
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:43
lordievaderGood morning07:00
oerlaptophi lordievader :-)07:06
oerlaptopearly bird :-P07:06
lordievaderHey oerlaptop07:08
lordievaderEarly to work, early to go back home 😉07:09
lordievaderHow are you doing?07:09
oerlaptopgood, waiting for a repairman, and how do you do?07:09
lotuspsychjehey lordievader & oerlaptop07:12
lordievaderHey lotuspsychje07:12
lordievaderHow are you doing?07:12
lotuspsychjegreat here tnx and you?07:12
lordievaderoerlaptop: Doing good here :)07:12
lordievaderoerlaptop: What kind of repairman?07:12
oerlaptopha, our roomsoesjes-man07:12
lotuspsychjeoerlaptop: artful been tested well?07:13
oerlaptopthis lap is working great, for an ancient vista machine07:14
lotuspsychjewhat ssd brand oerlaptop07:15
EriC^^morning guys07:15
oerlaptopadata, 60 gb07:15
oerlaptophi di hi EriC^^07:15
EriC^^moin oerlaptop , how dae got tae?07:15
oerlaptopi wonder who is more happy, me or him finding out it will be of good use07:16
lotuspsychjehey EriC^^07:16
EriC^^hey lotuspsychje07:16
lotuspsychjeoerlaptop: its a workover for a friend?07:16
oerlaptopjups, used in an office07:16
oerlaptopnow they al have win1007:16
ducassegood morning, all07:30
oerlaptophi ducasse07:35
ducassemorning, oerlaptop07:37
ducassestill happy with the new laptop?07:37
oerlaptopsure, stood up early for it07:46
oerlaptopbut battery is not charging at all :-(07:46
ducasseare you buying a new one?07:47
oerlaptopYes, as it is not that expensive, it would be wise07:54
oerlaptop30 euro, i was thinking 60 euro+07:54
lordievaderThat is quite cheap. Official one or an unknown brand?08:11
ducassethat's actually pretty cheap, yes08:11
oerlaptopnot from acer..08:14
oerlaptopor an original 4400ah or double, but might have a bulb that sticks out08:16
oerlaptopfree shipping too08:17
ducassemy new cable modem is expected today, will give me an extra 100mbps08:18
ducassebuilt-in wifi router, hope i can just bridge it and use it as just a modem08:19
oerlaptopgrrrrrrrr coupon 5 euro ... order €30 or more... 5 cents08:24
lotuspsychjeoerlaptop: i also order spare parts on that site08:33
lotuspsychjevery nice service08:33
BluesKajHi folks12:35
pauljwmorning BluesKaj12:36
BluesKaj'Morning pauljw12:36
ducassehi BluesKaj, pauljw - how are you guys today?12:45
pauljwhi ducasse, good here, you?12:46
BluesKajhi ducasse, doing ok here, hanging in as the saying goes, how about you?12:47
ducassei'm fine, thanks - soon heading down to the city for a bit12:47
BluesKajwas going to pick my son up at the airport, but the hwys are covered ice from freezing rain...dunno if his filght will be on time anyway12:49
TJ-BluesKaj: tell him to hire a parachute and a helicopter :D12:50
BluesKajice covered rather12:50
BluesKajuhhm, helis don't fly in this ewather TJ- ;-)12:51
ducassesnowing here, but not heavily - yet. forecast says it's coming, though.12:51
BluesKajweather even12:51
JimBunbtuThanks to the local rain, I'm looking out my window at almost no snow. Blessed be the rains that melt the snow.12:54
BluesKaji prefer snow ...rain is useless in winter12:57
BluesKajbut i gew up i with real winters so we took advantage of the the fun one could have doing winter sports and activities12:58
JimBunbtuBluesKaj, I grew up with what I consider to be real winters as well... sub 40 latitude. While I do enjoy the occasional activity in the snow, I prefer not having to deal with it... all that to say I don't get my way very often and we have more snow-time than no-snow-time13:02
BluesKajJimBunbtu, right I live in Northern Ontario Canada 46' N  so we have long winters or at least we did until 10yrs ago or so13:04
JimBunbtuBluesKaj, weather has been odd for the last 10 or so years, hopefully it's simply part of the long cycle.13:05
