
donofrioso I did apt-get install ubuntu-server on my 18.04 install and then in the console it shows this https://apaste.info/zU9t what do I pic (i'm USA english normal inputkeyboard)02:08
shelethelp please! i have ubuntu studio, bionic beaver. this morning, system asked me to do upgrade, so i did. then it told me to reboot to finish upgrade, so i did. when i went back in it won't start xfce. if i try startx from command line it tells me fatal server error: unrecognized option: vt1 -keeptty -auth /tmp/serverauth.1V9dTn8Dws15:01
sheletafter today's dist-upgrade, x won't start. help please?15:15
ikoniacheck the logs15:15
ikoniasee why it won't start15:15
sheletikonia, if i try startx from terminal it's giving me 'fatal server error: unrecognized option: vt1 -keeptty -auth /tmp/serverauth.blah15:16
ikoniadon't run start x15:17
ikoniaview the logs from the session manager and xorg service starting up 15:17
sheletyou mean /var/log/syslog? or which?15:17
ikoniathats the syslog15:20
sheletikonia,  in /var/log/Xorg.0.log I see things like 'falling back to old probe method for fbdev', 'falling back to  old probe method for vesa', 'no devices detected', 'no screens found'15:20
ikonialooks for errors, not warning15:22
sheletikonia, right. well, the ones marked EE are "failed to load module 'blah'"  and right at the end, "no screens found"15:23
sheletand "no devices detected.15:23
ikoniafailed to load module....15:23
sheletthe modules failing to load are: "nvidia", "modesetting", "nvidia"15:24
ikoniaso there is your problem15:24
sheletikonia, ok, so what do i do? (feeling like an idiot asking, but haven't got a clue... at least that computer is connected to wifi.  apt-get something?)15:26
ikoniathe nvidia module isn't loading15:27
sheletright, and?15:27
ikoniafind out why15:27
sheletthat same log says "Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0)"15:28
ikoniaso the nvidia log is missing15:29
sheletso i should apt-get install nvidia?15:30
ikoniawhy are you using a developer pre-release 15:30
ikoniayou seem to be looking for a standard user experience15:30
sheletikonia, sorry. it's worked great in the past to use the cutting-edge stuff15:31
sheletbut you're probably right15:31
ikoniait's not cutting edge, it's development, it WILL break15:32
ikoniaif you're not confident fixing it, you really shouldn't be using it15:32
sheletikonia, understood. well, perhaps you can help me fix it for today and then i'll look into rolling back to the latest stable version?15:33
ikoniaI think I'd rather (personally) you just rolled back15:33
ikonia(or re-installed to be accurate)15:33
donofriodo you folks know how I can get past this message https://apaste.info/Ndel (I'm on 18.04 fwiw)16:38
donofriohere is what I get when I try dpkg fix - https://apaste.info/AB5416:59
naccdonofrio: on my 18.04,, /etc/resolv.conf is a symlink to ../run/resolvconf/resolv.conf (e.g. /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf)17:07
naccdonofrio: i'm guessing that maybe you have a slightly altered config?17:07
naccdonofrio: nope as in it's the same symlink for you?17:09
donofrioit seems to be upset with systemd package, I'm just wondering how to skip this message and allow it to contiune finishing package things17:09
naccdonofrio: did you read what i just wrote?17:09
naccdonofrio: you can't "skip" the message17:10
naccdonofrio: on your system now, for instance, `ls -ahl /etc/resolv.conf`17:10
donofriooh yah I see that now....dunno why it's upset with resolve17:10
naccdonofrio: see what?17:10
donofriojust noticed that "cp: '/etc/resolv.conf' and '/run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf' are the same file" was upset as well as systemd17:11
naccdonofrio: i'm sorry, i don't understand what your point is17:11
naccsystemd is not 'upset'17:11
naccthe systemd package failed to install because it was not able to run one of its scripts17:12
naccbecause your /etc/resolv.conf is already the same (possibly via symlink) as /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf17:12
naccdonofrio: hence why i asked what the status is o your system17:12
naccdonofrio: which you have not yet provided17:12
donofriostatus like?  it's up and working or?17:14
naccdonofrio: really, I asked what is `ls -ahl /etc/resolv.conf`17:14
donofriolrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 39 Feb 15 03:35 /etc/resolv.conf -> ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf17:14
