
mike602Anyone else notice lots of gui glitches in Kubuntu 16.04.3? Should I enable Kubuntu backports in hopes to fix these issues?01:12
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> @mike602, Yes, enable backports and many of those glitches will disappear.  And, when 18.04 lands, upgrade as 18.04 is even better.01:13
mike602Issues include: incorrect pictures for multiple users, new session issues w/ multiple users, theme issues not applying unless log out/log in, etc01:13
mike602Thanks. Trying now :) Just surprised how many glitches with this LTS especially when it's already on it's .3 release :(01:14
mike602Want to love KDE, so trying my best :) lol01:14
mike602broken packages. how to fix?01:16
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Broken packages after adding the PPA?01:25
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> KDE 16.04 had early Wayland support/features that were quite "beta" as far as release quality.01:27
mike602python3-aptdaemon.pkcompat conflicts with packagekit and packagekit:i38601:27
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> to fix broken, run: sudo dpkg –configure -a01:27
mike602tried that now and didn't work :(01:28
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> sudo apt install -f01:28
mike602did that as well01:28
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> then sudo apt full-upgrade01:28
mike602that worked thanks :)01:29
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Do you have any other PPA's enabled?01:29
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> very good.01:29
mike602didn't know about hte "full-upgrade" one. that won't put me on 17.10 now will it?01:29
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> nope01:29
mike602awesome. thanks01:30
mike602hope this fixes the KDE issues. wish me luck :)01:30
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> The command to upgrade to 17.10 would be: sudo do-release-upgrade (assuming packaging prompt is set to normal).01:32
mike602whats the difference between just upgrade and full-upgrade?01:41
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> https://itsfoss.com/apt-vs-apt-get-difference/02:23
IrcsomeBotwarrensanchez was added by: warrensanchez02:49
=== mintsash is now known as larryking
Roeyspectacle crashes for me if I try to take a snapshot of a rectangular region; is there another program I can use?04:10
Roeyoh hey zxq904:10
zxq9Hi there.04:10
zxq9Unfortunately I'm not familiar with spectacle.04:10
Roeyah, gotcha04:10
zxq9Desktop screenshotter or something?04:10
Roeyit's kde's own04:10
Roeyused to be called ksnapshot04:11
zxq9I just do the boring old "print screen" thing and then crop whatever part I want.04:11
Roeyhrm maybe I'll do that then04:11
zxq9gwenview, Gimp, kolorpaint, etc. any of them can crop pretty simply.04:11
zxq9I was sort of surprised that gwenview lets you crop -- but it actually has quite a few image edit functions.04:12
valoriespectacle is working pretty well for me though04:12
valorieI've never been able to get gwenview to crop for me04:13
zxq9valorie: It is hotkeyed to Shift+C on my defaults.04:13
zxq9Resize is Shift+R04:13
zxq9Grab a corner or side tab and adjust the frame to whatever you want, then click either "Crop"/"Cancel" buttons at the bottom.04:14
valorieI'll have to try that again04:14
zxq9Makes minor adustments to large albums easy to adjust ipc as you flip through them. Rotating and cropping is pretty convenient that way compared to loading each one into an editor.04:16
zxq9s/ipc/each pic/04:16
valoriethanks, I'm saving your hint in kate04:20
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Guest94366wanna talk about krusader05:51
valorie!info krusader05:57
ubottukrusader (source: krusader): twin-panel (commander-style) file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:2.6.0-1 (artful), package size 3477 kB, installed size 14439 kB05:57
valoriestill available.....05:57
Viktorand almost usable...05:58
valorieI tried it and didn't like it05:58
valorieI used konqueror05:59
valoriehated dolphin05:59
valorienow like dolphin quite a lot05:59
Viktordolphin are good as twin panel?05:59
valorieyes, I often use it as twin panel05:59
valoriewhen necessary06:00
Viktorseems lack of keyboard support06:00
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> @Viktor, what keyboard support were you trying find?06:16
Viktortwin-panel style. for example: open dolphin. press "split" button. try to move kursor with keyboard (arrows and "tab") - as result zooming of icons06:19
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> F3 will split.  Also, shortcuts can be changed to suite your preferences.06:21
Viktorbut "tab" button not changed focus only on panes but on all objects. it is not ok for keyboard only.06:22
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> I could have sworn there was a keytroke to switch, but I do not see it.  I came to your same conclusion... not fully keyboard friendly.06:29
RoeyI suspect I am having low drive space issues; the filesystem has been suddenly mounted read-only, and when I try to delete files, it's still read-only so that doesn't work.  I read here: http://marc.merlins.org/perso/btrfs/post_2014-05-04_Fixing-Btrfs-Filesystem-Full-Problems.html that I should try rebalancing the volume..07:48
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zxq9I lament the failure of Konqueror to keep up with HTML5. :-/10:35
zxq9I *really* liked a lot of things about Konqueror. It was almost becoming one of those "open this one thing and do all your relevant work there" sort of program.10:35
BluesKajHi folks11:01
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sheytanHey, is there a way to fix latte-dock crash after plasma upgrade?11:53
sheytanThis happend to me 2nd time. Only deleteing .kde helps11:53
sheytanwhich i don't wanna do11:54
jubo2What is the best touchpad suppression solution for Kubuntu so it doesn't do stupid things while user is just trying to operate the keyboard of the laptop?12:04
ktongahi, is there a way to integrate snaps with the launcher? for instance I've installed spotify client snap and I can launch it with the link in /snap/bin. But no icon is added to the launcher neither to the task bar12:05
ktongajubo2: in Seetings/Input Devices you have a tab to disable it when typing with many options, as usual in KDE :)12:08
jubo2ktonga: it says the toucpad is disabled for 250ms when typing12:35
jubo2that doesn't feel real12:36
jubo2Oh well.. I guess I'll just try a higher number and see if it has the desirable effect and no undesirable effects12:36
jubo2thanks for the info ktonga_12:43
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viewer|93372I have no sound. I am using kubuntu 17.04. I get sound when I test in system settings, but no audio for media. I am using HDMI.14:22
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guestxii0qmwho are you15:26
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user|47612HI all20:28
user|47612I have kubuntu 17.04 is it possible to upgrade to 17.10 from the terminal?20:30
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acheronukuser|47612: hi. this should work: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:31
* acheronuk shrugs20:31
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D0U91E18.04 is gonna be lts right?23:26
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vDM205Bonsoir a tous23:28
acheronukthat is the plan23:28
acheronukD0U91E: ^^23:29
vDM205j'ai un petit probleme ;)23:29
D0U91Ethank you23:48
D0U91EI have a little post it note on my screen how do I get rid of the damn thing?23:48
D0U91ENM i got it - thanks anyway23:49

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