
nojmhey guys im using gpard gui and have started 'attempt data rescue' if anyone has used this can you tell me-when complete will it show partitions or raw dat- its currently 'looking for file system'00:02
nojmits a 3TB drive and its been 2days just wanna an idea if its worth persisting till the end00:03
nojmthis is what screen looks like presently https://imgur.com/a/jwlkq00:04
SmokinGruntsAnyone else have sudden issues with Ambiance theme plus gtk2.0, certain light-foreground menus are displayed improperly?00:04
SmokinGruntson 16.0400:05
SmokinGrunts'cuz if so, there's something going on in the /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/gtk-2.0/gtkrc file, so I just overwrote it with 'Radiance' theme's gtkrc00:06
SmokinGruntsand all is well00:06
michael2hi, does anyone know how to remove a ssh priv key from gnome-keyring-daemon? `ssh-add -D' doesn't work00:06
SmokinGruntsmichael2, ssh-add -D00:07
SmokinGruntsthat'll disable all, hang00:07
nojmthink everyones drunk or in bed00:07
nojm1534 of them lol00:08
SmokinGruntsmichael2, just remove the keys from the proper directory00:08
SmokinGrunts~/.ssh ?00:08
SmokinGruntsnojm story of my life.00:08
michael2SmokinGrunts: i mean the decrypted key value being stored in the agent - not the encrypted priv key files00:09
SmokinGruntsit should update when gnome-keyring looks and update accordinly00:09
nojm<smokinGrunts> are you fam with data recovery gparted (does gparted data recovery show partitions or file on scan completion?)00:11
SmokinGruntsnojm, yep00:11
nojmwas that yes to both partions and files00:11
SmokinGruntsalso photorec and testdisk00:11
SmokinGruntsyes to both00:11
SmokinGruntswhat sorta drive, what happened, and what's goin' on now?00:12
SmokinGruntsgparted won't show individual files* I think...00:12
nojmthats my bup plan i rewrote the partion table and can only get to some of my files with the bups i have from test disk it was an ext drive but i took out pcb and put inside pc box then partion table not there so used test disk and rewrote part table lol will get there in end but drive is huge so anything takes forever00:14
SmokinGruntsmichael2, for your reference: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=47247700:14
ubottuDebian bug 472477 in gnome-keyring "ssh-add -D does not remove SSH key from gnome-keyring-daemon memory" [Important,Open]00:14
SmokinGruntsnojm what manufacturer of drive?00:15
SmokinGruntsalso, try to -never- rewrite the partition table, or -write- anything on a drive you're trying to recover data from00:15
nojmits a seagate 3TB jugging baby a typing sorry for slow replys00:15
SmokinGruntsno worries00:15
SmokinGruntsokay, since I don't personally have time to field this, go here and ask the ultimate HDD reverse-engineers: http://www.hddoracle.com/00:16
SmokinGruntsspildit is legit, but I dunno if he works with things other than WD00:16
nojmthank you00:16
SmokinGruntsthey will help you so long as you present all pertinent info00:16
SmokinGruntsno prob :)00:17
nojmwill bookmark and get onto it ur awesome thanks00:17
SmokinGruntsaye aye matey00:17
michael2SmokinGrunts: yeah its a bug. one way to fix is to prevent gnome-keyring-manager from managing ssh-keys and use something else that works, e.g. ssh-agent  maybe?00:17
SmokinGruntsmichael2, hehe that'd do00:18
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michael2SmokinGrunts: do you know of a way to do that? im not expert at ssh00:19
SmokinGruntsmichael2, this is almost 10 years, it'd do well to post this publically, reference that bug thread link I gave you, and light some fire under folk's collective butts00:20
SmokinGrunts10 year old bug00:20
SmokinGruntslack of documentation00:20
SmokinGruntsstory of my life, once again.00:20
SmokinGruntsI have a link for removing all keys?00:21
SmokinGruntsmichael2, best bet is to post it on https://askubuntu.com/ , reference that debian thread, and say something like "Why isn't there a way to remove single keys, and why isn't it documented?'00:23
SmokinGruntslink here when you're done posting so's I can see00:24
SmokinGruntsoic you're already chattin' away in #openssh, good00:27
michael2SmokinGrunts: i think that would get closed as unanswerable because people can only give opinions - which will of course be controversial - and probably an upstream debian thing, then eventually.... [crickets]....  occassional tumbleweed*00:28
pep_hi is this the place for community support?00:28
SmokinGruntsno! always err on the side of documenting issues!00:28
SmokinGruntsif you present your words properly, magical things can happen.00:28
tomreynpep_: yes00:31
tomreynmichael2: try this workaround (disabling gnome keyring  daemons ssh agent functionality) https://askubuntu.com/questions/545172/how-do-i-disable-gnome-keyring-ssh-integration#60756300:33
tomreynyou'll need to logout + login from the graphical desktop to apply the change.00:34
pep_hi tomreyn, I installed ubuntu in the 4th partition of my ssd, and I cannot log into windows now (2nd partition)00:34
pep_I get to the loading screen of the windows logo, but then I get the troubleshoot program to fix the booting process00:35
pep_tried also the boot-repair program in linux00:36
pep_but nothing fixed it00:36
tomreynpep_: does ubuntu start up fine?00:36
pep_more or less00:36
michael2tomreyn: it says in the comments this wont work on 16.04 , which is my distro00:36
pep_I deleted it from gparted in the live cd00:36
pep_and then reinstalled00:37
pep_If I manually choose the sda1 drive in the bios screen, it gets into te grub menu just fine00:37
pep_but if my computer starts as is, it gets into a grub error message00:38
pep_this didn't happen before i deleted the system, it worked everything fine except windows00:38
pep_I must say my computer is a desktop computer from 2010, so I don't think there's any problem with UEFI because I think it uses the traditional BIOS00:39
tomreynpep_: sda1 is the first partition on the first drive,. sda is the first drive.00:40
tomreynpep_: i understand that ubuntu booted fine, and that you have no ubuntu system installed now, and are seeking windows support. this is channel is for ubuntu support only, though.00:41
pep_yes, currently I have 4 partitions, 1 and 3 are minor ones, WIndows is in sda2 which is nearly 200gb, sda4 is over 30, with my Linux installation00:41
pep_Yeah, I know...00:42
pep_Ubuntu works fine...00:42
pep_so where can I ask for people who whappen to have similar experiences to me ?00:42
tomreyni think there is ##windows00:44
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"00:44
tomreynmichael2: you can use "eval $(ssh-agent -s)" to create a new auth socket and then use "ssh-add -L" to list keys, "ssh-add path/to/key" to add one00:53
ZippsterGood evening people - I am in a bit of a dilemma and wondering if anyone would have some guidance or insight. I am trying to install Ubuntu LTS or Current off a USB stick on a mac mini that does not have access to a keyboard until after boot - wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how I can initialize the install01:04
moniPeople are starting to lose Unity since a few hours...  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/174983901:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1749839 in compiz (Ubuntu) "16.04: Installation of the 2/15/18 update to compiz forced removal of unity and ubuntu-desktop" [Undecided,Confirmed]01:36
moniI wonder if this is wide spread or only a subset of users are affected.01:37
bazhangsign up for the bug moni and track it01:38
moniAlready done.01:38
ecormiermoni: not everyone uses unity, so it's definitely a subset of users :)01:39
moniAnybody from Canonical is aware of this?01:39
moniecormier. :)01:39
moniBut it is a big issue...01:39
bazhangmoni, keeping track on the bugtracker is where to discuss this, not here01:40
ecormierif there is a bug report, then they know about it01:40
moniOk.  So I need help.  Unity is gone.  I have no desktop...  I will search the web to get XFCE installed.  I think that Gnome cannot be installed at the same time as Unity, and I want to keep my system proper for Unity when the bug is going to be fixed.01:41
bazhangmoni, sure it can, install gnome-shell for it01:42
bazhangmoni, the package xubuntu-desktop will give you xfce01:42
moniI read that Gnome and Unity configurations clashs on Ubuntu 16.04, a few months ago.  I will not risk it.01:43
bazhangmoni, thats simply not correct01:43
xanguamoni: only thing that you must not do, is add third party repositories for getting latest gnome. Only that breaks unity01:45
bazhangmoni, are you adding unsupported PPA?01:46
moniOk, I understand.  But XFCE is being now installed... I only need a stop-gap solution until Unity comes back.01:46
monibazhang, I did, for kmymoney.01:46
moniThen the problem occured.01:46
bazhangmoni, gnome-shell is fine01:46
moniBut since the bug report is 2 hours old and we are 6 already with the problem...01:47
moniI suspect that it was a coincidence.01:47
moniNow we are 7.01:47
moniThis bug seams major.01:47
ecormierfrom what's said in that bug report, it's going to hit all unity users01:48
bazhangmoni, lets get back to topical support01:48
ecormierno worries, that'll be fixed fast01:48
moniWhich channel can I go to talk about major bugs...01:48
bazhangmoni, this is not the moment by moment bug tracker chat channel01:49
bazhangmoni, get on the mailing list, participate there01:49
moniHow does one logoff from a session without window manager?01:49
bazhangmoni, did it remove lightdm as well?01:50
bazhangmoni, can you not get to a tty?01:50
monilightdm is there.  I logged in, but have no Window manager.  I have my default terminal.01:51
moniI could reboot....01:51
ecormierreboot is easy, and...01:51
moniBut I wonder if there is a cli for loging off.01:51
ecormierdon't forget to switch the desktop session before you enter your login password01:52
ecormiermoni: a few01:52
moni...  I rebooted...01:52
ecormierthat works01:52
moniOn my laptop.01:52
moniWhile rebooting, xubuntu logo showed up. :)01:53
kenrincli for logging off,  you mean "exit" ?01:54
ecormieror restarting X01:55
moniNo.  exit will only kill the terminal.01:55
moniI mean like returning to lightdm.01:55
moniYeah, I have a desktop back.  Thanks guys.01:55
ecormiermoni, fyi: sudo systemctl restart lightdm.service01:56
moniMerci ecormier.  J'en prends note.02:00
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neildugan\join #python02:13
stevejobsinhellapt-get update core dumps.  http://codepad.org/OyTCrNwj02:17
moniOk.  Time to go to bed.  Again, thank you all for your help.  Best regards.02:18
stevejobsinhellrunning 16.04 xenial02:18
BenSoloSo fro what I am reading there is basically no way to get flgrx on anything 16.04 and later?02:19
BenSoloNo more binary AMD drivers... like at all?02:19
monistevejobsinhell, seams some binary corruption maybe?  Filesystem trouble?02:19
moniYou may attempt to reinstall apt with dpkg...02:20
stevejobsinhellmoni: this is a new laptop.02:20
moni... :(02:20
stevejobsinhellso where do I get apt?02:20
moniAnd thus, a new drive...02:20
moniSearch the web, for the package.  I have no clue where to get it, since like you, I always use apt...02:20
ecormierdoubt it's an apt problem02:21
ecormierI guess a download problem or a mirror problem02:21
moniIt could be a faulty memory on the laptop...02:22
moniOn reboot, steve... you can run memtest...02:22
ecormiermoni: start with the easy stuff and work up to memtest :)02:22
BenSoloJust stuck with the radeon package for older AMD cards then? surely there is some solution?02:23
moniBensolo, I cannot help you.  I am an Nvidia/Intel guy.02:23
monisteve, if the problem is always with apt... try to update it.02:24
moniIf you have random problems, other programs crashing.... faulty hardware probably.02:24
stevejobsinhellhow do I update it if I can't run apt-get update?02:25
moniYou find the package on the web (must be somewhere), download it and run dpkg -i <package>, if I recall corectlly.02:25
ecormierstevejobsinhell: in 'software and updates' try changing to a different mirror and retry the original command02:25
baba_steve jobs in hell??? seems a tad rough...02:26
stevejobsinhellwho do i find a list of mirrors?02:26
moniI gotta go.  Bye guys and thanks.  A+02:26
cfhowlettstevejobsinhell, apt is integral to ubuntu.  Either you have a bad install or you manually deleted it.  if the former, get a clean .iso and reinstall.  if the later, download the .deb and dkpg -i to install it02:27
ecormierstevejobsinhell: open the 'software and updates' program and change 'download from:'02:27
stevejobsinhellok thanks02:27
BenSolothis system is unusable with this video config.. I need AMD Binary drivers :(02:30
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stevejobsinhellecormier: it fails and says to check my internet connection.   http://codepad.org/VhW1MbUz02:34
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lapionI have a very strange problem: the following only occurs while playing audio over earphones; when I play a video with vlc or mplayer I get audio from the left channel only, when I play a video through the flash player ( eg youtube video on firefox ) I get normal stereo audio.02:57
stevejobsinhellpsql doesn't work even though the required packages are installed http://codepad.org/8KlOdhMe03:02
cfhowlett!root | stevejobsinhell03:08
ubottustevejobsinhell: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:08
cfhowlettyou installed while root.  why?03:08
ipatrolApparently sagemath-common has a Bionic package, but no Artful one03:09
stevejobsinhellcfhowlett: are you saying I should use sudo rather than login as root?03:11
crondpfft. if you're the kind of wimp who doesn't grab live electrical wires, or make toast in the bath, sure03:12
crondbut who wants to be that needlessly careful?03:12
AirstrikeIvanovHi folks, does it matter what VNC service (or xrdp or teamviewer) that i use for remote desktop into LXDE?03:14
cfhowlettshould make no difference whatsover, AirstrikeIvanov03:14
