
=== Menzador is now known as Menzie
ubottuakik called the ops in #ubuntu (Fedos)16:21
hggdh@mark 77799 Fedos, generic trolling at #ubuntu16:30
ubottuThe operation succeeded.16:30
Fedoshay why did you do ths16:31
hggdhFedos: sorry, mistype. You had been warned that #ubuntu is a support only16:39
Fedosi was warned by a mere member16:40
Fedosnot an alphachad mod16:40
hggdhI asked you to come here to discuss, and you did *not*, until I banned you16:40
Fedosi was distracted ok16:40
hggdhFedos: anyone can ask you to behave. There is no need for a moderator to intervene16:41
Fedosfake news16:41
Fedosi require mods16:41
hggdhFedos: anything else?16:42
Fedosthats all16:42
Fedosthank you16:42
hggdhFedos: you are welcome16:42
hggdhFedos: now, if there is nothing you want to discuss, please /part the channel16:43
hggdh@mark #ubuntu-ops Fedos arguments that only official authorities can ask him to behave. Fail.16:45
ubottuThe operation succeeded.16:45
=== wxl_ is now known as wxl

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