
mupPR snapd#4688 opened: interfaces: miscellaneous policy updates for home, opengl, time-control, network, et al - 2.31 <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4688>01:59
mupPR snapd#4689 opened: tests: new spread test for kvm interface <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4689>02:12
crumblesHow does snapcraft decide which library dependencies to include in a snap? I understand that snapcraft excludes libraries that core snap already has. What happens if my app requires other libraries that are not in core snap?02:23
nacccrumbles: that's up to the plugin, presumably02:30
mborzeckimvo: morning06:52
mborzeckimvo: i see that travis jobs on master is passing now06:53
mvomborzecki: oh, interessting - its failing badly in 2.3106:55
mborzeckimvo: afaik it needs this https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/468506:56
mupPR #4685: interfaces/time-control,netlink-audit: adjust for util-linux compiled with libaudit - 2.31 <Critical> <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4685>06:56
mborzeckimvo: something weird, master tip built failed with some random store related faiilure, restarted it and waiting for results06:57
mborzeckimvo: but jdstrand's PR on 2.31 fails for some totally unrelated reasons06:58
mvomborzecki: yeah, thats what I mean, 2.31 is in a really unhappy state and its not clear why06:58
mborzeckimvo: maybe something new in core from edge?06:59
mvomborzecki: yeah, must be something external, still super strange06:59
mborzeckilet me run that pr from spread06:59
mvomborzecki: yeah, we need to get to the bottom of this, also super strange that master is fine but 2.31 is broken07:02
mborzecki+ test-snapd-timedate-control-consumer.hwclock-time -r -f /dev/rtc07:03
mborzeckiexecl failed: No such file or directory07:03
mborzeckihmm maybe somthing wrong with patht ot snap-confine/snap-exec07:03
mborzeckimvo: debian does not reexec right?07:04
mvomborzecki: it does not currently07:04
mvomborzecki: oh, its related to /lib/udev/snappy-app-dev - but that should still be there in 2.3107:04
mvomborzecki: aha, I get it - core no longer has /lib/udev/snappy-app-dev07:06
mvomborzecki: the core snap - we need to symlink it07:06
mvomborzecki: yay, mystery solved!07:06
mborzeckiso many moving parts :)07:06
mvomborzecki: indeed07:08
mupPR snapcraft#1926 closed: Release changelog for 2.39.1 <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1926>07:08
mupPR snapd#4690 opened: packaging: provide a compat symlink for snappy-app-dev <Critical> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4690>07:25
mvomborzecki: ^- should fix things.07:27
mborzeckimvo: missing newline at the end, otherwise +107:28
mvomborzecki: meh, indeed07:30
mborzeckizyga: hey07:30
mvoforce-pushed the \n07:31
zygahey, sorry for being so late folks, I feel a bit off today07:31
kalikianagood morning07:57
kalikianao/ zyga07:57
zygahey kalikiana, how are you doing?07:57
mvogood morning kalikiana07:57
* zyga has a headache today, pretty unusual for him 07:58
kalikianaI feel like I'm the conductor of a bug triaging train this week... all I'm missing is the hat07:58
zygakalikiana haha, that's awesome :)07:58
kalikianazyga: have a hot soup? like, stock in a cup and hot water. makes you feel good07:59
* kalikiana just had a miso soup, nice and salty08:00
zyganice :)08:00
zygaI don't think I have any though, it's sandwich day everyday08:01
mupPR snapd#4691 opened: cmd/snap: use proper help strings for `snap userd --help` <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4691>08:06
mborzeckimvo: ^^ may be a 2.31 material too08:06
mborzeckibtw. 4691 is trivial review so if anyone could take a look :)08:07
mborzeckibtw. there's also a file cmd_shell.go, does not appear to be used at all08:08
mborzeckigometalinter throws: cmd_shell.go:33:1⚠️ cmdShell is unused (deadcode)08:09
zygamborzecki let's remove it08:09
zygamborzecki can you also fire that tool on osutil08:10
mborzeckizyga: is it something that predates snap run --shell?08:10
zygaI suspect there are some unused bits for mounting related tasks08:10
mvomborzecki: aha, thanks08:11
mvomborzecki: great job08:11
zygahmm, tests are not in a happy place08:44
mupPR snapd#4692 opened: cmd/snap: linter cleanups <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4692>08:44
mborzeckitrivial PR ^^08:44
zygamvo do we need https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4690 for 2.31?08:45
mupPR #4690: packaging: provide a compat symlink for snappy-app-dev <Critical> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4690>08:45
mvomborzecki: thanks for the cleanups08:46
mvozyga: we don't need it in 2.31, just in master08:46
mvozyga: 2.31 still has the old path08:46
mvozyga: and we need travis slots :/08:46
zygalet's hold on with new PRs08:46
zygauntil that one lands08:46
mborzeckiuhh, sorry, i've take a couple of slots recently08:48
mborzeckizyga: have you looked at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4682 ? wonder what will happen if you poke that address08:58
mupPR #4682: tests: new spread test for physical-memory-control interface <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4682>08:58
zyganothing good will happen09:00
zygathat's a weird address to poke09:00
zygaI don't understand that test TBH09:00
mborzeckiChipaca: morning09:01
mborzeckiChipaca: how are you keyboardio typing skills today?09:02
ChipacaI'm only typing a few minutes a day on it until I get used to it09:03
ChipacaHella slow09:03
ChipacaThat was all typed on the butterfly as was this09:05
Chipacabut this is top speed09:05
mborzeckii can imagine, remember using one of the 'ergonomic' keyboards from MS for the first time, the one where the middle was a bit higher than the sides, you had a feeling that you're using an orb not a keyboard :)09:05
