
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Sometimes an app crashes everything, sometimes it doesn't00:00
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Works for some people, not fir others, etc00:00
ubptgbot<Stereofont> No consistent pattern00:00
ubptgbot<vanyasem> i believe NeKit meant hardware support on official devices00:00
ubptgbot<Stereofont> [Edit] Works for some people, not for others, etc00:00
ubptgbot<vanyasem> it's either implemented (supported) or not00:00
ubptgbot<habibedelicay> @Stereofont, Do we have a software to analyze and understand logs ?00:01
ubptgbot<vanyasem> it's a binary value, quantum computing is not yet there00:01
ubptgbot<vanyasem> i work on halium, and i feel NeKit's pain00:01
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @vanyasem, Ah I see. I thought he meant general function00:01
ubptgbot<vanyasem> @Stereofont, only a few general apps are broken00:01
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @habibedelicay, Logviewer app00:02
ubptgbot<vanyasem> @vanyasem, even openstore works if you disable apparmor00:02
ubptgbot<vanyasem> i used 16.04 as a daily driver for 3 days00:02
ubptgbot<vanyasem> (to test things out)00:02
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @habibedelicay, That will retrieve and display but not analyse00:03
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @vanyasem, Brave00:03
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @habibedelicay, May I ask, are you a developer?00:04
ubptgbot<dohbee> @vanyasem, Everything works if you disable security, is not really working00:05
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Right, but it kinda works00:05
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Half points?00:05
ubptgbot<vanyasem> @dohbee, rewriting apparmor rules is relatively easy00:06
ubptgbot<dohbee> Yeah, the same way I can bury all my cash in the yard, as a bank. :)00:06
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> @dohbee, Exactly, half points.00:06
ubptgbot<habibedelicay> @Stereofont, We only use this account as our family to extend our business development science and other things00:07
ubptgbot<dohbee> @vanyasem, Assuming the rules specifically are the problem, and not some other weirdness00:07
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @habibedelicay, I see, so more of education, science and experimentation?00:08
ubptgbot<vanyasem> @dohbee, yeah, i haven't checked that00:08
ubptgbot<dohbee> Would be nice to categorize the problems per device00:09
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @habibedelicay, I asked because there are different rooms, appropriate to more specific issues. We have a Parents room, for example00:09
ubptgbot<habibedelicay> @Stereofont, There are two person in our family @hwpplayer1 and my mom now i use my moms account i wanted my mom to know whats going on in many groups it works for my mom me and my mom working together with every issue00:10
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @habibedelicay, I see. Well she might be interested in the Parent thing. You don't have to be in all the same groups00:13
ubptgbot<habibedelicay> @Stereofont, Okay i will care00:14
ubptgbot<dohbee> Probably not in the unity8 development channel for sure.00:14
ubptgbot<habibedelicay> It is a core group but for example UBPorts China is unnecessary00:17
ubptgbot<dohbee> Well, whichever one of you is posting the "hello" gif, please avoid so in future. It is inappropriate. Thanks.00:19
ubptgbot<habibedelicay> Danke Rodney00:19
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Walid, are you available to review a written piece about your Moto G2 port?00:22
ubptgbot<turanmahmudov> @ankaos, Thanks00:53
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> # unity-system-compositor … Segmentation fault (core dumped)01:11
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> segfault is life01:11
ubptgbot<Lyokanthrope> SIGSEGV is love01:11
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Oh boy, and it's in libc.so.601:14
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> This could be literally anything01:14
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> oh my gosh01:21
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> The logging function segfaults01:22
ubptgbot<Keziiii> just use gdb01:22
