
Azure_ChaosHello would it be safe to install the 18.04 daily how stable is it? Also would i have to reinstal at release time? I currently use debian testing but i want to move back to ubuntu.01:11
FurretUberGrub2 has a strange graphical error after I upgraded to 18.04: https://youtu.be/wKUBOAx73k402:32
FurretUberI am not able to reproduce this on virtual machines02:32
alkisgtouch "/tmp/hi there"; ls -ld "/tmp/hi there"10:23
alkisg-rw-r--r-- 1 administrator administrator 0 \u03a6\u03b5\u03b2  20 12:21 '/tmp/hi there'10:23
alkisg...is this a new feature in ls? Quoting the output?! 10:23
alkisgAnd it also includes a space in front of lines, e.g.: ls /tmp10:24
alkisg file1 'hi there'10:24
alkisgA space before file1 there10:24
alkisgDoes anyone else have that issue in 18.04?10:24
alkisgHeh, "it's a feature", ls -Q double-quotes10:26
alkisgHmm, I think "ls" now defaults to "--quoting-style=shell" instead of "literal". I wonder how many scripts will now break with this undocumented change...10:30
alkisgThere's a new -N option to disable quoting...10:31
alkisghttp://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/c/coreutils/coreutils_8.28-1ubuntu1/changelog ==> 10:31
alkisg  * Reenable default ls quoting10:31
ubottuDebian bug 813164 in coreutils "coreutils: ls suddenly quotes output" [Wishlist,Fixed]10:32
donofriolast issue (for now) that I have on my 18.04 install is I'm getting these locale messages once and awhile like this when I just sshed into a host while I'm working and it said "/usr/bin/manpath: can't set the locale; make sure $LC_* and $LANG are correct" so I'm wondering what do I nbee" so I'm wondering what do I need to do to resolve that?15:36
alkisgAnd what is the value for those variables?15:43
alkisgenv | grep ^L15:43
FurretUberHi, the package intel-gpu-tools no longer has intel-gpu-overlay available on bionic16:00
FurretUberThe program intel-gpu-overlay is available on xenial, zesty and artful16:01
naccFurretUber: i'd file a bug?16:08
nacci'll ask timo16:09
FurretUberI'm doing it now16:09
FurretUberI noticed intel-gpu-tools source built successfully without the overlay16:09
naccFurretUber: thanks!16:09
naccFurretUber: yeah, it seems like a removed functionality, possibly upstream?16:10
FurretUberBecause it is a warning and not a error16:10
FurretUberBut I could build the overlay after I investigated the warning. It's funny, as it shows the Intel HD Graphics 520 is using 40 GW of power16:10
FurretUberDone: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/intel-gpu-tools/+bug/175060516:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1750605 in intel-gpu-tools (Ubuntu) "intel-gpu-tools no longer has intel-gpu-overlay application" [Undecided,New]16:12
BLZbubbahi guys, i just installed a bionic desktop, and systemd-resolvd is ignoring the DNS server IP -- though it keeps the search paths16:17
BLZbubbawhat should i do to debug this?  i did notice that the resolv.conf had (iirc) as the ip, but systemd-resolvd is listening on
BLZbubbaok i lied, it was
naccBLZbubba: where does /etc/resolv.conf point to (it's a sy mlink)16:24
naccBLZbubba: if it is using, then your system is not using systemd-resolved currently16:24
BLZbubbanot a symlink, it says the file was created by NetworkManager16:25
naccoh hrm16:25
nacci'm not sure then16:25
naccon my bionic desktop it is a symlink (upgrade over the past several releases, not a fresh install)16:25
naccFurretUber: thanks for your report, timo has pushed a new version (updated build-depends) to debian, which should come into bionic eventually17:11
Jayfluxhi all, is it possible to install postgresql non-interactively (so without picking country and city?)18:14
Jayfluxthis is on ubuntu 1818:14
lotuspsychjephoenix_firebrd: welcome, how can we help you18:23
phoenix_firebrdlotuspsychje: I tested 18.04 daily image yesterday, I wanted to check for the condition of vaapi. It seems VAProfileVP9* was removed from intel vaapi driver. Is this a bug or a known action?18:25
lotuspsychjephoenix_firebrd: sorry dont know about vaapi myself18:26
lotuspsychjephoenix_firebrd: perhaps explain in this channel some more details of what you trying?18:26
phoenix_firebrdya sure18:26
lotuspsychje!find vaapi18:26
ubottuFound: gstreamer1.0-vaapi, gstreamer1.0-vaapi-doc, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 214 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=vaapi&searchon=names&suite=bionic&section=all18:27
lotuspsychjephoenix_firebrd: also perhaps compare the xorg vs wayland session?18:28
phoenix_firebrdMy problem is, I want hardware accelerated video decoding for VP9 codec video files using intel onboard GPU, My processor is i5 7400 which has the intel HD 630 graphics. It is capable of native decoding/encoding of VP9 codec. The is a bug is in the intel vaapi driver version 1.8.. .........18:30
lotuspsychjephoenix_firebrd: did this work on other ubuntu versions for you?18:31
lotuspsychje!info intel-vaapi-driver18:32
ubottuPackage intel-vaapi-driver does not exist in bionic18:32
phoenix_firebrdwhich causes image corruption in certain frames. I patched by driver by cherry picking a patch from the official developer git page. Now the media players work fine. The issue now is, since the release of vlc 3.0 the snap version is compiled for the intel vaapi driver with the bug and so when a vp9 codec video file is played, it is played with corrupt image in certain frames. So I was forced to use a vlc daily ppa(unstable version). So I wanted 18:36
