
mupPR snapcraft#1929 closed: sources: proper errors for invalid handlers <bug> <Created by kalikiana> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1929>00:41
mupPR snapcraft#1942 opened: Release changelog for 2.39.2 <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1942>00:44
elopiosnappy-m-o autopkgtest 1926 xenial:armhf xenial:amd64 xenial:arm6401:05
snappy-m-oelopio: I've just triggered your test.01:05
elopiosnappy-m-o autopkgtest 1942 xenial:armhf xenial:amd64 xenial:arm6401:52
snappy-m-oelopio: I've just triggered your test.01:52
hego555yo guys, my snaps seem to not have any internet connection... Spotify says no internet connection and so does Writefull03:39
hego555i made sure the network plug was enabled03:40
sergiusenssnappy-m-o autopkgtest 1943 bionic:amd64 bionic:arm64 bionic:armhf04:41
snappy-m-osergiusens: I've just triggered your test.04:41
mupPR snapcraft#1943 opened: Release/2.39.2+18.04 (DO NOT MERGE) <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1943>04:42
mborzeckimvo: morning06:24
mvohey mborzecki ! good morning06:24
mborzeckimvo: i noticed this in one of the travis jobs: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qYKjfqYdxF/ is this the restart on refresh mode thing?06:25
mvomborzecki: yes - looks like a race, do you have the full log? there should be logging to syslog around this to help tracking this down06:27
mborzeckimvo: https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/343470218/log.txt06:28
mvomborzecki: hm, hm, the log looks ok, the right restart reason and all that. puzzling06:35
mborzeckimvo: maybe the log comes from before the actual test action happened?06:38
mvomborzecki: yeah, I wonder why06:39
mborzeckimvo: backend calls systemd.Restart(), that's implemented as stop & start06:41
mvomborzecki: oh, thats an interessting clue, a restart with no restart reason. when is backend calling this?06:43
mborzeckimvo: i believe the path is ifacestate.setupSnapSecurity() -> backend.Setup() -> systemd.Restart()06:44
mborzeckimvo: do you need any help with that issue?07:45
mvomborzecki: help would be great, I'm still fighting with the 2.31.1 stable release and the oom error and the autopkgtests07:46
mborzeckimvo: oom error? you got me interested now07:47
mvomborzecki: on bionic/i386 the interfaces-many tests triggers an oom error07:47
mvomborzecki: its not a new bug, I can reproduce it with 2.29.x too07:47
mvomborzecki: but its very unclear right now what is causing it07:48
mvomborzecki: its reliable to reproduce on i38607:48
mborzeckimvo: is snapd getting killed?07:49
mvomborzecki: everything is getting killed :) its also strange as htop does not show any user space grwoing like mad. also the swtich from ok(ish) to oom comes very fast07:50
mvomborzecki: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gVgDtTqPBg/ this is the script07:50
mvomborzecki: I can prepare a tar that includes the two snaps to run this07:51
mborzeckimvo: no need, if they are in tests/lib/snaps i can build them myself07:53
mvomborzecki: I will do it anyway I think because I want to run it on an amd64 and compare the logs. it seems like th eoom condition is not triggered there07:54
mvomborzecki: might be kernel, might be udev07:54
mvomborzecki: each connect seems to take in the range of 12mb07:55
mvomborzecki: it could be apparmor too, we load profiles on each connect07:55
mborzeckimvo: wow, that's a lot07:55
mvomborzecki: well, thats what "free" tells me, its not clear (to me yet) where this memory actually goes07:55
mborzeckimvo: i'll try to play with pprof, see if anything comes up07:56
mborzeckimvo: there's a bunch of maps flying around in the code, also we may be collecing some output from processses that we run07:57
mvomborzecki: my gut feeling is that its external to snapd, we need more data, but afaict this is fine on xenial/i38608:00
mborzeckimvo: interesting, is ti possible to say, disable apparmor and not call apparmor_parser?08:01
mvomborzecki: yeah, that might be worth a shot08:01
mvomborzecki: its puzzling, free telle me I have "479404" used and "784648" free - thats confusing (but memory reporting apparently is)08:02
mvomborzecki: I also see a lot of kmalloc-8192 in slab-info08:03
mvomborzecki: the objects there grow from 500 to 500008:03
mvo(which is still not that much in total memory size about 40mb)08:03
mvomborzecki: my current theory is that for some reason "normal" memory runs out on i386. there is plenty of "highmem" free but the normal memory falls below the threshold of 20mb08:09
mborzeckipstolowski: morning08:10
mvohey pstolowski ! good morning08:10
pstolowskimvo, heya, is this re to the 'killed...' issue on connect from yesterday?08:12
mvopstolowski: yes08:15
mupPR snapd#4676 closed: timeutil: introduce helpers for checking it time falls inside the schedule <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4676>08:17
mborzeckimvo: hm the test only connects the interfaces, so maybe temporarily linking apparmor_parser to /bin/true would allow to skip this path if that's what you suspect08:20
mborzeckipstolowski: if you're up for reviews https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4695 needs looking at :)08:23
mupPR #4695: wrappers: generator for systemd OnCalendar schedules <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4695>08:23
mborzeckimvo: xenial i386 vm is updating, meanwhile i'll look at refresh mode thing08:26
pstolowskimborzecki, sure!08:26
mborzeckipstolowski: great, thanks :)08:26
mvomborzecki: I will write a forum post in a wee bit that summarizes my current findinds09:02
sergiusenssnappy-m-o autopkgtest 1942 xenial:armhf xenial:amd64 xenial:arm6409:05
snappy-m-osergiusens: I've just triggered your test.09:05
Chipacasergiusens: morning! (?)09:06
sergiusensChipaca: intermittent, just woke up to trigger these darn tests :-)09:06
