[01:19] ~backports uploaded to PPA` [01:24] bluesabre: Did tha aforementioned, added my PPA as build requirement. [04:21] pleia2: I think your decision was good :) [04:21] Unit193: much appreciated [04:22] ok, good :) [04:23] and now it's time for bed [04:23] nighty allll [04:24] G'nighty. [12:25] http://paste.openstack.org/show/dWHboool1hPkiFjDocCw btw. [12:29] (http://paste.openstack.org/show/Uo1cWwyaGCkudnACrk64/) [12:40] bluesabre: https://sigma.unit193.net/source/xfce4-sntray-plugin_0.4.8-1.dsc btw if you want to try it, but I recommend xfce4-statusnotifier-plugin much more highly. :P [13:02] good morning! [13:03] Heya. [13:04] Unit193: here's the fixed ind-plugin, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zbPsN4BP3K/ [13:05] That's what my last paste was. :P [13:05] that I was working on at the same time [13:05] I see now [13:05] :D [13:05] well, good on us for being productive [13:06] you're the nicer guy, I tossed aside the ubuntu history in mine [13:07] -Recommends: ayatana-indicator-application ← This isn't documented, but otherwise nice. [13:07] Yes, but you did better with the actual changelog. :P [13:07] ..Hit wrap-and-sort before uploading if you don't mind? [13:08] don't know what that means, so feel free to do that and upload yours [13:09] It'll sort the build-depends, it's an actual application. [13:09] neat [13:10] but yeah, go ahead and upload [13:10] going to try to figure out the xfdesktop thing today [13:10] (I really don't mind if you do.) OK, great. That's one I can't do! [13:12] :D [13:12] Not convinced I can either, but going to throw code at the wall and see what sticks (and works) [13:13] Ouch, thanks for trying. Simon was the last to touch that patch, fwiw. [13:23] actually, it might not be so hard [13:23] just a lot of noise in that commit [13:24] BTW, in case you need to backport to Xenial you can add ppa:unit193/staging as a PPA dep, such that it uses https://launchpad.net/~unit193/+archive/ubuntu/staging/+build/14363096 [13:24] bluesabre: cd xfdesk*;git init;gbp import-dsc ../xfd*.dsc;gbp pq import; do the changes, ammend commit? :> [13:39] here we go, that will make this easier [13:39] https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/unity-settings-daemon/accountsservice-background/+merge/335431 [13:41] Nice! I didn't see it. [13:51] kewl, good to hear bluesabre [13:51] i didn't get to it, was busy bisecting notifyd [13:51] didn't want us to have something that crashes here and there in the LTS... [13:51] anyway, how about including screenshooter 1.9 now that we have exo too? [14:07] ochosi, Unit193, sounds fine to me, https://git.xfce.org/apps/xfce4-screenshooter/tree/NEWS [14:07] In PPA, been picked up by Debian, now that exo is in only a matter of time. [14:35] flocculant, ochosi, Unit193: Got a working patch for xfdesktop :) Is there a LP bug that needs to be marked fixed with this? [15:28] weee [15:28] nice work bluesabre [15:29] possible that there's no bugreport yet [15:30] couldn't find one at least [16:12] Unit193: care to test? http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4VdZzK2ty7/ [16:43] shall see what goes on there then :) === GridCube is now known as GridCloud [19:12] flocculant: how many monitors do you have? [19:13] I think I have a fix for the greeter going crazy and flickering non-stop and not allowing the user to login bug... but I can't seem to determine if that's ever been reported or if it only plagues me [19:17] unless it is one of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm-gtk-greeter/+bug/1410406 or https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm-gtk-greeter/+bug/1410406 [19:17] Launchpad bug 1410406 in lightdm-gtk-greeter (Ubuntu) "black screen after booting, 100% cpu usage" [Critical,Triaged] [19:18] (or the one that is not the same number, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm-gtk-greeter/+bug/1509780) [19:18] Launchpad bug 1509780 in lightdm-gtk-greeter (Ubuntu) "High cpu usage when lightdm screenlock is active" [High,Confirmed] [19:19] in fact, knowing what it is doing now, I feel pretty confident that it is those [19:23] :) [20:03] Hey - I am trying to upload to the photo contest but keep getting PHP filesize upload limit errors. I have 3 images, the largest is 4.8M. [20:03] The wallpaper contest I mean, sorry. [20:32] knome [20:37] bluesabre [20:37] right... [20:37] * knome checks [20:41] we should be at 8MB [20:41] pleia2, any insight on this? [20:41] Unit193, or there? [20:42] wait, no [20:42] different setting for php7 [20:43] benoliver999, can you retry now? [20:44] pleia2, Unit193: problem solved, resume with life [20:57] Yup looks good! [20:57] Thanks [20:58] np [20:58] thanks for participating [21:02] More than willing to test. [21:05] https://ftp-master.debian.org/new/thunar_1.7.1-1.html [21:17] bluesabre: Am I supposed to see if it compiles, works at all, or leaks? Does the first two! [22:04] flocculant: You had mentioned wanting a working desktop, would you be interested in me syncing thunar from experimental to the PPA, then adding the compatibility patch to xfdesktop there? (Stacked atop the background fixing upload.) [22:06] I note that we won't be looking to put that version of thunar in Bionic however, it being an LTS release we'd like to put as few development builds in. [23:13] bluesabre: there is a bug sometimes when the mousepointer is over the login password input field and the whole thing starts to flicker and eat CPU [23:13] bluesabre: only clicking into the password field makes that stop [23:13] i also noticed today the mouse pointer is larger on the login screen than my desktop (: [23:13] yeah, the greeter uses the systemwide mouse settings [23:14] not the session/user settings [23:14] i don't know that i have changed my user settings though? [23:15] maybe not, but maybe the system default deviates from what we define in xubuntu-default-settings, which may only affect the session [23:15] (just guessing) [23:15] We use DMZ-White. [23:16] maybe... [23:16] i haven't noticed before (the new monitor) though [23:16] what's the setting for you then? [23:16] haven't checked [23:16] but for me there has never been a diff [23:16] update-alternatives --query x-cursor-theme [23:17] me neither - so far as far as i can see [23:17] yeah, i also use DMZ-White (if that was the question) [23:17] yep. [23:17] me too [23:17] my cursor size is 24 [23:17] is is off-default? [23:18] *it [23:18] (And xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gtk/CursorThemeName) [23:26] bluesabre, knome: it's about time we decide what to do with gtk-theme-config (i know, another reminder...) i can probably make it a greybird-config or i can make it less broken than it currently is, but it cannot be "fixed" in the final sense [23:26] i'm happy to either drop it or at least push an improved version [23:26] but the current thing cannot be part of the release imo [23:26] i agree with the last line [23:27] (not sure *that* many ppl use it, after all, almost nobody complained about it being so utterly broken already) [23:27] do you think you have sensibly time to fix it for this LTS, or would it just eat time from other stuff? [23:28] https://qa.debian.org/popcon.php?package=gtk-theme-config [23:28] Unit193 and the link show [23:28] ;) [23:28] or _ink show [23:28] Unit193: is that a lot compared to "other" stuff? [23:28] i mean what would you compare it with? [23:29] knome: as it's bugfix, we still have a bit of time [23:29] that's not the question... [23:29] the question is what you understand as "fix" [23:29] you already saw how far i got until now [23:29] whatever you consider "good enough to ship with an LTS" [23:29] and i can't get that much further [23:29] i.e. there are things i cant fix [23:30] i also described those already [23:30] (e.g. tabs) [23:30] my question directly relates to whether we are potentially eating your time which you could use to do something more useful [23:30] so it's hard to say what is "good enough to ship" [23:30] of course it will :) [23:30] but the question is what else we really want to get done in time for 18.04 [23:30] I'd learn towards rm -rf as a fix. :3 [23:30] in that case i'd probably vote for "drop it for this LTS" [23:30] and no replacement [23:31] we can revisit later if people start crying [23:31] another power manager bugfix release? or another clipman bugfix release? [23:31] or whatever [23:31] dunno if we have other critical bugs to attend to [23:31] bluesabre took out one that i would have considered annoying (xfdesktop) [23:31] and he took care of the greeter [23:32] maybe provide the current version - or something slightly improved - in a PPA? [23:32] and there has been another thunar 1.6 release that i didn't have to do \o/ [23:32] so depending on where we feel we need fixes, i can spend some time [23:32] But can we trust it? :3 [23:33] Unit193: we can test it ;) [23:33] anyway, give it some thought [23:33] i'll be back tomorrow or so [23:33] !info thunar bionic [23:33] nighty! [23:33] I mean... [23:33] thunar (source: thunar): File Manager for Xfce. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.14-1 (bionic), package size 305 kB, installed size 1036 kB [23:33] nighty ochosi [23:53] ochosi: there's some critical parole bugs if you want to poke that at all [23:53] ochosi: still need to give your -theme-config code a try, probably tomorrow for that [23:54] Unit193: thanks for testing, was really only worried about it working, so that sounds agreeable [23:54] \o/ [23:58] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-indicator-plugin/2.3.3-1ubuntu1