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> That's how I found that01:22
ubptgbot<Keziiii> it should tell you the function inside libc, doesn't it?01:23
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> yup01:23
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cWxVMqXHFS/01:24
ubptgbot<gab11010> @dohbee, What would be the correct way to track the "app crashing" issue in 16.04? I installed in N5 and M10 and would like to help.01:24
ubptgbot<Keziiii> @UniversalSuperBox, do a backtrace maybe01:26
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Sure01:26
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PfXGGsFyf3/01:26
ubptgbot<Keziiii> ah ok, i have no clue on how to fix that, just curious01:27
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Yeah, it's having a good time01:27
ubptgbot<Keziiii> I found the error01:39
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> ?01:40
ubptgbot<Keziiii> https://github.com/MirServer/mir/blob/55fed7fe11f6b3ccd2c72cb8d82b89b0f550fc51/src/common/logging/logger.cpp#L34https://stackoverflow.com/a/2937013801:41
ubptgbot<Keziiii> [Edit] I think I found the error01:42
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Good spotting!01:44
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Alright @Keziiii, let's see if I did this right: https://ci.ubports.com/blue/organizations/jenkins/ubports%2Fmir/detail/PR-4/1/pipeline02:12
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> No, it would seem I didn't02:16
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> i had one job02:19
ubptgbot<kz6fittycent> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/R0eFZ0Pe.mp404:07
ubptgbotgrOLo was added by: grOLo07:10
ubptgbot<NotKit> @UniversalSuperBox, is this arm or arms?07:12
ubptgbot<NotKit> @UniversalSuperBox, [Edit] is this arm or arm64?07:12
ubptgbot<Walid> @UniversalSuperBox, Yes give me the doc , also i have friend teacher in english will help me.07:28
ubptgbot<Mohannes> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/wqZKBFg0.jpeg08:58
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @gab11010, There is a testing protocol that you can sign up to, to provide feedback09:14
ubptgbot<Mohannes> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/6EEwB4SJ.webp10:38
ubptgbot<unknown> Why is Yumi called Yumi? What does it stand for?10:48
ubptgbot<peternerlich> That is a well kept secret, I guess10:49
ubptgbot<peternerlich> But I bet on it it's nothing serious, but a pun10:49
ubptgbot<Mohannes> Some say it resembles all of us in the community, Yu and MI10:50
ubptgbot<Mohannes> Other people tend to believe Yumi just appeared and took over in an instant10:51
ubptgbot<Mohannes> But if you ask me, I think Yumi was @mariogrip stuffed animal which he used to sleep with.10:52
ubptgbot* DanChapman spits coffeee across keyboard 😂😂😂😂10:53
ubptgbot<Mohannes> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/Aj89GDDx.webp10:53
ubptgbot<Mohannes> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/eNx4vk6s.webp10:53
ubptgbot<DanChapman> @Mohannes, That's just got to be true!10:54
ubptgbot<Mohannes> @DanChapman, Hahaha amazing10:54
ubptgbot<YougoChats> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/AVL0WzZf.webp11:01
ubptgbot* mstfdurak11:02
ubptgbot* mstfdurak11:02
ubptgbot* mstfdurak11:02
ubptgbot* mstfdurak11:02
ubptgbot* mstfdurak11:02
ubptgbot<gab11010> @Stereofont, you mean Quality Assurance and Testing group?11:12
ubptgbot<SiscoGarcia> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/e46xuJoF.webp11:19
ubptgbot<mariogrip> @Mohannes, wut11:20
ubptgbot<Mohannes> Don't try to deny it11:20
ubptgbot<Mohannes> Lord Viking!11:20
ubptgbot<mariogrip> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/wvfTh4th.mp411:20
ubptgbot<Flohack> @mariogrip, Mohannes should be renamed to Grosshannes 😆11:21
ubptgbotagurenko was added by: agurenko11:32
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @gab11010, Yep11:36
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @agurenko, Good morning Alex. Check this out if you are new https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome11:38
ubptgbot<Stereofont> And if you happen to be a Russian speaker, we have a group for that 😎11:39
ubptgbot<agurenko> @Stereofont, Thanks :)11:39
ubptgbot<agurenko> @Stereofont, I'm fine here :)11:39
