
lovingdragonessAre the 18.04 builds stable enough to not crash when using the installer or booting up the installer? >.>11:32
gpunkyes, it works for me just fine11:45
catphishis there any way to test 18.04 server prior to the import freeze?12:17
catphishi see desktop pre images, but i am interested in testing server12:17
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donofrioif anyone knows how to fix these errors I'm all ears - https://github.com/Microsoft/WSL/issues/296017:35
albert23donofrio: have systemd services started in that container (ps ax)?17:54
donofrioalbert23, hu?18:01
donofrionot using docker anything just wsl/lxrunoffline18:01
albert23donofrio: run the command ps ax in the container, that should show some systemd services18:02
donofrioI'm game lets see....18:02
donofrioalbert23, here is what it returns https://apaste.info/aFc218:03
albert23so no systemd services18:05
TJ-albert23: it's Windows! :)18:05
albert23I know18:05
donofriothis is what I see https://1drv.ms/u/s!AsBlZbBf72iNoL80WYzed14twrwo0Q18:05
albert23Bit starting a bionic container on debian/sid gives similar fun18:06
donofrioignore onedrive login jazz18:06
albert23donofrio: is there anyway in windows to see the container starting, like a normal console?18:07
donofriono it's not a container its wsl (I mean I can do container things but it's not docker)18:07
donofrioalbert23, and others thank you for talking and thinking about this I've not gotten anywhere in four days ;(18:08
albert23donofrio: it looks like a container just running on a different type of host18:09
albert23Somehow that conatainer (or however you name it) must be started18:09
donofriook I could see that....but I'm limited in what I can see/do outside the wsl18:10
donofrio"c:\tools\lxrunoffline\LxRunOffline.exe list" returns two items bionic and Ubuntu I am trying bionic so I run "c:\tools\lxrunoffline\LxRunOffline.exe run -n bionic" and it retuirned the "donofrio@WSAL0013:~$" prompt18:11
albert23donofrio: can you pastebin the output of mount?18:13
donofriosure thing18:13
albert23so no cgroups mounted at all18:16
donofriofwiw, my 16.04 install returns https://apaste.info/IVqu18:17
albert23donofrio: I think the missing cgroups are the reason systemd services don't start18:18
albert23Running bionic on debian sid one missing cgroup was enough to stop systemd18:19
albert23If you can get the console output, that would probably tell you18:19
albert23On sid there was a cleer FREEZE message18:19
donofrioI have console output let me check.....18:23
donofrioopps no I dont18:23
donofriothat was all done though powershell/bash18:24
donofrioso my boxes do not have any cgroups (like they might not be implemented in WSL yet?) here is my right desktop w10 1703 w/17.04 disto-upgraded from 16.04 by changed sources (and is my main working terminal till I get left desktop stable and updating again)18:25
albert23Well, I cannot be sure you have the same problem as I saw. But systemd services not running is not good.18:26
albert23And in my case I can also still attach to the container and many things just seem to work18:27
donofriosystemd is running on the right desktop (at least I beleve it is (i started it)18:27
donofriohow to query for health of it?18:27
albert23Until you need one of those systemd services18:27
albert23systemctl would tell you18:28
donofriowhen I try "systemctl -a" it returns "Failed to list units: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 1"18:29
donofrioon right desktop (17.04)18:29
lotuspsychjedonofrio: how is this related to 18.04?18:30
donofriolotuspsychje, on 17.04 it doesn't18:30
donofriojust figured I built them close to the same18:30
lotuspsychjedonofrio: 17.04 is end of life also18:30
donofrioonly right desktop is a year older install (1703)18:30
albert23donofrio: and what dows systemctl say on the 18.04 desktop?18:32
donofrioalbert23, it returns "Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory"18:33
albert23That's the same I see with 18.04 on sid18:34
donofriothat is a good sign (guessing)18:34
donofriomeans wsl is closer to normal linux/sid18:34
albert23On SID there is a trick to get the cgroups and systemd properly working for the bionic container18:34
donofrioI'm all ears18:34
albert23But how that works on WSL I have no idea18:34
donofrioshouldn't it just be sudo service systemd start?18:38
albert23No, on SID you need to create a directory and mount cgroup 2 on it to allow the bionic container to start properly18:39