naccdonofrio: right, which, afaict, is not the default17:16
naccdonofrio: but that's the issue for systemd, which is about to do a `cp /etc/resolv.conf /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf` or v.v. and it can't if they are symlinked to each other17:16
naccit might be a bug17:16
donofrioWhat should I do to make it like it should be......I mean /etc/resolve.conf is standard so I'm guessing its the nested one that is not default17:17
naccwhat nested one?17:17
naccdonofrio: your /etc/resolv.conf is pointing to somewhere that systemd (package) does not expect it to17:17
donofrioso I should break the symlink?17:18
naccdonofrio: how did your system get to 18.04? is it a fresh install? upgrade?17:19
naccdonofrio: you can 'fix' the systemd package issue by probably pointing /etc/resolv.conf to the file i mentioned it is on my system (which should also exist on yours), temporarily and thenputting it back17:20
donofriofresh install from https://partner-images.canonical.com/core/bionic/current/17:21
donofriofrom https://partner-images.canonical.com/core/bionic/current/ubuntu-bionic-core-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz17:21
donofrioI've been apt-getting the system up to what I need 'ubuntu-desktop' and the like....and it's tripping over this....sdo not know if the 1.2k packages have had there template tags processed and the like?17:22
donofriohere is full output of what I see - https://apaste.info/vSjK17:23
donofriostarts at line 6517:23
donofrioand at line 568 is where it says it's upset with location of resolv.conf17:24
naccdonofrio: wait this is an ubuntu core image?17:24
naccno, that's not ubuntu core, it's something else17:25
naccubuntu core is at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/16/stable/current/ubuntu-core-16-amd64.img.xz17:26
naccdonofrio: is this more WSL stuff?17:27
donofrioof course it is :)17:28
donofrioI couldn't update from 17.04 to 17.10 things broke so I reinstalled with 1709 of win10 (got lots of new fixes for WSL) and installed lxrunoffline that I used to install from the tar file to what I have now17:29
donofriohere is me installing in (along with 16.04 on left (on right its 18.04)) https://1drv.ms/f/s!AsBlZbBf72iNoL8tiTMnKYmVWmeM9A - ignore unneeded onedrive login17:39
donofrioscreen2gif way cool17:40
donofrioI mv'ed the /run stub resolve file to my homedir then I get https://apaste.info/GBpR should I mv theese files as well?  wish I could 'blacklist' a package allowing it to stay installed just do not attempt up upgrade it....probably not the correct thought just a thought18:00
donofrioso the stub one is needed for apt it seems....18:04
donofriodang I removed systemd and it added it right back - lol18:06
donofriooutput of my "attempt" at a workaround - https://apaste.info/d2Gq18:07
naccdonofrio: what? no one said mv anyting18:31
naccdonofrio: also whtever image you used is absolutely the wrong thing18:31
naccthat's for docker18:31
nacc(i just checked with the image folks)18:32
donofrionacc, that image/tar file is what is needed to install when the "ms store" is not installed all details listed in this ticket https://github.com/DDoSolitary/LxRunOffline/issues/21#issuecomment-36585658918:33
naccdonofrio: ok, so using a 3rd party tool to install an unsupported thing18:34
naccgreat choices all around :)18:34
naccand then asking ubuntu to solve your issues18:34
donofrioonly choice you mean18:34
naccuh, no, just run ubuntu18:34
donofriono in corp setup like I use its the only option as there is no vmware (mdm agent) airwatch client fr uairwatch  for ubuntu/linux18:35
donofriohere is my setup (when I was running 17.04 - http://www.tinyurl.com/donofrioworkdesk)18:36
nacci have no idea what any of that is18:36
naccand i don't particularly care :)18:36
donofrioI couldn't do-release-upgrade so I reinstalled windows 10 corp image that is mandated to use this on corp network18:36
naccso don't use ubuntu18:36
naccproblem solved?18:36
donofriono not at all.... why the os bigotry can we all not coesist and enjoy the projects that make our daily lives better?18:37
naccdonofrio: it's not bigotry18:37
naccyou consistently ignore what is supported where18:37
donofriothis is a 18.04 channel18:38
naccdonofrio: for *ubuntu*18:38
naccnot wsl18:38
naccyou know that18:38
naccbecause i tell you that every week18:38