BluesKajyup, hopefully it's the 1000 yr warming cycle that had a climate in which wild grapes could grow in places like Newfoundland13:07
BluesKajand not the global warming that climatotlogists are yelling about13:09
JimBunbtuyummy yummy wild grapes. Stay away from the moonseed though!13:09
BluesKajyeah, the Vikings were surprised  when they discovererd them growing in Nfld13:15
JimBunbtuBluesKaj, I'm just a wee south of you now, winters are surely stronger and longer.13:25
BluesKajJimBunbtu, where is that?13:28
JimBunbtuaround 43 lat13:29
JimBunbtuIt's raining and I absolutely love it. Perhaps today I will muster up the will to check out that Unity update.14:16
BluesKajkde/plasma user here, never understood unity's appeal :-)14:18
BluesKajor gnome14:18
JimBunbtuI spend most of my time in Bash shells. I don't really have a draw to KDE/Gnome or any other and mainly go with default for the distro. I haven't found any sufficiently bad enough to make me yak yet.14:35
BluesKajI'm an old windows guy and I'm used to gui, but since discovering linux I've migrated to the terminal for a lot of uses14:43
=== JimBunbtu is now known as JimBuntu
ducassei live in terminals and use terminal-based alternatives for a lot of applications15:27
BluesKaji3 ?15:32
BluesKaji3 wm rather15:35
ducassei3, yes. i've been playing with sway on wayland, but wayland just isn't ready yet.15:54
ducassei3 is excellent for managing lots of terminals. i also use tmux inside them, though.15:55
BluesKajyakuake is about as adventurous as I get in the cli realm15:59
JimBuntu+1 for tmux16:03
ducassei also played with terminator, but handling window splitting etc in tmux is just nicer16:11
BluesKajfor gui, i use a combo of activities and VDs for different fav apps16:13
BluesKajand an actitvty pager in the panel16:14
ducassei have a lot of desktops split across 3 screens, not familiar with 'activities'16:15
JimBuntuducasse, Are they different computers? If so, have you checked out Synergy for a single KB/Mouse to control everything?16:19
BluesKajactivities is a kde/plasma thing, but I use a single screen monitor which is my Panasonic 43" plasma TV16:20
ducasseJimBuntu: no, same box. there's only one computer on that desk. i know synergy, might use it if i decide to set up my mac mini again.16:24
JimBuntuducasse, I absolutely love Synergy. I'm using 5 machines spread across 9 monitors, it really saves me from headaches.16:25
ducassei can imagine that, thankfully i don't need to spread my focus across 9 screens :)16:30
BluesKajno need for multiple screens being a home user16:44
=== nicomach1s is now known as nicomachus
* TJ- whistles innocently16:45
* nicomachus searches his history for TJ-'s battlestation pics16:45
nicomachuswith all... was it 6?... monitors16:46
TJ-Aye :) plus another 4 laptops within reach16:47
TJ-Place is one heck of a mess right now, not even room for my mug on the worktop :)16:47
JimBuntuThis was already a 2-computer desk by design... I figured why not take it up a notch and make shelves for more monitors and simply use the desktop space for laptops ;-D16:50
TJ-Yeah, I've 5 wall-mounted monitors around the corner plus the laptop driving them, then the rest around the sides on the worktop16:52
JimBuntuI don't think I could reasonably justify any more over here. Even with them angled in at me, I still have to move my head a bit depending on which one I need to look at.16:56
TJ-JimBuntu: I sit in the corner where the 2 walls meet, so all I do is swivel the chair slightly16:57
JimBuntuTJ-, lucky you with your "corner office" lol.16:57
TJ-I use a BT keyboard and mouse, and they are on a lap-stand across my legs so it makes things comfortable16:57
* BluesKaj sits in an easy chair with wireless KB and mouse about 3M away from the screen...pc is the floor below the table theat holds all my components and TV16:58
