
xeviousnacc: Do I have to do anything to clean the source repo before running debdiff?00:01
xeviousAll I've done in it was run `dpkg-buildpackage -S -us -uc -d`00:01
naccxevious: that would clean it (-nc would not)00:02
naccxevious: that should generate your new dsc00:02
xeviousThanks... just making sure there wasn't anything extra. Filing the bug now.00:02
naccxevious: i'd let you know in the bug if there is :)00:03
naccxevious: i'm doing php-horde-{argv,auth,autoloader}00:09
naccxevious: i have a feeling it's not going to make sense to retrigger much more for php-defaults until we get all the new uploads in00:09
xeviousI agree.00:10
xeviousI can churn through several of these PHPUnit ones now that I've got the workflow down.00:11
naccxevious: yeah, it's pretty repetitive00:11
naccthings to grep for PHPUnit_, setExpectedExpectation, getMoc00:11
naccand then for php7.2 itself, count( and i'm just finding create_function00:12
xeviousnacc: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php-guzzlehttp-promises/+bug/174985000:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1749850 in php-guzzlehttp-promises (Ubuntu) "tests have been removed from the upstream distribution archive" [Undecided,New]00:12
xeviousnacc: Also, I let the PHP_CodeSniffer lead dev know that we've currently got a version with known issues packaged: https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer/pull/1899#issuecomment-36610015600:21
naccxevious: thanks00:21
naccyeah, and if it's not a feature thing, but a bugfix changes, we aren't bound to Feature Freeze00:22
naccworst-case, we can backport the fixes back00:22
naccxevious: but i expect we'll get lots of bug rreports (or none as people are using composer directly) for these packages in the next few months00:22
xeviousnacc: If those php-guzzlehttp-promises changes look good, I'll move on to the next package with the "Class 'PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase' not found" issue.00:22
xevious(I'll skip over any Horde packages...)00:24
naccxevious: it looked ok, except i think your debdiff's chagne to bootstrap.php may have had some local context? i'm not sure00:24
naccxevious: it didn't apply cleanly here00:24
naccxevious: tbh, for cases like this, i should have said, it's eaiser to give me a debdiff (really just a patch) to apply from the uupdated repo to the version you want me to build00:26
naccso that i can avoid the uupdate itself as part of the patch00:26
xeviousIsn't that what I gave you?00:27
naccxevious: what you gave me appears to be the full debdiff (incl. the uupdate itself)00:27
naccif that makes sense00:27
nacchrm, uscan for me is not reporting a new upstrea version00:27
naccdid you have to modify the watch file?00:27
xeviousI didn't00:27
nacci'm admittely on bionic00:28
xeviousAbout the full debdiff: when I ran debdiff, it complained about not having a directory for the 1.1.0 version to generate the diff from. So, I pulled another copy of 1.1.0 and made a debdiff that includes the uupdate. How would I generate it against the already uupdated version?00:29
xeviousI built/tested it on a xenial system, using pull-lp-source to do the initial download.00:30
naccxevious: i meant you can just give me a patch (something like): cd <old srcpkg>; uscan; uupdate ../new tarball; cd ..; cp -aR <new srcpkg> <new srcpgk>.bak; cd <new srcpkg>; <make changes>; cd ..; diff -urpN <new srcpkg>.bak <new srcpkg> > debdiff; lp-attach debdiff00:33
naccxevious: since the first bits of that i have to do locally anyways, as i need th eorig tarball to build it to sponsor it :)00:33
xeviousWant me to do that for you on this one or just the ones going forward?00:34
naccgoing forward, i think; i'm working on this one now00:34
naccxevious: those php-horde ones i just entioned all uploaded, btw00:37
xeviousLooks like you need to bump php-mockery on i386.00:38
xevious(It's still showing regressions and is the only arch listed for the old version on the 'excuses...' page.)00:40
