
cmaloneyGood morning12:12
cmaloneyHow's the day?12:12
Scary_Guypretty amazing.  threw my Valentine's party at City Club Saturday and despite the lack of heat, money, and the presence of stress it went okay12:22
Scary_Guythen yesterday I checked out a church that a friend is buying and we're going to turn that into a concert venue/club12:23
Scary_Guywith heat!12:23
jrwrenwhoa! buying an old church to open a club! that is cool. Where at?13:09
cmaloney"We are looking for a senior python developer and i see that you have worked with it. I am attaching a brief job description."18:44
cmaloneyYay, I have worked with senior python18:45
cmaloneyWonder if I can get a senior discount18:45
rick_hhah, is that how it works?18:50
waldo323_at first I read it as SeƱor python...I was wrong19:55

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