ipatrolthese days a lot of software actually tends not to work if run in a root login session03:22
* RtMF thinks back to when she had to run X as root on her first ever slackware install03:22
ipatrolsome deliberately, others incidentally03:23
ipatrolKali I think actually had to do a bit of work to get a Debian distro to work in full graphical mode on a root login03:23
* RtMF should try to root this android03:25
ipatrolAnd I still can't get VLC to work on it, and apparently it would require altering the source and recompiling. Personally, I don't think a software program should deliberately obstruct unusual use cases without offering a command-line override03:28
luxorola bom dia04:08
stevejobsinhellwhere do I get  apt-cache search postgres-plpython?  It's not under apt-search04:14
smacktalkwhat's the command to see the dvd04:14
Bashing-om!info postgres-plpython xenial | stevejobsinhell04:16
ubottustevejobsinhell: Package postgres-plpython does not exist in xenial04:16
stevejobsinhellso how do I run PL\Python in postgres?04:17
smacktalkdmesg, df,04:18
orangepibhgtvfv fbnh04:19
orangepijjhnjdghvghhgbgg g04:19
krytarikorangepi: Please stop this.04:19
orangepidsza15zx5gs56hhjj v04:19
orangepibchcgsv b04:20
krytarik!ops | orangepi, cat alert..04:20
ubottuorangepi, cat alert..: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax04:20
stevejobsinhellBashing-om: what's this?  https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/database/postgresql-plpython-9.504:20
daxstevejobsinhell: the -9.5 is part of the package name, so assuming you have xenial it'd be sudo apt-get install ostgresql-plpython-9.504:21
stevejobsinhelldax: thanks.  i'm suprised that didn't show up in apt-cache search's search result04:23
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robephis it safe to remove all these extra ubuntu sources? :\04:30
robephthey weren't part of the auto-remove bit so didn't know if there is some reason they're there04:30
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rtbtis anyone else having issues connecting a kindle via usb?05:46
rtbtdmesg is saying there's a 110 error when connecting05:47
rtbtwhich doesn't make any sense, isn't a 110 error usually insufficient power?05:47
amazoniantoadHi I can't seem to be able to ping any websites or connect to anything outside of my network. Can someone help me figure out what's going on?05:56
neilduganamazoniantoad, it a lot of websites don't respond to ping... can you "ping google.com"06:07
amazoniantoadneildugan no06:19
=== Trystam is now known as Tristam
nojmWould anyone care to speculate how long attemp data recovery scan via gparted would take 3TB seagate external hooked up via sata 3 cable running ubuntu 17.10 cant give any more specs atm (i dont think anyway) am currently scanning it with Gparted06:50
killea long long time06:51
nojmbeen two days at this point wondering if i should just call it quits06:51
killeno give it some more time dude06:51
nojmokay thanks06:51
killethey take forever06:51
killebut good luck06:51
nojmwhen finished will it show partions or files or both06:52
killeshould be both, if it could get both06:53
EriC^^nojm: what's the problem you were having?06:53
nojmdeleted partition table think i deleted the required bup06:54
nojmwill go back to tes disk if need be (backup test disk)06:55
nojmbup = backup from test disk sorry06:55
EriC^^nojm: you mean you have another disk that's an exact copy of this one?06:57
nojmi will never ever make the mistake of testing my backups before proceeding in future esp with such a large drive lmao gota laugh though06:57
nojmi wish06:57
EriC^^what do you mean by testing? the program called testdisk ?06:58
nojmi only have backups of the partition table but most likely not the ones i need06:58
EriC^^if you have a backup of the partition table then it's easy to restore06:58
nojmi made an external into an internal the table didnt show up so i ran testisk and wrote to disk what i found on the scan for recovering deleted partitons06:59
nojmpretty sure my backup was made after i disconnected the pcb and put the drive in my atx box07:00
nojmthinks i made a big boo boo07:00
nojmgot 5 tesk disk backups i can write to disk and see if any are what i need but you know murphys law07:01
EriC^^nojm: what do you mean by you made an external into an internal?07:01
nojmhad external hard drive in a case took it out of case unpluged a circuit board and connected it to my pc motherboard direct via sata and power inside the atx box because my usb 3.0 was faulty breaking and i was having issues (makes sense ?)07:03
nojmsup <SmokinGrunts> you drunk n asleep :) jokes hope you got it sorted07:05
SmokinGruntsayeaye :)07:06
EriC^^nojm: yeah, i remember you now07:06
EriC^^nojm: so what's the deal with the backup partition table stuff?07:06
EriC^^nojm: nevermind, reading back it makes sense now07:07
nojmstill waiting on my scan to complete two days in posted on the board you mentioned just waiting it out till i move forward from a different angle07:07
EriC^^nojm: did the 3tb have numerous partitions or just 1 big partition?07:08
nojmi love this room great place to learn and get help07:08
quintHow can I disable caching when mapping a disk with cryptsetup?07:10
quintCan't find anything remotely related when searching online07:11
quintI believe it uses dm-cache, but I'm not sure. Anything related to "dm-cache" returns articles about LVM07:11
quintThis happens with both "plain" mode and LUKS mode07:12
Wanderer_Hi. I was wondering if generally USB wifi adapters will work on Ubuntu or do I need a special one07:15
Mathisenmost work, but maybe smart to look upp info before you buy online if it suports linux07:16
Wanderer_will do thank you07:17
Mathisenotherway around.. if linux suports that model07:17
EriC^^nojm: still there buddy?07:24
nojmyeah sorry just feeding bubs07:25
nojmdid i miss something upscreen07:25
EriC^^nojm: did the 3tb have numerous partitions or just 1 big partition?07:26
sera_denoirRunning ubuntu server artful, just installed a new drive and formatted it using parted (4TB drive), but when I use blkid to get it's UUID to add to fstab, I'm getting PARTUUID instead ... how would I use that or fix the partition?07:27
nojmit had 3 partitions before but i ran test disk and wrote to disk from one of my approx 5 bups of partition table07:27
nojmso now it has two partiions07:28
EriC^^nojm: can you show a pastebin of it?07:28
EriC^^run "sudo parted -ls"07:28
nojmis that okay to run while gparted is scanning (attemp data recovery)07:29
EriC^^yeah no problem07:29
nojmwill do now just a moment pls07:29
nojmoops will scroll down n repost07:31
EriC^^nojm: it's fine, we just need the /dev/sdc one07:32
EriC^^nojm: try "sudo mount -o offset=$((2048 * 512)) /dev/sdc /cdrom"07:33
libbenAnyone has any network skills?07:34
libbenIm not getting connected after reboot on 16.04.307:34
libbeni need to invoke dhclient enp4s007:35
libbenMy interfaces looks good for me. iface enp4s0 inet dhcp and so on07:35
libbenauto enp4s007:35
libbenafter reboot I need to invoke dhclient.07:35
libbenIts a clean install on ubuntu07:36
libbenno network-manager or so07:36
libbenjust plain ubuntu server07:36
sera_denoirlibben: i'm not that good with networking, but you could try 'sudo ifup enp4s0'07:36
EriC^^nojm: it seems like there was a filesystem there, but it's damaged somehow07:36
libbensera_denoir: the problem i has is that it's not autoconnect after reboot07:37
libbenI need to do dhclient eth07:37
sera_denoirah, no clue ... i'm fighting fstab issues myself07:37
nojmlikely caused from my faulty usb 3.0 connector which caused multiple power on off  what you think07:38
EriC^^nojm: did you try running a smart test on the hdd?07:39
nojmthats why i took it out of the external case would sometimes connect07:39
nojmno i dont know how to07:39
EriC^^sudo apt-get install smartmontools07:39
EriC^^sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdc | nc termbin.com 999907:39
EriC^^it'll give you a link, paste it here07:39
sera_denoirRunning ubuntu server artful, just installed a new drive and formatted it using parted (4TB drive), but when I use blkid to get it's UUID to add to fstab, I'm getting PARTUUID instead ... how would I use that or fix the partition?07:41
nojmre install no config ?07:41
EriC^^nojm: not sure what you mean, is it saying it's already installed?07:42
nojmall gud07:42
nojmi hope07:42
EriC^^sera_denoir: is there a filesystem there? try 'sudo parted -ls' and paste the output in paste.ubuntu.com07:42
EriC^^nojm: looks good07:43
nojmwow thats intense data i dont know how you make head nor tail of all that information07:44
EriC^^nojm: can you try connecting the hdd as it used to be connected and try the mount -o offset command again?07:44
libbencan you run nightly build of 18.04 now and simply make and apt-get update and upgrade when it's release in 2 months?07:44
ducasselibben: yes07:44
EriC^^nojm: if you want try it later after gparted is done and all07:45
EriC^^no need to do it rn07:45
nojmgood call that was what i was about to ask anyway to get ahold of you at that point it may be days07:46
eraserpencilHey guys, I kind of need to insert my laptop in between plain text communication of  2 windows computers via telnet07:47
eraserpenciland the laptop is on ubuntu.07:47
nojmalso do you mean the command in full that you got me to run way upscreen07:47
eraserpencilcan anyone point me to reading materials to learn that?07:47
nojmwill copy and paste to clarify in a second07:47
nojmsudo mount -o offset=$((2048 * 512)) /dev/sdc /cdrom07:50
nojmbrb baby calling me07:53
ducasseeraserpencil: look up a couple of wireshark tutorials online07:59
eraserpencilducasse: thanks, but I kind of wanna redirect or send additional commands without messing up the current setup08:00
ducasseeraserpencil: you want to inject traffic?08:01
ducasseeraserpencil: try asking in ##networking08:02
eraserpencilalright thanks!08:04
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=== r0Oter is now known as r00ter
Guest78744hi, I upgraded from 16.10 to17.10 and now there is no audio08:32
lupuloGuest78744, use pulseaudio08:33
lupuloGuest78744, killall pulseaudio && pulseaudio --help08:34
Guest78744hi, I upgraded from 16.10 to17.10 and now there is no audio08:35
Mathisenso what is this about https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/linux/ubuntu-gets-in-the-user-data-collection-business/ ?08:36
lupuloGuest78744, you should open a gnome-terminal and open the manual of the daemon that controll the sound, with man pulseaudio08:39
ZythyrQuestion: I am editing a service configure. I want the service to start AFTER the /home partition is mounted. My home partition is encrypted, so it is usally ONLY moutned after system boots and I login using SSH and use the command "sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda3 data". How do I make the service start only after the home partition is mounted?08:41
MathisenZythyr, setup key files for your luks encryption and make it decrypt on boot08:45
Mathisenotherwise just make sure to start whatever service you need manual after you manualy opened it08:45
qswzOh I finally found how to middle-click with this touhpad08:48
qswzit's a tap on the top-right08:48
qswzkinda weird08:48
ZythyrMathisen I used "After=home.mount". this doens't work. In my fstab I have set nofail for home partition. I do NOT want to use a key file to unlock encryption. The Only way I want the encryption to be open is by my loging in using SSH and using the command "sudo crypsetup luksOpen /dev/sda3 data" and then me putting password. When I do this, the home partition is automatically mounted, by the08:50
Zythyrservice I want doesn't start08:50
MathisenZythyr, make an easy .sh script then to unlock and then start service08:51
qswzalso I have put GRUB_TIMEOUT=1 in /etc/default/grub but still takes more than 1 sec08:52
qswzI want dual boot to start fast with defualt choice08:52
MathisenZythyr, look into mountpoint command by the looks if it, it can return true/false to see if a specific folder is mounted08:53
ZythyrMathisen thanks, let me look at that08:54
adacmy middle mouse button suddenly stoped working. How can I fix that?08:56
nickdsddHow can set to run program with command line parameter?08:57
qswzput rice on it08:59
qswzit fixes everything08:59
Guest78744hi, I upgraded from 16.10 to17.10 and now there is no audio09:08
MathisenGuest78744, double check with alsamixer command that no things are muted09:09
cart_manHey how do I see as what DEVICE my USB drive got assigned to? /dev/ttyUSB does not seem to be one09:20
hateballcart_man: run "dmesg" after you insert the device09:21
cart_manhateball: I have but I see it gets mounted09:21
cart_manbut it does not say as what?09:22
cart_manhateball " https://pastebin.com/7TAnQrAD09:27
nojmis Ubuntu 17.10 a rather secure OS relative to other Linux distros if not what is better not interested in the likes of tails and i get the whole encryption antivirus and other methods of hacking re scripts while using a browser09:28
nojmout of the box09:29
Mathisennojm, hard question to answer, but in general the less stuff you have the less risk of problems,09:34
nojmdo i need to learn to use iptables as a casual home client user ?09:37
nojmor is that strictly a server thing09:37
nojmor other firewall09:37
nojmi use sophos at present (windows background for the most part)09:38
Mathisennojm, no you can use ufw09:38
Mathisenit uses iptables behind the scenes but it is easy to use09:39
nojmawesome is there a learning curve / idiot proof09:39
Mathisenexample: ufw allow ssh09:40
Mathisenand it will make it so ssh can connect09:40
nojmonline gaming say fightcade09:40
cart_manhateball : Any ideas?09:41
nojm'sudo apt-get install uwf' ?  after running update?09:42
nojmor should i use the software center and find add repository prior09:42
Mathisennojm, sudo apt update && sudo apt install ufw09:43
Mathisensoftware center works also just look for ufw09:43
nojmcool mate thanks09:43