sergiusenssnappy-m-o autopkgtest 1943 bionic:amd64 bionic:arm64 bionic:armhf09:12
snappy-m-osergiusens: I've just triggered your test.09:12
mupPR snapd#4708 opened: overlord/snapstate: use spread in the default refresh schedule <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4708>09:31
mborzeckimvo: so no apparmor no leak?09:36
mvomborzecki: thats what it looks like to me at least09:37
mborzeckithat's interesting observation09:39
mborzecki, udev/seccomp/cgroups is all there right?09:39
mvomborzecki: yes, I just disabled this one09:39
mupPR snapd#4709 opened: tests: fixes for autopkgtest in bionic <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4709>09:42
mborzeckimvo: can you try with something more recent, like 4.15.4?09:43
mborzeckimvo: i mean the kernel ofc09:43
mvomborzecki: yeah, I am preparing a more automatic thing now09:47
mvomborzecki: I mean a tarfile so that one can just run ./test.sh09:48
mvomborzecki: and then I can test on more systems (artful etc) to see when it started09:48
mborzeckimvo: i did not observe any issues on xenial, but that's a really old kernel09:49
mvomborzecki: interessting09:51
mborzeckimvo: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bWVBw4Yp6v/09:53
mborzeckiLowTotal:         858144 kB09:53
mborzeckiLowFree:          723696 kB09:53
mvomborzecki: this is xenial?09:53
mborzeckimvo: yes09:54
mvomborzecki: it seems to have a different lowmem split09:55
mvomborzecki: i.e. more available (my system only had ~400mb)09:55
mvomborzecki: is it also shrinking fast?09:55
mvomborzecki: same here, no craziness on 16.04-3210:02
seb128mvo, hey10:03
seb128mvo, can you help us? andyrock needs some input on changes he would like to suggest for snapd that he needs for his livepatch work10:03
mborzeckimvo: https://imgur.com/a/xDeVR10:04
mvoseb128: sure, what kind of changes does he have in mind?10:04
mborzeckimvo: the test script stars around 20s mark10:04
andyrockmvo: so we need to login  in snapd from the installer. The problem is that we can't talk with the to-be-installed snapd in ubiquity10:05
andyrockmvo: the chroot hack does not work (in a nutshell the chroot is not ready when we need it)10:06
mvomborzecki: what is the y axis?10:06
mborzeckimvo: kB, LowFree10:06
mvomborzecki: ta10:06
andyrockmvo: would be possible to have a way to seed the auth state? something like this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sSbKstQ2Sy/10:06
mvoandyrock: interesting! pedronis, what do you think about the ability to put auth.json into the seed directory and import it on firstboot? this is for the desktop installer use-case10:08
pedronismvo: I'm a bit missign the context10:10
andyrockpedronis: I've been asked to add snapd login in the installer10:11
mvopedronis: they allow people to login into the store/snapd in the livecd session. but the snapd that is running in there is not the snapd that is copied to the hardisk. the harddisk snapd will have an empty state.json10:11
mvopedronis: so the user would have to login again after the system was installed10:11
pedroniswhat is that auth.json?  the  one from the homedir?10:13
pedronisor something else10:13
andyrocksomething else10:13
pedronisthe one in the homedir doesn't have all the data10:13
andyrocksomething we need to take from the livecd state.json10:13
andyrockwe can take all under auth: {...}10:14
pedronisno you don't want everything10:14
pedronisbecause there's device info there10:14
pedronisand I think we are trying not to make livece session count the same wa10:14
pedronisas full installs10:14
andyrockpedronis: so last-id, users, and macaroon-key?10:18
andyrockor last-id and users are enough?10:18
pedronisandyrock: you need the macaroon-key as well, if you plan to port ~/.snap/auth.json over or the gnome-software equivalent10:27
andyrockpedronis: so are you willing to accept something like that?10:28
pedronismaybe, is not just my decision10:28
pedronisit needs also to be a bit more paranoid about checking the perms of that file10:29
andyrockkk who else should we ask?10:29
pedronisyou need niemeyer +1 as well10:31
pedronisI'm mildly worried that it allows to clone the same creds on a lot of images, it's not your use case but it can be used that way10:33
andyrockpedronis: should we move the discussion the forum?10:36
andyrock*in the10:36
pedronisyou should make a proposal there I suppose10:37
=== ikey|afk is now known as ikey
mvopedronis, andyrock another option might be to join the standup as a guest10:49
zyga_I'm sick and I won't be around today10:50
zyga_I just got off the bed to let you guys know10:50
zyga_sorry about that :/10:50
mvozyga_: get well10:50
* mvo hugs zyga_ 10:50
zyga_thank you, I be back as soon as I can10:50
mupPR snapd#4704 closed: tests: store journal in autopkgtest artiffacts and add 18.04-32 to qemu <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4704>10:51
mvomborzecki: fwiw, artful seems to show the same behavior11:09
magicaltroutrandom question, is there a pattern for dealing with migrating configs and stuff on a snap package upgrade?11:10
magicaltroutor do you just bake something into the start script?11:11
popeymvo: I'm told there's a PR in flight somewhere which will enable a snap (like gnome-calculator) to auto-download & install a platform snap (like the gnome one). Do you know what stage that's at?11:15
mvopopey: that is #410311:15
mupPR #4103: snapstate: auto install default-providers for content snaps <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4103>11:15
mvopopey: we want to get it in for 2.32, its a bit hard because there is some work to do still but its super important to us11:16
popeymvo: excellent, thanks.11:16
popeyYes, that would be awesome.11:16
* pstolowski lunch11:32
