
bluesabreochosi: that seems reasonable00:35
bluesabreochosi: and the lack of xfpm 1.6 is odd00:36
bluesabrewe should sync/merge that00:36
Unit193But, but, but. :(00:58
Unit193https://salsa.debian.org/xfce-team/desktop/xfce4-session/commit/1970148f5196f2166ca3402240305507f8f9bcdd looks like this didn't get upstreamed?01:04
Unit193ochosi: ...Would one be able to override this?  May as well, no?01:53
ochosiUnit193: but what..?06:36
ochosii thought we discussed the outstanding xfpm issues and i fixed them06:36
ochosialso, i can merge that session patch tonight06:37
Unit193IIRC, most were.  Oh nice!  And I didn't mean merge directly, but adapt panel to use the new session command.06:41
Unit193(Basically I'm poking because if we drop that patch, we can sync again.)06:42
Unit193...Hrm, not sure that works though as one would have to check for a command option, perhaps return value?  Eh.06:44
Unit193Either way, thanks for taking a look!06:45
ochosiyeah, i can take a look at that script and improve it a little07:40
ochosibut in general it makes sense to check for the command stored in xfconf07:41
ochosi"most were" -> please tell me the outstanding issues so i can take a look early enough07:41
ochosiat least there should be no regressions07:41
knomeochosi, i think 5 lines might be too much, but that's my preference..10:26
Unit193Whereas I'm fairly sure I'd like larger bubbles than knome , but maybe not.10:43
* knome shrugs10:45
knomei'm fine with a larger default if it can be tweaked10:45
Unit193I don't care about defaults, likely 5 or so is right for typical use I believe.10:47
Unit193Don't care == as long as configurable, I *expect* to be atypical here.10:48
ochosiUnit193: nah, i don't want to add yet another configuration option...12:00
ochosii'd rather have a sane default12:00
ochosiand currently it's 1 line :)12:00
ochosiand fairly fixed width12:00
ochosiso i'm trying to make it at least extend more vertically12:00
ochosiUnit193: also, what were those xfpm bugs you didn't wanna tell me about..? :)12:00
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