naccxevious: thanks00:41
naccxevious: did you make changes to the upstream Makefile?00:42
xeviousI did not00:43
xeviousIntead of removing their 'test' target, I added an empty 'override_dh_auto_test' target to debian/rules.00:43
naccxevious: oh i see what's going on00:43
xeviousI removed a patch to the Makefile00:43
naccxevious: you were in a patches applied state00:43
naccso i think it got a bit confused00:44
naccso the patch is dropped in your debdiff00:44
naccor maybe i am00:44
xeviousWhich patch?00:44
nacclet me do this by hand :)00:44
xeviousThe one that changes vendor/bin/phpunit to phpunit?00:44
xeviousI removed that patch.00:44
naccright, but sponsor-patch is claiming that it is still happening, and im' not sure why00:44
xeviousThe changes were simple. Want me to redo it with your suggested workflow?00:45
naccit's ok, i can fix it up locally00:45
naccso the problem is your debdiff is totally correct00:45
naccexcept if you're already in a patches applied state (e.g., after just extracting the source package normally)00:46
naccxevious: ah you're missing a changelog entry and a update-maintainer run00:46
nacchrm, no you're not00:46
naccwell the latter yes, but for some reason patch didn't see your change to changelog00:46
naccPEBKAC, nm00:46
naccxevious: marks the package as being matinained by ubuntu00:47
naccso that debian is not contacted for issues in it00:47
naccalso fixed yoru version (i thought uupdate did this correctly) it should have been 1.3.1-0ubuntu100:48
naccbecause we are going ahead of debian00:48
xeviousYeah, I set the version when I wrote the changelog with dch. I'll stick to what uupdate recommends.00:49
naccalso, i'm inserting a bug reference in the changelog00:49
naccthis way LP will close the bug for us when the package migrates00:50
xeviousYay automation00:50
rbasaknacc: mysql-5.7 migrated. Thanks!00:52
rbasak(I assume it was something you did, judging from your activity here)00:53
xeviousnacc: So, I hate to be a PITA, but should we update to PHPUnit 7? Support for PHPUnit 6 ends a little less than a year into 18.04's life. PHPUnit 7 is at least supported until a couple months before 20.04 comes out.00:53
xeviousI'm imagining the look of rage on nacc's face.00:54
naccrbasak: yeah i finally got the right set of triggers00:56
naccrbasak: and well, fixed that package too :)00:56
naccxevious: heh, how bad is the backwards compat00:57
naccxevious: the issue is this mess is already pretty bad00:57
naccand, tbh, we've done no updates to phpunit 5.1.300:57
naccin xenial00:58
xeviousIt's hard to tell how bad it'd be: https://phpunit.de/announcements/phpunit-7.html00:59
xeviousLooks like it could be a pain.01:00
naccxevious: tbh, my vested interest is pretty minimal01:01
naccwhile i agree fully with what you are saying, phpunit itself is in universe01:01
xeviousOk, let's not do it.01:01
naccand it would a ton (more) delta to ubuntu packages :)01:01
xeviousI'm sold. PHPUnit 6 it is.01:02
xeviousGuzzle dev does not want to add the tests back into the archive and asked if we can use `git clone` instead: https://github.com/guzzle/promises/pull/87#issuecomment-36610964501:02
naccxevious: this may be worth an email to the debian devs01:04
naccxevious: i'm not entirely sure what the best practice is from a packaging perspective01:04
xeviousYeah, it kind of blows up the whole process, since `uscan` can't do its thing without a web page to parse.01:04
xeviousWell, really it's because `uscan` only does HTTP downloads.01:05
xeviousOh wait01:06
xeviousIt does do git?01:06
naccxevious: so it does, but only for tar.xz01:07
naccwhich is fine01:07
naccit does say 'last resort' :)01:07
xeviousYeah, well this is the last resort.01:07
naccyeah i suppose so :)01:08
xeviousFrom the man page...01:08
xevious> If the upstream publishes the released tarball via its web interface, please use it instead of using this mode.01:08
