[01:49] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [masspackagelp] tsimonq2 pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vA8Sc [01:49] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- masspackagelp/master 36d6d70 Simon Quigley: Fix the README.md so it's not so verbose. [01:49] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- masspackagelp/master 41acb84 Simon Quigley: Give Lubuntu the copyright but state myself as the author. [01:49] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- masspackagelp/master dbe6bfe Simon Quigley: Modernize it. [02:25] fabianoleite was added by: fabianoleite [02:26] Welcome! [02:28] Obrigado! (Thank you!) [02:36] Boa noite, há muito tempo uso Ubuntu, porém notei que meu notebook não se comporta bem com as versões atualizadas, estava usando o Windows 10 😤 que também não é compatível, meu notebook é um Dell Inspiron 1545, 4gb de RAM e processador dual core, então resolvi instalar o Lubuntu, ficou ótimo, porém o libreoffice Writer não abre, alguém já passou por isso? [02:39] Good night, I have long used Ubuntu, but I noticed that my notebook does not behave well with the updated versions, I was using Windows 10 😤 which is also not compatible, my notebook is a Dell Inspiron 1545, 4GB of RAM and dual core processor , so I decided to install Lubuntu, it was great, but the libreoffice Writer does not open, has anyone ever had it? [04:50] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [lxqt-qtplugin-packaging] tsimonq2 tagged ubuntu/0.12.0-6ubuntu1 at ubuntu/bionic: https://git.io/vA8dT [04:51] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [lxqt-qtplugin-packaging] tsimonq2 merged debian/0.12.0-6 into debian/sid: https://git.io/vA8dL [12:10] Lubuntu Is Awesome [12:10] I needed Some Development Softwares [12:11] Please Suggest [12:21] This isn't really a good support channel, sorry. [12:21] anyways that question is a bit... abstract [12:22] well, more the answer [12:22] development software depends on the needs, the target, the language knowledge, etc etc etc [14:38] @tsimonq2 !! [14:38] tell me the smplayer version we're going to ship [14:39] we need 16.6 or higher [14:40] and these settings: https://bin.rafaellaguna.uk/?caf10bef8f49c9a0#iMH+9PkevkmJUn25F03t/DOz8DkFl4lJfMF3crfnpSk= [14:40] in .config/smplayer/smplayer.ini [14:41] also the packages must be "smplayer, smplayer-themes and smplayer-skins" [14:42] friend can i change my lxpanel into dark theme [14:43] no using the default theme [14:46] but you can use this: https://www.box-look.org/p/1013337/ [14:46] and you'll need this: https://www.opendesktop.org/p/1011980/ [14:47] i have downloaded it [14:47] those are the gtk and icons themes. combined allow you to have dark panels [14:47] I don't Know How To Install it [14:48] (Photo, 1280x776) https://i.imgur.com/M91RfeG.jpg [14:49] the theme archive must be decompressed inside the hidden folder .themes (press ctrl+h to reveal hidden folders) [14:49] the icon archive must be decompressed into .icons [14:50] you can check this guide: https://www.maketecheasier.com/theme-up-lubuntu/ [14:50] (Photo, 1280x776) https://i.imgur.com/RYp0U2I.jpg [14:51] those are icons [14:51] move that "Box-dark-panel" folder into .icons [14:52] done [14:52] nice [14:52] Next [14:52] you should move to lubuntu general channel for support :) [14:52] Is There Any Groups [14:53] it's called Lubuntu Support [14:54] Bro Thanks It Worked [14:54] good to hear :) [14:54] (Photo, 1280x800) https://i.imgur.com/1Bkqtk2.jpg [14:55] yes, it worked. don't expect all icons to be white and functional. that "dark" theme was deprecated. but it's something [14:55] It's Ok [14:55] Thanks [14:55] you can also install Arc or Adapta themes. they have dark versions. and you can always "right click" your panel to change the background manually [14:56] For Your Support [14:56] my pleasure [14:56] 😊😊😊😊 [15:15] @VikingRedwolf, !upkg smplayer in DuckDuckGo [15:38] U know how mplayer has a lot of frontends for gui [15:38] How does one make a frontend for a program [15:41] it depends. you have Vala, Ruby, Python, etc. [15:41] and also you must count on the desktop widgets (gtk, plasma, qt, tk, etc) [15:42] also the language is not really relevant to the compiler base (c, gcc, c+, c#...) [15:42] @VikingRedwolf, What does that mean [15:42] it's not the same doing a GUI for a GTK desktop or a Qt desktop [15:43] Ah ok [15:43] Do you need to use an sdk to make an app with gui [15:44] some people use a simple editor [15:44] but you need a lot of development packages [15:44] And Qt has a toolkit to make gui with right [15:45] several toolkits [15:45] Such as? [15:46] I don't know, I'm not a coder :) [15:46] but you have like 27 toolkits for different works in qtcreator [15:46] qt, qt+, qml, xml... [15:47] it's... complicated [20:52] @tsimonq2: did you see it looks like the change to apt didn't get picked up === wxl_ is now known as wxl [21:25] @wxl_, Gah [21:25] Ok [21:26] Well then I guess it can wait for tomorrow :) [21:26] (for the next daily)