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @agurenko, Great11:39
ubptgbot<Stereofont> So you are a developer?11:40
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Any Qt skills?11:40
ubptgbot<Stereofont> This is the big, general group. We have some quieter corners where developers meet up11:41
ubptgbot<agurenko> @Stereofont, Not a developer per se and no QT skills...well not yet at least :)11:41
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> @NotKit, 6411:42
ubptgbot<agurenko> But wanna try to get a bit more involved and maybe eventually contribute something useful11:42
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @agurenko, Okay. You can run the bar then 😄11:42
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Have a look around and see what interests you. Check out Halium project maybe11:43
ubptgbot<NotKit> @UniversalSuperBox, ok, I had this issue as well then11:45
ubptgbot<NotKit> the workaround was to comment error printing in vendor blob, that's what causes the crash, but it's hard to find the real culprit11:46
ubptgbot<NotKit> it's related to https://github.com/libhybris/libhybris/pull/373, which I guess was not the proper fix11:46
ubptgbot<NotKit> before all the apps crashed on exit11:46
ubptgbot<NotKit> the weird thing is that according to backtrace it happens in logger from Linux side11:49
ubptgbot<giovanniiannotti> Guys, did you see it (probably you did)? https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2018/02/samsung-launch-linux-on-galaxy-survey11:56
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @giovanniiannotti, Yes. Has about the same status as a 'concept car' from the look of it12:00
ubptgbot<alan_griffiths> Been there, done that: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_for_Android12:08
ubptgbot<KunalBhat> Guys12:39
ubptgbot<KunalBhat> Can i build UBports over Halium5.1?12:40
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> @unknown, it's first usage can be tracked back to some of the earliest Ubuntu Touch Audiocasts, we have been told.  Although they claim to be the un-authorized voice of the ubports community, they may be connected with this name.  More on this and other news as the story develops...12:46
ubptgbot<Mohannes> @wayneoutthere, "They"12:51
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> @Mohannes, did someone ask for a bat?  i don't see any such request above....  anyone? someone?12:55
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @KunalBhat, I think that depends on the device. You would benefit from being in the Halium group if you are porting12:56
ubptgbot<Mohannes> (Photo, 640x640) https://irc.ubports.com/vyrwdRrV.png Did someone ask for a logo thief?  Why are you still using my logo, Mayne(Outthere)?12:57
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @wayneoutthere, I like the stuffed toy version better12:57
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> it's war!12:57
ubptgbot<Mohannes> @wayneoutthere, It's Mar!12:57
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/kwHWMln9.mp412:57
ubptgbot<Mohannes> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/najEr2fQ.mp412:59
ubptgbot<peternerlich> Now you're just spamming SG yourself. Please stop @Mohannes @wayneoutthere!13:00
ubptgbot<Mohannes> It's not spamming, it's being active13:00
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> Ok, fine. but just one more13:01
ubptgbot<Mohannes> GIT!13:01
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/ACj8isNN.mp413:01
ubptgbot<Mohannes> @admin, please ban this canadian fellow.13:01
ubptgbot<KunalBhat> @Stereofont, Oh I'll ask there13:02
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @KunalBhat, 👍13:02
ubptgbot<KunalBhat> Thanks13:03
ubptgbot<KunalBhat> :)13:03
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> @Mohannes, Canadians cannot be banned.  We represent all nations and someone will always feel sorry for us.13:08
ubptgbot<Mohannes> GIT!13:09
ubptgbotAravind was added by: Aravind13:28
ubptgbot<Aravind> Does ubports installer works offline13:29
ubptgbot<peternerlich> @Aravind, no, it identifies the device and then downloads the needed image13:29
ubptgbot<peternerlich> @Aravind, [Edit] no, it identifies the device and then downloads the required image13:30
ubptgbot<Aravind> Does it need unlocked bootloader for nexus 513:30
ubptgbot<DanChapman> it does13:31