mborzeckikeyboardio must be a whole new level09:07
Chipacathe thing that most catches me out is space being only on one side09:08
Chipacawhen I think "space", the nearest thumb twitches09:09
Chipacaman t09:09
Chipacaman those quotes were hell to type :-)09:09
mborzeckiyou can remap the keys though, right?09:09
Chipacaah, yes, probably? but that's not my problem, just that i have never trained to use my pinkies09:10
Chipacamy typing is self taught09:10
Chipacaand, mostly two fingers (maybe 2.5) and thumbs,09:10
Chipacaso using my whole hand is going to need some time09:11
Chipaca(i'm now back on the regular qwerty)09:11
Chipacain my defense, there was no way my 12-year-old pinkies could move the commodore's keys09:11
Chipacamvo: morning sah09:12
mvoChipaca: good morning09:12
Chipacamvo: tell me more about this magic realism^W^W ast thing09:12
Chipacamvo: should I add a comment about what it's doing, from a higher leverl than the step-oriented comments I put in there (that are mostly to help future me)09:13
Chipacamvo: I _could_ make it a general thing, move it to testutils and add tests09:13
mvoChipaca: I think the code and comments are fine, I just wonder if we should have a test for the test itself, i mean, how do we know it works :) ?09:14
Chipacamvo: if you think it's worth it :-)09:14
mvoChipaca: maybe not09:14
mvoChipaca: I was mostly wondering09:14
Chipacamvo: well, we'll find out it isn't working easier than we find out it is09:14
Chipacai mean it counts only one way we could be adding commands, if we ever add them a different way it'll fail09:15
Chipacait's very restrictive09:15
mvoChipaca: ok, that sounds good then09:15
Chipacaif we create a function that returns *Commands and use that it'll fail for example09:15
mvoChipaca: ok, thats all right then, I was not aware of this property. no need for an extra test in this case I think09:16
niemeyerHello snapping people09:16
Chipacamvo: should I add a high-level comment with this? otherwise we'll forget why it was ok :-)09:16
Chipacaniemeyer: go to bed niemeyer you're asleep09:16
mvohey niemeyer ! you are up early!09:17
mborzeckiniemeyer: hello, you're up early09:17
mborzeckiChipaca: hah found a diy one https://docs.keeb.io/iris-build-guide.html09:17
niemeyerI've been awake for about 6h now.. sleep is indeed catching up a bit by now09:17
Chipacamborzecki: heh. Give keyboard.io's blog a read sometime, it's fun09:18
niemeyerThe good news is we have a working spread in GCE09:18
* Chipaca hugs niemeyer 09:21
Chipacarunning spread against qemu on my old laptop that no longer likes having 8gigs is torture09:21
niemeyerChipaca: Aw..09:24
niemeyerChipaca: Although I haven't managed to run anything realistic yet, I can already tell that the networking does make a difference09:24
mvoniemeyer: \o/09:25
niemeyerI have secret hopes of pushing the suite below 20 minutes soon, but it's a bit early to tell yet09:25
mupPR snapd#4690 closed: packaging: provide a compat symlink for snappy-app-dev <Critical> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4690>09:27
zygawhee, thank you mvo09:30
mvozyga: yw, I build a new core now, then things should be normal again09:30
* kalikiana coffee09:38
Chipacagithub, you so broken09:40
niemeyermvo: Do we actually have snappy-app-dev inside /lib/snapd now?09:40
mvoniemeyer: yes09:41
mvoniemeyer: that PR got merged a couple of days ago so that bases work correctly there09:41
niemeyermvo: I was just hoping for a better name on the transition, but probably too late09:42
niemeyersnappy-app-dev is bad on every token.. :)09:42
mvoniemeyer: uh, sorry, was not aware of this desire. we can still do this09:43
niemeyermvo: I probably never mentioned because it was a legacy piece09:43
mvoniemeyer: if you have a good name I am happy to make it happen09:43
mvoniemeyer: there is also a desire to rewrite it or integrate it into snap but that is orthogonal to some extend09:43
niemeyermvo: I was just hoping to get it somewhat closer to its purpose, and less enigmatic09:45
mupPR snapd#4691 closed: cmd/snap: use proper help strings for `snap userd --help` <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4691>09:46
mvoniemeyer: happy about suggesitons - snap-udev-helper?09:47
mvoniemeyer: should be easy enough and best to do it now instead of having yet another transition09:47
niemeyermvo: That sounds good09:49
niemeyermvo: How is that tool called?  From within a udev rules file?09:49
mvoniemeyer: yes, also from snap-confine09:49
niemeyermvo: Cool, sounds good09:51
niemeyermvo: The current functionality might lean itself to something around cgroups instead of udev, but I guess that udev might need something else in the future and we'd still want to put it around the same place09:52
mvoniemeyer: we could also use "snap-devices-helper" to be more generic09:54
niemeyermvo: Ah, even better! +1!09:55
niemeyermvo: Perhaps singular: snap-device-helper09:55
mvoniemeyer: sounds good, I work on this now09:55
niemeyermvo: Perhaps even just "snap-device".. in theory most of the things inside lib/snapd are helpers09:57
mupPR snapd#4673 closed: interfaces/mount: generate per-user mount profiles <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4673>10:08
mupPR snapd#4692 closed: cmd/snap: linter cleanups <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4692>10:09
Chipacamvo: when I can't imagine how to do something, it usually indicates a failure of my imagination. Remind me of this more often.10:13
* Chipaca fixing stuff10:13
mupPR snapd#4687 closed: interfaces: miscellaneous policy updates for home, opengl, time-control, network, et al <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4687>10:15
