
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
mupBug #1750540 opened: [2.3, UI] Filters break when navigating among Machine, device, controller tabs <ui> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1750540>11:01
=== rharper` is now known as rharper
mupBug #1750604 opened: MAAS cli incorrect "Success" message  <canonical-bootstack> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1750604>16:10
mupBug #1750622 opened: PXE boot on HP DL380 Gen9 is forced into a one time Legacy Boot Mode <cpe-onsite> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1750622>17:38
xygnalcan I have one untagged vlan and forwards multiple subnets?  or do i need one untagged vlan per subnet?17:45
xygnalits all untagged with relay17:45
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
xygnalroaksoax: ping19:01
roaksoaxxygnal: pong21:19
xygnalroaksoax: 1.  I uploaded json dumps from websocket calls weeks ago, did you examine them?  no replies in bug report.         2. when we test bare metal, do we need to use our prod database data,  or would creating 500 fake nodes in CLI be sufficient?21:30
roaksoaxxygnal: for 1. unfortunately at the moment we dont have the cycles to investigate more your use case. For the priority to be bumped, i would need to have a support ticket21:31
roaksoaxxygnal: as for 2. doing 500 fake nodes21:32
roaksoaxwould be a good test21:32
roaksoaxbut those fake nodes would need to be commissioned21:32
roaksoaxand have testing results21:32
roaksoaxxygnal: the disadvantage to that, is that there's noone really doing power checking21:32
roaksoaxwhich could also be a reason why it's overloaded21:33
roaksoaxxygnal: also, I did  quick quest to see if I could reproduce your issue in different circumstances21:33
roaksoaxxygnal: 1. created a vm with 1 CPU + 2GB ram21:33
roaksoax2. added 100 real machines to MAAS21:33
roaksoax3. MAAS commissioned/deployed all of those machines21:34
roaksoaxit eventually run out of memory, which prevented the rack from being able to power manage the machnes21:34
roaksoaxbut the UI was fully functional21:34
catbusbladernr: <323:37

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