mborzeckimvo: that problem with test-snapd-service endure, the only idea i have atm is that we do journalctl --rotate, but no journalctl --sync, if a test using test-snapd-service was run before that one, we could end up with a log from the previous run11:35
mvomborzecki: interessting, that sounds like a good theory11:36
mborzeckifunnily enough, looking at the source code of journalctl, you cannot use `journalctl --sync --rotate` in a single command, both flags are set to the same variable11:37
mupPR snapd#4710 opened: tests/lib/prepare-restore: sync journal before rotating and vacuuming <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4710>11:45
mborzeckimvo: ^^ a simple fix for now, let's see if this is enough11:46
mupPR snapd#4709 closed: tests: fixes for autopkgtest in bionic <Created by mvo5> <Merged by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4709>11:46
mvomborzecki: \o/11:47
Chipacamborzecki: mvo: #4708 gtg12:00
mupPR #4708: overlord/snapstate: use spread in the default refresh schedule <Critical> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4708>12:00
mupPR snapd#4708 closed: overlord/snapstate: use spread in the default refresh schedule <Critical> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4708>12:02
mvoChipaca, mborzecki thanks, cherry-picked into 2.31.112:07
cachiomvo, hey12:09
mvohey cachio12:10
cachiotest-snapd-hello-classic in the store for s390x, stil waiting a review12:10
cachiomvo, updating the kernel in the qemu machine12:10
mvocachio: aha, cool, I can do that after lunch12:10
cachiomvo, same issue with an old kernel12:30
mborzeckicachio: oom?12:30
cachiomborzecki, yes12:31
mborzeckicachio: how much ram are those vms getting?12:32
cachiomborzecki, well, I could not connect anymore12:32
cachiomborzecki, 3500 MB12:32
mborzeckicachio: tried this today on 16.04 32bit, with -mem 4096 and haven't observed any issues, lowmem did drop a bit though, see ~20s mark https://imgur.com/a/xDeVR12:34
cachiomborzecki, I ran some scripts yesterday and it is like in 18.04 i386 the garbage collections is not done12:36
cachioso you connect disconnect and do stuff and the memory is not release12:37
mborzeckicachio: can you try to collect this `while true; do echo "$(date +%s) $(awk '/LowFree/ {print $2}' < /proc/meminfo)"; sleep 1; done` while the test is run and paste is somewhere?12:40
cachiomborzecki, sure12:40
cachiomborzecki, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JTBkvh5PqN/13:05
mborzeckihmm it's really low to begin with13:14
Chipacajdstrand: ping13:21
jdstrandhey Chipaca13:22
Chipacajdstrand: pm13:22
mvojdstrand: hey, https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/oom-for-interfaces-many-on-bionic-i386/4101 might be interessting for you guys, I suspect it is apparmor related (but maybe not)13:23
sergiusensstgraber: hi there, was wondering if there is a probe command in lxd to figure out that we have been `init'ed`13:25
mborzeckii'm experimenting with `snap set core refrsh.timer=<...>` and it's a bit weird, you see the current setting appear right away in `snap refresh --time` but it becomes effective only after restart or when the current next expires13:54
pedronismborzecki: shouldn't be like that looking at the code, but it might take 5 minutes to take effect if we are not careful13:57
mborzeckipedronis: how often is autorefresh.Ensure() called?13:59
cachiomvo, mborzecki I ran with this kernel and I for the oom issue too https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4X9s7jtybd/14:02
pedronismborzecki: if nothing is going on, each 5 minutes14:02
pedronisthat's where my 5 minutes comes from14:02
mupPR snapd#4710 closed: tests/lib/prepare-restore: sync journal before rotating and vacuuming <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4710>14:03
mvocachio: oh, interessting.14:04
pedronismborzecki: it's   ensureInterval  in overlord/overlord.go, probably worth getting familiar with that bit14:04
mborzeckipedronis: yup, looking at it now14:04
pedronismborzecki: we have state.EnsureBefore  to trigger it earlier, various places use it14:05
pedronissome in taskrunner.go14:05
mborzeckiright, i've seen this one before :)14:06
=== pbek_ is now known as pbek
cachiomvo, is it any way to disable apparmor and make the tests work?14:07
cachiomvo, to discard that?14:07
cachiomvo, I'll try just removing it14:09
mvocachio: I did: "mv /sbin/apparmor_parser /sbin/apparmor_parser.saved"14:09
mborzeckipedronis: there's a funny effect, that once a refresh runs as is successful, next becomes time.Time{}, so when you do `snap refresh --time`, next will be 'n/a'14:09
mvocachio: cp /bin/true /sbin/apparmor_parser14:10
jdstrandmvo: interesting. As you said, this sounds like a kernel issue since you couldn't reproduce on 4.10 or lower14:10
cachiomvo, you already tried that and it didn't work?14:11
jdstrandmvo: you said 4.10 was not affected. 4.13 (artful) is? why are we only seeing this now? is it just now is when you decided to get to the bottom of artful and bionic issues?14:11
mvojdstrand: take it with a grain of salt, cachio said he sees it with 4.10 too, I will double check14:11
mvocachio: that worked for me14:11
mvocachio: when I moved the apparmor_parser away I did not see the mem leak anymore14:11
jdstrandmvo: how much memory is in the vm?14:11
mvojdstrand: I think its some factors: the interfaces-many test got added relatively recently, we don't run much on i386 and autopkgtest for 2.30 did not run because we had problems getting this snap accepted into the archive at all14:12
mvojdstrand: the vm has 1500mb14:12
mvojdstrand: but it seems like the LowMem is what triggers the oom on i386 which is just 400mb14:12
jdstrandmvo: this is i386 only/14:12
mvojdstrand: I suspect its amd64 too, it just takes a lot longer as it has the full 1500mb of memory14:13
mvojdstrand: for some reason its the lowmem on i386 that runs out14:13