Mathisennojm, things you want to do right away is >> ufw allow http and https09:45
nojmcant find it in software center this happens to me often re software i want. anything look wrong to you here09:47
Mathisensomeone else here need to answer that as i am not on ubuntu myself, so i dont know the default repos09:48
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tomreyn!info ufw artful09:50
ubottuufw (source: ufw): program for managing a Netfilter firewall. In component main, is standard. Version 0.35-5 (artful), package size 143 kB, installed size 818 kB09:50
tomreynnojm: ufw is part of the default ubuntu repositories, you do not need to add any extra repositories to be able to install it09:51
nojmonce installed (already was as yall mentioned) what do i need to from terminal or gui to get it running09:52
Mathisensudo ufw enable09:53
Mathisenbut wait a moment with that09:53
Mathisenmake sure to enable irc and stuff you need09:53
Mathisenotherwise you will be disconnected from irc and other things you use09:53
tomreynyou can either manage it from a temrinal using the 'ufw' command, or install a graphical interface, called gufw09:53
tomreynMathisen: doesn't ufw just manage inbound traffic by default and defaults to allowing all outbound?09:54
nojmlistening intently09:56
Mathisentomreyn, you may be right09:57
tomreynnojm: i think once installed and enabled you don't need to configure anything really, unless you have other computes connect to yours09:57
tomreynnojm: that'S the default configuration i see on 16.0409:57
nojmi dont09:57
nojmrunning 17.1009:57
tomreynnojm: it's probably the same09:58
Mathisenwhen looking at my iptables list, i have only specific ports open and the rest i closed, but then again not on ubuntu so cant say what default ufw settings are09:58
nojmif i hit a total block cant access irc net etc run sudo ufw disable to get back to prior state09:58
Mathisennojm, correct09:58
nojmcool thanks guys09:59
tomreynMathisen: ufw is just a frontend to iptables really, if you use it to manage your policies and rules you will find it ends up setting iptables rules, too (iptables -L)09:59
nojmare there other things i should have on an ubuntu system to make system not wide open other than browser addons like noscript ghostery ublock origon10:00
tomreyndefault policies should be "incoming:d eny", "outgoing: allow". that way you don't end up in a 'total block' situation10:01
tomreyninstall security updates promptly and regularly10:02
tomreyndon't use PPAs when you don't know their update strategy and their take on security.10:02
cart_manCan anybody pleae tell me how to IDENTIFY the /dev/ name your EXternal HDD got assigned as?10:02
tomreyncart_man: run "dmesg -T | tail" shortly after you connected it10:03
nojmthank guys10:03
nojmwould it take me for ever if i read the man to comprehend iptables10:03
nojmlet me rephrase that would it be hard to comprehend10:04
Mathisentomreyn, yeah i know :)10:05
tomreynnojm: based on the questions you're asking here (not judging!) i assume you would need to read up on networking concepts in general to get a full grasp of iptables.10:06
tomreynbut give it a try nevertheless, i can be so wrong.10:07
cart_mantomry : Yes it seems like it goes to sdb10:16
cart_manmean sda10:16
cart_mantomry : Soo how do I mount this drive then?10:17
cart_manmean tomreyn ^^ sorry tomry10:17
akikcart_man: if it gets mounted automatically, you'll see it in "df"10:19
akikcart_man: in the pastebin, it shows sda device and sda1 partition on it10:19
cart_manakik : Its ubuntu MATE though so I am not sure if it will bother mounting it automatically10:20
cart_manbut I am fine with mounting it no problem10:20
cart_manI just need the command however lol10:20
akikcart_man: try "sudo gdisk -l /dev/sda"10:20
cart_manakik : could I possibly use mount /sda1/ -o loop,offest(Start block * 512) /mnt/media ?10:23
akikcart_man: are you having trouble mounting it normally?10:23
akikcart_man: you can just use "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/media"10:23
cart_manakik Oh ok cool. Also would it be possible to mount the same Device to multiple mount points? OR Maybe individual sub folders of the sda1 to different paths?10:23
akikcart_man: once you've mounted it normally, you can use mount --bind to make it visible in multiple places10:24
cart_manakik Awesome !10:27
cart_manakik Its just what I need :)10:27
akikcart_man: i.e. "sudo mount --bind /orig/dir /new/dir"10:29
cart_manakik Can I can do that as manny times as I want right?10:45
akikcart_man: maybe, i haven't tested10:46
Neo1what is usb file system better use?10:51
Neo1I see fat32 or ntfs badly work with linux? What dost thou think?10:52
Neo1do make usb in ext4?10:52
Neo1I tried and this work good, but windows doesn't recognize it10:52
Neo1how you use?10:53
MathisenNeo1, use ntfs if you gonna share with a win computer10:54
Mathisenntfs is till decent with linux10:54
Neo1Mathisen: and this will work good with10:54
Neo1I always have error 'read = only10:54
tmm88chmod -R +x .10:55
Neo1go to windows, chdist \f, it work and then again broken10:55
Neo1tmm88: no, it means broken disk and only read possible10:55
MathisenNeo1, make sure you have ntfs-3g installed10:55
Neo1tmm88: I use sudo mkdir test and the same error, it not permission10:56
Mathisenand try to mount with " mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/your_usb /mount/point "10:56
Neo1Mathisen: how it install?10:56
Neo1Mathisen: ok, I'll try to check10:56
Mathisenmay need sudo before mount10:57
Neo1I might not have been installed10:57
Mathiseninstall it > sudo apt install ntfs-3g10:58
Neo1Mathisen: I can use sudo open in terminal directory and it won't work, it's not file permission. when I formatted in ext4 it worked fast and right10:58
tomreynntfs is supported by the kernel, noneed for the fuse driver (-3g)10:58
Neo1Mathisen: ok, I'll do ti later, now under windows, I've been checking work ext4 in window or not, no, not10:59
Mathisenno windows cant work with ext4 there is 3.rd party drivers for win to read ext4 but not write10:59
Mathisenwith 3.rd party win drivers you can read/write with ext2/311:00
Mathisenbut just use ntfs far easyer and better11:00
Neo1I have 5 flash drive, and think it would be not bad put one drive in ext4? What do you think? :)11:00
Neo1the bigger drive is 64Gb and doesn't work correctly with ntfs or fat32, always always read-only11:01
Mathisenthat should not be the case, windows can sometimes hibernate and make that issue but you can solve that also11:02
Mathisensudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o remove_hiberfile .....11:03
Neo1a few times tried to copy files on disk, did rsync -av /var/www /media/DISC and always hanging11:03
Mathisenbut maybe tomreyn has better solusion for you, im used to use fuse drivers11:03
cart_mantomreyn : I seem to be getting input output errors at random when I bind to more then one : /11:03
tomreyncart_man: more than one of what?11:04
cart_mantomreyn When I bind sib Dis to other dirs11:04
Neo1Mathisen: what the best decision, he said it used default and needn't do anything...11:04
tomreyncart_man: what are "sib Dis"?11:05
cart_manI meant sub dirs sorry11:05
cart_manlike mount --bind /mnt/media/ftp /trv/ftp   && mount --bind /mnt/media/archive /trv/archive/ etc...11:06
tomreyncart_man: i don't think mount binds would cause i/o errors11:06
tomreynprobably seperate issues, checkdmesg11:07
tomreyn* check dmesg11:07
cart_mantomreyn : Buffer I/O error on dev sda1, logical block 786431, async page read11:07
Neo1china drives, might be this is reason why it badly works :)11:08
tomreyncart_man: that's probably a physical disk issue, check !smart, run a long self test, check again11:08
Neo1interesting does somebody use ext4 on flash drives?11:09
cart_mantomreyn Can I do that with gparted or?/11:09
tomreyn!smart | cart_man11:09
ubottucart_man: smart is Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology, a monitoring system for hard drives. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools11:09
tomreynand no, you cannot11:10
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OlofLWhen I set my wifi card in mon mode and then back to AP mode, it seems to forget the wifi passwords. I can connect automatically without entering password after reboot. How can I avoid this? I have tried restarting network-manager service11:17
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BluesKajHiyas all11:50
killehey Blues11:56
BluesKajhi kille12:18
Johnny33does anyone know how to make usb drive with persistence?12:34
SwedeMikeJohnny33: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent12:34
Johnny33ty @SwedeMike12:34
cart_manIs there a way to make the USB recheck if something is plugged in? I have a USB HDD that I need to plug out and plug back in to register after a RESTART .Is there no way I can make the OS restart its USB ports?12:43
ikoniacart_man: I don't think so, you could tell udev to rescan for devices, that may work12:45
ikoniacart_man: I dont think there is anything in usbutils12:45
cart_manhow do I tell udev to rescan?12:45
ikonialook at the udevadm (or udevadmin I an't remember) options12:46
SimonNLmy knowledge level is very low but would disable/enable usb module help ?12:46
JimBunbtuThe usb_storage module could be disabled/enabled, that should cause a re-check... but you may lose other devices if there are any...12:46
ioriamanually you can diff/parse   cat /sys/bus/usb/devices/*/product every n tm12:47
JimBunbtuI am thinking you would want to know exactly which port it is connected to and then put the power level for that port into suspend and then bring it back out of suspend.12:47
JimBunbtuI tested powering off a specific port on my system with a flash-drive connected, suspend and powering back on worked fine at the port level, but didn't cause a re-scan, sorry12:50
cart_manikonia :is udevadm on ubuntu mate though ? Or any other ubuntu13:05
cart_manJimBunbtu Well luckily I inly have the 1 device attached13:06
ikoniashould be on every ubuntu13:07
ikoniaudev is the same13:07
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doug16kcart_man, if you unbind and rebind the device it should reinitialize the driver13:37
cart_mandoug16k I have no idea how to do that unles you are talking about a mount --bind?13:38
doug16kI'm talking about /sys/bus/usb/drivers/usbfs/unbind13:39
cart_mandoug16k Ok I was just testing this sudo sh -c "echo 0 > /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb1/authorized"13:40
doug16kif you echo the device to reinitialize to that, then echo the device to initialize to the corresponding bind, then it will reinitialize the module13:40
rollingubuntuHello! anyone uses alternatives to TrueCrypt these days?13:42
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doug16kcart_man, you can figure out which module owns a device by doing ll /sys/bus/usb/devices/...device_here.../driver13:46
doug16kor ls -l if 'll' isn't an alias in your shell13:46
NEOalquimistaCan anyone recommend the best open source tool to recover deleted files for Ubuntu?14:05
hateball!undelete | NEOalquimista14:05
ubottuNEOalquimista: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery14:05
NEOalquimistaCommand line or GUI, anything14:05
NEOalquimistaOh, thanks14:06
azizLIGHTif it is a lot of files, my advice would be to stop using the disk immediately, and use a livecd to make a dd image of hte disk, which you can later mount and do file recovery on14:10
levoi tried to do apt-get dist-upgrade (ans also with -f)  but got the following error: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/t7nKdQbZdf/14:11
seanhHey, can anyone tell me what a file named /lib/modules/3.13.0-103-generic is? My server has 16 of these files in that directory, each with a slightly different version number. Something left behind by old kernel versions? I can't find on packages.ubuntu.com which package the file belongs to14:12
seanhAh they're actually directories14:14
tomreynlevo: which ubuntu release is this? the package it is trying to upgrade to is (based on its version number) from a ppa, whihc is apparently meant to be used with ubuntu trusty.14:14
akikseanh: they're dirs for kernel modules14:14
mozammelhow can I access get root permission on Dolphin ? I'm using KUBUNTU 17.1014:14
levotomreyn: i just upgraded from xenial14:15
levo*to xenial14:15
levofrom trusy to xenial14:15
seanhakik: it looks as if old versions of these kernel modules are being perpetually left around on my server? (I'm having a problem that the root partition on this server is out of space, and these files are one of the things taking up a lot of space)14:15
akikseanh: if you've compiled your own kernel modules (e.g. virtualbox) and installed them, the dir is left behind when you remove the older kernel14:15
raidghostFrom trusty to berlin. And every Country i get in  :P14:16
tomreynlevo: can you show the output of : sudo apt-get update; apt-cache policy; aot-cache policy libde26514:16
tomreynlevo: can you show the output of : sudo apt-get update; apt-cache policy; apt-cache policy libde265  ## typo fixed14:16
seanhakik: Is there a good way to remove these directories? I guess I could just delete them manually14:17
akikseanh: it's safe to remove the dirs with the version number of the kernel that you don't use anymore14:17
tomreynlevo: also, how did you upgrade?14:17
levotomreyn: do-release-upgrade14:17
akikseanh: did you remove the older kernels?14:18
levotomreyn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fNB4jzD7ZH/14:19
seanhakik: I don't think so. How would I do that?14:19
seanhakik: I'm wondering if there's a safe way to automate removal of, or to avoid accumulating, these directories. So that I don't just end up with 0 disk space and have to manually fix it again14:20
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Hdphnwhy should I install ubuntu over debian or arch?>14:24
akikseanh: there's a wiki page for removing old kernels but it requires running unattended upgrades14:25