zyga_mborzecki question about --timer=... on commands10:17
zyga_are such commands exported in /snap/bin?10:17
zyga_and what is the --timer=%q part for (in LauncherCommand)10:17
zyga_mborzecki hmm, what is that for?10:18
zyga_why would the user wish to have a timer on their path10:18
mborzeckizyga_: --timer is the schedule given service runs with;, eg --timer="mon,10:00~12:00,,fri,13:00"10:18
zyga_what I don't understand is why do we want to put a command on path10:20
mborzeckithe way it works, is that we have a *.timer and a *.service, the *.service uses `snap run --timer ..`, when the timer activates the service it will call snap run --timer, then when 'time.Now()' matches the scedule, the service will be ran, otherwise it exits10:20
mupPR snapd#4693 opened: many: rename snappy-app-dev to snap-device-helper <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4693>10:20
mvoChipaca: heh :) I'm not sure what happend but I'm glad you are fixing stuff10:20
zyga_mborzecki are we doing that because our timer syntax is richer than that of systemd?10:20
mupPR snapcraft#1929 opened: sources: proper errors for invalid handlers <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1929>10:21
Chipacamvo: found a way of making the current implementation give a false negative, fixed it and adding tests10:21
mborzeckizyga_: yes, at least the --timer part is for this10:21
* Chipaca bows before mvo's greater wisdom10:21
zyga_mborzecki would that still work if the command was not on path (not in /snap/bin)10:21
=== zyga_ is now known as zyga
mvoChipaca: lol - I just like asking silly questions10:22
mborzeckizyga_: yeah, probably if i tweak snap run it would, but why would you do that?10:22
zygamborzecki mainly because I don't see why I would like to have timers on path10:24
zygait's an implementation detail (typically)10:24
zygaand since the timer unit can just say "snap run ... "10:24
zygathere's no real need for that command to be exposed10:24
mborzeckizyga: hmm ok, i need to how to invoke it, can you leave a comment in the PR?10:26
zygaI'm going through that now10:26
mupPR snapd#4679 closed: systemd: add default target for timers <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4679>10:27
Chipacaniemeyer: are you still amongst us?11:06
niemeyerChipaca: I shall be11:06
Chipacaniemeyer: as pressure continues to mount to add things to 'snap list' and 'snap find', how do you feel about making it single-line-per-entry only if stdout is a tty?11:07
Chipacai.e. wrap some of the columns if the thing is too wide, but only if a user is looking at it11:07
Chipaca(i have a change request that will make it wider)11:07
niemeyerChipaca: The output we have right now is quite nice.. what else do we need there at the moment?11:10
Chipacaniemeyer: remember 'Tracking'?11:10
niemeyerChipaca: Without further details, my temptation would be to argue to keep it nimble instead of making it larger11:11
ChipacaI'd say the output of 'snap find' is _not_ nice today, already (but Tracking is for snap list, which isn't there yet)11:11
zygamborzecki can you look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4675#pullrequestreview-97145880 please11:14
mupPR #4675: timeutil: fix scheduling on nth weekday of the month <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4675>11:14
mupPR snapd#4693 closed: many: rename snappy-app-dev to snap-device-helper <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4693>11:15
zygamvo do you know what is going on in 2.31 release branch11:16
mvozyga: the symlink was not enough, I need to pick my daugther up in some minutes, but right now I'm a bit uncertain why the symlink did not help11:17
zygamvo I was looking at a PR from jamie and it looks like all kinds of weird stuff is going on with interfaces11:17
mvozyga: its failing because snap-confine cannot execl /usr/lib/udev/snappy-app-dev11:18
mvozyga: which appears to happen inside the core snap11:18
mvozyga: but its strange because our tests modify the core snap so maybe soemthing there11:19
zygammmm, is is perhaps related to the stale apparmor profile bug11:19
mvozyga: probably not, its not a eaccess, its a not-found11:19
mvozyga: I will need to leave in 2min but will think over it, ideas welcome, definitely related to the snappy-app-dev rename11:20
kozaim not on this mtg11:42
* koza hates focus follows mouse11:42
mupPR snapd#4694 opened: cmd/snap-update-ns: small refactor for upcoming per-user mounts <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4694>11:44
zygaChipaca *nice* testing helpers11:46
Chipacazyga: ik,r?11:47
mvozyga: yeah, he rocks11:47
zygaand also for making them useful across the tree!11:47
zygaChipaca review on 468111:55
Gnjuraccan i build snaps form github11:55
zygagreat work there11:55
Gnjuraccuz atm on page it says failing11:55
zygaGnjurac hey, sure you can, have you seen snapcraft.io?11:55
Gnjuracbut i am on voidlinux11:56
Gnjuracso no snap in repo11:56
ogra_you are building snapd, not a snap package ?11:56
zygayou can hook up your github repository to snapcraft.io and have it built automatically11:56
ChipacaGnjurac: are you trying to build snapd, or a snap?11:57
* zyga won't repeat that now but this is a valid question11:57
Gnjuraci want snapd so i can install snaps11:58
zygaah. ok11:58
zygayou will need the golang stack, a C compiler and some basic libraries,11:58
zygaat runtime you will likely need systemd11:59
zygawhat kind of issues are you running into now?11:59
ogra_zyga, void uses "runit" not systemd ...11:59
zygayes, I read11:59
ogra_that might be a bit more work :)11:59
zygaGnjurac I can help you out12:00
Gnjurachmm meybe too much work for newbie like me, guess i will post request for it on github12:00