albert23So you need to do something on the host, not in the conatiner18:39
donofrioalbert23, what does your mount have for your 18.04?18:39
donofriohumm https://github.com/Microsoft/WSL/issues/220918:41
albert23donofrio: this is how it looks in a bionic container on sid: https://apaste.info/TqFm18:44
donofriocool, much to learn still about wsl and its offerings and what is missing still.....18:46
lotuspsychjewhat can we do for you furkan 19:09
lotuspsychjeFurretUber: 19:09
lotuspsychjeFurretUber: what bug are you wondering about?19:12
FurretUberHi, I "updated" from 17.10 to 18.04 by changing the sources.list file. The xfce4 package does not depend from xfce4-volumed, so xfce4-volumed is marked to be autoremoved, but without it the volume keys don't work19:12
lotuspsychjeFurretUber: well first of all, we dont reccomend to upgrade yet in this stage19:12
lotuspsychjeFurretUber: if you want to help bug out 18.04 plz install the daily image clean19:13
lotuspsychjeFurretUber: this way, we can trace if its really a bug instead of a leftover from a previous release19:13
FurretUberThis was exactly what I was wondering19:14
FurretUberI will download and test with a clean install19:18
marathonhowdy 19:42
donofrioalbert23, now for crazy question how do I take all my installed package selections and diff them out of the bionic install so I can apt-get the missing ones installed from the steps here https://github.com/Microsoft/WSL/issues/261819:48
donofrioso far its up and running just apt-get installing things like xfce4 and ubuntu-desktop and the like....19:48
donofrio1466 packages to go....lol19:50
albert23donofrio: dpkg -l | grep ^ii19:50
donofriois "archive.ubuntu.com" a alias for "use lowest ping rate mirror?"19:53
donofrioFurretUber, your going to get sadness oneday (at least I was told that when I dist-upgraded from 16.04 to 17.04 using the sources.list way)19:54
donofrioopps lotus beat me to that.....going back to mute ;)19:55
FurretUberThe notebook survived the 17.10 upgrade (it's a Lenovo), so I thought 18.04 would be a cinch19:56
donofrioFurretUber, "time will tell."20:01
FurretUberThe bug really biting me started with 17.04: https://i.imgur.com/ad81Dwd.png20:04
donofrioFurretUber, how does it run in VMWare Player?  or like me run in WSL :) #duckforcover #lol20:09
FurretUberThat virtual machine works perfectly when opening it using QEMU command line and VirtualBox20:09
FurretUberWhen using virt-manager, it dies when it tries to update the kernel or the package linux-firmware20:10
FurretUberEvery Ubuntu's virt-manager virtual machine freezes and stops working when updating the kernel or the linux-firmware package, and the only information I could get from them is that from that screenshot.20:13
FurretUberThe host system seems to have no issues (there is no dmesg message or anything), but nothing works in the guest after that20:13
donofrioif the has happened before to you might want to ask #ubuntu this is for 18.04 only......20:14
FurretUberI already asked there at least three times, but the message was not read/others didn't paid attention to it (I waited 12 hours for answers)20:17
donofrioirc is slow may take days for answers20:18
donofrioFurretUber, did you try Vmware player on host and how did guest do when firmware was applied?20:19
FurretUberI have not tried using vmware player. On the host I have only used QEMU and libvirt20:19
FurretUberNever installed any other program, as VirtualBox20:20
donofrio"it's free" fwiw I had many issues with VB and windows 7 guest all was solved when I used vmware player20:20
donofrioNice touch, I just noticed this as the updates went by "It is likely that 4.4.0-43-Microsoft belongs to a chroot's host"20:33
donofrioerror found20:35
donofrio"Processing triggers for libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0:amd64 (2.36.11-1) ...W: http: aptMethod::Configuration: could not load seccomp policy: Invalid argument" what does that mean?20:35
donofriocause it stopped the update I ran "apt-get install xfce* hexchat firefox inxi pianobar ubuntu-desktop -y" and I do not believe its finished yet20:36
donofriowell maybe it is done....checkin...20:38
donofrioand xfce4 is up - yah me.....20:43
donofriohow do I get screenfetch's output to maintain formatting in pastebinit?20:57
donofrioawesome behold "OS: Ubuntu 18.04 bionic [Ubuntu on Windows 10]" :) I'm a happy man https://1drv.ms/u/s!AsBlZbBf72iNoL84RCA9UQG92YVkPA (skip onedrive login - unneeded)21:01

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