leftyfbHdphn: That's not a very good question to ask here. Try it. If it meets your needs and preferences then you can make that determination. Nobody here is going to try to convince you either way.14:26
tomreynlevo: you have libde265 installed form a PPA but this PPA is no longer configured (it was for trusty after all, not xenial)14:27
Hdphnwhy is ubuntu so lazy to release new LTS14:27
NEOalquimistaazizLIGHT: it's a USB stick. It was LUKS encrypted. I deleted the partition table to re-encrypt. Boom! Didn't write anything after the accident.14:27
Hdphnwhy taking 5 years14:27
leftyfbHdphn: LTS releases are on a 2 year schedule14:27
tomreynlevo: you could downgrade this package which would then hopefully fix the original issue.14:27
JimBunbtuHdphn, it's called a "release schedule"14:27
tomreynlevo: or better purge and reinstall it14:27
Hdphnwhats the difference14:27
Hdphnwhy they dont follow rolling release14:27
Hdphnwhy do I have to reinstall OS every 2 years14:28
NEOalquimistaHdphn: stability14:28
azizLIGHTNEOalquimista: so maybe it might be better to ask how to remake the partition table? i could be wrong14:28
leftyfbHdphn: you don't. You can upgrade. Like you do with every other OS on the planet.14:28
JimBunbtuYou don't have to re-install... you could upgrade.14:28
Hdphnupgrade breaks and I end up reinstalling14:28
NEOalquimistaazizLIGHT: I'm reading about that from the link sent to me14:28
Hdphn14.04 to 16.04 experience14:28
Hdphnwas a bad experience14:28
leftyfbHdphn: ok, do you have a support question?14:28
Hdphnsuch a disaster14:28
azizLIGHTNEOalquimista: can you link me it? i might need that one day14:28
tomreynlevo: if you are wondering what other such zombie package versions you have installed, you could try the foreign_packages script from here: https://github.com/tomreyn/scripts14:29
Hdphnleftyfb: yes, why ubuntu crashes so often?14:29
NEOalquimistaazizLIGHT: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery14:29
azizLIGHTthank you14:29
NEOalquimistayou're welcome14:29
leftyfbHdphn: please go to #ubuntu-offtopic14:29
leftyfbah, troll14:29
leftyfb!op | Hdphn14:29
ubottuHdphn: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax14:29
levotomreyn: couldn't purge the package. upon purging dependency errors are thrown and after apt-get install -f the former error is being shown14:30
azizLIGHTyou know how theres keyboard shortcuts to move a window from workspace to workspace? is there a way to move windows from monitor to monitor14:31
tomreynlevo: can you show the commands you ran and the output they produced?14:31
doug16kazizLIGHT, try alt-left and alt-right14:31
doug16koops I mean super-left/super-right14:32
azizLIGHTis that something you set custom14:32
azizLIGHTdoesnt seem to do anything for me14:32
levotomreyn: ^14:32
doug16kazizLIGHT, maybe but I don't think so14:33
linuxlite1Hi liking the new gnome Ubuntu desktop. I wonder if there is anyway to add the Unity feature to change the color of the launcher panel to match the wallpaper ?14:33
azizLIGHTdoug16k: im on 14.04 and i checked keyboard shortcuts inside settings and all i see is workspace related keyboard shortcuts under "navigation"14:34
azizLIGHTwhat version of ubuntu are you on doug16k14:34
azizLIGHTmaybe its a new upgrade14:34
tomreynlevo: sudo dpkg --purge libde265; sudio apt -f install14:34
levotomreyn: exactly the same errors14:36
doug16kazizLIGHT, 17.1014:36
levonot exactly i'll paste14:36
azizLIGHTdoug16k: ah i will get your feature in 18.04 :P14:36
levotomreyn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/s98F6nthBY/14:37
doug16kazizLIGHT, go to settings, devices, keyboard. in that list you should see "move one monitor down, move one monitor right, etc...". set those bindings to your preferences14:38
doug16kor use what's there. probably super+shift+direction14:39
tomreynlevo: okay, that's different errors. sudo dpkg --purge libde265 gstreamer0.10-libde265 vlc-plugin-libde265; sudio apt -f install14:40
levotomreyn: it's in progress. didn't think the upgrade would take this much :-D14:42
tomreynlevo: the upgrade would have worked fine if you had removed the packages installed off all PPAs before upgrading14:45
tomreynlevo: not doing so resulte din a kind of 'best effort' upgrade which didn't finish completely due to those zombie packages.14:46
levotomreyn: yeah, and sad thing is that after downloading the packages and getting the errors I did a "clean" which removed all downloaded packages and had to wait another 3 hours to redownload them again14:48
rtyuihi there14:49
rtyuianyone experienced with syslog here ?14:49
rtyuiwell https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/sJp8MVPPZB/14:50
rtyuihere is the configuration i put on syslog14:50
rtyuido you find anything wrongly defined on that configuration fiel ?14:51
rtyuifile ?14:51
ikoniawhats the actual problem14:51
rtyuithe problem is14:52
rtyuiwhen you restart the service syslogng14:52
rtyuithe creation of folder firewall not happen14:52
rtyuiand there is no log on the location where i specified14:53
rtyuii m talking this option14:53
rtyuidestination d_host-specific {14:53
rtyui        file("/var/log/firewalls/$HOST/$YEAR/$MONTH/$HOST-$YEAR-$MONTH-$DAY.log");14:53
ikoniayslog wont' create the directory14:53
ikoniaunless it has the right permissions14:53
rtyuiwell the root is affected on adm group14:54
rtyuiwhat wrong permisssion are you talking about ?14:54
ikoniaon the directory to create the sub directory14:54
rtyuii can't understand why it doesn't create the directory firewalls as i defined on the conf with the right ownership14:56
ikoniaremove all the variables14:56
ikoniasee if it creates the actual directories14:56
ikoniawhere are you setting those $VARIABLES14:57
rtyuiall are systems parameter15:00
rtyuiwell i replace that line to this "/var/log/firewalls/allsys.log"15:01
rtyuii got the same issue15:01
rtyuithe file is not creating15:02
shelethelp please!  this morning, system asked me to do upgrade, so i did. then it told me to reboot to finish upgrade, so i did. when i went back in it won't start xfce. if i try startx from command line it tells me fatal server error: unrecognized option: vt1 -keeptty -auth /tmp/serverauth.1V9dTn8Dws15:03
tomreynshelet: you should mention which ubuntu release you upgraded from and to, and discuss which non standard configuration you have in place.15:12
levodo you know of any decent (feature rich) screen recorder similar to obs-studio? (my graphics doesn't support openGL > 2.1 so can't install obs-studio )15:12
tomreynlevo: may i ask which graphics hardware you have there? opengl 2.1 is a pretty low requirement15:13
rtyuihello anyone else experience with syslog-ng ?15:14
shelettomreyn, it was and is bionic, 18.04. It was just a routine upgrade, not changing the release.15:14
tomreynlevo: ...and i suspect it may be a driver issue which you could actually solve and use obs-studio15:14
levotomreyn: Device: Mesa DRI Mobile IntelĀ® GM45 Express Chipset15:14
tomreynlevo: oh, ok, that's really old.15:14
tomreyn!ubuntu+1 | shelet15:15
ubottushelet: Bionic Beaver is the codename for Ubuntu 18.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+115:15
levotomreyn: what do you suggest then?15:16
troozersHi I have configured a static IP in Ubuntu 17.10 via GUI, but am having problems defining domain searches. What's the recommended method of adding?15:17
neldogzHas anyone had any experience in trying to install security and software updates to Linux servers and workstations (across various distributions) in a corporate environment? If so what solutions have you had success with?15:17
tomreynlevo: i don't really have much experience with screen recording, so i can't recommend alternatives, sorry.15:19
tomreynrtyui: that's a poll. what's your actual wquestion?15:19
rtyuihere is my conf of syslogng : https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/sJp8MVPPZB/ tomreyn15:20
tomreynneldogz: we only do ubuntu support here. server directed support is also available at #ubuntu-server, non ubuntu related discussions should got o #ubuntu-offtopic15:21
tomreynrtyui: okay, but that's not a question either.15:21
rtyuithe question is15:21
rtyuiwhy when you restart the syslog-ng the option create folder is not effective ?15:22
rtyuion /var/log15:22
rtyuidestination d_host-specific {15:22
rtyui        file("/var/log/firewalls/$HOST/$YEAR/$MONTH/$HOST-$YEAR-$MONTH-$DAY.log");15:22
rtyuii mean i can't see the folder firewalls on /var/log of my syslog-ng server15:22
rtyuican you explain it why ?15:23
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tomreynrtyui: maybe syslog-ng just won't create directories indicated by the 'file' argument to the 'destination' option?15:25
tomreynrtyui: i do not actually know whether or notthis should be the case, though (but you should try to find out)15:25
rtyuiwell tell me this options means :15:26
rtyuidestination d_host-specific15:26
rtyuimeans it need to create folder on15:27
rtyuidestinatioN ?15:27
neldogztomreyn, thanks! I will check out those channels.15:29
tomreynrtyui: https://syslog-ng.com/documents/html/syslog-ng-ose-latest-guides/en/syslog-ng-ose-guide-admin/html/reference-destination-file.html15:33
tomreyn!paste | rtyui15:34
ubotturtyui: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:34
sheleteasy way to roll back from unstable to latest stable, without losing files and configs?15:34
tomreynshelet: none. downgrades are not supported.15:35
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naccshelet: and are you using debian names for a reason?15:52
sheletnacc, which debian names?15:53
naccshelet: 'unstable' and 'stable'15:53
naccshelet: althogh i see you are being supported in #ubuntu+115:53
sheletnacc, what do ubuntuers call it, instead of stable/unstable?15:54
Dbuggerbroken/unusable ?15:55
naccshelet: the version you mean15:55
naccshelet: e.g., xenial or 16.04, artful or 17.04.15:55
sheletnacc, i have bionic or 18.04. now i regret that. :) wouldn't mind going back to 17.10.15:56
ikoniajust reinstall then15:56
sheletnacc, but at the moment i would just like it to start working again15:56
leftyfbshelet: you were aware that bionic wasn't released yet correct?15:57
Boyettem on bionic 18,04 aswell i love it15:57
Boyetteonly mesa is a bit bricky sometimes 18,115:57
sheletit worked great until this morning, and fixed a bunch of other things that weren't working before for me on 17.0415:57
Boyettewhat happend?15:57
naccshelet: 18.04 support in #ubuntu+1 please15:58
naccas you were doing15:58
Boyettei recall there was a big distupgrade this morning15:58
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bfighello, I have a big issue - update reset the lapot (which had dual boot enabled ubuntu/windows) and now I boot to grub. How can I fix this?16:03
maro_bfig grubupdater16:04
maro_google fix grub dualboot windows16:04
bfigmaro_: thanks16:05
bfigmaro_: there are many alleged solutions, but I'm not sure which one applies to me. I'm booting to grub, which shows a 'minimal bash-like line editing[...]'16:07
bfigmaro_: do I need to come with a live CD?16:07
maro_or live usb16:08
maro_it is a small os with only 1 program, you run it and fixes it16:08
maro_I used it many times16:08
bfigthe name is grubupdater?16:09
bfigthis link? https://www.supergrubdisk.org/16:09
maro_this one16:10
maro_boot repair is the name of the software16:10
bfigmaro_: thanks for the link16:10
maro_It takes some time to make the usb/cd but it works.16:13
maro_It updates the list of grub with all OSes installed on your machine.16:13
bfigmaro_: downloading the image, be back in 30 and see what I can do with it16:17
mvipis there any known issue with apt on ubuntu 17.10. Had two of my machines returning nothing from `apt` and `apt-get` (exit code 0).16:23
mvip"Software center" appears to work well and i can install apps using it. Just not `apt` or `apt-get`16:23
EoflaOEwhat does it say mvip?16:24
mvipthat's the thing16:24
mvipnothing to work with. Just returns nothing.16:24
mvipand exit code 016:24
mvipnot even `apt--get --help` returns output16:25
mvipgah! found it16:25
mvipi had node's bin path added to my PATH16:25
mvipand some stupid node bin must have caused a collision of some kind16:26
akikmvip: how about "sudo -i" then "apt-get"16:26
mvipgot it working so all good16:26
mvipi just stripped out my node bin path from PATH16:26
akikthat was weird16:27
donofriosomeone got a moment to let me know how to get this issue resolved? "dpkg: error processing package systemd (--configure): installed systemd package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1 Errors were encountered while processing: systemd E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)" ?16:33
neurrecan i do a "full" reinstall on top of broken ubuntu installation while keeping user home directories?16:33
yeatsneurre: only if they're on separate partitions/LVM volumes16:34
* yeats doesn't remember if current desktop Ubuntu installs on LVM by default16:35
lordcirth_workNo, it's a checkbox16:37
lordcirth_workAt least as of 16.04?16:37
donofriolooks like this https://apaste.info/Ndel (carrage returns retained output)16:38
lordcirth_workdonofrio, 'dpkg --configure -a' and/or 'apt install -f'16:39
EoflaOEdoes anyone use simh?16:46
lordcirth_work!ask | EoflaOE16:48
ubottuEoflaOE: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:48
EoflaOEI am not asking to ask. I have SIMH VAX emulator and I installed Ultrix 4.0 from Recondite-computers site. I did some modifications on network settings, rebooted the VAX machine, and when I tried to ping localhost on VAX, it says that it is alive. When I try to ping external websites, it says unknown host. So I went to install X11R4 servers to SIMH, but I cannot transfer files to SIMH because it is so hard to find. I tried to find for hours but I cannot16:54
EoflaOEfind good results. All I can find is mailing lists and such things. I am using SIMH 4.0 beta with Ethernet compiled in.16:54
craigbass76What's the preferred method for skyping these days? The actual app, or can I use empathy skype with (I think) pidgin?16:54