zygaGnjurac but you have to do the work :)12:00
Gnjuraczyga: really?12:01
zygaI can just offer help and ideas12:01
Gnjuraci am willing12:01
zygaI think not having systemd is a major issue though12:01
Gnjurachave time12:01
zygais systemd an option or is it just not packaged?12:01
Gnjuracno systemd12:01
Gnjuracat all12:01
Gnjuracvoid use runit12:02
zygadoes runit provide systemd-like shim so that software written for system can run on top?12:02
Gnjurachmm duno like i say am newb , i know i can just add services in runit and thats all12:03
zygaGnjurac this may be a little bit of a steep learning curve, you may want to try a systemd-enabled distribution to play with snaps first12:04
Gnjurachmm ye i am thinking that same12:05
Gnjuracanyway do you maybe have dotnet installed?12:05
Gnjuracor mono12:05
Gnjuraci need msbuild binary12:05
zygaGnjurac I see some chatter about dotnet snaps on the forum (forum.snapcraft.io)12:07
zygaand I see there si a dotnet-sdk snap currently in the edge channel12:07
zygayou may want to check with the people interacting with those forum topics12:08
mupPR snapcraft#1928 closed: tests: remove duplicate tests <bug> <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1928>12:15
mupPR snapd#4695 opened: wrappers: generator for systemd OnCalendar schedules <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4695>12:18
zyga_mborzecki quick feedback done12:23
andyrockmvo: hey so regarding ubiquity and the store login, using the chroot is not possible12:41
zyga_https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4694/files needs a trivial review12:41
mupPR #4694: cmd/snap-update-ns: small refactor for upcoming per-user mounts <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4694>12:41
andyrockmvo: the problem is that when we show the login page it could be possible that snapd is not yet installed in the chroot12:42
andyrockmvo: would be possible to add a way to seed login keys in some way?12:43
Chipacazyga_: can you point me at a test where you'd use a FileState checker if it existed?12:48
Chipacai might as well add it while i'm there, but not without a concrete use case12:48
zyga_I don't use any such checker yet12:48
Chipacaotherwise it's just wankery :-)12:48
zyga_nah, ignore me12:48
zyga_I will try that myself and see if it's sensible12:48
Chipacazyga_: let me push a little refactor that should make it trivial12:48
zyga_but I think some tests could compute the file state and check if it was applied this way12:48
zyga_an interface maybe?12:49
=== zyga_ is now known as zyga
mupPR snapd#4696 opened: wrappers: timer services <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4696>12:50
mborzeckihmm wish github had like a topic under which you could open PRs, there's a couple of PRs related to timer services and no way of telling that they are in the same 'group' unless it's in the comments12:52
Chipacazyga: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/469712:54
mupPR #4697: osutil: refactor EnsureFileState to separate out the comparator <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4697>12:54
Chipacammm, or hmmm?12:54
mupPR snapd#4697 opened: osutil: refactor EnsureFileState to separate out the comparator <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4697>12:54
zyga+1 nice12:55
zygait was just "mmm, looking"12:55
zygathis made me realise we could improve the case where content matches but mode doesn't12:56
Chipacathere is, of course, a problem with os.IsNotExist12:56
ChipacaI don't know what it says about me that I drill in to the silly corner cases12:57
Chipacabut if foo/bar is a file, and you ask it about foo/bar/baz, you get an error that is not IsNotExist12:57
zygayeah, that's fine12:57
Chipacaok :-)12:58
jdstrandmvo: you siad /usr/lib/udev/snappy-app-dev. did you mean /usr/lib/snapd/snappy-app-dev?13:18
zyga_jdstrand can you give me a quick +1 on trivial 4694 please13:19
=== zyga_ is now known as zyga
jdstrandlet me look13:19
zygajdstrand thanks, I'm working on the next chunk there but I'm still playing with some experiments to make things better than what we had before13:20
jdstrandzyga: how does this relate to the one check I requested that was keeping 3963 from landing?13:23
zygajdstrand it's related, I'll implement the check13:24
jdstrandI think you said something about being able to be race free?13:24
zygaI'm just shrinking the original branch so that it's easier for people to actually see the code and to make progress13:24
jdstrandbut maybe that was for something else13:24
zygait was for that, I'm experimenting (still)13:24
zygait would be a one trick pony13:24
* jdstrand wasn't sure how to prevent that race so was curious what you came up with :)13:24
zygabut might work for the thing we want here13:24
* jdstrand nods13:24
* jdstrand knew it was related, just wasn't sure how13:25
jdstrandI'll be patient and wait for the big reveal :)13:25
zygaif it works you'll see, if it fails I'll tell you the idea13:25
jdstrandhehe ok :)13:25
zygaholly crap, some of this rocks :-)13:26
zygajdstrand i think the linux kernel is amazing and so full of weird features I'm really afraid13:26
mupPR snapd#4694 closed: cmd/snap-update-ns: small refactor for upcoming per-user mounts <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4694>13:27
mupPR snapcraft#1930 opened: lxd: friendly errror with suggestions if network is broken <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1930>13:27
zygajdstrand so, I wasn't aware you can reach across mount namespaces13:28
zygathis easily13:28
zygawithout setns13:28
zygayou can go to /proc/pid/root and lo and belhod, it's there13:28
jdstrandzyga: hmm13:35
jdstrandthat seems like it might go against a design constraint13:36
