
mate|42202hi all03:18
mate|42202hows it going03:18
mate|42202hi there03:18
Boyettehi there03:18
mate|42202im good, how was your week?03:18
Boyetteit was busy03:18
mate|42202same here03:18
mate|42202fooling around with this OS, I like it so far03:19
mate|42202hi there03:19
mate|42202how are you doing?03:19
Boyettewhich os03:20
mate|42202Ubuntu Mate03:20
mate|42202first time user03:21
stashb0x_good so far03:21
stashb0x_mate|42202, what os were you using before?03:21
mate|42202i grew up with windows, so i wanna try something new this year03:22
stashb0x_mate|42202, how you liking it so far?03:22
mate|42202I love it03:23
mate|42202how long have you been using it?03:23
stashb0x_Linux in general or Ubuntu Mate?03:24
mate|42202Linux in general03:24
stashb0x_since 2006-2007 maybe?03:25
mate|42202I want to know different OS types anyways to be a good technician03:25
mate|42202I say I started poking around last year more into it03:25
stashb0x_Well with how Windows is intergrating alot of linux tools knowing Windows imho gives a advantage03:26
mate|42202yes, i see that03:26
stashb0x_and knowing what tools Linux has to offer as well03:26
mate|42202I really like it03:26
stashb0x_are you in sys/network administration now?03:26
mate|42202not yea03:27
mate|42202im in entry level with computer technician03:28
mate|42202im working hard to get my Comptia A+ Cert this year03:29
stashb0x_nice. are they looking into Linux or do they have some machines there already?03:29
TaZeRlinux has been around since the mid 1840's03:30
mate|42202they have windows all over the office, but i want to learn more about other OS03:30
mate|42202wow, thats a long time03:30
mate|42202I see over the years, it got better03:30
TaZeRof course back then it was known as the plague03:31
TaZeRit has come a long way03:31
TaZeRbut once humans learned to digitize the plague we had what we today call modern linux03:31
mate|42202oh wow, i never knew that03:31
stashb0x_TaZeR, haha03:31
mate|42202well, i did use ubuntu years ago and hated it, but now, it has come a long way03:32
Boyetteyes the computer was created somewhere in 1980 but linux already exists since 1840 mate03:33
Boyetteit was called ALGEBRA that time later the name changed to LINUX03:34
mate|42202i still think think the PET was a good looking classic home computer03:34
Boyettei had that03:35
Boyettecommdore 64 i had03:36
Boyettecommodore 6403:36
Boyetteit was very popular03:36
mate|42202I never had one03:36
Boyettemy father gave it to me when i was a child of 5 years old03:36
Boyetteafter 1 year i knew more then him :P03:36
mate|42202I think my first computer was a  Apple 203:36
mate|42202i miss that computer a lot03:38
mate|42202well guys, I have to go, it was nice talking to you.03:38
mate|42202have a great weekend03:38
TaZeRi also had my first pc at a young age i was 6, it was a 486 dx2 66mhz and i was very quickly better at it than my father as well03:40
TaZeRso much so i didnt need him anymore and by age 8 i was trading stocks online and had my own place03:41
Boyettei also later got a 48603:41
Boyettewith floppy discs to boot03:41
Boyettevery big one03:41
Boyette8 inch03:42
TaZeRmine had the 3.5" floppys already03:42
Boyetteyes they came later03:42
Boyettefew years later03:42
TaZeRit was so much more expensive back then to get all the computer stuff03:43
TaZeRwith printer monitor everything it was like $350003:43
TaZeRor something like that03:43
Boyettei can remember those times aswell03:46
Boyettechoosing between 4mb and 8mb ram03:46
Boyettedifference of 300$03:46
Boyetteimagine we have now 32000mb ram03:47
amigaxhi all, my mate-terminal shows hidden files by default when using ll (or -l), how can I use the list format but EXCLUDE all hidden files?12:22
amigaxdiogenes_, yes, like "ls -l", but that one shows all hidden files by default, which I did not expect...12:24
diogenes_and if you input simply "ls"12:25
diogenes_it is not supposed to show hidden12:25
amigaxdiogenes_, I want to use -l (list format), but NOT show the hidden files, only non-hidden files and directories12:25
amigaxbut in a list with file details (permissions, dates, etc.)12:25
diogenes_try to rename mate-terminal config folder if there is such (sorry I use a different terminal)12:26
amigaxI thought doing ls -l would do just that and NOT show the hidden files, because that is what the "-a" is for, right, so why does it do it in the opposite way..??12:26
diogenes_or even look for .bashrc file in your /home dir, if there is one, just rename it and see if that helps12:28
amigaxdiogenes_, there is only a .bashrc file, but it does not affect this, tried a terminal without it (renamed it), but the system still shows hidden files with the command "ls -l"12:34
diogenes_and if you input: ls -a -l12:35
amigaxalmost seems like a bug, it does by default what it should do when using ls -a ("--all"). I would expect that to be an alias within .bashrc , but instead it is the opposite: I need to find an alias that turns the viewing of hidden files OFF (very backwards, and even impossible if the reverse of the -a switch simply does not exist..(?)12:36
