[04:22] yay dungeons2 giveaway @ gog https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/ [04:32] and DalekSec is back \0/ === null00_ is now known as null00 [07:13] good morning, all [11:23] Hi folks [12:26] hi gals & girls & bots [12:29] Hey oerheks [12:30] hi BluesKaj :-D [12:33] leaving google-chrome running overnight, gives 10 zombies [12:33] really? [12:34] yeah, i wasn't able to paste one line.. then checked top [12:37] chrome has been acting up here , slow to show bookmarks in the drop downs etc 0 [12:52] ahh, it got a build-in user-blocker [12:52] .. and an add-blocker [12:56] yup [13:00] my son is cming to visit and we're gona install a new mobo with i5 cpu, just trying to figure out the best method to convert from BIOS/MS DOS to UEFI/GPT '''saving my home dir to the outboard drive to start, then we'll go from there