ikonialook at your DNS16:54
EoflaOEikonia, on the emulated machine or on the host computer?16:55
ikoniaemulation first16:55
ikoniathen the host16:55
shakercheikonia: whats up opers abuser and lame16:55
ikoniait can't resolve, where can't it resolve16:55
EoflaOEOK. I will try to look it up.16:56
ikoniashakerche: ?16:56
shakerchewesterns is funny bud stupid16:57
ikoniashakerche: not sure what you're talking about, but could you please try to keep to the ubuntu support discussion16:57
donofriolordcirth_work, here is what it returned ;( https://apaste.info/AB5416:57
shakercheikonia: i am helper16:58
shakerchei am Dreaman lame16:58
shakercheban  oper abuse16:58
shakerchebann me16:58
EoflaOEikonia, What file do I have to open? I am using Ultrix 4.0 on the emulated machine and Xubuntu 17.10 on the host computer16:59
ikoniano idea what ultrix is16:59
ikoniain terms of it's layout16:59
EoflaOEUltrix is Unix which can be run on VAX/PDP machines17:00
shushiand ikonia17:01
shushial whats up17:01
lordcirth_workdonofrio, I think you'll need to unpack the .deb and read the install script that is failing17:01
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lordcirth_workI had to do that once.17:01
ikoniaEoflaOE: sorry, I know what ultrix is, I just don't know the file system layout17:02
EoflaOEUltrix uses UFS as the current file system.17:02
ikoniaI don't mean the file system format, I mean layout and config17:04
ikoniadoes it repsond to resolv.conf for example17:04
donofriolordcirth_work, I guess what I'm looking for is how to inhibit the message and allow the contiunation of processing of install packages17:06
EoflaOEI don't know if it responds to resolv.conf. The binaries are exactly the same like "fsck", etc. It has /bin, /dev, /etc, /usr, /lib, /mnt, /var but does not have /sbin17:06
ikoniaEoflaOE: understanding the OS is key to debugging it17:07
ikoniaUltrix is one of the only unix's I can think of I never really used17:07
G3nka1hello, so I installed vncserver on my ubuntu and tried to use vnc viewer from windows, but when logged in I just see a blank screen with mouse cursor looks like "x". mostly it is xfce.17:08
naccEoflaOE: why are you seeking ultrix support in the ubuntu channel?17:08
G3nka1how do I see my ubuntu desktop through my viewer?17:08
EoflaOEI think so. Now, what file do I have to open to see DNS? ikonia17:08
EoflaOEnacc, if you read correctly, it is on SIMH emulator.17:08
naccEoflaOE: what does that matter?17:08
ikoniaEoflaOE: that's what I'm telling you, you need to know Ultrix to be able to debug the VM17:08
naccEoflaOE: the OS is ultrix, afaict17:08
ikoniaEoflaOE: you can debug the host (ubuntu) in here, but you can't debug the ultrix OS in here, if you don't know how ultrix works17:09
Random832EoflaOE, I don't know about Ultrix 4.0, but based on the source code to Ultrix-11 3.1, it looks like it *exclusively* uses /etc/hosts.17:09
Random832do commands like nslookup, host, dig, exist at all?17:09
EoflaOEok ikonia, and Random832.17:09
EoflaOEthere is ifconfig on there17:09
Random832is there an /etc/resolv.cfg file17:10
ikoniawe can't do ultrix support in here17:11
naccEoflaOE: Random832: please take it elsewhere17:11
EoflaOEno. Ultrix 4.0 does not have it17:11
EoflaOEand ok.17:11
Tulitomaattii'm trying to install ubuntu servers via serving the netboot (16.04) image with pxe, but i'm getting stuck after selecting a mirror and the console shows "bad signature" errors. this persist even after re-downloading the netboot image onto the pxe server, and occurs whether i use apt-cacher-ng or not.17:20
Tulitomaattiany idea what could be wrong?17:20
naccTulitomaatti: which mirror are you trying to use? perhaps it's bas17:20
Tulitomaattithe .fi mirror. i'll try a different one.17:20
naccTulitomaatti: yeah that's what i'd try first17:23
Tulitomaattii'm getting the same with .se and with plain archive.ubuntu.org17:24
Tulitomaattianna also gives a "WARNING **: bad d-i Packages file" before it spews the bad signature error(s).17:27
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skinuxAre GTK/Gnome themes the same as Unity themes?17:33
Lynnwood_Greetings - I'm looking for a bit of help with iWatch on ubuntu installation and thought I'd try here.17:43
Lynnwood_I'm trying to monitor for when a directory with particular name is created in a directory17:44
Lynnwood_Here's the path tag I have in the iwatch.xml file:17:46
Lynnwood_<path type="single" filter="SpecialFolder" events="create" exec="sudo -u www-data /bin/bash /home/user1/myscript.sh" >/var/www/website/data/Publish</path>17:46
Lynnwood_I'm trying to monitor the directory "Publish" for create event for sub-directory called "Special Folder".17:47
Lynnwood_From what I've gathered from iwatch docs and what examples I can find, this seems correct however it doesn't seem to work.17:47
Lynnwood_any tips or suggestions anyone might have would be appreciated!17:47
donofriolordcirth_work, how do I resolve my resolve issue?  https://apaste.info/vSjK17:52
yakkety1anyone is up there?18:01
lordcirth_work!ask | yakkety118:15
ubottuyakkety1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:15
lordcirth_workdonofrio, don't know, did you read the script?18:16
G3nka1hello I couldn't find how I could use vnc with unity? a lot of examples are on xfce18:17
G3nka1any idea how I can use unity?18:17
slyrobotWhenever I use ping, it shows "Temporary failure in name resolution18:21
slyrobotI tried to change the nameserver at /etc/resolv.conf but every time I restart the connection it sets itself back to localhost.18:21
slyrobotAny ideas on how to fix this.18:22
slyrobotI am not even able to surf the internet except when I am connected to my VPN. I think its the issue with resolv.conf file because when I connect my VPN it changes this nameserver file and the internet works. Else it fails.18:23
yakkety1i am unable to use old-releases.ubuntu.com mirror  when i apt update and install mediainfo package it is showing 404 error i observed it is attempting to download a version which is not available on the mirror.18:23
donofrionot yet....how to unpack the file?18:24
donofriolordcirth_work,  I have no gui fwiw18:25
UbuntivityHello. I used to hibernate normally on my 16.04. But today I tried hibernation several times, but everytime it fails! What could be the problem?18:25
yakkety1great support18:27
naccyakkety1: what's wrong?18:30
naccyakkety1: the old-releases repos are not really supported18:30
naccyakkety1: they are for you to eol upgrade your now eol system18:30
yakkety1i cant continue using yaketty ?18:31
naccyakkety1: you can do whatever you want18:32
naccyakkety1: but it's not supported18:32
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yakkety1for  what reason old-releases.ubuntu.com is there???18:34
naccyakkety1: what i just told you18:34
naccyakkety1: to let you upgrade18:34
CarlFKgit clone kernel, make menuconfig, make.   to boot it, do I: make install, update-grub ?18:35
yakkety1i dont wana upgrade and mess up what is already running on the server but want to install a package18:36
CarlFKim testing a driver, once I report pass/fail I'll re-install ubuntu, so don't worry about the box being unstable18:36
CarlFKyakkety1: no one wants to mess up what is already running ;)18:36
naccCarlFK: you're building the upstrea kernel?18:37
yakkety1so why saying to upgrade?18:37
naccCarlFK: iirc `make install` should invoke update-grub for you18:37
naccyakkety1: you are unsupported18:37
naccyakkety1: you hve not received any security or bugfix updates in close to a year18:37
naccyakkety1: think about that18:37
CarlFKnacc: yes - this: https://github.com/shenki/linux/tree/vizzini-4.1318:37
naccCarlFK: ah ok18:38
yakkety1i dont want security release just want to install a package18:38
CarlFKnacc: thanks.18:38
naccyakkety1: sorry, you're not listening or don't understand18:38
CarlFKyakkety1: I know what you want, I have been there. the reality is: too bad.18:39
naccyakkety1: you should stay on an lts if you don't want to hit this18:39
yakkety1is it possible to downgrade to 16.04 ?18:42
yakkety1i dont know why my vps provider offering this short term os18:42
naccyakkety1: no, you need to reinstall18:42
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.18:43
CarlFKyakkety1: the 'best' way to get from where you are to where you want to be is upgrade.18:43
CarlFKyakkety1: anything else is asking for more problems and en the end you will still be in an undesirable state.18:44
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CarlFKsudo make install ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TmwQDR2TSR/  "Error! Your kernel headers for kernel 4.13.0-rc1+ cannot be found. ... or use the --kernelsourcedir option to tell DKMS where it's located"18:48
CarlFKbut I am in the source dir - shouldn't it know where it is?18:48
naccCarlFK: are you running some custom kernel alrady?18:48
naccCarlFK: it's the post-hook in ubuntu trying to dkms build modules for your kernel18:48
CarlFKnacc: no - stock xenial18:49
naccCarlFK: right, it may not matter, if you don't need those dkms drivers18:49
naccCarlFK: it's a side-effect of building a non-ubuntu kernel on ubuntu18:49
CarlFKthanks - that was my guess.18:50
ChunkzZhow can I test firefox quantam vs chromium on ubuntu 16?18:51
ChunkzZlike, the differences in speed etc.18:51
lordcirth_workdonofrio, 'man dpkg-deb'18:54
donofriolordcirth_work, ok18:55
virtuosojI am looking for a pomodoro timer app that plays an audible alarm when it's finished with the pomodoro - because I will be using the timer while doing off-the-computer tasks such as reading or practicing guitar.  Anyone here know of a good Ubuntu app for this?19:02
oerheksoh, gone in 0 seconds19:04
Sean_McGhi #ubuntu19:05
lordcirth_workSean_McG, hello.  Did you have a support question?19:06
Sean_McGI can think of a few, but nothing in particular right now19:06
sasho199Hello everyone! Anyone familiar with setting up ACPI for a laptop? Currently in my boot settings I have added acpi_osi=! "acpi_osi=", does anyone know a better configuration? My laptop is an ASUS X550VX.19:18
brainwashsasho199: is that a valid syntax?19:19
sasho199brainwash: I don't know. It was supposed to be acpi_osi=! "acpi_osi=Windows 2015" but the system freezes with that one. So I changed it back to this one.19:20
brainwashsasho199: mmh. you should tell us which hardware features aren't working for you19:21
chris__Has anyone got alt/tab working correctly in unity on 17? ccsm is completely missing the "grab key" buttons now and doesn't seem to be possible to fix the alt/tab bindings now since tab is not an option19:21
brainwashsasho199: basically the reason why you need a workaround/fix19:21
sasho199brainwash: The blotooth and airplane mode are acting very weirdly. They turn on and off normally, but if I press Fn+F2 they suddenly dont react even if I change them with my mouse.19:22
sasho199brainwash: They go back to normal if I restart.19:22
sasho199brainwash: I was following this tutorial, but ir worked partially as you can see from the line, since it was not completed properly: http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html19:24
brainwashsasho199: and with  acpi_osi=! acpi_osi="Windows 2009"19:24
brainwashsasho199: ?19:24
sasho199brainwash: I will try it and I will be right back.19:25
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sasho199brainwash: I tried it and it boots, when with Windows 2012 or 2015 it did not. The Bluetooth and airplane interaction is very glitchy, sometimes it does not turn on, sometimes it does not even detect the hardware for the bluetooth. Fn+f2 still makes no sense.19:33
brainwashsasho199: did you check the system log yet?19:34
sasho199brainwash: I19:34
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sasho199brainwash: I am new to using linux in general, I am not sure what I can do or how. I have not.19:35
brainwashsasho199: run "dmesg" in a terminal window19:36
sasho199brainwash: Without sudo, right?19:37
brainwashsasho199: the newest lines could related to you triggering the hardware events19:37
brainwashyes, without19:37
sasho199brainwash: Is this log something that is used widely when troubleshooting in linux?19:39
brainwashkernel messages are very important when doing some debugging19:40
brainwashsasho199: is that ubuntu 16.04?19:41
sasho199brainwash: Ok Im looking at it but I don't underastand anything. Since I fiddled with the settings multiple times, I guess that explains why there is som much stuff here.19:42
sasho199brainwash: Its the latest Ubuntu 17.1019:43
brainwashsasho199: dmesg only shows kernel messages from the current boot19:43
sasho199brainwash: What am I looking for?19:45
oerheksUse journalctl https://askubuntu.com/questions/763638/no-more-boot-logging-since-16-0419:45
brainwashsasho199: like I said, mainly look at the latest line (ideally after you've trigger the buggy hardware events)19:45
brainwashlines that are printed at the bottom19:46
sasho199brainwash: Ill try to trigger it and see what happens19:46
brainwashsasho199: another thing worth testing is to download the 18.04 iso (the current dev release of ubuntu), and boot into live mode. then see if you can reproduce the issue19:47
sasho199brainwash: I get these 2 lines: [ 1278.381542] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlp2s0: link is not ready [ 1278.436924] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlp2s0: link is not ready19:48
sasho199brainwash: I think my laptop has an complatibilty issue with linux, at least thats what TJ- told me some days ago, he is the creator of that tutorial  followed.19:50
brainwashsasho199: so, testing with 18.04 may be a good idea19:50
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sasho199brainwash: Since this is a fresh install I could also just install it. I dont have anything on this computer right now.19:51
brainwashsasho199: you could, but 18.04 is still a dev release19:52
sasho199brainwash: What does that mean?19:52
naccbrainwash: sasho199: iiuc, TJ's workaround is for buggy firwmare19:52
