
mupBug #1749851 opened: [2.4, UI] Machine card always shows status is locked <vanilla-transition> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1749851>00:29
mupBug #1749863 opened: [2.4, UI, vanilla] Events page is broken, doesn't show "view full history" events <vanilla-transition> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1749863>01:17
mupBug #1749867 opened: [2.4, UI, vanilla] Cannot delete a repository <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1749867>01:26
hallynroaksoax: ok no i don't understand - looking at https://askubuntu.com/questions/942412/how-do-you-statically-asign-an-ip-to-a-commissioned-machine-in-maas - that only works if a node is alredy commissioned.01:48
hallynso if i need to commission a node which for physical switch reasons must be a specific ip address, how do i go about it?01:49
hallynsimple enough with dnsmasq.conf, but how do i do it with maas?01:49
mupBug # opened: 1749870, 1749871, 1749872, 174987401:50
hallynhuh, maybe i just mark it broken01:52
hallynnot "classy", but might work01:52
roaksoaxhallyn: machines in the commissioning environment DHCP from maas01:53
roaksoaxso they will always get a random ip01:54
roaksoaxfrom the dynamic range01:54
roaksoax,achines you deploy01:54
roaksoaxdont get a ip from the dynamic range01:54
hallynroaksoax: but that's not sensible is it?  if i have a particular machien in a particular spot, and i 'add' it through the interface and add its macaddr,01:59
hallynthen it makes perfect sense to let me say "that macaddr must have tha tip address"02:00
hallynand indeed you do require the macaddr before commissioning02:00
roaksoaxhallyn: when you initially register a machine, while you may have a mac address, we don't know where that machine will dhcp from02:07
roaksoaxhallyn: it will dhcp from the dynamic range02:07
roaksoaxbecuase it will dhcp from where ever it finds a dhcp server02:08
roaksoaxif you configure your dhcp server to give that machine an ip statically, siure you can do that02:08
roaksoaxbut that's not a supported path in MAAS02:08
roaksoaxhallyn: that said, if you want to overwrite that behavior, you can create a DHCP snippet02:08
roaksoaxSettings -> DHCP snippet02:09
roaksoaxand you can add your mapped entry against the mac address02:09
roaksoaxmaybe you can also do it via the api, e.g. say that X interface should have Y IP address, but not sure how whether that would work, or how it would interact with a deployment02:09
roaksoaxhallyn: and ip addresses used during commissioning02:10
roaksoaxhallyn: are re-usable02:10
roaksoaxand can be thrown away02:10
roaksoaxhallyn: maybe this will help you with how maas manages ranges: http://spectrum42.com/posts/ip-ranges-in-maas/02:12
roaksoaxhallyn: and oyu can see dhcp snippets here: https://docs.maas.io/2.3/en/installconfig-network-dhcp#dhcp-snippets02:12
mupBug #1749877 opened: [2.4, UI, vanilla] Locked machine changes no longer visible <regression> <vanilla-transition> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1749877>02:56
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
mupBug #1749962 opened: [2.4] Cannot allocate memory when DescribePowerTypes happen <performance> <MAAS:Triaged by blake-rouse> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1749962>14:19
hallynroaksoax: thanks15:48
mupBug #1749979 opened: [2.4] UpdateNodePowerState RPC calls causes "Must be one of the node's interfaces." <performance> <MAAS:Triaged by blake-rouse> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1749979>15:49
hallynso i can hopefully do a dhcp snippet with a group/host entryto do what i need15:52
hallynso i wonder if i do that do i leave the ip address that i reserve in the snippet for a host in the dhcp range?  or not?15:54
mupBug #1749851 changed: [2.4, UI] Machine card always shows status is locked <regression> <vanilla-transition> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1749851>16:58
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
mupBug #1750007 opened: [2.4, UI] Script result page needs fixing <vanilla-transition> <MAAS:Triaged by ya-bo-ng> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1750007>17:55
roaksoax5 of 36,543  18:03
roaksoax 5 of 36,543  18:03
roaksoax wtf18:03
mupBug #1750015 opened:  [2.4, UI] Logs tab is missing <vanilla-transition> <MAAS:Triaged by ya-bo-ng> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1750015>18:22
mupBug #1750020 opened: [2.4, UI] Custom scripts overlap on the settings page <vanilla-transition> <MAAS:Triaged by ya-bo-ng> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1750020>18:22
mupBug #1750015 changed:  [2.4, UI] Logs tab is missing <vanilla-transition> <MAAS:Triaged by ya-bo-ng> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1750015>18:31
mupBug #1750020 changed: [2.4, UI] Custom scripts overlap on the settings page <vanilla-transition> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1750020>18:32