mvojdstrand: the oom-test.tar.gz should have all that is needed to reproduce14:13
mvojdstrand: let me run it (in a loop) on amd64 to see if it eventually also dies14:14
jdstrandmvo: yes. I'd like to remove snapd from the equation though so I commented in the topic14:14
mvojdstrand: I see ~15mb per "snap connect" decrease in free memory with 4.13. maybe with 4.10 (and below) the leak is just smaller that is why cachio sees it (because he was looking harder) and I don't (because I was just looking for the oom to trigger)14:15
Chipacamvo: the interfaces-many test is a bit of a hog, it has so many changes that towards the end it takes seconds to do each one14:15
mvoChipaca: indeed14:16
mvojdstrand: I run it now on amd64 in a loop just to see what will happen (bionic with 4.13)14:16
mborzeckimvo: what if you try to reload apparmor profiles in a loop?14:16
jdstrandmvo: note that an apparmor profile does take kernel memory. it should not take that much and it shouldn't lose 15mb with a replace operation14:16
mvojdstrand: *nod*14:17
mborzeckioff to pick up the kids14:18
mvojdstrand: fwiw, it looks like amd64 is also affect, just takes longer because of the different memory available (1480 vs 390)14:26
cachiomvo, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/YsCpXvfgNg/14:28
cachio56MB free14:28
cachiopreparing the suite14:28
sergiusenssnappy-m-o autopkgtest 1942 xenial:armhf14:49
snappy-m-osergiusens: I've just triggered your test.14:49
=== rharper` is now known as rharper
mvocachio: yeah, same here, eventually amd64 also runs out of memory15:18
cachiomvo, I am gonna try with an older bionic image15:22
mvocachio: thank you15:23
jdstrandmvo: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/oom-for-interfaces-many-on-bionic-i386/4101/515:24
jdstrandoh heh, you already liked it15:25
mvojdstrand: very much indeed! thanks for the reproducer15:25
mvocachio: -^15:25
mvocachio: looks like jdstrand has an even better reproducer that does not involve snapd, probably easy(ish) to bisect using this15:25
brunosferHi guys! I installed bluez in Ubuntu Core Snappy and I'm having this problem:15:26
brunosferbluez.sdptool browse local15:26
brunosferFailed to connect to SDP server on FF:FF:FF:00:00:00: No such file or directory15:26
jdstrandmvo: I think for now the test should be disabled on i38615:26
brunosferDoes anyone knows how can I solve this issue?15:26
jdstrandmvo: the test really only needs to be run on one arch imho15:26
jdstrandthe snapd part of the test is only useful on one arch15:27
* mvo nods15:28
jdstrandthe fact that it showed an issue on i386 is certainly helpful :)15:28
marcoceppio/ can anyone help me with this: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/refreshing-disabled-snap-kubectl-not-supported/4060/1115:38
brunosferHi guys! I installed bluez in Ubuntu Core Snappy and I'm having this problem: $bluez.sdptool browse local Failed to connect to SDP server on FF:FF:FF:00:00:00: No such file or directory15:39
brunosferDoes anyone knows how can I solve this issue?15:39
ogra_brunosfer, it is probably best to ask this on the forum ... koza can probably help but i think he is not around currently (so he can more easily pick up the question on the forum later)15:40
ogra_also make sure to describe what HW you run and if all your interfaces are connected properly etc15:40
brunosferhow much later? because I posted that issue since December 17th and so far I'm stuck and nobody replied...15:41
ogra_brunosfer, where did you post it ?15:42
marcoceppiChipaca: o/15:42
brunosferEverytime I make this question here people redirect me to the forum and it's a dead end...15:42
ogra_(got a link to the forum post ?)15:42
mvohm, hm, today https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/all-revisions-of-snaps-are-mounted-when-they-dont-need-to-be/2294 came up, I wonder if anyone ever looked what is taking >500ms15:47
jdstrandmvo: fyi, jjohansen is aware of a profile replace memory leak and will continue to look into it15:48
Chipacamarcoceppi: o/!15:55
Chipacamarcoceppi: how's things?15:55
Chipacamarcoceppi: so, tell me more about this messed-up snapd you have15:55
marcoceppigreat except for my broken snaps :(15:55
marcoceppiI mean, it's my laptop15:55
Chipacamarcoceppi: ok. Can you enabled debug, if you haven't already?15:55
marcoceppi16.04 full patched, few days ago a new kubectl snap was published and since then it's not been well15:56
Chipacamarcoceppi: that's add SNAPD_DEBUG=1 to /etc/environment and 'systemctl restart snapd'15:56
marcoceppiyeah, restarting snapd hangs15:56
Chipacamarcoceppi: hangs how?15:57
mvomarcoceppi: what exactly is broken? does snapd itself misbehave? or one (or muliple) snaps?15:57
marcoceppimvo: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/refreshing-disabled-snap-kubectl-not-supported/4060/1115:57
Chipacamvo: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/refreshing-disabled-snap-kubectl-not-supported/4060/715:57
marcoceppiChipaca: restart command blocks indefinitely15:57
Chipacamarcoceppi: what does 'journalctl -u snapd' show?15:57
marcoceppiI can straight up kill it15:57
marcoceppiChipaca: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fDhqFCPGkC/15:58
Chipacamarcoceppi: is that the _end_ of the journal?15:59
marcoceppiyeah, I mean, I just did an -f and it's printing a few more things15:59
marcoceppilike sysctl just SIGKILL'd the proc15:59
Chipacawith the SNAPD_DEBUG, and it hanging, i'd expect lots of stuff15:59
marcoceppioh, no, still waiting for it to restart15:59
marcoceppiso it can get SNAPD_DEBUG15:59
Chipacaok, so just kill it16:00
Chipacasomething is bad16:00
* marcoceppi nods16:00
Chipacaand the oom will kill one thread and leave go wondering16:00
Chipacaso when that happens you need to manually kill the whole thing16:00
pedroniskubectl is classic fwiw16:00