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Aravind, https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome worth reading if you are new 😎13:33
ubptgbot<Aravind> When will anbox officially comes to UT13:35
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Aravind, No date, sorry. When its ready, its ready :)13:35
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Aravind, It also needs MTP mode as default and USB debugging authorised13:36
ubptgbot<Aravind> I am little hesitate to install UT is it worth trying or is it still in beta13:37
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> Were you the person that said 'Where is the UBports employees?" last week?13:38
ubptgbot<Aravind> Yea13:38
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> Ok, so I think many of us individually answered many of these questions last week.13:38
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> if you follow here you will stay in contact plus there is a news channel13:39
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Aravind, The stable version is stable, as the name suggests. But if you can use it daily depends on what you need from a mobile OS13:39
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> Here is the link to subscribe; https://t.me/ubports_news13:39
ubptgbot<Aravind> R u the one who is answering questions in UT PODCAST IN youtube13:41
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Aravind, If you are a person who absolutely must have WhatsApp,  then you will not be happy. If you are not dependent on those big proprietary things, I think you will be very happy with it13:41
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Aravind, Me?13:41
ubptgbot<Ismaelbonato> (Voice, 0s) https://irc.ubports.com/lr2VDJ52.oga13:41
ubptgbot<Aravind> All of u13:41
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Everyone answers questions, if they know the answer13:42
ubptgbot<Flohack> Not all of us, here are 1300 people subscribed13:42
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Ismaelbonato, MC Ismael 😆13:42
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @UniversalSuperBox, +1 we are a Community13:42
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Aravind, So you also answer questions?13:43
ubptgbot<Aravind> Me, iam just new here13:43
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> Great, here is a link you will benefit from: https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome13:44
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Aravind, If you need help, always ask. If it is a longer discussion, the Welcome room is great for that13:44
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Walid second ping, are you able to review some writing on your g2 port?14:00
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Aravind, do you know http://docs.ubports.com/14:01
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Walid, This14:04
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> why did that not notify me14:04
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Nooo idea14:05
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Telegram is messed up here. Servers cutting out14:05
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Western Europe14:11
ubptgbot<Stereofont> England to Italy14:12
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Patchy14:12
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> I think this group resides in there somewhere14:12
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> uMatriks, O' where art thou, uMatriks?14:15
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Would be good if everyone here knew what fallback arrangements to use. Even if only a web page for updates14:17
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> #ubports on freenode14:28
ubptgbot<Stereofont> True. If it is only regional14:30
ubptgbot<Stereofont> We will have to dig into our history books to remind ourselves about the 'irc' thing14:31
ubptgbot<dohbee> @wayneoutthere, i don't understand that14:31
ubptgbot<bhdouglass> @Stereofont, Lol!14:31
ubptgbot<popeydc> https://twitter.com/UBports/status/96594669688578867214:39
ubptgbot<popeydc> ^ that was nice to see! :D14:39
ubptgbot§§§§ππ𧧧§ was added by: §§§§ππ𧧧§14:39
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> @popeydc, \o/14:40