donofrioI'm here with 18.04 and asking questions before is "all finished" in hopes that I cnaa help make this a better project18:38
naccdonofrio: installed in a way that is unsupported, as well18:38
donofriowhat do you mean?18:38
naccso again, think about it from our (volunteer) perspective18:38
naccyou used a docker image18:38
donofrioI start with the core tar file - doesn't get more standard than that18:39
naccto do something not docker18:39
naccthat file is *not* what you think it is18:39
donofrioI'm not using docker at all18:39
naccdonofrio: right, then you should not be using those files18:39
donofriodid you review that github link?18:39
nacci don't care about that link18:39
naccsince that's another not ubuntu thing18:39
donofriois is an ubuntu thing the whole thread has been about ubuntu, hence why I said "why os bigetory" I get the feeling like your upset because "no kernel" is running so why help, well userspace is what I need to get my job done and I'd love to not only help anyone else that is trying this but also my co-workers that will not  use 17.04 because it's "three years old"18:41
donofriomistype "will not use 16.04" I meant18:42
nacc'lxrunoffline' does not exist in ubuntu18:42
naccso it's not an ubuntu thing18:42
naccrunning some random program that installs ubuntu in windows does not make you supported18:42
donofriolxrunoffline is only the guide to get ubuntu installed18:42
donofriobut it uses the presses ubuntu core tar file that is created by ubuntu folks18:43
nacc*for* docker18:43
donofrioso I do not see why it's a go away feeling I'm getting from you, I have 62 updates and relies from the author of that lxrunoffline project as he helped get this working and I'm only here because this resolve issue....and systems issue so please "keep an open mind" please and help18:44
nacc"You simply download the tar files built for Docker"18:44
donofrionot using docker at all..18:44
naccso then seek support from that tool's authro18:44
naccdoing things that are not supported using their own tools18:44
donofriothat you've thumbed your nose and not read any of the effort yet from that githib linkk :(18:44
naccdonofrio: you refuse to listen, and you've done this ... for months now?18:46
nacci have given you clear information on how to fix your issue18:46
naccand informed you that you are doing unsupported things18:46
donofrioyou have to realize while I'm an early adopter of this technology many others will be coming in the next two years so WSL and the hatred towards WSL and its uses will not help anyone out...just saying... 18:47
nacci don't hate WSL18:47
naccit's explicitly not supported18:47
naccwhich again, you ignore all the time18:47
donofrionacc, what "clear inforation on how to fix" all I heard was, install ubuntu bare metal, and I cannot get on my corp network without windows18:48
Odd_Blokedonofrio: So is the issue that you can't use the regular WSL install mechanism because you have no network access?18:49
naccdonofrio: you need to fix the symlink that is broken18:49
donofriowhy is it "not supported?"  It's a released product built into released version of windows that is Not insider just standard windows18:49
Odd_BlokeOr am I misunderstanding the issue?18:49
ubottuWindows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide18:49
naccdonofrio: i have to send that faq to you *every* week18:49
donofrioOdd_Bloke, what is the case is we have a NAC network here that requires the use of VMWare AirWatch product, and to date no linux client exists so its unable to get an dhcp from an ethernet hookup - hence why I'm installing though windows18:50
Odd_Blokedonofrio: OK, but you can install WSL from Windows normally.18:50
Odd_BlokeSo why not just do that?18:50
donofrioI work for a hospital that locked down all ethernet and wifi access18:50
donofrioOdd_Bloke, I am - tinyurl.com/donofrioworkdesk shows my full write up on how I used it wwhen I was w10 1703 w/17.04 apt-upgraded from 16.04 but cannot go from 17.04 to 18 breaks everything so I rebuilt windows 10 corp build 1709 with wsl and lxrunoffline beacuse our corp build doesn't have "the ms store" so the is the only way to install - using tar files and lxrunoffline18:52
donofriokeep in mind this is corp desktop on corp network with corp lockdowns but I still gotta have my ubuntu....it's a godsend to keep me happy18:53
hggdhand, how, exactly, is this relevant to this channel?18:53
