
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
ZicHi here, I'm trying to run "juju bootstrap manual/localhost cdk" with the latest Juju version from Snap and it hangs up infinitely on "Running machine configuration script...".10:21
ZicWhen I'm trying to find on what it hangs up exactly, I saw "apt-get --option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold --option=Dpkg::options::=--force-unsafe-io --assume-yes --quiet install cloud-utils"10:21
Zicand when I run this manually myself, I got:10:21
ZicThe following packages have unmet dependencies:10:22
Zic cloud-utils : Depends: openjdk-6-jre but it is not installable10:22
Zic               Depends: libbackport-util-concurrent-java (>= 3.1) but it is not installable10:22
ZicFound the problem! apt policy cloud-utils reports that a package from our private local repository override cloud-utils from the Ubuntu Archive, sorry...10:26
magicaltroutkjackal_: ping11:02
kjackal_hello magicaltrout11:03
kjackal_what's up?11:04
magicaltroutah quick CDK question11:04
magicaltroutmy understanding of the kubernetes-worker config is that11:04
magicaltroutkubelet-extra-args is a KV config and the contents will be attached to the kubelet config11:05
magicaltroutso i set11:05
magicaltrout    value: maximum-dead-containers=311:05
magicaltroutbut i don't see it set anywhere on the kubelets11:05
kjackallets see...11:06
kjackalso these are extra arguments that will be used to start kubelet service with11:08
magicaltroutyeah so i'd expect them to be in /var/snap/kubelet/current/args11:09
magicaltroutor visible on ps aux |grep kubelet11:09
kjackalyes they should be there11:09
kjackalwhere do you set them? cojure-up during deployment? a bundle file? after the deployment?11:10
magicaltroutafter the deployment11:10
kjackallet me think...11:11
kjackalyes... I see it not being set. Give me 5 mins11:16
kjackalmagicaltrout: I do not see this config param in kubelet: https://gist.github.com/ktsakalozos/2090e63f052d32b18b7605f1c4b36c2f11:22
kjackallet me read the docs a bit11:23
magicaltroutwell even if it isn't would the charm parse it out?11:23
magicaltroutmy understanding is GC flags get added to the kubelet11:23
magicaltroutI might be wrong, but i'd expect it to blow up, not ignore my config request11:24
kjackalxm... there are discussions of removing these flags as they are depricated. https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/40044 . But regardless we should be able to set those...11:33
magicaltroutwell yeah11:33
magicaltroutbut they aren't removed yet11:33
kjackaltrue, would you be able to open an issue here: https://github.com/juju-solutions/bundle-canonical-kubernetes/issues11:36
kjackalmagicaltrout: ^11:36
kjackalthank you, magicaltrout. My reply to the issue was to the team. ;)11:44
magicaltroutother question11:46
magicaltroutcause google is failing me11:46
magicaltrouthow do I get the deployed applications name in the charm?11:47
=== meeks is now known as meeeks
utkingHey guys! How can i deploy a saved model from the cli?12:58
utkinglike juju deploy  --model maas-cloud-controller:gunny/utkingtest12:59
utkingjust gives no charm og bundle specified12:59
magicaltroutjuju deploy mybundle.yaml13:12
magicaltrouti think13:12
utkingah ok :) do you have any idea where that file is?13:16
utkingthe model was deployed with the gui, but i got some hook errors13:17
utkingso i fixed them, but it won't re-deploy my changes13:18
magicaltroutthat file?13:25
magicaltroutits the export you did13:25
magicaltroutbundle.yaml or whatever the download was called13:25
utkingthanks, a bit complicated tbh, it should have been saved locally, or at least been deploy when pressing the deploy button in the gui :p13:31
magicaltroutif you save a model in the gui13:32
magicaltroutit just downloads it doesn't it?13:32
utkingyeah it does, on my local computer, i then need to scp it in maas to run it, not a big problem, just a bit of extra work13:37
magicaltroutdo you not have juju running on your local computer?13:39
utkingno, it's been bootstrapped by maas on another node13:40
magicaltroutwell if you have a network connection between your machine and the maas network, you could add the controller to you local setup13:41
magicaltroutand then just run the commands locally rather than scping stuff around13:41
utkingHmm, how do you mean? :)13:44
