
viewer|61319I am on 17.04. I have no audio over HDMI. The speaker test in system settings works, but media doesn't play.00:41
krytarik!17.04 | viewer|61319: Please upgrade first..00:42
ubottuviewer|61319: Please upgrade first..: Ubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) was the 26th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 13th, 2018. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2018-January/000228.html00:42
viewer|61319Ok. Thanks.00:45
slicktuxHello all, question; If I do not install the LTS Kubuntu what happens when I reach the date for which security, or support, stops? Can I update to a new version semmlessly; that is through an update; if so what is the point of LTS vs regular??01:18
slicktuxOp, I found an asnwer!01:19
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lordievaderGood morning07:10
proteus-guyI had to rebuild my kubuntu 14.04 setup. Did a fresh install then restored my home directory from a recent backup. Unfortunately it made it where "System Settings" doesn't even try to start working. Anyone know the command line for that program so I can try it in a terminal to see what, if any, error message it creates? Otherwise - any idea how to restore that icon in my menu to work again?07:36
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lordievaderproteus-guy: `systemsettings5`08:40
proteus-guylordievader, thanx - that's the (remarkably obvious yet unexpected) answer. Seems to work when run as sudo from command line. No idea why my icons are busted.08:42
lordievaderPerhaps the permissions of your homefolder are screwed up.08:44
lordievader`sudp chown <username>:<username> -R /home/<username>`08:44
lordievaderErr `sudo`* ofcourse 😉08:47
proteus-guylordievader, nope that's not it. Frustrating you can't just right click and icon and check it's properties to see what it's pointing to.08:48
lordievaderWhat you could do is drop to a tty. Stop sddm. Then move/rename `~/.config`. Start sddm. Log in. If things work at that point you can start moving things from `~/.config` back one by one.08:50
lordievaderThat way, if it breaks, you know which folder/config is the culprit.08:51
proteus-guylordievader, thanx. I will investigate that option. Appreciate the insights.08:52
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BluesKajHowdy folks10:53
zxq9ooc, anyone have any idea if Konqueror is basically dead as a development project, or if there are any plans to make it more fully HTML5 compliant?13:14
lordievaderThe konqueror on github has commits in February this year. So I don't think it is entirely dead.13:19
Frederickguys im having an issue that after loggin in in kdm the system takes an age to drop me in kde14:11
Frederickmaybe related to this: https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php/73068-No-Login-screen-only-black-after-update-today14:13
user|11963Hello can prompt version 16.04 lts in ubuntu supported in 2021, and the kubuntu of the same version only until 2019? sorry for my bad english14:17
BluesKajFrederick, are you using a VM as well ?14:18
Frederickaboudreault: no14:19
BluesKaj!LTS | user|1196314:19
ubottuuser|11963: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information.14:19
BluesKajFrederick, so you are getting a desktop eventually ?14:21
FrederickBluesKaj: nope, it hangs in a black screen]14:22
BluesKajcqan you get to a vt ?14:23
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Fredericknope, alt f1..f12 still leaves me in the black screen14:23
BluesKajctl+alt+F2 ?14:23
Frederickblack screen14:24
BluesKaj!nomodeset | Frederick14:25
ubottuFrederick: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter14:25
Frederick1 sec brb14:25
FrederickBluesKaj: i dont think it is the kernel paramether i just reinstalled the machine and now it works14:27
Frederickbut beeing unable to get to a tty made me crazy14:27
BluesKajit's probly a graphics issue, but can't be sure, which gpu?14:30
Fredericki tried rescue /repair mode , no luck14:31
BluesKajhave you installed the recommended nvidia driver or are you still using the default open source nouveau driver?14:34
Frederickive installed the recommended14:35
BluesKajwhich is ?14:36
Fredericklemme check cause system update did it for me14:37
Frederickhow can I check it?14:40
hateballFrederick: lspci -k14:44
hateballlook at the VGA section, it'll tell you which module is in use14:44
Frederick1:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GP107M [GeForce GTX 1050 Ti Mobile] (rev a1)Subsystem: Dell GP107M [GeForce GTX 1050 Ti Mobile]        Kernel modules: nvidiafb, nouveau14:47
hateballyou're not running the nvidia blob then14:48
hateballand you probably want to14:48
Frederickoki im doing it still i disagree it is a driver issu, my connection at work is slow so it reports about half an hour to make the download I will use this time to have lunch14:54
BluesKajwonder what he thinks the issue could be then15:14
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Guest28778how do i open terminal within kate editor18:29
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leo_ciao a ttt19:41
ubottuleo_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:41
slicktuxHello all, I've been trying to install Kubuntu with no success; I'm installing it on a brand new samsung 850 SSD; Everytime I install the installer exits with success and it's not until I reboot the system that I get the grub rescue error; I've looked up the grub rescue error and a lot of the fixes require one to mount the boot partition to /mnt and manually install grub; progblem is I cannot install19:54
slicktuxgrub manually because it seems the installer is only partitioning sda1 and that is it . .19:54
slicktuxI'm starting to think that it may be an issue with my SSD but I thought I'd come here and see if there was a common problem . .19:55
slicktuxThis sucks.19:55
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bunditoAnyone have keyboard input lag on K17.10 while using official Nvidia display drivers?22:21
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navetzHi guys, can anyone help me figure out how to reconnect my wifi after I put my computer to sleep?23:56

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