Odd_Blokedonofrio: Please move this conversation to #ubuntu-on-windows.18:54
donofrioI'm running 18.04 and asking about what do I need to do to work around my current issues of https://apaste.info/d2Gq error18:54
hggdhno, you are not. You are running Windows, and trying to install something in an unsupported way18:55
hggdhI understand it would be nice to be able to do it, but this is NOT #ubuntu+118:56
donofriohggdh, did you see my apaste link?  (I'm talking in ubuntu-on-windows now) https://apaste.info/d2Gq18:56
BLZbubbanvidia-384 is complaining, e.g.: "Depends: libc6-dev but it is not going to be installed"18:56
BLZbubbait wants libc-i386 and i would guess some other 32 bit libraries, is there a way to install those in bionic?18:57
BLZbubbai don't see any ia32 packages18:57
donofriohggdh, when I type cat /etc/*release* it returns "18.04" so I'm still wondering why people say this is not an 18.04 topic18:57
naccBLZbubba: i think this is a packaging bug18:57
naccBLZbubba: the version in bionic is behind the one in artful18:57
naccBLZbubba: i pinged about it yesterday, let me look again18:57
naccBLZbubba: i'm asking the respective uploaders now to find out18:59
naccBLZbubba: i think you can make it work by forcing it to use the version in bionic (which is a downgrade)18:59
naccBLZbubba: i can try and walk you through it19:00
BLZbubbai'm using bionic 19:00
naccBLZbubba: i know19:00
naccBLZbubba: the problem is a security fix went into artful19:00
naccand not bionic19:00
naccso the bionic version is less than artful19:00
BLZbubbasecurity is overrated19:00
BLZbubbafor what i'm doing anyway :P19:00
nacci think it might have raced with bionic opening, but i'm not sure19:01
BLZbubbaok what should i try19:01
naccBLZbubba: can you paste the exact command you are runing and the output? pastebin it, i mean19:01
BLZbubbais it going to skip the 32 bit libs or is there something needed to get them to install?19:01
naccBLZbubba: yeah we have to help apt out here to use the one fromm the archive (which is 'older') which apt won't do on its own19:01
naccapt-get install nvidia-384 libc6-dev=2.26-0ubuntu2 libc6-i386=2.26-0ubuntu2 lib32gcc119:04
BLZbubbarefresh the link19:04
naccadd libc6=2.26-0ubuntu219:05
BLZbubbaok its loading, thanks!19:05
naccBLZbubba: yw19:05
naccBLZbubba: basically for your own knowlede, we resolved the issue for apt, which by default refuses to downgrade packages to resolve installations19:06
BLZbubbathat is the right thing to do by default for sure19:06
naccit's an 'unsafe' operation19:07
naccbut bionic is 'unsafe' sort of definitionally ;)19:07
BLZbubbahaha for sure19:08
BLZbubbathough i'm using it on a couple of desktops and a ceph cluster and it has been working great19:17
naccyeah i've had very few issues here19:18
donofriois did ubuntu get sold?  is it not canonical.com  anymore?19:21
donofrioI only ask because my tar file that I built with is from https://partner-images.canonical.com/core/bionic/current/ not 3rd party19:22
naccdonofrio: i'm not sure what the one question has to do with the other, but no, ubuntu did not get 'sold'19:23
donofrionacc, it's just a reply to you when you said that was from docker, so I relooked and it is from canonical.com and no one else19:23
naccdonofrio: i never said it was from docker19:23
naccdonofrio: i said it was *for* docker19:23
donofrioonly thing I'm having issues with now is these four lines "[/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/tmp.conf:15] Failed to replace specifiers: /tmp/systemd-private-%b-*" (three more varants but same /tmp/systemd-private* varants)19:25
=== Smedles_ is now known as Smedles
Odd_Blokedonofrio: As discussed, you aren't going to get support here; if you want to do something this unsupported, you need to be able to dig in to the problems and solve them yourself.21:44
donofrioOdd_Bloke, I'm just trying to find help for something that should work, I am willing to help out just need to know where to do what?21:54
Odd_Blokedonofrio: You'll need to dig in to the problem; look around for other similar error reports and work out if they apply to your situation, maybe dig in to the systemd source code to understand what the errors mean.21:58
nacctbh, it seems like you're working from a buggy snapshot22:05
nacci.e., one with systemd already there22:05

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