jdstrand(of ours)13:36
zygait behaves oddly though13:36
jdstrandyeah, with mount namespaces and pivot_root...13:37
jdstrandthis is what I was thinking of: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4329/commits/7824fb1d4001e94121b5efd1644aa1af7599b906#r15419231413:39
mupPR #4329:  cmd/snap-confine: discard stale mount namespaces (v2) <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4329>13:39
jdstrandthat doesn't say to not use /proc/pid/root specifically, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if it doesn't work. if it does work, we should consult with jj13:41
zygayeah, it's certainly possible13:42
jdstrandyeah, it looks like it is just a symlink13:43
jdstrandroot -> /13:44
zygajdstrand it's not a real symlink13:44
zygait's actually a gateway to that namespace, it's all weird13:44
zygayou can see what's mounted there13:44
zygaeven if that doesn't show up in your mountinfo13:44
zygafor instance I can use it to write to a tmpfs mounted in a namespace I don't inhabit13:45
zygaover a mount point that doesn't exist13:45
zygaI think it was meant for chroot13:45
jdstrandthat sounds like a bug13:45
zygaand pivot root and mount namespaces13:45
zygamade it worse13:45
jdstrandoh you are still in the shared mount13:45
zygayeah, I'm checking the sources13:45
zygaI mounted tmpfs in a slave mount namespace13:46
zygaunshared from the main one13:46
zygait really feels like /proc/pid/root is a magic gateway that feels like traversing setns13:47
zygaI wonder how far this goes13:47
jdstrandthat does sound like a breakout and not one I would think would be allowed. stgraber did a lot of work checking out different things in /proc. perhaps he has more details on /proc/pid/root13:48
zygansenter -m/proc/1/root/run/snapd/ns/hello.mnt13:48
* jdstrand is thankful for strict mode13:48
zygawe can jump across this13:49
jdstrandftr, that does break our design contraints ;)13:49
jdstrandbut I realize you are just playing here13:49
zygayeah, I'm checking how deep this thing goes13:49
zygaand if it has useful properties for what we need to do13:49
jdstrandperhaps it is working as designed and container managers are expected to mount over that so the contained process doesn't have access to it?13:50
zygathat when it ges weird13:50
jdstrandthe alternative would be frightening13:50
zygait doesn't seem to work that way13:50
zygaI wonder if I can chroot there13:51
jdstrandhttps://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/filesystems/proc.txt has very little info13:52
zygayeah, it feels like it's from chroot era13:52
zygaand hasn't been touched since13:52
mupPR snapd#4649 closed: many: record if snap was installed with --dangerous, snow relevant annotation in `snap info` and `snap list` <Created by bboozzoo> <Closed by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4649>14:15
=== zyga_ is now known as zyga
stgraberjdstrand, zyga: /proc/PID/root is indeed a great way to cross mntns boundaries and one we actually make use of very often as a way to access the container's filesystem from the host, or in the case of our snap, to access the host filesystem with the right view of all mounts (though we've mostly switched to /var/lib/snapd/hostfs for that these days)14:57
stgraberin real containers, we make sure to always use a pid namespace and always use a new instance of /proc, which prevents the container from seeing any pids from the host and so preventing access to /proc/PID/root14:58
zygathank you for sharing that15:00
zygaI wish it was more documented and that one could do mounts in that "place"15:00
zygait seems that mounts traverse symlinks (as expected) and then end up in the current namespace15:00
stgraberzyga: the kernel actually has logic specifically preventing passing mounts through that15:06
jdstrandzyga: I'm not sure what apparmor is going to do wrt /proc/pid/root. if planning on using it, we need jjohansen to weigh in15:06
zygastgraber what is the motivation for that logic? can you point it to me?15:06
stgraberzyga: we tried a number of trick to send mounts through /proc/PID/root in the past, using things like dirfd + bind-mount from /proc/self/fd and the like, but we kept hitting the cross mntns security check that's in the kernel15:07
zygaI was thinking about using something like that :)15:07
zygaand I'm reading kernel source code to see what's going on15:08
stgraberzyga: there is a check in the mount code that makes sure the source and target mntns are the same, that was added as a security check a long time ago and nobody seems quite sure what that was for15:08
jdstrandok, so maybe no need to bring jjohansen in if even unconfined won't work15:08
stgraberzyga: but also nobody wants to remove it15:08
zygajdstrand yeah, I think it's premature now, let jjohansen have his focus15:09
zygastgraber it would really be nice if that would work though, given enough permissions, could simplify mount management in containers15:09
zygabut I'd give that away if mount handled fd's better instead :)15:09
mborzeckioff to pick up the kids15:10
mupPR snapcraft#1931 opened: No plainbox <Created by yphus> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1931>15:28
jdstrandmvo, zyga: just as an fyi which you are probably aware of, Monday is a US holiday15:32
jdstrand(so I'm off)15:32
* cachio_ lunch15:40
mvojdstrand: thanks for letting us know15:43
mupPR snapd#4685 closed: interfaces/time-control,netlink-audit: adjust for util-linux compiled with libaudit - 2.31 <Critical> <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4685>15:46
jdstrandmvo: thanks for fixing up 4685 and getting it in! :)15:49
* jdstrand merges master for the 2.31 policy updates PR15:49
jdstrandmerges release/2.3115:49