mupBug #1750015 opened:  [2.4, UI] Logs tab is missing <vanilla-transition> <MAAS:Triaged by ya-bo-ng> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1750015>18:35
mupBug #1750020 opened: [2.4, UI] Custom scripts overlap on the settings page <vanilla-transition> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1750020>18:35
blizzowI'm running maas 2.3.0 on ubuntu 16.04. I'm trying to convert my machines to boot over UEFI. When I set a new server to boot off UEFI, it gets a PXE boot image from my maas server and gets to just a grub prompt.19:02
blizzowAnyone here know if I'm missing something major to get a server booting off MAAS with UEFI?19:03
doug00Hello, does anyone have any information on how to pxe boot ppcle machines with MAAS?20:12
roaksoaxblizzow: are you using secure boot ?20:20
roaksoaxdoug00: by ppcle you bean ppc64el ?20:21
roaksoaxdoug00: and these actual power 8 physical systems ?20:21
doug00we have some power8 machines i'd like to put into maas20:22
roaksoaxdoug00: well, you should only need to import the ppc64el images and that should be it really20:22
doug00hmmm I have the images in there but when I tried to pxe boot the server it said something about a pxe error20:23
doug00should there be a ppc64el pxe loader on the maas server?20:24
roaksoaxdoug00: console logs would be helpful. maybe an issue with the firmware version? We CI ppc64el and works just fine20:24
roaksoaxdoug00: when you download the image, and the image gets downloaded into the rack20:24
roaksoaxdoug00: it will download everything you need20:24
roaksoaxincluding bootloaders for petitboot to work20:24
doug00hmmm ok, maybe i just need to change the pxe binary in the ppc server. Its pointing to pxelinux.0 which looks like a x86 binary20:25
roaksoaxdoug00: petitboot should be booting "bootppc64.bin"20:26
doug00ok cool20:26
doug00i'll try that20:26
roaksoaxfrom MAAS' dhcp:20:26
roaksoax} elsif option arch = 00:0C {20:26
roaksoax    # open-firmware_ppc64el20:26
roaksoax    filename "bootppc64.bin";20:26
roaksoaxdoug00: if it is an LPAR, it would boot pxelinux.020:27
roaksoax} elsif option arch = 00:0C {20:27
roaksoax    # open-firmware_ppc64el20:27
roaksoax    filename "bootppc64.bin";20:27
roaksoax} elsif option arch = 00:0E {20:27
roaksoax    # powernv20:27
roaksoax    filename "pxelinux.0";20:27
roaksoax    option path-prefix "ppc64el/";20:27
roaksoaxsorry for the paste :)20:27
blizzowroaksoax: I dont' think so.20:27
doug00haha no worries20:28
roaksoaxblizzow: AFAIK, there's a bug in grub with secure boot enabled, which would cause it to go into grub's prompt20:28
roaksoaxblizzow: https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/171120320:29
blizzowhmm. how would I tell if I'm using secureboot?20:29
roaksoaxblizzow: depends on the firmware really. the only i have access right now are NUC's and they have an option to enable/disable secure boot20:29
blizzowroaksoax: My node doesn't even make it to enlisting...20:30
doug00roaksoax: i see powernv in there as well that points to pxelinux.020:34
doug00if option arch = 00:0E {     # powernv     filename "pxelinux.0";     option path-prefix "ppc64el/";20:34
doug00i'm guessing that is why my servers are getting pxelinux.0 instead of the bootppc64.bin20:34
doug00how do I know what option my server is sending?20:37
doug00yeah, it looks like my machines are sending the arch = 00:0E and getting powernv portion20:50
doug00roaksoax: its interesting, your dhcpd conf is in an different order than mine, did you modify it?21:11
doug00so far nothing has helped with the pxe booting of the power8 server21:37
doug00i keep getting the following error in syslog "Feb 16 16:35:54 maas sh[1484]: #011builtins.AttributeError: 'Port' object has no attribute 'socket'"21:38
roaksoaxdoug00: nope, mine is just maas created one21:39
roaksoaxdoug00: that is not a issue that will affect you21:39
roaksoaxdoug00: that socket thing21:39
roaksoaxdoug00: and if your machine is an LPAR inside power8, the dhcp client will send 00:0E in the client architecture code. if it is deploying ontop of the full system, it should send 00:0C21:40
roaksoaxif it is not doing that21:41
roaksoaxthat would be a firmware issue21:41
doug00i thought i was deploying ontop of the full system but it keeps sending 00:0E21:41
roaksoaxthen it is probably an LPAR21:42
roaksoaxunless there's a bug in their firmware21:42
doug00the firmware is from Mar 10 2016 so possibly21:42
roaksoaxwuld have to check which firmware we are using21:43
blizzowIs it possible to boot and use RAID1 for the primary and boot partitions with UEFI?22:02
TJ-blizzow: Yes22:04
blizzowHrm, when I commission a new machine running UEFI, MAAS automagically creates a 536.9MB fat32 partition mounted at /boot/efi. If I delete that and create two partitions and make a raid1 then format it fat32 and mount it at boot/efi, then create a second 200GB raid1, it just boots to grub and doesn't get past it.22:07
blizzowWhat would the proper way be to set up RAID1 for both boot and OS?22:07

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