ubptgbot<popeydc> I passed the link on to Stef, who was responsible for shipping them.14:40
ubptgbot<mariogrip> @popeydc, We need to get those flashed with the correct OS :)14:40
ubptgbot<popeydc> Yeah! :D14:40
ubptgbot<popeydc> Nice photo.14:41
ubptgbot<anpok> oh what is there on there on the right?14:41
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @§§§§ππ𧧧§, Hello SSS. Check out https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome14:41
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> @anpok, It's an Aquaris14:42
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> :P14:42
ubptgbot<DanChapman> @anpok, E5 possibly?14:42
ubptgbot<mariogrip> @DanChapman, Jep E214:42
ubptgbot<mariogrip> @DanChapman, [Edit] Jep E514:42
ubptgbot<mstfdurak> बी14:42
ubptgbot<Mohannes> @popeydc, Thanks Alan!14:42
ubptgbot<Mohannes> The mysterious poster...was me14:42
ubptgbot<Mohannes> @popeydc, Thank Stef for me!14:43
ubptgbot<popeydc> i did :)14:43
ubptgbot<§§§§ππ𧧧§> Unsupported characters14:44
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Users are welcome to join the UBports Museum group 🤗14:44
ubptgbot<dohbee> @anpok, Looks like someone trying to root the bootloader?14:44
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @§§§§ππ𧧧§, I did look14:44
ubptgbot<Mohannes> @mariogrip, GET TO WORK MARIUS!14:46
ubptgbot<anpok> I thought the E5 edge was bigger.. so I assumed it was something newer than the E514:46
ubptgbot<YougoChats> @Mohannes, he's up to his elbows in unity8 currently14:49
ubptgbot<Walid> @UniversalSuperBox, hi sorry, ok i'm available no14:49
ubptgbot<Walid> @UniversalSuperBox, [Edit] hi sorry, ok i'm available now14:49
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Alright, PM'd it to you14:49
ubptgbot<Mohannes> @UniversalSuperBox, Dalton be Durstin14:49
ubptgbot<Aravind> I heared UT has Loqui im whatsapp alternative, how is it14:52
ubptgbot<Aravind> Was it great14:52
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @popeydc, awesome! time for a raffle! or an app development contest :P … or hackathon for fixing bugs :D14:53
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/0wbKMc0i.mp414:54
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> :P14:54
ubptgbot<Aravind> Aravind: … I heared UT has Loqui im whatsapp alternative, was it great14:55
ubptgbot<YougoChats> @Aravind, yes it was great14:55
ubptgbot<YougoChats> not anymore though14:55
ubptgbot<YougoChats> it uses an old protocol to work with whatsapp, and whatsapp stopped supporting that protocol14:56
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Aravind, Anbox is really the only solution to that14:57
ubptgbot<YougoChats> ^that or whatsapp web, which isn't much of a solution 😞14:57
ubptgbot<Aravind> Can I install anbox  where is it14:57
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Aravind, Still experimental. We wouldn't advise it14:58
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> It can be installed on the Pro5 or M10 tablet and only on 16.04, which is not ready for daily use. https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/userguide/dailyuse/anbox.html14:59
ubptgbot<YougoChats> Anbox is a compatbility layer that lets you run android apps on linux distributions.15:00
ubptgbot<Gabriele> Anyone can try to log in with hotmail on browser on Ubuntu Touch latest stable? Keyboard doesn't come up when writing the password.15:04
ubptgbot<Gabriele> I am on nexus 515:05
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Gabriele, Dekko2?15:05
ubptgbot<Stereofont> I thought Hotmail was dead 😐15:06
ubptgbot<Michele> @popeydc, what's going on here? what are all those phones?15:06
ubptgbot<dohbee> even with anbox, you may not be happy with whatsapp on ubuntu, i suspect. unless maybe you install google play services and get them working on it, too15:06
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> @Michele, Canonical sent us some phones15:07
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> From the seeeeeeecret vault of Shuttleworth15:07
ubptgbot<popeydc> We had a cupboard full of phones, so I asked to send them to Ubports15:07
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> oh wait I wasn't supposed to mention that15:07
ubptgbot<popeydc> Someone in our office wiped them all before sending them15:07
