
=== mfm is now known as Guest95397
studio-user984hello anyone can help me updates to studio 17.10 from terminal?08:22
bengani did it yesterday. not with 100% nice result but I managed to get it all together. I did the not so supported upgrade from 16.10 to 17.10.09:05
benganif you go from LTS to LTS or consecutive releases it's the cli command "do-release-upgrade"09:06
studio-user113Ladies and or gentlemen and or anything inbetween or aside, I have a problem with a USB headset.12:27
studio-user113I tried to use it in performous and OBS-studio at the same time, and I got crackling sounds on OBS.12:28
studio-user113Then I restarted pulseaudio, unplugged-replugged the headset and I got pure zero.12:29
studio-user113Device shows up, but any attemp to use it gives the most pure, unbiased silence I've ever seen.12:30
studio-user113I've checked on a computer without ubuntu to check if the device was damaged, but it works fine.12:30
studio-user113Do you have any ideas on what to check?12:31
=== studio-user113 is now known as mon0
=== mon0 is now known as jmartelatpapirux
jmartelatpapiruxNow, much better.12:35
jmartelatpapiruxAlso, where are xfce saved sessions stored? I have one saved (by accident) and cannot see how to get rid of it!12:39
jmartelatpapiruxOk, I think I fixed the session issue. Does anyone have a clue on my ALSA problem?12:49
OvenWerksgone too soon. two audio devices always needs extra attention14:56
=== krzysztof is now known as Guest80240
=== danwe1 is now known as danwe

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