mvojdstrand: yeah, please do! thank you15:49
jdstrandmvo: and sorry for the go fmt. /me slaps wrist15:52
mvojdstrand: no problem15:52
mvojdstrand: it tells more about the (sad) state of the tests than about you15:52
mvojdstrand: but we will make them better again15:53
mvoactually we will make them great again!15:53
jdstrandI fiddle with the policy so much which isn't affected by that and I typically run the unit test and sometimes forget the full ./run-checks15:53
jdstrandI think it says something about me :)15:53
mvojdstrand: np - its an easy fix15:53
jdstrandand you for fixing it for me :)15:53
* mvo hugs jdstrand 15:53
* jdstrand hugs mvo :)15:53
jdstrandthat AF_CONN commit was interesting15:54
jdstrandsocket(0x7b, ...)15:54
mvojdstrand: yeah, that looked interessting15:54
jdstrandbut then it all made sense when I realized it was encapsulated15:54
jdstrandand why it would never be the kernel15:55
* mvo nods15:57
jdstrandbi in*15:58
jdstrandbe in*15:58
jdstrandI think I am ready for the weekend :)15:58
mvojdstrand: lol - I know exactly what you mean :-D15:58
* diddledan hides15:59
jdstranddiddledan: hahaha16:00
jdstrandthat is *terrible* :P16:00
diddledanI aim to please16:00
* jdstrand is still chuckling16:00
zygabibi bop16:03
mborzeckididdledan: https://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=rebeccablackos16:04
diddledanIIRC that was the first distro to ship wayland ootb16:05
mborzeckiomg https://sourceforge.net/p/rebeccablackos/activity/?page=0&limit=100#5a86d2213241d2526d18ca96 last commit 3 hours ago16:06
zygaon sourceforge!?!16:06
diddledandoes anyone actually use sourceforge these days?16:07
mborzeckirebeccablackos guys do apparently :)16:07
diddledan(actually supertuxkart does - as I discovered while trying to get downloads for the snap)16:07
diddledanyou can't point snapcraft at a sourceforge download url. it will download an html page instead even if you used the "direct link" url, because omg adverts16:09
mborzeckidl.sourceforge.net does not work anymore?16:10
diddledanI couldn't get anything to work, and there wasn't much information on other people getting automated downloads working16:12
mvojdstrand: are you merging 2.31 into policy-updates-xxv-2.31 or shall I ? sorry for being a bit pushy, I want to do a bionic upload before my EOD :)16:13
diddledanI saw anecdotal statements that suggest that sf does user-agent sniffing so if snapcraft pretends to be wget it might work16:13
mborzeckididdledan: yocto uses a weird mix: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Nds4R5T3d6/ but I don't recall if the downloader teaks user-agent string, probably not (it used to be wget in the past btw)16:14
mcphaildiddledan: the nextcloud snap uses sourceforge for the boost source code16:24
diddledanwhat was I doing wrong then?16:24
mcphailmaybe it has changed. My nextcloud snap repo is very very stale. But it built when I last tried it16:25
jdstrandmvo: I am. I was running run-checks :)16:25
jdstrandand then got pinged16:25
jdstrandand asked to look at something16:25
* jdstrand is on it :)16:25
mvojdstrand: cough - already done16:28
mvojdstrand: sorry for being (yet again) too impatient16:28
jdstrandmvo: oh heh. well, I repushed after pulling16:30
mvojdstrand: thats fine, no worries16:30
mvojdstrand: travis is handing out slots slowly today anway :/16:30
jdstrandmvo: so, other than nursing that PR, I don't have anything planned for 2.31.116:32
jdstrandI picked up a new item in the forum today, but not worth respsinning everything16:33
mvojdstrand: sounds good, if anything last minute comes up please just ping me - the plan is to have 2.31.1 on monday for beta and 2.31 (.0) in stable monday16:34
mvo(and 2.31.1 a week later in stable)16:34
jdstrandmvo: right. trying not to interfere with any of that, and ack16:39
mvojdstrand: :) ta16:39
* zyga goes to do taxes, ttyl17:05
zyga(and enjoy your weekends!)17:06
Chipacazyga: you too17:06
Chipacaenjoy your taxes!17:06
* kalikiana wrapping up for the week17:16
* Chipaca whacks spread on the head with some stale bread17:33
diddledanin bed17:36
diddledanwith a disembodied head17:36
diddledandammit, I used head a second time17:36
diddledanhow about "with a lump of lead"17:37
Chipacadiddledan: that's leadership17:40
Chipacazyga: when you've whacked your taxes enough, I was wondering why findUid in snap-seccomp returns a uint6417:42
Chipaca(when uids are uint32)17:42
Chipaca(but only if you're doing things right)17:42
mupIssue snapcraft#1932 opened: Revamp tests that verify correct utility is being used (deb/snap/docker) <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/issue/1932>17:56
mupPR snapcraft#1910 closed: tests: expect in-snap unsquashfs when using docker <Created by kyrofa> <Closed by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1910>17:56
Chipacamwhudson: go in 1.10/beta is older than 1.10/candidate, which is a little surprising; is this on purpose?17:58
* mvo is slightly sad that the two 2.31 PRs still did not get a travis slot :(18:12
* Chipaca pushes more PR to make mvo sadder18:16
Chipacaor I could grab a beer18:17
* mvo considers tea18:19
* Chipaca hugs mvo18:20
* mvo hugs Chipaca 18:22
brunosferHi guys! I'm building a snap that needs access to bluetooth sdp however I can't figure out what configs I have to make in the snapcraft.conf to make /var/run/sdp appears on the system.18:33
brunosferI mean snapcraft.yaml file18:34
Chipacabrunosfer: that sounds like a topic for the forum, to me18:36
brunosferchipaca: true! I've done that Dec 17th and I'm still struggling here... https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/failed-to-connect-to-sdp-server-permission-problem/308518:43
Chipacabrunosfer: huh, looks like nobody saw that18:47