xevious...however, if they've removed the files you need from the released tarball available via the web interface...01:08
xeviousAlright, let me read up on uscan and see if I can make a new version that retains the tests.01:09
naccnew php-mail-mime is in bionic-proposed, i'm retriggering now01:10
naccslangasek: i'vetried to reproduce the current failure with php-defaults & php-horde-core in bionic-proposed with: `autopkgtest -U -s --apt-pocket=proposed=src:php-defaults,src:php-horde-core php-horde-core -- autopkgtest-virt-lxd autopkgtest/ubuntu/bionic/amd64` but it passes here01:14
naccslangasek: do you have any idea what i'm missing?01:14
naccxevious: i need to eod/afk soon, but i'll check back in later and be back online/active tmrw morning after kid dropoff01:15
slangaseknacc: the passage of time?  is the failure still reproducible if you retry it on autopkgtest.u.c?01:16
xeviousnacc: Which TZ are you in? When's morning for you?01:16
xeviousI'm Eastern US...01:16
naccxevious: PST US01:16
naccslangasek: i thougth so becuase i'm pretty sure i retriggered it01:17
naccslangasek: but let me try again and see01:17
xeviousCool. I'll get all my non-PHP-packagin things out of the way in the morning tomorrow, that way I can be totally focused on this once you're online.01:18
naccxevious: sounds good, thanks!01:18
xeviousnacc: I'm going to rework this to try to add the tests back in before calling it a day.01:18
naccxevious: sounds good, feel free to add the debdiff tat results in the bug (based upon the version now in b-p)01:19
xeviousWill do01:19
naccxevious: and waiting on php-guzzlehttp-promises to publish then i can retrigger those01:19
xeviousnacc: Can you retrigger all the guzzle packages to run their tests with this new php-guzzlehttp-promises package, assuming its tests complete?01:23
xeviousnacc: I got it to detect the new version using git, but it's failing to download it.01:42
xeviousit=uscan with an updated debian/watch01:43
xevious> uscan: Newest version of php-guzzlehttp-promises on remote site is 1.3.1, local version is 1.1.001:43
xevious> uscan:    => Newer package available from01:43
xevious>       https://github.com/guzzle/promises.git refs/tags/v1.3.101:43
xevious> Undefined subroutine &main::getcwd called at /usr/bin/uscan line 3370, <REFS> line 72.01:43
xeviousThat line is: my $curdir = getcwd();01:44
roaksoaxxevious: uscan will downalod to ../01:44
roaksoaxso you would be able to cd ../<package>-<version>01:45
xeviousI'm trying to update the watch file to download based on a git tag instead of parsing a web page.01:46
Unit193That's not entirely accurate.01:46
xeviousIt's correctly parsing the git repository, but failing immediately upon entering the git-specific section of the `uscan` code.01:46
tsimonq2I hate doing that with GitHub *so* much.01:46
tsimonq2I just copy/paste from other packages I maintain.01:46
* tsimonq2 finds an example01:46
tsimonq2This is for src:vc:01:47
tsimonq2opts=filenamemangle=s/Vc-(\d\S+)\.tar\.gz/vc_$1\.orig\.tar\.gz/ \01:47
tsimonq2  https://github.com/VcDevel/Vc/releases .*/Vc-@ANY_VERSION@@ARCHIVE_EXT@01:47
xevioustsimonq2: For this one, I need to clone via git instead of downloading the latest release via HTTP. They added a .gitattributes file that prevents all the tests from being included in any archives.01:49
xeviousOk I found the bug.01:51
tsimonq2Ok cool01:51
xevious`/usr/bin/uscan` doesn't have `use POSIX;` any where in it.01:51
xeviousnacc: Ok my plan was foiled anyway: uscan's git mode uses `git archive` behind the scenes, so the resulting tarball won't include the test files.02:06
xeviousThat lack of `use POSIX;` has been fixed in a newer version of `uscan`.02:24
xeviousThey switched to `cwd()` instead of `getcwd()`: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/devscripts.git/tree/scripts/uscan.pl#n443502:25
xeviousSo, that's currently broken in 16.04.02:27
naccxevious: ack re: guzzle02:29