ubptgbot<popeydc> That's not all of them.15:07
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> You make things so much less interesting. :P15:07
ubptgbot<Michele> wow😆15:07
ubptgbot<Mohannes> @popeydc, Wait wut....THERE IS MORE!!15:13
ubptgbot<popeydc> Yeah15:13
ubptgbot<Mohannes> (Sticker, 482x512) https://irc.ubports.com/Uob2FRtz.webp15:13
ubptgbot<popeydc> I asked them to ship the ones that had been wiped already, there will still some left to wipe15:14
ubptgbot<popeydc> But Stef is busy, so finding time to wipe a ton of machines is difficult15:14
ubptgbot<Mohannes> Poor Stef...15:15
ubptgbot<Mohannes> @popeydc, If all goes to plan, we will have a procedure for flashing, up and running in no time (back me up on this @mariogrip)15:16
ubptgbot<Mohannes> What a wonderful time to be alive15:16
ubptgbot<popeydc> Yes. Indeed15:17
ubptgbot<mariogrip> @Mohannes, Jep! Alan alredy got the installer installed so maybe he can come and help haha :P15:17
ubptgbot<Mohannes> Ha BEST IDEA EVER15:17
ubptgbot<mariogrip> @mariogrip, If he haven't removed it yet :P15:17
ubptgbot<Javacookies> what phones are available?? this is really cool! … Marius will create a bot to automate all the developments on these phones :P15:18
ubptgbot<tsimonq2> @Javacookies, What about Samsung phones? >_>15:18
ubptgbot<mariogrip> @Javacookies, Jep, yumi will help15:18
ubptgbot<Mohannes> @mariogrip, Alan is important. Tiny projects like ours are not worthy of his attenion.15:18
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> @tsimonq2, Now that's an old meme15:21
ubptgbot<giovanniiannotti> @Stereofont, I see. Well, they could decide to do good and donate a few millions to UBports. ;-)16:53
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @giovanniiannotti, Oddly, that would destroy what we are about. But the profits they make in five seconds would be a nice catch16:55
ubptgbot<giovanniiannotti> @Stereofont, A real existential paradox.17:02
ubptgbot<Popesz> dear list, is there any reason my Bq E5 why does not remember any tabs opened in the browser next time i open the app?17:33
ubptgbot<advocatux> I've just made my first webapp (thanks to the amazing app by @cibersheep @mateosalta & @Jujuyeh) … https://open-store.io/app/badnews.advocatux17:41
ubptgbot<advocatux> @wayneoutthere maybe it's interesting for UBp Parents because the web is made by DROG. They develop programs and courses and conduct research aimed at recognizing disinformation, especially online. More info at https://www.aboutbadnews.com/17:41
ubptgbot<Michele> is there anyone having problems with the hotspot on the nexus 5 (hammerhead)? When I try ti set it up, it takes lots of time and I don't know what to do...17:45
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Michele, Ignore the pulldown menu and create it in Settings. That may solve the problem17:49
ubptgbot<Michele> I'm already in settings17:49
ubptgbot<YougoChats> Install the log viewer app and see if you find anything interesting in the logs. Open a terminal and type dmesg | tail right after you switched hotspot on or off17:49
ubptgbot<Michele> which log should I look at in the app?17:50
ubptgbot<YougoChats> Good question17:50
ubptgbot<Michele> `applications-legacy-ubuntu-system-settings-.log`?17:51
ubptgbot<Michele> wow, the app frozened when I tapped on PasteBin 😂17:52
ubptgbot<Michele> how can I get the log from adb?17:58
ubptgbotDarian was added by: Darian17:59
ubptgbot<Michele> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/BdmNPD4k.png18:00
ubptgbot<Michele> ok this is the log...18:00
ubptgbot<YougoChats> There’s multiple weird things in there, but what stands out to me is the no interface for NetworkManager part18:02
ubptgbot<dohbee> i think you need to look at syslog perhaps, system-settings log will only have the log for the system settings app, not what network-manager and friends are doing18:04
ubptgbot<dohbee> @YougoChats, Nah, that's fine. It doesn't do full dbus introspection, is all that means18:05
ubptgbot<dohbee> You need to look at `/var/log/syslog` to see what's going on18:08
ubptgbot<samitormanen> @Michele, Create hotspot from settings menu. And let it create passwd for you. I didn't get it working with my own passwd.19:01
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Michele, also is this d820 or d821 ?19:06
ubptgbotSergey Shemyakin was added by: Sergey Shemyakin19:26
