
BonifacioHello, I have a booting problem with Studio 16.04.0302:59
BonifacioI used a double monitor setup for quite a while (HDMI + VGA), and now I just want to use one of them (HDMI), the thing is that without both monitors plugged, I can't seem to boot normaly; It'll get stuck after some fsck, after GRUB. I can boot in recovery mode, then hitting 'resume' option.03:02
BonifacioI've tried every tutorial on reseting the xorg server, to no avail, and I've asked in the forums and got ignored.03:02
cfhowlettdual monitors is a common cause of issues.  bring this to #ubuntu for more eyes or boot only a single monitor then activate #2.03:02
BonifacioYeah, I've tried in #ubuntu, and got ignored too.03:04
BonifacioSo, just plug the VGA after session started, and then what?03:04
cfhowlettI think you have to have only a single monitor at boot for this to work.03:05
cfhowlettthen plug #2 and it should automagically initiate.03:05
Bonifaciook, worth giving it a shot.03:06
DannyRockI've got Ubuntu 17.10 installed, have done for some time now.  I'd like to convert it to Ubuntu Studio - is there an updated migration process that has been documented?14:47
DannyRockI do not want to uninstall my current system as i have a lot of things which i would loose14:47
boubou_Salut ! Je venais juste vous rendre visite :)17:25
boubou_J'ai vu qu'il existait un chan IRC dans l'installateur d'Ubuntu Gnome.17:25
boubou_Ubuntu Studio * ...17:26

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