naccslangasek: fwiw, retrigger didn't help ... should i retry with all-proposed=1? i can't reproduce this error (https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-bionic/bionic/amd64/p/php-horde-core/20180216_012156_effd8@/log.gz)02:31
xeviousnacc: I'm done. Have a good night. See you on the onlines tomorry.02:32
xeviousnacc: Looks like php-parser needs to be prodded for ppc64el.02:46
tsimonq2tjaalton: Looking more at this patch that fixes Qt with the new mesa, there's some problems upstream with it getting approved. Solus and openSUSE have the patch now but I think generally in Ubuntu and Debian we're in agreement that we shouldn't follow suit until it's ready for review upstream. I'll keep you posted, but that's where it's at right now.04:27
naccxevious: thanks, retrigged04:54
tjaaltontsimonq2: ok, good to know04:54
tsimonq2tjaalton: Did you get a chance to look at that xorg script that doesn't follow the XDG spec?04:57
tsimonq2(for lack of a better reference... heh)04:57
tjaaltonnot yet04:57
* mvo hugs rbalint for automatic kernel cleanup in unattended-upgrades08:27
rbalintmvo: :-)08:36
Unit193juliank: Pokepoke?  Did you happen to see my ping the other day?08:45
dokojamespage, fyi: <zigo> doko: FYI, I'm currently flipping the switch to Py3 for all OpenStack stuff.10:03
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jamespagedoko: yeah that's quite optimistic10:53
dokojamespage: debian imports are still on ...10:55
* jamespage shrugs10:55
jamespagedoko: debian and ubuntu don't merge/sync on openstack packages anyway10:56
jamespagedoko: and zigo is putting all of that work into experimental first10:56
dokoahh, ok11:04
ahasenackhi, could an AA please take a look at the new queue for this libzstd sru please?11:25
ahasenackxenial, artful11:25
jamespagedoko: and his freeze is alot further away than ours :-)11:28
jamespagebased on my exp of the single openstack package we have migrated, there are lots of paper cuts and its not fully backed into the upstream testing11:29
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pitticjwatson: hello Colin, how are you?13:02
pitticjwatson: I'm trying to change https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/systemd/+git/debian to the new location at salsa.d.o.13:02
pittiI can't seem to find that - easier to delete and recreate the branch? or does that need some admin review too?13:02
* pitti deletes and recreates it13:06
jbichadoko: ring FTBFS in Ubuntu and has no rdepends. Would you be interested in kicking it out of bionic when I do the evolution-data-server transition?13:14
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dgadomskihello, could anyone please take a look at bug #1644662? there's a trivial patch to be sponsored there, thanks15:35
ubottubug 1644662 in gnome-themes-standard (Ubuntu Bionic) "Icons missing when appearance setting is "high contrast"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/164466215:35
jbichadgadomski: the bionic part of that is fixed in https://ftp-master.debian.org/new/gnome-themes-extra_3.27.90.1-1.html15:46
jbichaupstream changed the source package name so it'll need to go through the new queues15:46
jbichaunless you were in a hurry and wanted it in bionic faster so that you could do a SRU?15:47
dgadomskijbicha: exactly, the fact it's missing in bionic is blocking our users waiting for SRU in xenial15:48
slashdjbicha, if you sponsor bionic (which is a SRU requirement). I'll sponsor dgadomski for the stable release with my SRU uploader right.15:49
jbichaslashd: ok, I'll upload it to bionic now15:51
slashdjbicha, tks15:52
slashddgadomski, ^15:52
slashdddstreet, fyi ^15:52
dgadomskithanks jbicha15:52
jbichadgadomski: done: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-themes-standard/3.22.3-3ubuntu215:56
xeviousnacc: Good morning. How are things looking on your end? I updated the gist this morning: https://gist.github.com/iammattcoleman/88013cb5f92105b15a66ee2ada442a16#file-2018-02-15_181233_php-defaults_issues-md18:16
naccxevious: uploaded a few horde fixes already18:29