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Darian, Hello. Check out https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome20:23
ubptgbot<rchar66> Hi everybody!20:44
ubptgbot<rchar66> So has anybody tried installing something like GIMP on Ubuntu Touch?20:44
ubptgbot<dohbee> @rchar66, You can use it via libertine, afaik20:45
ubptgbot<TronFortyTwo> @rchar66, Maybe this is what you're looking for: … https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/userguide/dailyuse/libertine.html20:45
ubptgbot<rchar66> Yes, that is what I'm talking about. But, has anybody tried it? What is the performance like?20:46
ubptgbot<dohbee> depends on which device, but performance should mostly be fine. there may be some odd-ish usability issues though, as i don't think gimp has really been tested too heavily20:47
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> The three-window thing might completely screw up on a staged device20:48
ubptgbot<rchar66> Can't it be used as a one window application?20:48
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> If it can, I guess that'd fix it20:48
ubptgbot<dohbee> yes, it works a bit better as the one window app style20:49
ubptgbot<rchar66> I'm looking to put it on my BQ M10FHD tablet.20:49
ubptgbot<dohbee> i would say just install it and try. worst case you hate it and uninstall it :)20:49
ubptgbot<TronFortyTwo> @rchar66, I tried it, it creates three windows, there is a little button in the top left of the window that make you change window20:49
ubptgbot<rchar66> Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Just thought I'd ask if anybody has tried it yet.20:50
ubptgbot<rchar66> Thanks for the help.20:50
ubptgbot<TronFortyTwo> Performance is ok, but for advance use I think not, since XMir has no hardware acceleration on amrhf20:50
ubptgbotAmolithSeregion was added by: AmolithSeregion20:56
ubptgbot<AmolithSeregion> I need help installing UT on my Nexus 5. Anyone willing to help?20:56
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @AmolithSeregion, https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome seek out the welcome and install room here. Plus lots of other stuff20:58
ubptgbot<rchar66> @TronFortyTwo, Is there any other programs that might work better than GIMP? For minimal photo editing.20:59
ubptgbotfrozenphone was added by: frozenphone20:59
ubptgbot<TronFortyTwo> @rchar66, I don't know21:00
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @rchar66, There is a webapp…21:01
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> My pipe won't light!  … Don't worry.  There's a webapp!21:05
ubptgbot<dohbee> @rchar66, https://open-store.io/app/instantfx.sverzegnassi maybe?21:06
ubptgbot<dohbee> There are lots of other apps in the ubuntu archive you can install under libertine too, but i'm not sure how well any of them work specifically under libeertine on the m10 (or elsewhere)21:08
ubptgbot<dohbee> also i have no idea what the feature sets of them might be21:08
ubptgbot<rchar66> @dohbee, I have that installed and have used it a couple of times. It works really well. Maybe I should just stick to that app.21:09
ubptgbot<Michele> @dohbee, d82121:11
ubptgbot<Michele> @samitormanen, thanks I'll try👍🏻21:11
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Michele, Ah, I know there are some radio related issues on d821, so hotspot may have some problems there too i guess.21:12
ubptgbot<padraic7a> @rchar66, I used gimp and found it OK. There is a setting for one window IIRC. A more lightweight alternative I like is Pinta.22:02
ubptgbot<mateosalta> @rchar66 the photopea web app comes to mind22:02
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> Totally, Photopea works great thanks for the hard work of our fellow friends from the Openstore @mateosalta22:09
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> :)22:09
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @malditobastardo, +122:13
ubptgbot<samzn> Who's going to MWC?22:15
ubptgbot<samzn> I'm heading to Barcelona ASAP and I hope I can catch the event22:15
ubptgbot<dohbee> MWC is $$$$$$22:43
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Mhmm, we got to go last year because Canonical was super generous22:44
ubptgbot<dohbee> like, the cheapest pass is 800 EUR22:44
ubptgbot<Navax> @dohbee, There are tricks22:44