amigaxdiogenes_, ls -a -l shows all the hidden files and folders (with the dot as the first character), that is why I suspect a bug here12:37
diogenes_yeah probably12:37
amigaxdiogenes_, which terminal do you use, what does ls -a -l show in your case?12:38
mate|82114Hello! I've got a problem to install an application - the terminal error message returns: "Cannot find module wake-event"... and I don't know where to get this module. After some research at google and ddg - I just found someone who created some java-script with that name. Can anybody tell me if this module belongs to the basic linux installation?12:47
mate|82114Thank you in advance for the answer!12:47
amigaxmate|82114, could it be related to npm; do you have a dependency on npm in what you are installing?12:53
mate|82114Hello amigax, indeed - it does!12:53
amigaxmate|82114, a quick google search indicates that the module "wake-event" might be a part of npm...12:54
mate|82114I used "npm install" before - so far so good... does it? well - let me see if I missed something there.12:54
mate|82114Oh yes...12:55
mate|82114I absolutely didn't see it - there is even the command to install.12:55
mate|82114My bad - and thank you for the answer!12:55
amigaxmate|82114, my pleasure12:55
mate|82114Installed Linux for the first time yesterday - still trying to get through it.12:56
amigaxmate|82114, are you unfamiliar with any/all linux distros? Which other OS do you know a bit technically?12:57
mate|82114almost 8 years ago, used ubuntu for some months - but wasn't able to keep the experience going on. Since that - just the ordinary windows operating systems. But decided to use linux instead.12:58
mate|82114And of course, the dos experience in the old days. ;-)12:58
amigaxmate|82114, just a tip: in order to stay a bit informed about dependencies and such, I always prefer the Synaptic Package manager in addition to the command line - if you turn on viewing properties in its preferences, then you get a lot of useful info.12:59
amigaxmate|82114, I am in the process of evaluating whether I would standardise across multiple computers on Ubuntu Mate in case it simplifies the testing and evaluation of small devices such as Raspberry Pi, etc.13:01
mate|82114ah - so the SPM would have downloaded the package based on the dependency. Or at least it would have given some dependency info. Thank you! Good to know13:01
mate|82114amigax: Which distro did you use before? Does it seem capable to fulfil your requirements for this step?13:02
amigaxmate|82114, I think the dependencies are the same across apt-get/apt/dpm and SPM, but in SPM it is easier to see and check the other, similar/related packages as they are shown in the list; one click and you can see the properties and a separate dependency tab.13:03
mate|82114amigax: Thank you for the advise. Going to take advantage of this SPM- functionality13:04
amigaxmate|82114, ideally, I want to use Qubes-OS(.org), but it needs a lot in the department of hardware compatibility etc., so I have been using Ubungu with Gnome and CompizConfigManager (CCM) mostly. But it is unnecessariliy resource hungry, and now I want to check out smaller computers, and especially running Linux as Virtual Machines or (docker?) containers. And since Ubuntu Mate is part of the recommendations from the Raspberry Pi project, I want to13:05
amigaxcheck out that first.13:05
mate|82114amigax: I've read about the use of Ubuntu-Mate on a Pi. Didn't try it yet though. But good luck! I hope it will work out well for you.13:07
amigaxI want to have several Ubuntu mates running in Qubes-OS, for example, and to help young people/children/teens getting started with a good experience on something like a Raspberry (or better competitors).13:07
amigaxmate|82114, I am running it just fine on Raspberry, but want to get a more powerful alternative. The problem now is which ones comes with CPUs that are NOT vulnerable to the Meltdown/Spectre bugs (Raspberry Pi is immune to that...)13:08
mate|82114I think it is a good choice to start with Ubuntu-Mate (Linux) - especially for the young people to learn something about alternatives to the ordinary Ms-products.13:09
amigaxmate|82114, Raspberry is not powerful enough, just a test start. Checking out the processor specs etc. of competitors these days13:09
mate|82114The "stronger" CPU's are usually vulnerable to those issues - I am afraid...13:10
amigaxmate|82114, yes, exactly, I am involved in planning a new community for this, called "MOMOC" (Master-Of-My-Own-C*) (12 C's: Computer(s), ComputING (automation), Comfort(security), etc.)13:10
mate|82114amigax: It sounds interesting, as it seems to be a very ambicous project. This community focusses at younger people as you'd mentioned before?13:12
amigaxmate|82114, yes, not only , but in particular teenagers / young adults / and the other end; retired/old people with little computer skills13:13
amigaxthen there is a special "club" for "superusers", which can be anyone, one part of this will be open/free, another will be within a paid membership with one normal level/department, and one for superusers13:15
