody suggested that I enable proprietary drivers and reboot.  I gave that a try, but my resolution is still 1024x768.17:33
linguiniActually, I think https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=coffee-uhd-graphics&num=1 describes my problem exactly.17:35
linguiniI'll try rebooting with i915.alpha_support=117:37
linguiniIndeed, i915.alpha_support=1 makes my display look much nicer (1920x1080)17:45
Thedarkb-M90I'm downloading the alternate image of the LTS because it's smaller.22:18
Thedarkb-M90Good or bad idea?22:18
wxlsame end result.. but it's not a live system.. and it's a different installer22:18
Thedarkb-M90Sounds good to me.22:18
Thedarkb-M90Is it the debian installer?22:18
Thedarkb-M90I'm waiting for a 1 gig RAM stick for my X4022:19
Thedarkb-M90Should let me use LXDE again.22:19
Thedarkb-M90I only have 256 at the moment.22:21

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