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Like "Get sponsored by Canonical" :P22:44
ubptgbot<dohbee> yes, like having your employer send you22:44
ubptgbot<dohbee> or buying tickets22:45
ubptgbot<Navax> You can register without pay it and some generous company usaly pays the bill22:45
ubptgbotPrhys97 was added by: Prhys9723:17
ubptgbot<peternerlich> can anyone with some regex understanding and five minutes join OT please?23:19
ubptgbot<peternerlich> [Edit] can anyone with some regex understanding and five minutes join @UBports_OT please?23:19
ZeroPointEnergyhalium-boot + UBports Xenial on Samsung Galaxy S7 https://youtu.be/8SHp7WaZueQ , There is probably a lot of stuff not working. But it boots!23:23
ubptgbot<Lyokanthrope> woah23:23
ubptgbot<Lyokanthrope> is that exynos or snapdragon?23:23
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> but which?23:23
ZeroPointEnergyExynos 8890 Octa23:24
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Is there a qcom model of the S7, @Lyokanthrope ?23:24
ubptgbot<Lyokanthrope> yeah23:25
ubptgbot<Lyokanthrope> I'm fairly sure23:25
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> darn23:25
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> RIP US23:25
ubptgbot<Lyokanthrope> and it has a locked bootloader across the board23:25
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Looks like that didn't stop ZeroPointEnergy23:25
ubptgbot<Lyokanthrope> oh the exynos models are unlocked23:25
ZeroPointEnergyit was not locked23:25
ubptgbot<Lyokanthrope> I'm saying the (US?) Snapdragon models are locked23:26
ZeroPointEnergyyou just have to tab seven times on the release number :-D23:26
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Yeah, the only place that would get Qcom is US and maybe Japan23:26
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Because CDMA23:26
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> And Qualcomm practically owning CDMA23:26
ubptgbot<trainailleur> Yes, US S7 is locked bootloader.  Not sure any exynos models have wide coverage on US LTE bands.  I keep meaning to look into that.23:27
ubptgbot<Lyokanthrope> pretty sure the global exynos model supports most US LTE bands at least on AT&T and T-Mobile23:28
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Right, but not CDMA23:30
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> So no Verizon or Sprint23:30
ubptgbot<Lyokanthrope> yep23:30
ubptgbot<Lyokanthrope> business as usual23:30
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Everyone else gets the cool phones23:30
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Verizon ruins everything23:30
ubptgbot<Lyokanthrope> the easy solution is to just not use verizon :V … (yes I know it's not that easy, I'm just being a goof)23:30
ubptgbot<Stereofont> USA needs to join the EU23:30
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> The EU was our idea, even. :P23:31
ubptgbot<Stereofont> And Churchill23:31
ubptgbot<dohbee> Don't give Verizon money23:32
ubptgbot<Stereofont> OT ahem …23:32
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @dohbee, My understanding is they have plenty already23:32
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> "Don't give Verizon money" is always on topic. :P23:32
ubptgbot<Stereofont> I meant EU23:33
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Just like "Don't give Apple money" or "Don't give Google money"23:33
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Right23:33
ubptgbot<dohbee> Well, don't buy wireless anywat23:33
ubptgbot<Lyokanthrope> @UniversalSuperBox, Just don't give any company ever any money23:33
ubptgbot<trainailleur> @Lyokanthrope, Just looked it up, and you are correct.  For some reason I was thinking most Exynos didn't have band 17, which AT&T relied on heavily in my area. … Unfortunately the hand-me-down I could probably get from one of my relatives is a locked down AT&T model.  Grrr.23:34
ubptgbot<trainailleur> @Lyokanthrope, [Edit] Just looked it up, and you are correct.  For some reason I was thinking most Exynos didn't have band 17, which AT&T relied on heavily in my area.  But the S7 does. … Unfortunately the hand-me-down I could probably get from one of my relatives is a locked down AT&T model.  Grrr.23:35
ubptgbot<dohbee> Buy one from euro ebay23:35

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