Chipacaniemeyer: is there a way to 'bump' a post that got no replies, so it's close to the top again? without just answering gibberish on it i mean18:48
Chipacaah he's probably asleep18:48
Chipacabrunosfer: man, you've waited two months18:48
Chipacabrunosfer: is there any more info you can add to that? this'll serve the double purpose of bringing it to the top so people see it, and adding more context for people that know thiss tuff18:50
Chipacabrunosfer: (OTOH it's friday and europe and large chunks of asia have mostly checked out for the weekend already)18:50
niemeyerChipaca: I'm afraid not, on both counts18:52
niemeyerChipaca: The traditional way is indeed to ping18:52
Chipacaniemeyer: np18:53
Chipacai feel bad that that's sat unanswered for two months :-(18:53
Chipacabut i don't know the answer (i can barely understand the question :-) )18:53
Chipacaogra_: you gone?18:53
brunosferchipaca: I've been developing my snap from scratch but I knew that was a problem when I was trying to set up a regular connection using bluetooth. But now I hava everything done and I'm stuck on that problem.18:55
Chipacabrunosfer: do you see any denials in the logs?18:56
brunosferchipaca: I'm going to add more information on the forum, hoping to get some solution, I'm on a 2 week streak trying to get this up and I can't figure it out...18:56
diddledanif you don't have them try adding network and/or network-bind18:57
diddledanalthough being a bluetooth specific thing I am not expecting that'll help18:58
Chipacajdstrand: is there a forum post about figuring out denials? i thought there was but i can't find it now18:58
diddledan`snappy-debug.security scanlog`18:59
diddledanbrunosfer: did you add and connect either or bluetooth-control or bluez?19:00
jdstrandChipaca: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/security-policy-and-sandboxing/55419:00
Chipacajdstrand: thanks19:02
jdstrandChipaca: I suspect Debugging and Tips are what you're after19:02
jdstrand(two different sections)19:02
brunosferdiddledan: I created a slot that is connected to both services you mentioned19:02
diddledanno, a plug19:03
diddledanthe slots for those two are provided by core19:03
brunosferdiddledan: could you give an example of how would you connect a plug to those slots?19:10
diddledanin your `apps:` section for an app add to `plugs:` an entry for each, e.g. `plugs: [bluetooth-control, bluez]`19:11
diddledanthen it's just a case of rebuilding the snap and running `snap connect your-snap:bluetooth-control` and `snap connect your-snap:bluez` (once you've installed the new build)19:12
diddledanbluetooth-control is for kernel interactions with the bluetooth device(s) where bluez is a library/daemon which marshalls communication, so depending on which method your app uses to interact you'll only need one of them19:14
diddledantheir descriptions, what little there is of them, is at https://docs.snapcraft.io/reference/interfaces19:15
diddledanthere's not much more than I've already stated though19:15
brunosferdiddledan: thanks for the help. I'm going to try that ;)19:15
diddledanthere can only be one `plugs` list per app in the `apps:` block, so you might (read: are likely to) need to merge with the one already there19:19
=== ikey|really|afk is now known as ikey
mupPR snapd#4675 closed: timeutil: fix scheduling on nth weekday of the month <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4675>19:49
mupPR snapd#4688 closed: interfaces: miscellaneous policy updates for home, opengl, time-control, network, et al - 2.31 <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4688>19:49
jdstrandmvo: thanks! :)19:52
mvojdstrand: thank you!19:52
kyrofaChipaca, you still around?19:54
brunosferdiddledan: Yes I just did that, however when I do `snapname.sdptool browse local` it shows that sdp is missing permissions.20:10
diddledanI wonder what permissions it wants20:11
brunosferdiddledan: sdp file /var/run/sdp file doesn't exist.20:11
diddledanit might be possible to configure that to go to $SNAP_DATA or $SNAP_USER_DATA20:12
diddledanit'll need sdptool to play ball though20:12
brunosferdiddledan: To solve this issue on Ubuntu Artfull I do chmod 777 /var/run/sdp20:13
brunosferdiddledan: However here that file doesn't exist.20:13
Chipacacachio__: you around?20:31
Chipacakyrofa: I am still around (now)20:31
Chipaca(was having dinner and watching steven universe with the boys)20:32
cachio__Chipaca, yes20:32
kyrofaChipaca, you answered me in the forum, no problem :)20:32
Chipacacachio__: do you know, during sru validation, whether core is from stable or edge?20:32
Chipacakyrofa: i am awesome, i am20:32
kyrofaIndeed you are20:32
cachio__Chipaca, we update from stable20:32
cachio__Chipaca, and use the stable which is in proposed20:33
cachio__Chipaca, why?20:33
Chipacacachio__: proposed isn't a channel though, you mean candidate?20:33
Chipacacachio__: the core snap, not snapd20:34
cachio__Chipaca, the core snap is the one in stable20:34
ChipacaI could always leave it as is, and know it'll break the first time you do sru validation :-)20:34
Chipacacachio__: ah, perfect, i'll set it to test that then20:34
cachio__Chipaca, nice, just ping me if you need any help20:35
Chipacakyrofa: I'll also be updating the forum post once the PR's in20:38
Chipaca(currently running tests on a different PR, then i'll do that one, and one further, and then i'll call it a month)20:38
mupPR snapcraft#1933 opened: schema: remove underscore from version pattern <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1933>20:38
kyrofaChipaca, you're out for a few weeks? Nice20:40
kyrofaAnything fun?20:40