marcoceppiyes, but lxd isnt pedronis and it has the same problem16:01
Chipacapedronis: i mean, if it were just the snap misbehaving i'd kick it over to sergio :-)16:01
Chipacapedronis: but this is snapd doing something weeeird16:01
pedronisbut you said it started when you got the new kubectl16:01
marcoceppithat's when I noticed it exhibiting issues, yes16:01
Chipacamarcoceppi: how's the kill-everything-and-start-over going?16:01
marcoceppiit's started16:01
marcoceppiChipaca: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vR9Nky4bhx/16:02
Chipacamarcoceppi: can you 'curl -s -N -0 --unix-socket /run/snapd.socket http://localhost/v2/changes?select=all | python -m json.tool | pastebinit'?16:03
Chipacamarcoceppi: assuming you have pastebinit, otherwise you know what i mean16:03
marcoceppithat's a mouthful16:03
Chipacamarcoceppi: can you do a 'sudo du -sh /root/snap/* /home/user/snap/* /var/snap/*' ?16:06
Chipaca(depending on your permissions you might need to tweak that for the glob to expand everywhere)16:06
marcoceppiChipaca: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HNq9hGGm66/16:07
Chipacamarcoceppi: if you say 'snap watch 481' does it still say it's copying stuff?16:08
Chipacamarcoceppi: that's kubefed, yes?16:08
Chipacamarcoceppi: so my question for you is, how does it take this long to copy 28k of data16:08
marcoceppiwell, that's my question for you - isn't it :D16:09
marcoceppiSSD with over 60GB of free space on EXT416:09
Chipacamarcoceppi: can you try copying that directory somewhere, by hand? ie 'cp -a /var/snap/kubefed /var/tmp' ?16:09
marcoceppitime cp -a /var/snap/kubefed /var/tmp/16:10
marcoceppiworked without issue16:10
cachiomvo, using an 2 months old bionic image I see the same oom error16:11
mvocachio: ta16:11
Chipacamarcoceppi: the other one you had in doing was copying the lxd data16:11
Chipacamarcoceppi: that one could take a bit longer, it being 5 gigs16:11
mvocachio: jdstrand told me the memory leak is something that jjohansen is investigating. maybe he knows (roughly) when this started ? if not we might be able to help bisecting16:12
marcoceppiyeah, but it's been over 24 hours16:12
marcoceppiand LXD was a problem after 24 hours of the kubectl issue16:12
marcoceppiI feel like snapd is unable to perform this action16:12
Chipacamarcoceppi: is there anything new in the logs?16:13
marcoceppiFeb 20 11:03:59 T430 snapd[28114]: 2018/02/20 11:03:59.146915 daemon.go:233: DEBUG: pid=28499;uid=1000;@ GET /v2/changes?select=all 1.369681ms 20016:13
marcoceppithat is the only new line16:13
Chipacathat's you16:13
marcoceppiyes, I realize that, but wanted to be complete in my reporting16:14
Chipacayes yes, i was just confirming16:14
ChipacaI don't understand what it thinks it's doing16:14
marcoceppican I - like delete this change attempt and just start over?16:14
marcoceppiI really /really/ DO not want to lose my lxd containers16:15
marcoceppibut kubectl has no userdata16:15
Chipacamarcoceppi: i mean, you could, but it'd be hairy16:15
Chipacamarcoceppi: can you stop snapd, and start it straced?16:15
marcoceppiyou got what I should invoke for snapd to be strace'd?16:16
Chipacamarcoceppi: so, first, systemctl stop snapd.\*16:17
cachiomvo, so, are you preparing 2.31.1 today, or we need to wait until this is fixed?16:18
Chipacamarcoceppi: and then: sudo strace -E SNAPD_DEBUG=1 -f -s 9999 -o /tmp/snapd.trace /usr/lib/snapd/snapd16:18
cachiomvo, or any other fix?16:18
pedronisChipaca: 5G in versioned data, that's a problem in itself, we though common is for that16:20
Chipacapedronis: is it versioned?16:20
pedroniswell if it's being copied16:20
pedroniswe don't copy common data, no?16:20
Chipacawe don't16:20
Chipacabut I don't know if that's what it's doing16:20
Chipacait says it's copying a 28k directory, also16:20
pedronisok, ignore me16:20
Chipacafor hours16:20
Chipacapedronis: no, no, i need ideas :-)16:20
Chipacapedronis: especially if nothing turns up in the trace16:21
pedronisanyway both these snaps are classic I suppose16:21
marcoceppiChipaca: so, I can't start snapd manually , says socket is in use but no other proc is really running16:21
pedronisso they could do strange stuff on their own16:21
pedronisthough hooks have timeouts16:21
pedronisin theory16:21
marcoceppiChipaca: nvm, fixed it16:21
Chipacamarcoceppi: what was it?16:21
marcoceppiI have like 100% lack of chill right now, heh16:22
marcoceppihow long do you want me to collect strace data?16:22
mvocachio: today16:22
mvocachio: it looks like we need test-snapd-password-manager-consumer for s390x16:23
mvocachio: I'm just inspecting the s390x autopkgtest failure16:23
Chipacamarcoceppi: a couple of minutes after it says 'Running task 5559 on Doing: Copy snap "kubefed" data'16:23
mvocachio: but no blocker, I will go ahead with 2.31.1 onw16:23
marcoceppiChipaca: cool, it's been doing that, I'll let it run a wee bit16:23
Chipacamarcoceppi: you can tail /tmp/snapd.trace if you're anxious (i know i'd be)16:24
cachiomvo, ok, I can't update the snap recipe16:25
mvocachio: oh, ok. let me check16:25
cachioto generate the snap fo s390x16:25
mupPR snapd#4711 opened: tests: make restore of interfaces-password-manager-service more robust <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4711>16:26
cachiomvo, it is yours16:26
marcoceppiChipaca: Okay 5 mins of strace data since copy message16:26
mvocachio: *cough* indeed - fixed16:26
marcoceppiChipaca: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4CphPf7stb/16:27
Chipacamarcoceppi: and /tmp/snapd.trace ?16:28
marcoceppiChipaca: yeah, let me paste it16:28
Chipacaah :-)16:28
Chipacai was worried and perplexed, there16:28
marcoceppialthough - heh - I can't get the proc to interrupt16:28
marcoceppiChipaca: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7bCBVTMMTV/16:29
marcoceppiI hope I didn't crash pastebin16:29