naccso it's unlikely that 18.04 will fix it19:52
brainwashsasho199: it receives many package updates, and many of them are not tested at all yet19:52
brainwashsasho199: thing could just break (software wise)19:53
brainwashnacc: at least it's easy to test19:54
sasho199nacc: brainwash: I think thats what he suspected. This is really strange since my laptop is brand new.19:55
brainwash18.04 comes with a newer kernel version19:55
naccbrainwash: yeah, i'd just do a live usb19:55
naccsasho199: which makes it actually less likely to be tested with linux19:55
sasho199nacc: brainwash: You kinda lost me there, can you explain what you mean?19:56
naccsasho199: brand new hardware, unless the vendor does it, is often not tested with linux19:57
oerhekssasho199, this guide says: "acpi_osi= acpi_backlight=native" > https://medium.com/cognitio/install-linux-mint-18-2-on-asus-x550vx-bebf3db51afb   ### and this one just gives: "nouveau.modeset=0" https://askubuntu.com/questions/820423/cannot-install-ubuntu-16-04-lts-on-asus-rog-laptop19:57
oerhekslast one *after installing Nvidia driver19:57
sasho199oerheks: Man you are a wizard! I could not find something like that so easily. Maybe I can follow these tutorial, really great find!19:58
oerhekssasho199, TJ's osi parameters should work, but you should try the nouveau.modeset=0, i think19:59
sasho199oerheks: Where should I put it? Also what does it do?20:02
oerhekssasho199, you have added acpi_osi=! "acpi_osi=", replace it with nouveau.modeset=0 ( without "" )20:07
akikoerheks: he said that if he removes the acpi_osi stuff, the laptop doesn't boot20:08
akikhe was using acpi=off earlier20:08
sasho199oerheks: akik: yes, but I have not tried replacing it with nouveau.modeset=020:09
oerheks*if* nvidia is installed, nomodeset can work ?20:09
oerheksacpi=off is really a last resort20:09
sasho199oerheks: How are these two things related?20:10
oerheksnomodeset for nouveau disables the nouveaudriver complete, and give all resources to the nvidia one20:12
oerheksthis might be your culprit20:12
sasho199oerheks: Should I try to replace the acpi thing with the line you wrote?20:13
oerhekssasho199, yes, you can do that during boot, that would not save it permanent20:14
oerhekse=edit, etc20:14
sasho199Ok it booted. That's a good sign.20:18
oerheksif you are happy, edit grub and run update-grub20:19
sasho199oerheks: Now that button that was massing stuff up, does nothing.20:20
sasho199oerheks: Should I do anything else, something with the nvidia or the like?20:20
oerheksJust install the drivers for nvidia, or get the latest drivers tfrom the official driver ppa https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa20:21
oerhekssudo ubuntu-drivers list, and choose; or do it hard-core : sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall20:22
sasho199oerheks: What Im getting ahead of myself. Can you explain what that parameter does?20:22
oerheks nouveau.modeset=0  disables the nouveaudriver complete20:24
sasho199oerheks: Is that driver part of the default linux drivers?20:25
oerheksah yes, standard command to install drivers available in the sources/driver menu20:26
oerhekssudo ubuntu-drivers list - sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall - sudo ubuntu-drivers devices20:27
bigl2369i'm using ubuntu on windows right now... its just a command application... its a black screen with the ability to enter commands... i need to know how to install a tar.gz file and run it20:28
oerheksi got these in a list for support, usually i just use autoinstall, for the driver and intel/amd firmware and wireless driver, if any available20:28
sasho199oerheks: So now that I have disabled that nouveaudiver complete, does that limit my computer in any way?20:28
oerhekssasho199, you should be fine. nouveau is just the open standard driver. ( not bad at all, for older systems )20:29
oerheksbut your Nvidia 950 is a racemonster :-P20:29
ducasse!ubuwin | bigl236920:29
ubottubigl2369: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide20:29
bigl2369i have the program open right now20:30
bigl2369i just dont know what i need to enter into the command prompt20:30
bigl2369or whatever you want to call it20:30
ducassebigl2369: "For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows"20:30
oerheksbigl2369, join  #ubuntu-on-windows  for WSL support20:31
sasho199oerheks: I followed the tutorial you sent about downloading the nvidia driver, I am currently using 290.25(open source)20:37
virtuosojI am looking for a pomodoro timer app that plays an audible alarm when it's finished with the pomodoro - because I will be using the timer while doing off-the-computer tasks such as reading or practicing guitar.  Anyone here know of a good Ubuntu app for this?20:38
oerhekssasho199, the latest from the driver ppa would be nvidia-graphics-drivers-39020:39
oerhekssnap install pomodoro, maybe you need sudo20:40
sasho199oerheks: Thats what I meant to write 390.2520:41
oerhekssasho199, oh oke, that looks fine20:41
sasho199oerheks: Do you know about that unkno device, the tutorial shows it too.20:42
jlevon_anyone seen a weird issue with firefox 58.0.2 on 16.04 where the url bar drop down menu can't be navigated via keyboard?20:44
jlevon_and it's really flickery?20:44
oerhekssasho199, not sure what you mean by unknown device?20:44
sasho199oerheks: I have an unknown device like in this picture(from the tutorial you sent me) : https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/800/1*r8sk7P-ek1uvvWEePr5Vvw.png20:45
SimonNLsasho199: it shows it's CPU under the version line20:47
oerhekssasho199, oh no worries, intel-firmware20:48
oerheksit is an extention for the kernel, for the latest CPU's ( newer than 1 year or so)20:49
pyexhello, i want to run program with command parameter. But how?20:51
pyexi dont want to write program + command line, is it have to short?20:51
akikpyex: either: "program -option" or "program --option". you can see the options with "program -h" or "program --help"20:51
oerhekspyex, if you don't want to type it manually everytime, make a fresh launcher with those parameters?20:52
pyexrun program with command line "forever" ...20:52
oerheksadd it to the Exec line https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UnityLaunchersAndDesktopFiles20:52
akikpyex: you can use screen or tmux to keep your program running, independent of the gui20:53
pyexmy program is firejail. my command is: firejail firefox :D20:53
spectacularhello. fairly new i7 laptop by msi. just did a fresh install of ubuntu 17.10 (ubuntu studio). everything is horribly, horribly slow and choppy. i'm sure this is a common problem and there's an easy fix, but what is it?20:54
brymin case anyone hasn't heard: https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2018/02/raw-sockets-backdoor-gives-attackers-complete-control-of-some-linux-servers/20:55
leftyfbspectacular: try to install the latest drivers for your video chipset20:55
spectacularleftyfb would this be nvidia?20:55
leftyfbspectacular: yes20:56
akikbrym: once your bad password and ssh configuration practices have been breached, the game is lost20:56
wolfgangnerfI'm on this 16.04 machine rn and I'd really like to set up this wifi stick...  the chip is shown as a TL-WN821N, I found a corresponding module "ar9170" somewhere, but is that correct and where can I find that one?20:57
sasho199oerheks: I wanted to try to boot without the nouveau.modeset=0 parameter and it booted succefully, is that to be expected since I intalled the nvidia driver?20:57
brymakik: perhaps. but still worth sharing.20:57
hans_henrikhow can i install a HWE kernel?20:58
leftyfbhans_henrik: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack20:59
hans_henrik... on a Ubuntu 16.04 Server that can't use it's ethernet port after getting a motherboard upgrade20:59
leftyfbhans_henrik: first result on google when searching for "ubuntu hwe kernel"20:59
leftyfbhans_henrik: why can't it use it's ethernet port?20:59
wolfgangnerfthe module doesn't seem to be shipped with the linux-firmware package... "Module ar9170 not found in directory /lib/modules/4.4.0-112-generic"21:00
hans_henrikleftyfb: presumably because the hardware is too new.  Windows 10 on the same computer can use it just fine21:00
hans_henrikleftyfb: the motherboard is a 2017 model21:00
hans_henrik("asus b250 mining expert")21:00
leftyfbhans_henrik: you had ubuntu running on this before the motherboard switch?21:01
hans_henrikleftyfb: yes21:01
hans_henrika win10/ubuntu 16.04 multiboot21:01
leftyfbhans_henrik: the same exact installation?21:01
brainwashsasho199: the nvidia driver installation already disables the nouveau module, so the parameter has no effect in this case21:01
hans_henrikand after the motherboard switch, only win10 can connect to the internet21:01
hans_henrikleftyfb: yes, the exact same.21:01
hans_henrikthe exact same harddrive21:01
hans_henrikthe same cpu, ram chip, harddrive21:01
leftyfbhans_henrik: try: sudo rm /etc/udev/rules.d/*persistent*   # then reboot21:02
sasho199brainwash: So I could have just unstalled the nvidia driver then? Without adding that parameter?21:02
brainwashsasho199: why do you want to uninstall the driver?21:02
leftyfbhans_henrik: also, did you verify that the network interface configured in /etc/network/interfaces is actually named the same now?21:02
pyexoerheks: I found alacarte from your link address: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UnityLaunchersAndDesktopFiles21:03
hans_henrikleftyfb: the /etc/udev/rules.d/ folder is empty (not even any hidden files). and i did not check /etc/network/interfaces21:03
sasho199brainwash: I misspelled. I wanted to write install not unstall.21:03
leftyfbhans_henrik: look in /etc/network/interfaces and compare with what you've got with "ifconfig -a" or "ls /sys/class/net"21:04
pyexoerheks: alacarte like as i wish. Thank you for link21:04
brainwashsasho199: the parameter may be needed before you install the driver21:04
brainwashsasho199: in case the system does not boot properly21:04
sasho199brainwash: I dont really undestand why it was booting when I wrote the acpi thing? Is that even related?21:05
hans_henrikoh wow, /sys/class/net suggests the system recognized the network card after all21:05
leftyfbhans_henrik: now just update /e/n/i with the correct name21:05
brainwashsasho199: I have no idea why it should be related at all21:05
brainwashsasho199: nvidia is a gpu chip21:06
sasho199brainwash: Does ACPI have something to do with the graphics card?21:06
brainwashsasho199: I guess it could. like, when you have dual gpus21:07
hans_henrikleftyfb: you're right about /etc/network/interfaces, the name there is wrong, but i got no idea what you mean by /e/n/i21:08
hans_henrikok, now i know what you meant, derp, thanks21:08
leftyfbhans_henrik:  /etc/network/interfaces21:08
brainwashsasho199: an integrated intel gpu and the nvidia one for example21:09
brainwashsasho199: however, you really should test 18.04 and report back your findings21:09
leftyfb18.04 discussion should be done in #ubuntu+121:10
brainwashthere is no discussion going on about 18.0421:10
sasho199brainwash: You think I should test if my laptop can run 18.04 without the nvidia driver and without the nouveau disabling parameter?21:12
maro_When is the next LTS version going to be released?21:12
hans_henrikmaro_: april 201821:12
maro_Are you for real?21:13
oerheks"nvidia driver installation already disables the nouveau module" not always true, afaik21:13
leftyfbmaro_: LTS's are released every 2 years. The next one is in a couple months from now.21:13
brainwashsasho199: test whatever you like, but the main thing you want to actually test is the ACPI compatibility21:13
hans_henrikmaro_: google it. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases21:13
maro_I am on 14.06 when was it released?21:14
leftyfbmaro_: there was no 14.0621:14
oerheksmaro_, year 14 .. not month 621:14
maro_16.04 my bad21:14
leftyfbmaro_: Ubuntu releases are numbers as YEAR.MONTH it was released21:14
sasho199brainwash: I thought the problem is with the nouveaudriver thing? I am kinda confused about this.21:14
leftyfbmaro_: 16.04 was released in 2016.April(04)21:14
maro_Oh I see it now thanks21:14
maro_Seems like for ever when I first got 16.0421:15
oerheksRelease Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS (Xenial Xerus) on March 1, 201821:15
sasho199brainwash: are you saying that if my computer's acpi is fully compatible with ubuntu 18.04, none of these problems would occur?21:15
hans_henrikleftyfb: hmm, now it's stuck at boot with a red "[...] A start job is running for Raise network interfaces (4min / 5min).."  - any ideas?21:16
brainwashsasho199: I don't understand how you link your issue with bluetooth/wifi to the graphics card driver21:16
maro_Can you update to 18 with console?21:16
leftyfbhans_henrik: yeah, either still got the wrong name setup in /e/n/i or you have it set to dhcp and you're not getting an address from your network. Or ...... the cable isn't plugged in :)21:17
brainwashsasho199: yes. you simply check if the upcoming ubuntu release offers better support for your system21:17
sasho199brainwash: Well they were acting weird and now they are not. I have a lot to learn, I don't understand these things at all, it's magic to me.21:17
hans_henrikleftyfb: the cable is plugged in, and the DHCP server probably works fine, otherwise win10 would have problems connecting (its a multiboot system with win10 and ubuntu 16.04, win10 works great) - i will double-check the /e/n/i tho21:18
akiksasho199: what did you change that everything is now working?21:18
sasho199brainwash: But now I don't see any issue with some buttons or combinations making my computer behave weirdly. So that I see as problem solved.21:18
sasho199akik: Changed acpi_osi=! "acpi_osi=" to nouveau.modeset=0 and then installed an nvidia driver(I followed this https://medium.com/cognitio/install-linux-mint-18-2-on-asus-x550vx-bebf3db51afb)21:20