magicaltroutso you have a controller, but you don't run the juju commands directly on the controller, well, not very often13:44
magicaltroutso you can add the cert details and stuff to your local juju client assuming you have one installed and then switch to that contoller and run commands against it13:45
utkingyep! I'm running the commands on the maas node13:45
magicaltroutbut you could just run them on your PC :P13:45
utkinghaha, i'm on windows >_<13:45
utkingssh'ed into the maas node13:46
magicaltroutthere is a windows client :P13:46
utkinghaha, oh wow13:46
utkingi wasn't aware!13:46
utkingWell thanks m8!13:47
utkingi'll try that one out13:47
magicaltroutno probs13:48
utkingis it less buggy then the gui online?13:48
magicaltrouta buggy gui?!13:48
magicaltroutI've not noticed any issues in the gui13:48
magicaltroutbut i don't use it very often13:48
utkinghaha, it doesn't work at all for us, it bugs, deploys 10 times one charm than was specified etc13:50
utkingalso if relations are changed, and redployed nothing happens13:50
magicaltroutwell i've not seen that in either environment but i'll take your word for it13:52
magicaltrouti'm sure there will be some americans online shortly who'd be interested in knowing more13:52
magicaltroutthey get a bit sad when the gui doesn't work13:53
utkingalso the exported yaml file won't import in the gui, just get a bunch of relations errors13:54
utkingbut it deploys fine in cli13:54
magicaltrouti'm sure rick_h can help file some issues when he gets his bald head to the keyboard13:55
rick_hmagicaltrout: :p13:56
magicaltroutoh hi rick_h13:56
magicaltroutdidn't see you there.....13:56
rick_hsorry my head glare is toned down...13:56
utkinghaha :)13:57
magicaltroutnice to know you've been polishing....13:57
utkingpolishing is never bad, in any way13:58
rick_hutking: do you have a pastebin of the bundle yaml we can check out?13:59
rick_hutking: since the gui and the go client parse things up differently sometimes things can get out of sync14:00
rick_hwould love to get a bug in place and get things fixed up for you14:00
utkingi'll make one14:00
utkingthere you go rick_h :)14:02
utkingthat one i'm unable to import in the web gui14:02
rick_hutking: hmm, so using hte gui it loads the yaml into uncomitted state. When you say relation errors is this the errors from the charms themselves14:04
utkinghmm, it just won't import them14:07
rick_hutking: so it takes a few seconds here after it loads the charms.14:09
utkinghmm, so it loads them?14:11
utkingtry this one then, this gives me errors at least, i might have sent you the wrong one :p14:11
rick_hso here's a gif of it loading up on jujucharms.com and preparing to be deployed14:13
rick_hutking: right, what's 40851682$ ?14:15
rick_hutking: that's related to shared-db but isn't anything the bundle/juju knows about14:15
rick_hutking: so the gui is erroring stating that relation info doesn't make sense to it14:16
utkinghmm, it might been relating to ceph, but that was removed from the model :S14:18
rick_hyea, I'd be curious where the number$ came from I guess as that's what's breaking the second bundle from working.14:19
utkingHmm, what you can try is to download the openstack base, remove ceph, then export and import, see if that breaks it for you?14:20
=== rharper` is now known as rharper
rick_hutking: yep, that's the issue. I've filed: https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/issues/3548 on the matter15:38
rick_hutking: ty for confirming what was up15:38
salmankhanDoes someone know how to update dns entries in L X D containers alreay deployed by JUJU17:56
salmankhanif I change /etc/resolv.conf or network interfaces file manually, it gets reverted on container restart17:57
rick_hsalmankhan: I'm not sure you can do that as that's stored and shared info. The idea would be to run dns if you wanted to stick custom names on things18:16
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
salmankhanrick_h: actually I set the subnet dns in MAAS which got into the containers intefaces and resolv.conf rightly but now I want to change that but not been able to find any way to do it without destroying container.18:29
salmankhanstrange, can't find any doc as well how juju deploys LXD containers, I mean some indepth doc18:30

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