Chipacamarcoceppi: you're probably going to have to sudo killall strace16:30
marcoceppisure, I'll also gz upload that file16:30
Chipacacan confirm that pastebin is not a happy bunny16:30
marcoceppiChipaca: http://marcoceppi.com/snapd.trace.gz16:32
mupPR snapcraft#1944 opened: tests: split the plugins tests in the same directory <Created by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1944>16:33
cachiomvo, I see several errors on the arm64 execution for autopkgtest16:33
cachiomvo, should I fix them?16:33
marcoceppiChipaca: interestingly, I have a bunch of orphaned sync commands like in the paste above16:34
mvocachio: yeah, but not high priority, it was not green before so it will not be a blocker16:34
cachiomvo, yes, smae for ppc64el and s390x16:35
mvocachio: the issues on ppc64el and s390x are considered regressions by adt so that is higher priority16:35
mvocachio: afaict ppc64el is mostly good16:35
mvocachio: and s390x has some snaps missing, then we need to retrigger and see16:35
cachioppc64el just 4 errors16:36
mvocachio: its "funny", s390x was considered working before because we skipped it because it was only a lxd container16:36
mvocachio: the timezone ones, right?16:36
marcoceppibrb, going to restart16:36
mvocachio: those are fixed with the systemd in -propsoed16:36
cachiomvo, yes and confinement-classic because the snap was not relased16:37
mvocachio: indeed16:37
mvocachio: apparently it is possible to retrigger the adt with &trigger=systemd/proposed&trigger=snapd/proposed at the end of the retrigger url - this will cause snapd to be tested with the right systemd version16:38
cachiomvo, perfect16:38
pedronisChipaca: the copies are cp -av afaict16:40
Chipacayep, "cp", "-av", "/home/marco/snap/kubectl/303", "/home/marco/snap/kubectl/328"16:41
pedronisso ps should tell use which one is taking forever?16:41
mvocachio: I uploaded snapd 2.31.1 to the ppa, if all goes well you should have a beta core in ~45min or so16:41
cachiomvo, great, thanks16:42
pedronismvo: I just noticed that this bit of test  mock := testutil.MockCommand(c, "kdialog", "sleep 9999999") seems to leave around the sleep16:43
Chipacapedronis: it looks like the cp's finished16:43
cachiomvo, we need test-snapd-wayland for arm64 in edge16:43
cachiomvo, could you please share it to me?16:44
Chipacapedronis: lxd and kubectl at least, looking at the other two16:44
marcoceppiChipaca: I restarted my machine and everything's fixed16:44
Chipacamarcoceppi: oh no16:45
pedronisfor a bit, usually snapd will restart doing what it was doing before16:45
marcoceppiI mean, the changes are all flushed, and the snaps are enabled and the currect current versions16:45
marcoceppiID   Status  Spawn                 Ready                 Summary16:45
marcoceppi481  Done    2018-02-17T01:48:48Z  2018-02-20T16:39:28Z16:45
marcoceppi482  Done    2018-02-19T05:32:01Z  2018-02-20T16:39:45Z  Refresh snaps "lxd", "go"16:45
marcoceppi483  Done    2018-02-20T16:39:41Z  2018-02-20T16:40:23Z  Auto-refresh snap "core"16:45
marcoceppiOnly problem is debug is stillenabled despite removing the environment line and restart snapd16:46
Chipacamarcoceppi: what's "snap tasks 481"?16:46
marcoceppithat was the first one that got stuck, the kubectl and kubefed one16:47
pedronisChipaca: we had a bug when you refreshed some exact number of snaps the summary would come out empty16:47
Chipacaah ok16:47
Chipacamarcoceppi: this wasn't the first time you restarted since this started, right?16:47
pedronisit's fixed, I don't remember what the magic number was16:47
marcoceppino, this was the first time16:48
pedronisit was a confusion bug around go switch stmt != C switch stmt16:48
marcoceppiI don't like restarting, messes up my state16:48
Chipacapedronis: heh16:48
Chipacamarcoceppi: fair enough16:48
pedronisChipaca: a missing fallthough16:48
pedronisor something like that16:48
Chipacamarcoceppi: I hate losing state, and i hate problems that disappear without me learning from them16:48
marcoceppiI suppose I should have done so earlier; either way it seems something about sync getting stuck causing a backup16:48
Chipacamarcoceppi: but, you're fixed, so yay :-)16:48
marcoceppihah, yes, back to work now16:49
Chipacamarcoceppi: does running 'sync' hang, for you?16:49
marcoceppinot anymore16:49
marcoceppibut I should have tested earlier16:49
Chipacamarcoceppi: was it doing so before the reboot/16:49
marcoceppidid not test that16:49
Chipacaif it was, I'd start shopping for SSDs16:50
marcoceppiconsidering there were sync processes from days ago, I'm inclined to believe that may be the problem16:50
Chipacabut ¯\_(ツ)_/¯16:50
marcoceppihum, I don't have any smart errors16:51
marcoceppibut I'll start a disk copy anyways16:51
Chipacamarcoceppi: it might be something weirder, some corner case in the mount handling code that we're tripping up16:52
Chipacamarcoceppi: (we've fixed so many of those already...)16:52
Chipacamarcoceppi: if it ever happens again, jump on here16:53
Chipacamarcoceppi: glad you're unstuck, and good luck16:53
marcoceppiChipaca: I'll keep an eye out - thanks!16:53
marcoceppiChipaca: any way to get rid of the debug output?16:58
=== anewman_ is now known as anewman
Chipacamarcoceppi: if should be enough to remove it from /etc/environment and restart16:58
marcoceppiyeah, did that :|16:59
Chipacamarcoceppi: but, note you'll still have it in your shell and stuff16:59
marcoceppioh, yeah, it's in my shell16:59
Chipacamarcoceppi: but systemctl shouldn't pass them to the units16:59
Chipacamarcoceppi: but if you're running it by hand because that's cool, then there's why16:59
marcoceppiI mean, it's showing in all my snap commands17:00
marcoceppibut because snap_debug was in my shell17:00
marcoceppiso unset and ready to go!17:00
Chipacaah, i thought you were seeing it in the journal17:00
Chipaca:-) ok17:00
