
=== mate|2332 is now known as asd
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ulyssesSo something in the core of my Ubuntu Mate install for the Pi 3B just won't see audio devices01:35
ulyssesNot through bluetooth, the headphone jack, nothin'01:35
ulyssesNot HDMI or anything01:35
ulyssesI've tried a lot to get it to play nice, but it just won't, any ideas what this issue is coming from?01:35
sean__What is this place all about?02:40
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everettHey everyone! I'd like to change from mate to LXDE.. I'm on the RPi 3B07:51
everettHow would I go about doing this?07:51
ubuntu-matecould anyone let me know how to install a VPN on a live bootable USB stick?08:06
ubuntu-materunning ubuntu 16.04?08:06
alkisgubuntu-mate: why don't you install mate to a usb stick instead?10:31
alkisg(instead of using a live usb stick)10:31
mate|8574wie gehts?11:01
diogenes_es gehets11:01
mate|8574du bist ubuntu arbeiter?11:01
mate|8574ich bin neu hier ,,ich weiss nicht11:02
diogenes_nein, warum?11:02
mate|8574ich habe ein problem mit mein ubuntu11:02
mate|8574ich kann nicht chrome installiert11:03
mate|8574und mozila is sehr langsam11:03
diogenes_was ist die problem?11:03
diogenes_mit installiren11:03
mate|8574ja, genau11:04
diogenes_Versuche dies11:05
diogenes_!de | mate|857411:05
ubottumate|8574: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!11:05
diogenes_Wenn das nicht hilft, komm zurück11:06
mate|8574okay, verstehe11:06
mate|8574vielen dank,,,schon wochnende :)11:06
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NoobuntuHi everyone.15:41
NoobuntuI have a few questions about Ubuntu-Mate 17.1015:42
NoobuntuI was just wondering if anyone knew how to change the hotkey for the built in drop down terminal from F12 to F2.15:43
NoobuntuI worked with Yakuake on past distros, and I'm just used to that key for my terminal. It's not a deal breaker, but it would be nice :)15:45
NoobuntuAny help would be most welcome :)15:47
diogenes_Noobuntu, did you check keyboard shortcuts settings?15:49
NoobuntuI don't think I did. I'm still getting used to Ubuntu MATE. I just installed it yesterday. One sec. Also, one last question: what shell does Ubuntu MATE use? I'd like to install a tweak tool that's  a bit more robust than the default MATE tweaks.15:50
NoobuntuI have the CTRL ALT T for a terminal, and I know that one, but it's not the drop down. I'm not seeing one for Tilda here.15:52
diogenes_sorry I use a different de so can't help15:53
NoobuntuOh, don't worry about it. Do you know what shell Ubuntu MATE 17.10 uses by chance? Is it GNOME? I heard Ubuntu's new stuff is switching from unity to GNOME, but I'm a linux n00b, so I want to make sure.15:54
NoobuntuGot it! I had to go into Tilda's preferences.16:01
dartGood day18:37
dartI am getting a java script error after updating Ubuntu mate for the Raspberry pi 3 can you guys help thank you18:38
dartthis happens on the Welcome screen18:39
dartI guess everybody is in church have a nice day y"all18:42
sylvie_Hello! Is there an indicator on ubuntu Mate that tells me when there are updates for ubuntu mate?20:54
sylvie_I know how to actively look for updates and install them, but I want to be informed when there are new ones.20:56
tespiyou should get a prompt from time to time when there's updates to be installed20:57
sylvie_...without having to hit "check for updates".20:57
sylvie_I thought so too, but I dont get any.20:58
sylvie_very weird20:58
tespiyou can check your settings20:58
tespimaintenance -> updates20:58
tespiand the updates tab from that20:58
sylvie_for me personally it makes no difference but I want to give ubuntu mate to a friend who is not technical at all. she has to be prompted when there are new updates.20:59
sylvie_I check what you wrote...20:59
sylvie_well, I cannot find an equivalent in my language. But in the settings for the updates it says that the update check is performed daily.21:02
sylvie_and it says that there are a lot of updates to be done.21:03
sylvie_yet I see no notification in the system tray.21:03
sylvie_or anywhere outside the update program really.21:04
alkisgsylvie_: if you run `software-properties-gtk`, and check NOT to install updates automatically but show them instead, you'll get a dialog when there are updates21:04
alkisgNot an applet, but a dialog.21:04
sylvie_alkisg,  so my friend will have to be at the computer when the updates are announced? The notification will disappear after a certain time, right?21:06
alkisgIt's not a notification. It's a dialog that stays open until you click and choose what you want to do with it21:06
sylvie_oh, good!21:07
sylvie_so I have to run `software-properties-gtk` in a terminal to check that?21:07
sylvie_got it21:08
sylvie_I was there before21:08
alkisgYes. So the dialog is like this: https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-rwD_pKFvz1s/WWCbHtxkyfI/AAAAAAAAAZs/Bn2uGxyI5_AQo0V5CisfEngDFLc_Eu5QQCLcBGAs/s1600/software-update-1.png21:08
sylvie_I see21:09
sylvie_in my update settings it says that it looks for updates daily. Security updates are downloaded and installed immediately. Other updates are to be displayed instantly.21:11
sylvie_so is the theory.21:12
alkisgSounds good21:12
sylvie_all well and good, but I not get notifications for new updates even it if stetes that I should do so.21:12
sylvie_I just never realized because I check for updates manually anyway.21:13
sylvie_maybe I reboot...21:13
sylvie_will be back in a minute21:14
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sylvie_back again21:17
sylvie_but no dialog concerning updates so far...21:18
kernalsudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade21:19
sylvie_kernal, I know how to do upgrades. I want to give ubuntu mate to a non technical friend and she has to ne notified when there are new updates.21:20
sylvie_kernal, so I am searching for a method of notification.21:20
sylvie_seems I never noticed that I did not get notified on my laptop because I usually look for updates manually.21:21
kernalwhen there are update, you will get notified21:21
sylvie_i just checked. There are several updates pending. But no notification.21:22
sylvie_I rebooted.21:22
sylvie_still no notification21:22
sylvie_Maybe I misconfigured something and do not remember.21:22
kernalin the Software & Updates program / Updates tab / what is selected for 'When there are other updates' ?21:24
sylvie_translates as "display immediately"21:25
sylvie_and the check for updates seems to be done daily21:26
kernalI've got dislapy weekly, and once a week I get a dialog to install the latest updates21:26
sylvie_security updates are set to be downloaded and installed immediately21:26
sylvie_well, thanks for telling me!21:27
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