naccxevious: otherwise same old same old )18:29
xeviousnacc: What about just removing unused packages? The Sabre libraries are unmaintained and only two packages are showing any reverse-dependencies: php-sabre-dav, which uses php-sabre-vobject. Can we remove the other Sabre packages?19:03
xeviousphp-sabre-dav is only used by php-horde-dav19:04
naccxevious: can you see if they are removed in debian testing (rmadison -u debian <srcpkg>) and if there are bugs filed there19:04
xeviousnacc: They're all showing "source, all" in both stable and unstable when I run rmadison on them.19:08
naccxevious: ah that emans removed from testing19:09
xeviousAh, yeah. php-sabre-dav shows a lot more than just stable and unstable.19:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1749783 in php-phpdocumentor-reflection (Ubuntu) "php-defaults stuck in bionic-proposed" [Undecided,Fix released]19:10
naccxevious: feel free to add srcpkg task there19:10
nacc(also affects distribution/package)19:10
naccxevious: also, i would appreciate a sanity check if you can. Can you run the autopkgtest for php-horde-core locally with just php-defaults from proposed (or all proposed) and see if it passes?19:12
xeviousnacc: Running it with all of proposed, since I haven't learned how to enable a single package from proposed yet.19:21
naccxevious: something like --apt-pocket=proposed=src:<srcpkg>, or =proposed=<binpkg>19:22
xeviousOh, that's pretty simple.19:22
naccyeah it's handy19:23
naccand that's basiclaly what the retry triggers end up translating too19:23
xeviousThe Zeta components are another thing I'd like to see phased out, since they're also very old and unmaintained. However, they're used by `phpab` (only, nothing else uses them), but that's a build dependency of a ton of PHP packages.19:25
naccxevious: does phpab depend on it upstrea too?19:26
naccxevious: yeah hard for us to diverge there19:27
xeviousAlthough, if we switch to having the packages contain their full Composer dependency stack, then it wouldn't matter.19:27
naccxevious: yeah i'm drafting that up soon19:28
naccalthough i'm going the other direction19:28
nacclet's drop php* in universe :)19:28
naccwith your suggestion hopefully being a middle ground if there is pushback19:28
xeviousThere are several PHP applications that sysadmins probably want to be able to install via packages.19:29
xeviousZabbix, etc.19:29
naccimo, i think they should be snaps19:29
naccnot debian packages19:29
naccthe packages get out of date too quick19:29
naccand if they are snpas, we might be able to get the upstream to maintain them :)19:30
naccwe can provide the infrastructure to use for building the snap using the right dependencies (basically the php runtie)19:30
naccbut it doesn't really make sense for, e.g., me to try and maintain zabbix in ubuntu19:30
xeviousThe thing slowing down the packages is just the fact that we can't have two different versions of the same PHP library installed via APT.19:30
nacci never have used it :)19:30
naccwell, there is that and there is backwards-incompatible changes19:31
naccwe are in between both now19:31
xeviousSo, since those sabre packages aren't in testing, does that mean we can remove them from bionic?19:32
naccxevious: should be ok, yeah19:32
naccxevious: they can then come back in via unstable and get wedged in proposed separately, if they gt fixed19:32
naccxevious: making good progress on horde19:42
naccit's just all knotted together19:42
naccso it's not worth me retrying too much until i get them all fixed19:42
naccxevious: any luck getting php-horde-core to fail? i'm stumped no it19:47
ahasenackis it ok, in general, to call apt-cache policy in a maintainer script like postinst?19:49
ahasenackI'm wondering about locks and such19:50
naccahasenack: is this to see if a package is isntalled?19:50
ahasenacksort of, it's to see if a repository is available19:50
ahasenacklike a ppa19:50
