
jamwpk: I'd rather we connect to any mongo, because in actuality the mgo driver is doing *exactly* that. With the caveat that we should be tracking some sort of "state addresses" rather than assuming api addresses - port + state port == state addresses.03:28
wpkjam: If we'd be tracking state in state - that'd be awesome. But until then - I think that's good-enough hack10:41
wpkjam: btw, one of the problems I've had with openstack was that it was reporting two of the same subnets (rfc1918 ones)10:43
wpkjam: I have a 'hack' for now (ignore if exists) but it has to be solved for this to be working properly...10:44
=== JoseeAntonioR is now known as jose
jamwpk: if I read the code correctly, we support specifying a network to use in Openstack. If we do, then the ListSubnets work should be restricting it to only that network13:51
wpkjam: not if using GBP14:50
=== ejat_ is now known as ejat

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