mvojdstrand: I noticed something curious - it looks like c1093d46437a33d60d7378b1c6676818655bc359 is not in master currently, I noticed when merging back the changes from 2.31.117:02
mupPR snapd#4712 opened: release: version 2.31.1 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4712>17:02
cachiomvo, in fact I can't see where the test-snapd-wayland code is? do you know?17:06
cachiomvo, I found it17:06
cachiojdstrand, hey, we need the test-snapd-wayland for arm6417:10
cachioto make autopkgtests pass17:11
cachiojdstrand, could you please create the snap?17:11
* kalikiana wrapping up for the day17:28
mvocachio: i386/amd64 core 2.31.1 ready in beta18:14
mvocachio: arm* should be ready in ~1h or so18:16
mupPR snapd#4711 closed: tests: make restore of interfaces-password-manager-service more robust <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4711>18:22
mvocachio: hrm, hrm, armhf/arm64 does not give me a built slot, maybe the 1h was too optimistic - I keep an eye on things18:46
phoenix_firebrdwhat version of intel vaapi driver is present in snappy core package in stable channel18:50
niemeyerjdstrand: Looks like the review tools need to learn about the "adapter" field:18:54
niemeyer  - unknown fields for app 'jmes': 'adapter'18:55
jdstrandniemeyer: ack, noted. I'll get that fixed19:01
niemeyerjdstrand: Thanks!19:02
niemeyerjdstrand: I just added a note to the original topic, btw: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/telling-snapcraft-to-skip-generating-wrapper-scripts/163519:02
niemeyerjdstrand: Meanwhile, would you mind to unblock the review and let it through.. it's a pretty boring snap otherwise19:05
niemeyerstrict, no interfaces, etc19:05
jdstrandyes, I was heading over there19:05
jdstrandniemeyer: done. you'll need to release it to a channel19:09
niemeyerjdstrand: Thanks again!19:09
jdstrandnp :)19:10
mvocachio: all arches for 2.31.1 in beta now19:43
cachiogreat, 32 and 64 bits already running19:43
cachiomvo, no errors so far19:43
mvocachio: \o/19:43
mvocachio: 32bit is 2.31.1? I think I did something wrong with the promotion before but its correct now (sorry for that)19:44
cachioyes, 2.31.119:45
cmarsI'm trying to use this sockets feature in a snap, doesn't seem to be supported by snapcraft. it is supported yet? https://docs.snapcraft.io/build-snaps/syntax#sockets20:45
niemeyercmars: It is supported, but not with that syntax.. this documentation is out of date as of a couple of years ago :)20:48
cmarsniemeyer: gotcha.. do you have an example of how it's supposed to look?20:48
niemeyercmars: It took us a while to reimplement support for it, but it's now in.. let me provide you with something you can go forward with.. just a sec20:49
cmarsniemeyer: awesome to hear, thanks!20:49
niemeyercmars: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/tests/lib/snaps/socket-activation/meta/snap.yaml20:51
jdstrandniemeyer: hey, so looking at adapter. this seems to be a snapcraft.yaml thing and not a snap.yaml thing. I don't see anything for processing adapter in snapd. shouldn't snapcraft remove adpater when generating snap.yaml?20:54
cmarssnapcraft still doesn't accept it, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8FKdbnHmTt/20:54
cmarsi guess i'll open a bug?20:54
niemeyerjdstrand: Waaait20:55
niemeyerjdstrand: Yes!20:55
niemeyerjdstrand: Good catch.. it makes no sense to have this in snap.yaml20:55
jdstrandniemeyer: ok, I'll file a snapcraft bug then and follow up in the forum20:55
niemeyerjdstrand: Thanks!20:56
niemeyercmars: :/20:56
niemeyercmars: It's been there for a few months.. let me find the topic..20:57
niemeyercmars: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/socket-activation-support/205020:57
niemeyercmars: Meanwhile, after you get the snap fully cooked, you can workaround the problem by changing the meta/snap.yaml in prime/ and then packing the snap21:09
cmarsniemeyer: interesting, ok, thanks21:13
phoenix_firebrdhow to know what version of intel vaapi driver is used in ubuntu snap core in stable channel?21:31
popeyphoenix_firebrd: I dont believe we ship vaapi drivers in core21:33
phoenix_firebrdpopey: so vlc snap uses driver from the host?21:35
phoenix_firebrdpopey: in general how can you find the versions of software used in a core snap?21:36
popeyit uses whatever the right driver is for the gpu21:36
popeythat's a question for someone who works on the core snap I think21:36
popey(not me)21:37
popey(I imagine ogra_ knows) :D21:37
popeythe yaml is probably somewhere abouts21:37
phoenix_firebrdpopey: I patched my vaapi driver, the normal install of software reflects that, but it has no effect on the snap version of vlc21:37
ogra_phoenix_firebrd, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/core-builds/ has links to manifest files for all auto-built core snaps21:38
phoenix_firebrdogra_: thanks, I will take a look at that21:38
ogra_and no, i dont think vaapi from the host is used, the vlc snap definitely uses something it ships itself21:39
ogra_(my laptop has no working vaapi setup yet, i can configure vlc from the snap with the vaapi driver and get accelerated playback)21:40
ogra_libva info: VA-API version 0.39.021:42
ogra_libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 021:42
ogra_libva info: Trying to open /snap/vlc/158/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/i965_drv_video.so21:42
ogra_libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_0_3921:42
ogra_libva info: va_openDriver() returns 021:42
ogra_[00007f3ced0781c0] avcodec decoder: Using Intel i965 driver for Intel(R) Ivybridge Mobile - 1.7.0 for hardware decoding21:42
ogra_this pretty clearly points to the in-snap driver ...21:43
phoenix_firebrdogra_: vainfo from where?21:43
ogra_thats simply from starting vlc in a terminal21:43
popeyoh, it depends :)21:44