sasho199akik: Now I removed the nouveau parameter and things are fine21:21
sasho199akik: From my point of view installing the nvidia driver solved all of the problems.21:21
sasho199akik: I do not understand why though.21:21
akiknice. and you don't have any acpi parameters in /proc/cmdline now?21:21
sasho199akik: Im not sure what that is. The file I edited was this /etc/default/grub21:22
akiksasho199: it's the kernel line that is active for this boot21:23
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akiksasho199: it'll list all the kernel parameters21:23
sasho199akik: how do I open it? sudo? sudo nano?21:24
akiksasho199: cat21:24
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sasho199akik: this is what I get: /etc/default/grub21:24
sasho199akik: sorry not that21:25
akiksasho199: cat /proc/cmdline21:25
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sasho199akik: this is what I get: BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-4.13.0-32-generic.efi.signed root=/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root ro quiet splash21:25
akiksasho199: i can understand that linux is hard sometimes, especially for a new user with a new machine21:25
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sasho199akik: I forgot that you cant ctrl+c on the terminal21:25
akiksasho199: ok so extra options there21:25
akiksasho199: ok so _no_ extra options there21:25
sasho199akik: I will edit the grub so I get it to boot like that every time.21:26
akiksasho199: did you machine get stuck every time after the install?21:26
hans_henriki doublechecked /etc/network/interfaces , everything seemed corrected, rebooted, and again get "a start job is running for Raise network interfaces", sigh21:27
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sasho199akik: I think it worked once or twice, but that was just weird. Normally it would not boot it I had no parameters like: acpi=off or the nouveau thing21:28
sasho199akik: A couple of different parameters made it work but the combination fn+f2 made my bluetooth and airlane mode act weirdly(could not turn on or even would not detect I had bluetooth hardware)21:29
sasho199akik: Now its fine.That combination does not do anything, I dont know if its supposed to be like that21:29
akiksasho199: how about if you now add that acpi_osi=! "acpi_osi=Windows 2015"21:33
akikmaybe once for a test21:33
hans_henrikthe line "auto enp0s31f6"  doesn't seem to do anything, but "iface enp0s31f6 inet dhcp"  freeze the booting for 5 minutes21:37
hans_henrikaltho win10 is able to use dhcp, i could try bypassing dhcp by setting the gateway/ip/mask/dns manually21:38
hans_henrikjust in case dhcp is the problem?21:38
akikhans_henrik: do you have a system there that you need to provide the mac address to your network people?21:39
hanshenriksorry, lost internet the last 4 minutes21:43
hanshenrikakik: no, it's not required, if an unknown mac joins, it gets a random-ish ip address21:43
hanshenrikand there is no network people, just me, my stepmom's home, my router21:44
akikhanshenrik: you can try "sudo dhclient -v enp0s31f6" and see what it gives back. you need to stop the running dhclient first21:45
hanshenrikwould that be "killall dhclient" ?21:47
akikhanshenrik: yes21:47
hanshenrikno such process running; (probably killed at bootup after that 5 minute timeout)21:48
GeeGeeBBIf bash is shooting it can't fork because it's out of memory, but there's plenty of memory still avaiable, would it be wise to deduce that something like the user is being limited in how much memory they're allowed to use (and somehow is at that limit)?21:49
hanshenrikwell, nothing looks off, it keeps saying "DHCPDISCOVER on enp0s31f6 to port 67 interval 13 (xid=SOMETHING)21:50
akikhanshenrik: double check the cabling :)21:50
akikhanshenrik: did you have that 70-persistent-net.rules file in /etc/udev/rules.d ?21:50
akikhanshenrik: well it doesn't really matter. it just keeps network interface names connected to their mac addresses21:52
hanshenrikakik: no,  rules.d folder was empty when ...that other guy who's name escapes me... suggested i delete all *persistent* files, there's nothing in that dir21:52
TJ-hanshenrik: akik is this a system where it can transmit but cannot receive data on a wired /Intel/ ethernet port?21:52
DiecastMessiahHailz all21:52
hanshenrikTJ-: i don't know, how would i even test that21:53
akik TJ-: motherboard swap, and no ip from dhcp21:53
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hanshenrikTJ-: but windows 10 gets ip from dhcp, just ubuntu 16.04 doesn't21:53
TJ-hanshenrik: what does "lspci -nn -d::0200" report?21:54
hanshenrik(when i multiboot into Win10 instead of 16.04)21:54
TJ-hanshenrik: I suspect I know the cause but I need to check the device is an Intel chipset from the lspci output21:54
hanshenrikdhclient just gave up saying "No DHCPOFFERS recieved."21:54
TJ-akik: It sounds like the common Intel Wake-on-LAN power-save  set by the Windows driver Device settings problem21:56
hanshenrikTJ-: 00:1f.6 Ethernet Controller [0200]: Intel Corporation Ethernet Connection (2) I219-V [8086:15b8]21:56
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub221:56
TJ-hanshenrik: that's the one! OK, reboot into Windows, open Control Panel > Device Manager, find the Intel network device, open it's properties dialog, find the settings tab where there are Wake On LAN options, and /disable/ all the power saving options there.21:57
TJ-hanshenrik: we see this issue due to something the Windows driver sets about once every 2 weeks; it seems to put the Rx side of the chipset into a state that Linux cannot wake up, so the device can transmit packets but not receive any21:58
hanshenrikhuh, did someone tell the linux driver devs?21:58
TJ-hanshenrik: The driver is created by Intel (in Windows and Linux)... it's not clear what's going on as yet21:59
hanshenrikweird, told it to reboot, Kernel panic - not syncing: Timeout: Not all CPUs entered broadcast exception handler21:59
TJ-hanshenrik: ouch! well, 1 thing at a time. If you can resolve the network device issue and the panic repeats we can investigate it then22:00
hanshenrik(right after using efibootmgr --bootnext  for the first time after switching motherboard)22:00
DiecastMessiahmaybe dumb question here but : but running stock  ubuntu 16.04 with unity but say i want to use Konversation IRC which is KDE.. can I use it without having to install the full KDE Desktop ENV22:00
TJ-DiecastMessiah: yes. IF you install the package it'll pull in all the libraries it depends on22:01
DiecastMessiahso just the kde package. guessing it be 'Sudo apt-get kde' ???22:03
hanshenrikDiecastMessiah: no, just tell it to install.. Konversation, and it will fetch the sub parts of kde that you need (and in theory, nothing more.. )22:04
HankMoodyDiecastMessiah: just 'sudo apt-get install konversation' - it will automatically pull the stuff it needs to put it together from the repos. It will probably pull a bunch of KDE libraries that are required for it (maybe even KDE itself)22:04
TJ-DiecastMessiah: no, just install the program you want ^^^ as Hank says22:05
TJ-DiecastMessiah: you might want to do "apt install --no-install-recommends konversation"22:05
DiecastMessiahK thanks i tryied from the ubuntu software before and it didn't seem to work right22:05
HankMoodyOoh good thought TJ- ... Yeah DiecastMessiah I prefer to snag stuff from the terminal as opposed to the Ubuntu software program that's installed (sometime's I'll use Synaptic to search for what I'm lookin for).22:06
DiecastMessiahK thanks again BRB22:09
hanshenrikTJ-: i disabled the power settings options in device manager in win10 where you said, rebooted, .. and still get the "A start job is now running for Raise network interfaces (xx / 5min)"   :(22:11
TJ-hanshenrik: OK, wait until you've got a terminal then we can check the WoL state with "ethtool <interfacename>"22:12
akikTJ-: wouldn't this problem have been also with the old motherboard?22:12
akikTJ-: he had a dual boot setup then, too22:13
TJ-akik: depends if the old motherboard had the same network device chipset.22:13
hanshenrikakik: i'm not using an external ethernet card, i'm using the motherboard's built-in ones, they may not be the same22:13
akikTJ-: so it's only with that I219-V [8086:15b8] ?22:14
TJ-hanshenrik: you'll need to do "sudo ethtool -s enp0s31f6 wol d" to disable WoL22:14
TJ-akik: No, I've seen it with another Intel chipset too (I'd have to search my logs for which one though)22:15
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TJ-akik: but had this same chipset about 2 weeks ago22:15
hanshenrikseems they're different indeed, the old mobo's specs says "Realtek RTL8111H - 10/100/1000 Controller" - the new mobo says "IntelĀ® I219V, 1 x Gigabit LAN Controller(s)"22:16
hanshenrikthe old 1 is from Realtek, the new 1 is from Intel22:16
hanshenrikTJ-: "sudo ethtool -s enp0s31f6 wol d" gave no output and returned 0  (echo $?)22:18
DiecastMessiahtesting chat colours22:20
hanshenrikTJ-: should i try to reboot again and see if i get the 5 minutes timeout or not now?22:20
TJ-hanshenrik: no, try to manually run the dhclient command22:21
TJ-hanshenrik: "enp0s31f6" is definitely the name of the interface on this mobo?22:22
TJ-hanshenrik: as shown by "ip link show"22:22
hanshenrikTJ-: i got the name from ifconfig -a22:23
hanshenrikseems dhclient still isn't getting any response22:23
badboyjerdhclient sucks sometimes22:23
TJ-hanshenrik: OK, that's the 'old' way. Deprecated in favour of the iproute tooling (ip address|route|link|etc)22:24
TJ-hanshenrik: give me a moment to grep my log files for the previous incidents22:24
hanshenrikdhclient just gave up, "No DHCPOFFERS recieved."22:27
hanshenrikTJ-: just checked, "ip link show" also calls it "enp0s31f6"22:28
TJ-hanshenrik: does "ip link show dev enp0s31f6" report "NO CARRIER"22:28
badboyjerip link set wlan0 up works to fix wlan0 interface22:29
hanshenrikTJ-: no, it says 2: enp0s31f6: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 (newline) link/ether 18:31:bf:b7:94:62 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff22:31
oerheksbadboyjer, that would be the old name for wifi devices, see for the new way https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/22:31
TJ-hanshenrik: that's good "NO CARRIER" would have indicated a physical port/cable issue.22:32
badboyjerhow come wlan0 is an old name22:33
TJ-hanshenrik: I'd suggest now you check if there are any incoming packets on the interface (to try to confirm whether the interface sees any packets at all, if not DHCP) "sudo tcpdump -ni enp0s31f6"22:33
akikbadboyjer: it's just the naming system used before systemd22:33
oerheksbadboyjer, it changed, to make provisioning more simpler22:34
akikbadboyjer: works as well as the new thing22:34
badboyjersounsd god22:34
badboyjersounds good22:34
badboyjermy system says wlan022:34
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oerheksyeah, it is a breeze for large systems/networks22:34
oerhekspage may not load, see webarchive https://web.archive.org/web/20180212195755/https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/22:36
hanshenrikTJ-: yes, it can definitely see packets. when i started a lan scan from another computer, running port 24 tests on all ips in the range, tcpdump flodded the sceen. and even when im not doing anything, it report lots of ARP packets from/to different ips22:38
hanshenrikTJ-: it can tell when my lan scanner is running, so yeah, it's seeing it.22:39
TJ-hanshenrik: OK, then if there was a WoL power-save issue that's bee resolved... if not, it was a red-herring! The issue now is the DHCP server not replying apparently22:39
hanshenrikthats possible22:39
hanshenrikany idea why it will respond to windows 10 but not ubuntu?22:39
hanshenrikin any case, lets try to bypass it22:39
TJ-hanshenrik: if you keep tcpdump active, and in another terminal do "sudo dhclient enp0s31f6 &" do you see any DHCP server packets inbound ?22:40
badboyjeryou guys could use wireshark for that22:40
TJ-badboyjer: Why use wireshark when tcpdump does the same job?22:40
akikhanshenrik: did you try setting a static ip?22:41
tcpdumpTJ-:  exactly!!!22:41
badboyjerit does22:41
badboyjeri like wireshark22:41
hanshenrikakik: no i didn't22:41
TJ-badboyjer: but wireshark is no good on a server, for example, or when using a recovery console, or not having a GUI22:41
badboyjeryea thats true22:42
badboyjertcpdump does a pretty good job22:42
tcpdumpThanks badboyjer !22:42
TJ-wireshark and tcpdump both use the underlying libpcap (packet capture) anyhow, they're just different front ends22:42
badboyjeryes they are22:42
badboyjerwireshark is my friend22:43
akikbadboyjer: there's tshark if you want to use it in the console22:43
badboyjeryea im gonna check out tshark22:43
transhumanHI! can anyone tell me what the default application that saves a csv file in chrome instead of opening it in an app is its not file its not nautilus and its not dolphine. Thanks for the help . I accidentally made it so that it opens it up in libreoffice and I want to put it back to the default saver application. thanks in advance22:43
KombuchaKipCan PPA's host *.ddeb debugging symbol packages?22:44
hanshenrikTJ-: yes, i think i'm seeing dhclient (but there is a lot of noise too)22:44
hanshenrikIP >
hanshenrik... 239?22:44
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TJ-hanshenrik: limit it: "sudo tcdpump -ni enp0s31f6 udp"22:45
hanshenrikTJ-: yeah im seeing the DHCP requests in the tcpdump22:46
TJ-hanshenrik: so you see the outbound, but nothing no replies?22:47
badboyjerthey shouldnt of made the intefaces with so many goddamn numbers and letters22:47
hanshenrikwell, seems like its trying to reply to ip or something, but that's a bogus ip i think22:47
TJ-KombuchaKip: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash#Installing_dbgsym_packages_from_a_PPA22:47
TJ-hanshenrik: that's a multicast22:48
oerheksbadboyjer, please whatch your language here, keep this channel family friendly, thanks22:48
