
stm_hi, i # had installed the bluetooh keybord but it doesn wark. still the same info:"/usr/bin/blueman-manager. Cold you help me?08:16
stm_o0k.i wiiltry it thanks08:21
markus__hi evry one08:32
=== nea is now known as Niakr1s
=== Niakr1s is now known as Niakris
=== Niakris is now known as Niakr1s
SteamJazzerSystem partition is getting full, most of it seems to be /lib/modules/4.4.0-31-generic and similar. Are these old versions of the Liux core? If not what? Can I delete the oldest ones of about 25?14:48
diogenes_SteamJazzer, run: df -h | nc termbin.com 999914:49
diogenes_share the link14:49
SteamJazzerBefore I type anything into the terminal, could you let me know roughly what that command might do please?14:49
diogenes_it will show what partitions are full14:51
SteamJazzer@diogenes It's giving an HTTP address14:51
diogenes_that's what you have to copy14:52
diogenes_and share here14:52
SteamJazzer@diogenes So is this going to give access to my computer to a random stranger? :)14:54
diogenes_SteamJazzer, lol of course not hehe14:54
SteamJazzer@diogenes Well it has already happened to this computer, so I am wary. What is it actually doing then?14:55
diogenes_SteamJazzer, listen, you asked for help right? any help implies you to run commands and to give feedback, and here are 84 people who are watching us, they provide support for people who have troubles, if you don't trust us, then I'm afraid you won't be able to get your issue fixed.14:57
SteamJazzer@diogenes Thank you for your offer of help, but you still haven't explained what the command will do. The fact that you are pressurising me makes me more nervous. I will deal with the problem another way. Thanks anyway.15:00
diogenes_actually I'm not pressuring, I'm explaining the way support works here, it's up to you to go for it or not and besides I already explained what the command does.15:02
SteamJazzer@diogenes I don't know where you come from but where I come from "listen, you asked for help right?" is extremely rude. That is enough for me to end the conversation now. Good afternoon.15:04
diogenes_hehe cool15:06
wolf_kofhay alguien que hable español?15:20
diogenes_!es | wolf_kof15:21
ubottuwolf_kof: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:21
wolf_kofbueno pero hay alguien que pueda ayudarme?15:23
corradoHallo allerseits17:22
ole_alkis  All ok with my Star NL 10  working on all my computers20:38
ole_sorry alkisg20:38
alkisgI wonder how you still get ink for that20:39
ole_127.0.0.1:631 very good20:39
ole_no problem i can by many20:40
ole_forget not thats a GOOD old matrixprinter hi hi20:40
ole_from 196720:41
ole_try oleasselbalch.dk/s.mov and you laugh20:42
alkisgI was very glad when I threw it away because it was making my ears hurt :D20:42
* alkisg waves, goodnight for now20:42
ole_olehasselbalch.dk/s.mov  exuse20:42
ole_ok good night20:43
rock64HI Friends having trouble installing Wifi Drivers22:54
rock64Panda Wireless PAU0622:54
rock64can some one help me how to install wifi drivers (total newbie )22:55
rock64any help  will be greatly appreciated22:55

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