
Laserallan_hey guys, I am having a rather weird problem02:29
Laserallan_I have a VM running ubuntu with 110G and the VM claims it is using 101G, no matter what toosl io use, df, ncdu the output ONLY shows me about 70G02:29
Laserallan_Anyone know if the said tools that I have used could be lieing so far?02:30
Laserallan_I am using about 45% of the inodes02:35
dpb1Laserallan_: would help to pastebin all of those claims so someone can look them over03:05
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:05
dpb1df -h; fdisk -l;03:07
Laserallan_dpb1: Are you here?10:03
tomreynLaserallan_: it doesn't have to be him specifically.10:50
tomreyn(or her)10:51
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=== devil__ is now known as devilz
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=== devil is now known as Guest49044
=== devil is now known as Guest92838
=== unreal_ is now known as unreal

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