phoenix_firebrdto check if this problem is sorted out with the libva1(va-api2) in 18.04, as I know since the patch was merged before the 2.0 tagging, bug was fixed and I can confirm that....... 18:36
phoenix_firebrdbut to my surprise the VAProfileVP9Profile* was gone and VP9 hardware decode/encode support was gone all together.18:37
phoenix_firebrdlotuspsychje: Its a feature in vaapi driver that is missing, It is seperate from wayland.18:38
phoenix_firebrdlotuspsychje: the package name is i965-va-driver18:39
lotuspsychje!info i965-va-driver18:41
ubottui965-va-driver (source: intel-vaapi-driver): VAAPI driver for Intel G45 & HD Graphics family. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0.0+dfsg1-1 (bionic), package size 416 kB, installed size 2280 kB (Only available for any-amd64; any-i386)18:41
lotuspsychjephoenix_firebrd: you might wanna bug against that, see what the devs suggest to do18:41
donofriosay does anyone here use multiple monitors?18:42
phoenix_firebrdlotuspsychje: I think I saw a bug report in launchpad, let me check18:43
lotuspsychjephoenix_firebrd: if you find an existing,sure i didnt see it right away18:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1591714 in intel-vaapi-driver (Ubuntu) "Why no VAProfileVP9Profile* in libva" [Undecided,Invalid]18:44
donofrionot wsl question dell 8200 question with 18.0418:44
lotuspsychjephoenix_firebrd: lemme check18:44
lotuspsychjephoenix_firebrd: this bug is invalid as #2 describes18:45
lotuspsychjephoenix_firebrd: but that bug is also created for 16.0418:47
phoenix_firebrdlotuspsychje: ya, but mine is a kabylake processor and as said it fully supports hardware decoding/encoding. So I have to file a new one?18:47
lotuspsychjephoenix_firebrd: i would reccomend yes18:47
lotuspsychjephoenix_firebrd: and describe your whole story, ubuntu version, kernel etc18:47
lotuspsychjemight be helpfull for the community18:47
phoenix_firebrdDo you know what version of intel vaapi driver they use in ubuntu snap core package?18:48
donofrioWhen you have four monitors like I do on one card/chip radeon I cannot get all the monitors to touch sides in the "Display" applet, when they are anything other than rotation of normal....18:48
lotuspsychjephoenix_firebrd: not sure sorry18:48
lotuspsychjephoenix_firebrd: perhaps the #snappy guys might know18:49
phoenix_firebrdlotuspsychje: Thanks for the support, I will file a bug report with all the details and I will contact the snappy channel too18:49
lotuspsychjephoenix_firebrd: some tips to more easy solving:ยต18:50
lotuspsychjetry to find more users that can add to your bug18:50
lotuspsychjeand try steps yourself to add to the bug=more activity=more chance of solving18:51
phoenix_firebrdsure :)18:51
donofrioso no-one here runs more than one display output on 18.04?20:23
alkisgI do20:24
alkisgIn ubuntu mate 18.0420:24
hggdhtwo displays, standard Ubuntu20:28
donofriook can you get them to touch or just overlap20:31
Odd_BlokeI'm running two displays with 18.04 also.20:31
Odd_BlokeMine do not overlap.20:31
donofrioI'll have to get a screen2gif for ubuntu so I can show you all what madness moving these displays around is20:31
donofrioI have a visiontec radion quad head that just "works by default" all screens live out of the gate20:32
Odd_Bloke(FWIW, I have one of my monitors in portrait mode.)20:32
donofrioand fine when in normal rotation but the have North / South  magnet like repulsion to each other...20:32
donofriobut only in "Left"/portrait mode20:33
donofriofind in landscape/normal mode20:33
Odd_Blokedonofrio: I wonder if the problem is that something doesn't think you can drive that much vertical resolution?20:33
donofrioyah I dunno....felt like http://unity.grogansoft.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/rabbit.gif only with four displays and I'm tryingto get two to snap together20:35
Odd_Blokedonofrio: Can you pastebin xrandr output?20:35
* Odd_Bloke doesn't really know much about the desktop side of things, so is kinda stabbing in the dark here.20:36
donofrioI'll be able to do that in four hours, I'm at work and it's at home...20:39
Odd_BlokeAh, fair enough.20:39
FurretUberThe bridge connection created by virt-manager is acting strange on 18.04: the virtual machine can ping to the host and can ping to the internet, but can't ping to other hosts and can't access internet (updating packages, for example)21:00
donofrioFurretUber, are you Natting or Bridgeing?21:01
donofrioTry Bridge, Not had much luck with Natting and VM's (just a thought)21:02
FurretUberIt's strange, as the same configuration worked on 16.04 and 17.1021:02
donofriowell then my guess is probably incorrect21:03
tfgbd_How do I turn off the accererometer?22:14
tfgbd_Everything seems to work but bluetooth and the touchscreen22:15
tfgbd_The accererometer works in the opposite way it is supposed to22:15
tfgbd_When I hold it in poitrait it rotates to landscape and vice versa22:19
FurretUberDefinitively, the libvirt network configuration that is working in Xenial doesn't work in Bionic22:40

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