transhumananyone able to see in ubuntu what the default application for opening csv files is in ubuntu?22:48
badboyjeryea i am watching my language22:48
TJ-hanshenrik: is the DHCP server directly connected to the PC, or is there a router inbetween?22:48
hanshenrikTJ-: i don't know if there's any response or not, but my best guess is no.  i see the dhcp server sending a lot of packets to the address, but that's it22:49
hanshenrikbut if the dhcp server is buggy, i don't really need it, i can set it up manually22:49
hanshenrik... i think22:50
KombuchaKipTJ-: Thank you.22:50
akiktranshuman: try: grep -i csv /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache22:50
rollingubuntuhey! anyone using 17.10 ?22:50
KombuchaKipA metropolis city builder social simulation game for Ubuntu in the works: https://www.avaneya.com. Please get on our announcement mailing list!22:51
TJ-hanshenrik: it looks like the wrong broadcast address is set, is the client's DISCOVER packet sent to port 67 ?22:51
ducasseKombuchaKip: please don't spam here22:51
hanshenrikTJ-: could the problem be a weird DHCP server that for some reason don't want to talk to ubuntu, but is happy to talk to win10, then?22:51
chindyBoth my video programs always randomly turn off sound, when i click on an other program (VLC, movies). Any idea how to disable this ?22:51
transhumanakik thanks but I know its libreoffice that its opening in but WHAT IS IT SUPPOSED to be?22:51
oerheksrollingubuntu, lots of us are, do you have a support issue?22:51
DiecastMessiahrollingubuntu: just ask the question22:52
akiktranshuman: i think it gets updated according to what apps you install22:52
hanshenrikTJ-: yes, port 6722:52
TJ-hanshenrik: it looks like the broadcast address. do you see DHCP OFFERs from the server sent to port 68 ?22:52
akiktranshuman: i don't know what you mean with what is it supposed to be22:52
badboyjer255.255.255.255 is also ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff22:52
KombuchaKipducasse: Please don't spam the channel. Avaneya is for Ubuntu and is free software.22:52
transhumanwhat is the default program that causes it to ask to save the file instead of opening it in an applicatoin22:52
oerheksKombuchaKip, please don't.. your app is not in our repos.22:53
AirstrikeIvanovhey folks, i am trying to VNC into a VM-based LXDE environment from my home pc - it works from my phone just fine, but my pc it rejects authentication for some reason, and the vnc log only says "authentication failed" with no reason - it has persisted through 3 reinstalls of ubuntu now on VMs and not sure what i am doing wrong.22:53
ducasseKombuchaKip: this is still not the right place to promote it22:53
rollingubuntuyes, quite a few :| first, the Dock on the left, I set it to autohide, however it only hides when "it is in the way of a window"... so, for ex, I plug in a USB and the icon appears on the desktop, behind the Dock22:53
akiktranshuman: sorry no idea22:53
KombuchaKipoerheks: Could you please show me where promoting Ubuntu free software isn't relevant? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines22:53
KombuchaKipoerheks: Because actually it's been on the official Ubuntu wiki for over half a decade now: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games/NativeFreeCommercial22:54
transhumancan I ask you to try and save from the web a csv file in chrome ( and then click on show in folder and then right click the file and go to properties and see what the application is akik ! I know this is a lot to ask but I am kinda stuck22:55
transhumanyour efforts are greatly appreciated22:55
ducasseKombuchaKip: it's not a technical support issue, so please just drop it22:55
hanshenrikTJ-: i see that the dhcp server ( is sending a lot of UDP packets to port 1900, but tcpdump doesn't name those packets, idk what they are (range from ~130-450 bytes tho)22:55
oerheksKombuchaKip, this is technical support, spamming is not allowed in here22:55
DiecastMessiahKombuchaKip: this is a support channel not a socal chat.. spam is not really welcome22:55
TJ-transhuman: that is usually an internal browser setting; there should be options to configure the Applications that handlemime-types22:55
oerheksagain: it is not in our repos22:55
akiktranshuman: i'm using plasma 5. it's most probably not what you're using(?)22:55
transhumanshit no22:56
transhumanone click and shit is screwed. Its not file its not nautilus and its not dolphine for sure22:56
TJ-hanshenrik: OK, that's not the 'DHCP server' sending to port 1990, when we say 'DHCP server' we mean the DHCP server /service/ on that host ( which will talk/response with UDP on ports 67/68 ... so I'm wondering if the DHCP service is even running22:56
KombuchaKipoerheks: You should probably change the channel topic then to state that since it simply says it "supports Ubuntu and its official flavours" which doesn't imply it's limited to technical support. In any case, please stop spamming me about that.22:56
oerheksKombuchaKip, stop complaining, thanks.22:57
KombuchaKipoerheks: Promotion isn't complaining. Stop complaining, thanks.22:57
TJ-What is this? an exercise in demonstrating how DDoS works via amplification attacks!? 1 message does not need a tennis match of warning replies!22:58
TJ-hanshenrik: can another device, right now, get a DHCP lease on the same sub-net ?22:59
hanshenrikTJ-: i can check, but then i will lose access to IRC for about 1 minute (or longer if the answer is no)22:59
hanshenrik.. ill go ahead23:00
akiktranshuman: create a new user, then test with that user23:01
hanshenrik_TJ-: yeah.. although the default DNS servers are down (my ISP's DNS - that usually happens around this time, i think they're doing some "maintenance" and thinks nobody will notice in the middle of the night, its 00:05AM x.x)23:05
hanshenrik_but yeah, my laptop successfully got an ip/dns/gateway/mask from dhcp, same network, win723:05
rollingubuntuanyone has any tips to really autohide the Dock (launcher) ?23:06
TJ-hanshenrik_: hmmm, well it must be something to do with the DHCP server service which I assume is a home modem/router/wifi combination device?23:06
badboyjerrestart your modem/router23:07
badboyjertry that23:07
oerheksrollingubuntu, systemsettings > dock > hide23:07
hanshenrik_badboyjer: already did twice a few hours back, but i could try again23:07
TJ-hanshenrik_: I say that because you've shown with tcpdump that the client sends DHCP REQUESTs but doesn't get a DHCP OFFER in reply23:07
badboyjerthen nmap the router| nmap -sS -vv -Pn <ip> or nmap -sU -vv <ip>23:07
hanshenrik_TJ-: looks like it, yeah23:07
TJ-hanshenrik_: is the port on the router the PC is connected proved to give out DHCP addresses for other OSes/devices ?23:08
TJ-hanshenrik_: I've seen folks plug a PC into a router's 5th ethernet port which was reserved for WAN and therefore no DHCP service listening :)23:08
hanshenrik_TJ-: yeah, 2 android phones, an iOS iPad, 3 windows machines, and another debian linux got ip from it throughout the day, most of which are still connected23:09
TJ-hanshenrik_: the other question would be, do other /wired/ devices get DHCP leases, or are only Wifi devices getting DHCP leases?23:09
hanshenrik_oh, but that's over wifi23:09
hanshenrik_that's a good question, ill need to check23:10
akikhanshenrik_: you said that the windows installation on that same machine gets an ip23:10
hanshenrik_akik: oh, yes it does23:11
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rollingubuntuoerheks: I did that and the Dock only hides if it's in the way of a window for example; it there's plenty of desktop space, it stays visible23:12
hanshenrik_hmm, but now the web interface of the router has stopped responding (it shows the login page, but won't respond to login requests), that's... an indication that the router isn't stable x.x23:13
TJ-hanshenrik_: right, a reboot is the quickest test :)23:13
rollingubuntuoerheks: actually, I've got it --> https://askubuntu.com/questions/979732/how-can-i-hide-the-dock-in-gnome23:14
oerheksrollingubuntu, nice, good find23:14
lfitzi tried #c++ but i have  question regarding g++ and a shared library .so which i wrote23:15
lfitzi would like to use #include <myLogger>23:15
lfitzi was told to use "myLogger.h" however that is not what should be happening...23:15
lfitzif I want to use the library in other projects should I just be able to use #include <myLogger>23:16
nacclfitz: you haven't actually said what is happening23:17
nacclfitz: and also, you probably want a programming channel, as you asked23:17
lfitz:-P yea, sorry23:17
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nacclfitz: preferablly (I think) in a pastebin23:18
hanshenrik_guys, thanks so much for the help, but i am out of time, i'll try to fix this later.23:18
hanshenrik_ping TJ- ^23:18
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ALowtherCan anybody direct me on what the proper way to go about installing the latest version of nodejs would be?23:34
ALowtherThe way instructed on nodejs.org I have been told is unsafe23:35
naccALowther: told by whom?23:35
naccALowther: to be clear, there are two ways, the Ubuntu officially supported way which is to run the nodejs shiped by Ubuntu for your distribution23:35
ALowthernacc: People in other linux-based chats23:35
naccand the other way what nodejs syas23:35
naccALowther: what did they say was unsafe about it?23:36
naccALowther: it's like any other PPA, you are trusting them to do wahtever they want to your system23:36
ALowthernacc: If I understood correctly, it's the way it is piped directly into a sudo command.23:36
naccALowther: oh23:37
naccwell, yeah, that's dumb23:37
naccjust download it, inspect the script23:37
naccthen run it if you trust it23:37
ALowthernacc: Okay, so this is different than other ones?  I am still learning so I appreciate your patience with my ignorance....When I installed sublime text, I created a  .list file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d, is that not the same idea I would follow here?23:39
naccALowther: that script does it for you23:40
naccALowther: as I said, read the script23:40
rangemongerwhat package does ubiquity need to present you with wifi connections?23:42
ALowthernacc: Okay, I will see if I can understand it. Thank you.23:42
rollingubuntuif you're using 17.10, quite a few of you, I believe it's not only me to notice the desktop is quite buggy (it works,just that it noticeable that things are not well tuned); 16.04 was smooth as butter23:42
rangemongerrollingubuntu: yeah, its been a bit wonky for me too23:43
rangemongercant wait for 1823:43
rollingubunturangemonger: I want to be optimistic, however there could be more bugs?!? :D23:44
rangemongerthe lts vers usually seem pretty good23:44
rangemongeris there a command to check the status of the swap file?23:47
naccrangemonger: status in what sense?23:47
rangemongerthinks i saw a swap error on boot23:47
naccrangemonger: `swapon --show` with no args will show you the status23:48
rangemongergreat, thanks23:48
rangemongerhuh, doesnt output anything23:49
naccrangemonger: `sudo swapon -a` will attempt to mount swap devices/files23:49
naccas defined in /etc/fstab23:49
rangemongerfailed :(23:50
rangemongeris it because im on btrfs?23:50
naccrangemonger: i don't know?23:50
naccrangemonger: are you using a swap partition or a swap file?23:51
rollingubunturangemonger: you mean the 18.04 will be a  LTS?23:51
rangemongerfile, i didnt make a partition23:51
naccrollingubuntu: yes 18.04 will be lts23:51
rangemongerrollingubuntu: indeed23:51
naccrangemonger: https://btrfs.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/FAQ#Does_btrfs_support_swap_files.3F23:52
rollingubunturangemonger: and, will it be easy to just upgrade from 17.10 to 18.04 or a fresh install is recommended?!? :)23:52
rangemongerhmm, yeah, i have 2 identical VMs, one with ext4, one with  btrfs, only the bt one doesnt have it working23:52
rangemongergood to know, thanks nacc23:52
stvni want fix23:52
rangemonger"everything is fine, nothing is ruined" -homestarrunner23:53
rangemongerrollingubuntu: who knows, sometimes it works fine, others, not really23:53
naccstvn: please use complete sentences and describe your issue23:54
rollingubunturangemonger: yeah, you're right.23:54
DiecastMessiahstvn with what, you talking software or drugs? lol23:54
naccrollingubuntu: it should be fine23:54
rollingubuntuanyone knows how to copy files like sudo via nautilus?23:54
rangemongersudo nautilus23:55
kenrinopen nautilus with sudo ?23:55
naccrangemonger: gksudo23:55
rangemongerthe gui really should have more elevation options23:55
naccdo not use sudo with graphical applications directly23:55
rollingubuntumay thanks23:55
rollingubuntumacc: you mean sudo nautilus?23:55
naccrollingubuntu: `gksudo nautilus`23:56
naccrollingubuntu: but also, what are you doing that requires root and a GUI23:56
naccIMO, hint: you're doing it wrong :)23:56
rangemongerif you start sudo from a terminal to launch nautilus, whats the problem?23:56
naccrangemonger: random files in your home directory might get owned by root23:56
naccwhich then makes them unusable as your user23:56
rollingubuntumacc: I can see a file of mine that somehow has a lock on it and can not copy it from A to B23:56
rangemongernacc, how would gksudo prevent that?23:57
kenringksudo prevents from changing owner of files that were modified23:57
naccrangemonger: gksudo knows about graphical applications, aiui23:57
naccand what kenrin said, i guess :)23:57
kenrinGot that from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo#Graphical_sudo23:58
naccalthough i think nautilus has gotten a lot smarter about it in general23:58
nacce.g. it can ask you to elevate your permissions as necessary23:58
rollingubuntumacc: thanks23:59
naccrollingubuntu: nacc23:59
rangemongerits the fact that linux generally misses things like that in the gui that is the reason we never have the year of linux :P23:59
naccrangemonger: no, it's not, but that's offtopic for here23:59

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