[06:59] morning [07:00] i see that brz-git is merged into brz, does it mean there is no need for brz-git plugin? [13:06] gour_: Hmm, it's not merged into brz [13:07] gour_: where did you see that? [13:20] jelmer: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jelmer/brz/bundle-git/revision/6665 === gour_ is now known as gour [13:23] gour: sure, there's a branch I maintain that has brz-git merged into brz, but that's not trunk [13:24] jelmer: i see...still, i fetched brz-git and i get: "brz: ERROR: No module named git.mapping" [13:24] do i maybe need dulwich's trunk? [13:25] you will need dulwich trunk, but I think it's unrelated to that error [13:28] i've 0.18.6 [13:28] gour: this is running what exactly, and what's the full backtrace? [13:29] jelmer: https://pastebin.com/FyDxS9Js [13:32] gour: oh, I see what it is now [13:32] gour: the plugin's name should be 'git', not 'brz_git' [13:33] jelmer: that helps, but now complains about the repo: https://pastebin.com/qmyy33fy [13:35] gour: that's not a valid URL, you'd want something like git://github.com/restic/restic.git [13:37] jelmer: now i get this: https://pastebin.com/UZv07TrN [13:38] gour: hmm, I can't reproduce that [13:38] but I am getting errors because one of the directories in the repo has non-utf8 characters in it [13:49] gour: yeah, the error you're seeing is likely due to an old dulwich [13:52] gour: the problematic filename is test latin1 uml��t�n�nll [13:59] gour: fetching from git -> git seems to work, from git -> bzr fails on that problematic filename [14:08] jelmer: ok, will try with the new dulwich