[16:18] Hi, am am looking for information on how Ubuntu Member's should interact with people outside the project, i.e what are the red lines [16:21] the Code of Conduct outlines behavior whenever anyone "represents the project officially or informally, claims affiliation with the project, or participates directly" https://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/conduct [16:22] it has recently come to my attention that the project lead of the Solus Project actually had to quit a Telegram channel due to the behaviour of persons known to be Ubuntu Members [16:23] I suggest bringing this up with the community council: community-council@lists.ubuntu.com [16:23] it's a private list, they handle this sort of thing [16:23] I have not witnessed the behaviour directly, but heard about it [16:38] pleia2: my email writing skills are not very strong, therefore I will not email the list. There are members currently in the channel list who may have been witness to what was said and are better able to judge. [16:38] alright, just letting you know the official escalation process :) [16:49] pleia2: no problem [18:57] I would consider the issue with Solus dealt with, and talking to the UCC would be unnecessary.