mupPR snapd#4697 closed: osutil: refactor EnsureFileState to separate out the comparator <Created by chipaca> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4697>20:40
Chipacakyrofa: no, i'm just wishing we were at eom already20:45
mupPR snapd#4698 opened: snap: remove underscore from version validator regexp <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4698>20:50
zyga_Chipaca I don't remember, we probably fished that code from future golang and that was the type that was used but perhaps I'm mistaken20:53
Chipacaniemeyer: are you _still_ here ?20:55
zyga_Chipaca taxes done21:00
zyga_now dinner time21:00
Chipacazyga_: :-)21:00
zyga_how's stuff ?21:00
zyga_Chipaca ohhh21:00
* zyga_ has horror memories from 15.0421:00
* Chipaca nods21:01
* Chipaca __nods__21:01
=== Chipaca is now known as __chip__
__chip__oh know what have you done21:01
zyga_Chipaca remember when I joined and there was some obscure part of data that was only conveyed through a filename that used undesrcore encoding21:01
zyga_when we were just starting with interfaces I had issues with switching the whole code over to that21:02
zyga_because of this obscure thing that was used as a way to communicate21:03
zyga_I think it was services and udev related21:03
zyga_it was soooooo weird back then21:03
zyga_man, I don't want to remember that code anymore21:03
=== zyga_ is now known as zyga
zygajdstrand I see you21:05
__chip__zyga: developer namespace21:06
zygais that you on the right there?21:06
mupPR snapcraft#1934 opened: catkin plugin: support recursive rosinstall files <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1934>21:18
=== __chip__ is now known as Chipaca
Chipacaman, if I'd gotten a second +1 on #4659 i could land it and deconflict the smaller, easier one21:46
mupPR #4659: snap: improve the version validator's error messages <Blocked> <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4659>21:46
zygaaww, I already looked21:53
zygaChipaca I can give you +121:53
Chipacazyga: you already did21:53
zygamerge it :)21:54
zygait's easier to ask for forgiveness21:54
mupPR snapcraft#1935 opened: elf: contemplate more patching scenarios <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1935>21:54
zygaespecially on fun and good features21:54
Chipacazyga: :-)21:55
Chipacawe should change it to "2 +1s or 1 +1 from all those awake"21:55
jdstrandzyga: oh, hehe21:56
zygaChipaca jdstrand will give you a +121:56
Chipacathe most secure error messages! \o/21:56
Chipacazyga: OTOH RFC PRs don't make much sense if I'm not going to wait for comments21:58
zygamaybe time to EOD? :-)21:59
pedronisChipaca: that sort of detailed errors would make more sense if snapcraft used this for validation22:00
Chipacapedronis: I hope to get us there soon22:00
niemeyerChipaca: Sort of :)22:00
niemeyerChipaca: Anything I can help with?22:01
Chipacai mean, that's the plan, right? have 'snap pack' be its own standalone tool (that works cross-platform)? and it might as well validate as well22:01
niemeyerYeah, that's indeed the plan22:01
Chipacaniemeyer: it was about snap info alignment, but it wasn't important or I'd remember more22:01
niemeyerChipaca: Ack :)22:02
ChipacaI'd like to get that working soon, fwiw22:02
Chipacabut not today :-)22:02
niemeyerThe good news is that Spread just managed to allocate 50 machines in a blast22:02
niemeyerThe bad news is that it allocated 28 more too :P22:02
zygawow, we're all heere22:03
zygaon friday22:03
kyrofaHere's mvo?22:03
niemeyerSleeping or enjoying his family, I hope!22:05
jdstrandChipaca: done22:05
jdstrandand with that22:06
jdstrandsee you Tuesday :)22:06
Chipacajdstrand: thank you :-)22:06
Chipacajdstrand: have a good one22:06
jdstrandyou too :)22:06
niemeyerOkay, I have a good case to debug when I'm back, but now I really need to do something else for a while..22:07
niemeyerHave a good weekend all22:07
Chipacaniemeyer: you too dude, get some sleep22:07
jdstrandbye niemeyer :)22:08
mupPR snapd#4659 closed: snap: improve the version validator's error messages <Blocked> <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4659>22:08
mupPR snapd#4699 opened: cmd/snap: tweaks to 'snap info' output <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4699>22:52
naccniemeyer: c-n-f on bionic now emits a snap related warning23:19
naccerror: unknown command "advise-snap", see "snap --help"23:19
naccfix already in progress/available/23:19
naccnot sure if anyone else from snappy is around, oh well23:20
mupPR snapcraft#1936 opened: storeapi: handle errors even for >400 responses <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1936>23:21
mupPR snapd#4681 closed:  testutil: add File{Matches,Equals,Contains} checkers <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4681>23:39
mupPR snapd#4698 closed: snap: remove underscore from version validator regexp <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4698>23:41
Chipacanacc: huh23:41
Chipacanacc: how're you getting that?23:41
naccChipaca: wheneve c-n-f tries to run23:42
Chipacahow, not when :-)23:42
Chipacanacc: do you have any snaps installed?23:42
naccChipaca: typing any not existing command i mean23:42
naccChipaca: sure23:42
nacccore git-ubuntu23:42
Chipacanacc: what version is your core ?23:42
Chipaca(beyond that, it's obviously a bug because the idea was to c-n-f to skip it if it failed)23:43
naccChipaca: i can file one if you like; perhaps i'm due for a reboot?23:43
Chipacanacc: nah, can you try using 'candidate'?23:43
naccChipaca: for core?23:43
Chipacanacc: snap refresh core --candidate23:43
naccone sec23:43
naccChipaca: fixed23:46
naccChipaca: will that roll out soon? i'd rather not track candidate unless i need to23:47
Chipacanacc: yes23:47
naccChipaca: ok, thanks!23:47

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