
mpmcfossfreedom_: Mind if I pick your brain? Simple question =D Will UB 18.04 have the minimal install option? :)10:18
fossfreedom_mpmc, the announcement of a minimal install option came a bit too late for use to-do something - 18.04 freeze is in a couple of weeks and there isnt enough time to understand what it is, how to implement it, test etc etc19:00
iNeedHealingAnyone able to assist me ?20:27
iNeedHealingI have a problem with installing20:27
iNeedHealingIts stuck on the loading splash for the last hour20:27
fossfreedom_iNeedHealing, how far through the installation process are you?20:28
iNeedHealingI just said its stuck on splash screen20:30
iNeedHealingThat would mean I'm not far past pressing the on button20:30
fossfreedom_after installation on the reboot - or you just booting the USB for the first time?20:30
iNeedHealingI'm just bottling the USB for the first tine20:31
fossfreedom_press esc - it should switch to text mode - what is the last couple of lines that you see?20:32
iNeedHealingNothing happens20:32
fossfreedom_please describe the splash screen - want to know if you booting UEFI or bios20:32
iNeedHealingIts like Ubuntu's been for years20:33
iNeedHealingExcept its purple-blue with Budgie logo20:33
fossfreedom_k - that is a bios boot20:33
iNeedHealingThe 5 dots are there and stuck with all 5 on20:33
iNeedHealingCould have just asked if bios or uefi20:33
fossfreedom_is this 17.10?20:34
iNeedHealingIt's the latest available so yes probably20:34
iNeedHealingNot 160420:34
fossfreedom_what is the m5 hash value of the iso?20:34
iNeedHealingI'll check20:35
iNeedHealing_I have a picture20:38
fossfreedom_k - look at the top of the picture20:41
fossfreedom_you have windows in hibernation - you can't install that way20:43
iNeedHealing_I don't, I just installed Ubuntu 17.1020:44
fossfreedom_well that's the message the installer is saying - you need to resolve that first.20:45
iNeedHealing_Well I've not booted any other OS since installing Ubuntu20:45
fossfreedom_you have windows also installed?20:45
iNeedHealing_Yes, and wouldn't it have affected my Ubuntu and arch install too?20:46
fossfreedom_At the moment the installer is looking at your NTFS partition for whatever reason - you need to boot back into windows, turn off quick boot/hibernation and shutdown windows cleanly20:47
iNeedHealing_I remember I had this problem mounting NTFS in Arch and I resolves that months ago20:47
iNeedHealing_Its already turned off20:47
iNeedHealing_I'll send a pic of my windows power settings20:48
iNeedHealingmy phone died, I'm on my laptop now20:50
iNeedHealingI should also note that I don't get option to try Budgie like I do in 17.1020:52
iNeedHealingit's buggy on the choosing screen20:52
fossfreedom_is this your issue with windows ? https://superuser.com/questions/1010084/windows-is-hibernated-refused-to-mount-but-fast-startup-is-disabled-on-window20:53
iNeedHealingI don't have an issue with windows, all my other Linux installs went perfectly and I can mount/operate on my NTFS drives with ease20:53
iNeedHealingI used to have that issue months ago which is now resolves20:54
fossfreedom_you were getting me the md5 hash for the ISO - what is it?20:54
iNeedHealingI already checked and it's the same as on the website20:54
iNeedHealingI can boot back into Windows and check again20:54
iNeedHealingit should be noted that when I switch to text boot I get complaints of GPU lockup and it freezes after/while loading services20:59
iNeedHealingit's stuck after/in systemd-hostnamed.service21:00
iNeedHealingwell looks like I will definitely not be supporting this distro seeing as it doesn't even want to install21:08
iNeedHealinghow do you even release something that doesn't work21:09
iNeedHealingENOTTY errors like really21:10
TJ-Is there an LP project tracking Budgie-specific bugs? specifically the (ubiquity) installer mods?21:31
fossfreedom_TJ-, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+filebug21:32
TJ-fossfreedom_: Yes, I know that, but I'm looking for specifics for the budgie installer. I'm helping a user who is suffering problems with the 17.10 budgie install that don't affect vanilla ubuntu21:34
fossfreedom_TJ-, apart from the cosmetics - the installer is exactly the same21:34
TJ-Hmmm, that's reassuring, thanks. Makes identifying the cause more difficult though :)21:35
fossfreedom_what's the issue TJ- ?21:36
TJ-fossfreedom_: symptom is apparently related to GPU, getting a "NOTTY" error which doesn't affect the /Ubuntu/ 17.10 installer. User confirmed they'd verified the ISO and did the on-media verification check so unlikely to be installer corruption.21:39
fossfreedom_hmm - regular Ubuntu and UB share the same graphical components TJ- i.e. mutter - so yeah - very odd that there are differences - the screenshot the OP gave just now had windows hibernation cannot mount issues21:41
TJ-That's pretty much expected though; the partition/file-system scan shouldn't affect it.21:42
TJ-I've suggested they use the Ubuntu 17.10 install and then "apt install ubuntu-budgie-desktop" so might not get any further data on this21:43
fossfreedom_TJ-, well - thats a reasonable approach21:44
TJ-I've been hacking on ubiquity for over 10 years so I was hoping to get enough data to figure out the cause and a fix :)21:46
fossfreedom_ah - 10 years?! wow. dedication - congrats :)21:47

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