xeviousnacc: No, it passed. Lots of tests that "need some love"19:50
naccxevious: yeah, that's what i see too19:51
ddstreetjbicha re: gnome-themes-standard, it seems the pkg does a fancy dance to update the debian/control file 'Uploaders:', based on content of the currently-installed /usr/share/gnome-pkg-tools/1/rules/uploaders.mk file, you aware of that?  should i just let that field get upated and sponsor/upload the sru with a changed Uploaders: entry?19:51
naccxevious: but consistently fails on launchpad :/19:51
naccxevious: i'll come back to it last19:51
naccahasenack: hrm19:52
ddstreetjbicha e.g. for artful sru, it changed the control file Uploaders as:19:52
ddstreet-Uploaders: Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57@debian.org>, Jeremy Bicha <jbicha@ubuntu.com>, Laurent Bigonville <bigon@debian.org>, Michael Biebl <biebl@debian.org>19:52
ddstreet+Uploaders: Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57@debian.org>, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort <pochu@debian.org>, Laurent Bigonville <bigon@debian.org>, Michael Biebl <biebl@debian.org>19:52
ahasenackI could grep /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*, also maybe /etc/apt/sources.list19:52
ahasenackbut apt-cache policy would also tell me if the repo I'm looking for has pinning19:53
ahasenackthe use case is that a new version of ua-tools will enable pinning for the fips repository, but only for new installs19:53
naccahasenack: yeah, it just seems ... not great, to parse that output19:53
ahasenackand I'm wondering how to check a) that fips is in use already (the tool itself uses apt-cache policy + uname -r);19:53
ahasenackand b) if pinning is configured already or not19:54
ahasenackit looked more resilient to use apt-cache policy than to look for the specific config files we create19:54
ahasenackbut I might as well call the case of the user having renamed the files a corner case19:55
naccahasenack: yeah, i'm just not sure either is great :)19:55
xeviousnacc: I'm going to do the Zeta packages, since they have to be updated for phpab.19:56
naccxevious: thanks19:56
naccxevious: did you look at php-numbers-words alrady?19:56
naccxevious: beause afaict, we just have horde and zeta and sabre right now?19:56
xeviousphp-numbers-words is another old, unmaintained project.19:57
xeviousIt's only *recommended* by php-text-captcha, not a hard requirement.19:57
naccdoes it pass with the sed?19:57
nacci'll check19:57
naccxevious: yea looks like it will, needs a count replacement too20:06
naccwill do it after kid pickup20:06
xeviousnacc: Should I run `quilt pop -a` before generating the debdiff?20:30
xeviousnacc: Can you check out the patch on this ticket? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php-zeta-unit-test/+bug/175004121:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1750041 in php-zeta-unit-test (Ubuntu) "incompatible with PHPUnit 6" [Undecided,New]21:01
xeviousnacc: If it looks good, can you merge it and rerun the tests for php-zeta-base and php-zeta-console-tools with it?21:02
xeviousnacc: I'm doing a non-marathon day today, so I'll be calling it quits soon (going to the G3 concert in NYC!)21:03
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jbichaddstreet: all the Debian GNOME pacakges do that debian/control.in thing. I wouldn't worry about it :)21:11
jbichathe SRU Team doesn't worry about that field so either change it or don't change it is fine21:12
ddstreetjbicha awesome, i figured as much, thnx21:33
naccxevious: reviewing it now21:36
naccxevious: thanks! enjoy the show!21:41
cjwatsonpitti: I could've done it, but was on leave today.  I see you deleted and recreated it, so fine.22:28
naccwhy would request.cgi complain about a non-existent package only for certain archs (e.g., i386) when it's a all binary package? and it works for some of the arches22:30
naccis it just a matter of things being copied to the rigth spot?22:31

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