[00:05] Hi guys, can anyone help me figure out how to reconnect my wifi after I put my computer to sleep? [00:06] Hi guys, can anyone help me figure out how to reconnect my wifi after I put my computer to sleep? [00:28] !patience | navetz [00:28] navetz: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait. [00:41] dang, repeating the same thing 3 times? [00:41] :( [00:46] valorie: I was gonna say it was a bug but it looks like they manually sent it 3 times [00:48] yes === shoe is now known as JonDimondMotherf [01:07] Hello would it be safe to install the 18.04 daily how stable is it? Also would i have to reinstal at release time? === dad is now known as Guest47222 [02:35] It looks like support for 17.04 ended last month. How do I update to 17.10? It looks like apt is broken as everything returns 404. [02:36] so apt-get update/upgrade/dist-upgrade or even attempting to install packages just fail. [02:41] !eolupgrade | piasa [02:41] piasa: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [02:41] wow. [02:43] they should definately fire whomever thought this was acceptable. [02:44] whatever, i'll do it later. I'll just reboot into windows to get things done for now. === kc1 is now known as kc [03:32] did that person think that someone is paid for this stuff? [03:32] heh [03:43] Eh, it would be nice if there was an easier (e.g. scripted) way to do the upgrade [04:14] Well, the only extra step you have to do, if the repos of your EOL version have been moved to old-releases.u.c already, is to adapt your sources to it really - the rest is automatic as usual. === r is now known as Guest36340 [05:49] If I buy a laptop in a month or two prior to Bionic Beaver - can I install aardvark and simply upgrade - or should I wait for beaver? Thanks! [05:51] @anarcho, Upgrades are very easy these days. So 17.10 to 18.04 should be no problem. [05:53] @ Great! Thanks! I was thinking a complete new install would be required. Does it work the same with the LTS version?? [05:53] If you have some linux experience, you could even start with the 18.04 daily downloads and your system will be auto updated. But note, kernel, xorg, config files, etc will change and you many need to reset some of your preferences. [05:54] you have the option of upgrading every 6 months or sticking with LTS only releases. [05:57] @DarinMiller Ok.No, I am not linux experienced. If I have backports configured would that 'update' current versions to Beaver specs?? [06:00] Backports will bring KDE app/frameworks/plasma up to Bionic release, but Bionic will have a newer kernel and other packages. [06:01] Ok got it! Thanks! [06:01] You're welcome. [07:00] Good morning === passkart is now known as passkartDB [10:48] hi, is "something" broken with kdebackports and pim repos? lots of pim related stuff has changed and now kmail can not be installed again beceause of "libkf5sonnetui5 (>= 5.40.0) vs 5.38.0-0ubuntu1" dependency issues [10:54] TomTom: what release is that? [10:57] 17.10 with kubuntu-ppa and staging-kdeapplications [11:03] TomTom: staging-kdeapplications is a development repo. stuff could be broken there, though that error sounds odd. users should not be using that [11:06] and if you don't have the other ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports enabled, it will be broken [11:38] acheronuk: thanks for the hint, enabled the backports ppa again and all is now ok again [11:39] TomTom: great. apps 17.12.x is something that 'might' go in backports proper, but it's not intended to be ready yet, and was more to get extra testing coverage on what is going in 18.04 [11:40] however, if you find issues, please shout [11:51] hey everybody, are you aware of some way to add a plasma panel other than right click on the desktop? im using i3 as WM so that option is off the table :) [12:11] You might get lucky by doing some dbus calls. [12:34] hrm... I had made the little "install flash" thingy go away some time ago, and now it likes to pop back up occasionally. I thought I disabled flash-installer as a package, but evidently I need to do something else? [12:35] zxq9: untick that: https://i.imgur.com/3LLaIqZ.png [12:35] Hi folks [12:36] acheronuk: ooOOOoh! I had no idea that was there. Thanks! [12:37] zxq9: from 18.04 we are getting rid of the nag about flash completely. not worth it for something that is soon to die! [12:37] It has been dead to me for years already. [12:38] and for many others now [12:46] a lot od websites still insist on it [12:46] of [12:55] it's still going to be in the list of stuff the is installed if you choose that when installing, but you won't get a repeating nag if you don't, or remove it === r is now known as Guest92406 [16:38] how do you delete a sticky note on the desktop? [16:40] D0U91E: long-click it and some controls should show up [16:40] that is click and hold [16:41] hateball, thank you very much :) [16:43] :) [16:54] la mia tastiera si scollega e si ricollega [16:54] la mia tastiera si scollega e si ricollegala mia tastiera si scollega e si ricollega [17:19] !it [17:19] Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) === phoenix_ is now known as phoenix_firebrd [19:36] hello to all of U [19:40] Hope that someone is willing to help me on this one, think pretty straight forward for u guys..... but I'm somewhat new to Kubuntu and recently installed it on my laptop. It has 2 harddrives. Now I want to copy a file from one drive to another. Right clicking and cut and paste it into another drive don't seem to work. Dragging with two Delphin windows seems to work. Is there another way and most of all, how do I copy using a termi [19:40] nal (what do I need to call in order to adress the HDdrives [19:40] ?? [19:43] ciao [20:09] HaxYT was added by: HaxYT === luizromario is now known as r_rios === phoenix_ is now known as phoenix_firebrd [22:32] what's the easiest way to reset a plasma 5.12 desktop to default settings in kubuntu? (I think I messed it up too much trying out different things)