amigaxmate|82114, it is also part of recruiting "IT-consultant-wannabees", to train new IT professionals into a new/growing market (that is a separate community)13:16
mate|82114amigax: I like the idea! Does there exist a web-reference to your group already?13:16
mate|82114I see13:17
amigaxmate|82114, if you have a twitter account, you can get in touch through a Direct Message to https://twitter.com/@MOMOCzone13:20
amigaxmate|82114, notice that the web sites are not ready yet, but the community is available via other channels such as XMPP/Jabber, WebRTC, etc.13:21
amigaxmate|82114, if you have a web site/point of contact, I can pass it on if you like13:22
mate|82114amigax: I am checking out the twitter link. Don't have twitter myself yet. But it appears to me more and more useful the more I get in contact with the Linux-Community. Also don't have jabber or WebRTC - but I am going to get a twitter account to follow there.13:24
amigaxmate|82114, if you are just getting started, then perhaps I can tip you off about the up-and-coming Twitter alternative called "Mastodon" (www.Mastodon.social = main hub, but it is DECENTRALISED, so no need for the main one..!)13:26
mate|82114amigax: I think that it will take me a while to master some simple installations of unofficial packages, so I am sure that there will be a higher need of those forms of communication to me. This is one of the things, that bothers me the most. Installing custom programs. It is a lack of comfort that I feel, based on the lack of knowledge that I have13:26
mate|82114. :D13:26
mate|82114Twitter alternative - let me see. So many useful information on hand here. Appreciated.13:28
amigaxmate|82114, You may get in touch with us through https://mastodon.host/@info_overlord13:28
mate|82114amigax: The mastodon page appears to establish an unsecure connection. Did you face the same problem?13:29
amigaxmate|82114, the point with Twitter is that THEY own YOUR account, which sucks, with Mastodon, you can own not only your own account(S), but even your own whole Mastodon instance/server... No-one can block your accounts for whatever reason(s).13:29
mate|82114amigax:  Sounds great! I haven't heared about this before.13:30
amigaxmate|82114, this is part of the competence/insights that the MOMOCzone community includes13:30
amigaxmate|82114, a tip: almost "all" Mastodon.* instances adhere to a maximum "toot" ("tweet") of 500 characters (unlike Twitter's new 280 limit), but mastodon.HOST has its own limit of 1000 characters per toot... ;-)13:31
amigaxmate|82114, and the others are federating/syndicating all toots, including those that go beyond the normal limit, so no worries there.13:32
mate|82114amigax: Just saved your Mastodon-reference in the favorites. As soon as I've completed my installation, going to check the Mastodon.social out a bit deeper.13:32
mate|82114amigax: Btw. I like the "toot"-idea :D13:33
amigaxand if you are an Android smartphone user, I recommend the Mastalab app for Mastodon usage, it is multi-account and in a good development just now.13:33
mate|82114amigax:   Am I able to find this app in the F-droid-Store?13:34
amigaxmate|82114, we are very much focused on supporting the open-source philosophy that also happens to be good for each one's privacy etc.13:34
amigaxmate|82114, I _think_ it has a F-droid version as well13:35
mate|82114amigax: I think that the concept of focussing at privacy is going to be more and more important to all of us. As a result, many of the users are going to think and decide more carefuly which OS to use or which information to share.13:36
amigaxmate|82114, if you do join, please refer to my nick here and we'll continue to stay in touch there if you like :-)13:36
mate|82114amigax: Would be a pleasure to stay in touch! wrote down all of the useful information, regarding our future exchange on mastodon. :D13:37
guillermohello guys. Is this chat available to resolve bugs with ubuntu?13:38
amigaxmate|82114, so you do not need a Twitter account if Mastodon is ok, try M. first!13:38
mate|82114amigax: I will give M priority - for sure.13:39
mate|82114guillermo: Hello, I am not sure about the bugs. I think that there was a separate link on the main-page to report bugs.13:39
mate|82114guillermo: But even like this, maybe there is some advanced user, that will take care of that.13:40
ole_test from Denmark ole's mate15:20
haganeninjagood day everyone15:40
haganeninjahows it going?15:40
diogenes_slowly as a pregnant snail crawling up the hill15:40
haganeninjadang, bad start i see15:40
diogenes_why bad?15:41
haganeninjawell, its a slow start of the day, no?15:42
TalikkafThere is a good guide book of Ubuntu MATE in English at goinglinux.com - do you know if turorial books exist for other languages?15:43
levican somebody help me please20:31
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:31
leviok I will the wifi icon vanished and i need it20:32
alkisgDoes it show up again if you reboot?20:32
leviill try20:32
dyno7how to upgrade ubuntu mate 16.04 to newer on pi323:10
dyno7using comand line23:11
ali1234"sudo do-release-upgrade"23:34
ali1234but it will probably fill up the SD card and then crash on a pi23:35

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