phoenix_firebrdogra_: ok. can you show me a link to the manifist of this package ubuntu-core-libs21:44
ogra_yeah, probably different on non-intel21:44
ogra_phoenix_firebrd, no, i have no idea where a manifest for the vlc snap would live21:44
ogra_phoenix_firebrd, the vaapi lib is included in the vlc snap ... not anywhere in core21:45
popeyfor intel, yeah, and it builds using the 16.04 archive, so whatever is in 16.0421:45
ogra_cant be21:45
ogra_the vaapi in the archive is broken21:45
phoenix_firebrdogra_: thats right21:46
ogra_i assume the vlc snap builds some upstream version21:46
popey(I made that bit of the vlc snap)21:46
phoenix_firebrdogra_: who maintains the vlc snap, the vlan team or a ubuntu dev?21:47
ogra_$ snap info vlc|grep publisher21:47
ogra_publisher: videolan21:47
phoenix_firebrdogra_: it cant be an upsteam version, you version as you saw is pretty old21:47
popeynote the libva stage packages21:47
phoenix_firebrdpopey: the latest is version 2.1.021:47
popeythe latest version of what?21:48
phoenix_firebrdogra_: may be i show file a bug report to ask them to bump the version21:48
popeyWhat's up with the one it ships?21:49
phoenix_firebrdpopey: libva21:49
* ogra_ hasnt had any issues with in on ivybridge and kybylake HW21:49
popeyok, well currently it's using the one from 16.0421:49
phoenix_firebrdpopey: it has bug that when playing a vp9 codec video (4k videos from youtube) shows some corrupted video frames21:50
ogra_i still dont get why i cant get vaapi to work at all with the archive version while vlc just bundles it and it works ... very weird21:50
popeyphoenix_firebrd: interesting, I'd file a bug upstream in vlc21:50
phoenix_firebrdpopey: niced21:50
popeythresh: is the maintainer of the vlc snap, maybe they can comment :)21:50
ogra_note that bumping such a version is quite some work ... (the snap would have to build a newer upstream version at build time)21:51
phoenix_firebrdogra_: popey let me find the upstream bug report and the official patch , so that we can have some idea21:51
ogra_note that snaps are currently bound to 16.04 versions of the dependencies they use ...21:53
ogra_regardless where they are executed21:53
ogra_(this is about to change in 18.04 at some point but currently it means if you want to patch a dependency it gets kind of awkward)21:54
phoenix_firebrdthats the bug report and the next is the patch21:56
ogra_fun, a one liner21:56
phoenix_firebrdogra_: what about in the edge channel?21:56
ogra_that has nothing to do with channels21:56
ogra_snaps use deb packages ass build dependencies and as runtime deps21:56
phoenix_firebrdogra_: both stable and edge are 16.04?21:57
ogra_with the current design thies debs have to be 16.04 ones21:57
ogra_all snaps are 16.04 based currenty21:57
phoenix_firebrdI understand21:57
ogra_you *can* build your deps from source21:57
phoenix_firebrdyou mean for snaps or normal packages?21:58
ogra_or you can maintain a PPA with backports of newer debs for your dependencies and hack usage of that PPA into your snapcraft.yaml21:58
ogra_for snaps21:58
ogra_they usually ship their dependencies ...21:58
phoenix_firebrdogra_: I did that, but the point is i dont this issue to be present in 18.0421:58
ogra_if you read the snapcraft.yaml popey linked above you see "build-packages" and "stage-packages" ... these are typically 16,04 deb packages21:59
ogra_yes, i understand21:59
ogra_but the version in the snap is 16.04 ... unless someone backports the fix into the ubuntu archive or the vlc maintainer jumps through some hoops (build vaapi from source or backport the 18.04 version in a PPA and maintain it there ... (and hack the snapcraft.yaml of vlc to use that PPA))22:00
ogra_there is no easy solution for this atm ...22:01
ogra_the design is changing  to allow newer dependencies via "base snaps" in the future (then your whole snap can be built against i.e. 18.04 but still run on 14.04 or 16.04)22:02
ogra_but thats not done yet22:02
ogra_so for now its a big amount of extra work for the snap packager to include such a patch22:02
phoenix_firebrdwhat happens in case of a security patch for a dependency?22:03
popeythe developer rebuilds the snap22:04
popey(or it's automatic)22:04
phoenix_firebrdif the core snap is rebuilt does the vlc snap for example have to be rebuilt?22:05
phoenix_firebrdvlc snap is like a static executable?22:05
ogra_not really :)22:06
ogra_it is a dynamically linked executable that ships all the libs it is linked against and sets a library path pointing to them22:06
phoenix_firebrdogra_: understood22:07
phoenix_firebrdogra_: do you know/guess what version of libva will be shipped during release of 18.04?22:08
ogra_and until there is snap support for 18.04 (beyond the 16.04 base we have today) it will still take some time22:09
ogra_so for a while snaps will still be 16.04 based ... even in 18.04 ... until the base snap spec is fully implemented22:09
ogra_(which will likely happen within the 18.10 timeframe)22:10
phoenix_firebrdogra_: If a snap is strictly confined, is it denied of gpu access?, I read in a forum. Is that true?22:11
ogra_it needs to define an interface for access22:11
popeythere's an opengl interface22:12
ogra_and an x11 one ... and a wayland one22:12
ogra_(and various others)22:12
phoenix_firebrdpopey: Its like policykit22:13
ogra_thats quite a simplification :)22:16
phoenix_firebrdogra_: Can a theme be installed to be used for snaps?22:18
ogra_currently only if you ship it along with your app22:18
ogra_there is work going on to solve this though ...22:18
phoenix_firebrdogra_: oh o_O22:19
phoenix_firebrdpopey: ogra_ thanks for the support22:26
ogra_np :)22:27
popeyno problem22:27
elopiosnappy-m-o autopkgtest 1943 xenial:armhf xenial:amd64 xenial:arm6423:38
snappy-m-oelopio: I've just triggered your test.23:38

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