TJ-BluesKaj: how larger physically is the screen, at 3m away?16:58
TJ-I'm about 75cm from my monitors - they're 24" 1920x1200, with the laptop being 15" 1920x120016:59
BluesKajit's a media center sort of ...TV is 43" screen TJ-16:59
JimBuntuI can swivel 90 to the right... if I need to get up... if I swivel another 90 degrees to the right then I am facing a workbench with other gear on it. I call it "cozy", many would probably call it cramped.16:59
TJ-BluesKaj: wow, so you can still see the pixels then! I did consider larger screens but it'd mean sitting further away17:00
BluesKajyeah I use a 18 sized font for these old eyes, with regular 1920x1080 res17:01
TJ-JimBuntu: I've got a mini datacenter to my left, and electronics workbench to the right http://iam.tj/photos/Study-workstation.jpg (in that picture the electronics stuff was right next to me but now it's other end of the right-side bench about 3 meters away)17:01
TJ-BluesKaj: yes, I've considered that - In the new place I'm planning on a couple of 4K 42"+ wall-mounted screens and be able to sit well back from them, as an alternative to smaller screens when I want to rest my eyes17:03
JimBuntuTJ-, lol, we have similar gear... although I don't see a streo-macroscope in the pic, I do see an arm for what I suspect is a lamped magnifying glass. I really need to clean up around here so I can take some pics17:03
TJ-JimBuntu: angle-poise magnify/lamp yes, and there's another arm with a camera on17:03
JimBuntuIt's hard to beat a magnified video feed when you want to complain to a fabricator about their shoddy work!17:04
TJ-I've got a Raspi with a screen and a BitScope attached too17:05
nicomachusLooks like Bodhi Linux didn't fix the 17.10 lenovo bug: https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxquestions/comments/7yq9r4/help_ive_bricked_3_motherboards_trying_to_install/17:05
JimBuntuTJ, your KB looks like it's from the future. Is it blank or is that the lighting?17:06
BluesKajthis is basically a media center with pc integration with audio spdif out to a an audio receiver and hdmi to the tv17:06
JimBuntuBluesKaj, I bet it's nice to sit in the living room using that big screen.17:08
TJ-JimBuntu: KB? keyboard?17:08
nicomachusTJ-: so much WHITE17:09
nicomachusmakes my eyes hurt17:09
TJ-BluesKaj: I find I cannot focus on programming/hacking sat on a comfy chair, I need to be in an operator/desk chair17:09
JimBuntuTJ, I think it's your keyboard... between the chair and the laptop, left of the mouse.17:09
TJ-nicomachus: that was the camera over-exposing; Generally the screens are mostly black / dark themed17:10
nicomachusI would hope. ouch.17:10
TJ-JimBuntu: It's an old Apple BT wireless keyboard A1016... beautiful smooth action17:10
JimBuntuinteresting TJ. I like the way it looks in the pic, basically without any symbols on it.17:11
TJ-nicomachus: yes, it's those Samsung LCDs with very powerful backligts... the portrait to the right is a Dell U2412 EPS which is much better, and much cooler!17:11
TJ-JimBuntu: I have 2 of them; the other is German layout, and I get /so/ lost on that since Y Z etc are swapped around!17:12
TJ-Plus I find Debian/Ubuntu keyboard layouts don't exactly match them17:12
ducassei got a das keyboard pro 4 with cherry blue switches a while back, been *so* happy with it. just can't consider going back to anything but a proper mechanical keyboard now.17:38
naccducasse: funnily enough, i also just got the same keyboard17:38
naccducasse: i had tried a matias quite pro and had to return two of them17:38
naccfor dying on me17:38
lotuspsychjegood evening to all17:40
ducassehi lotuspsychje17:43
lotuspsychjehey ducasse17:43
ducassenacc: you happy with yours? what switches did you get?17:43
naccducasse: first full day using it for me, but so far so good!17:45
naccducasse: i got the brown switches17:45
ducasseso, a bit quieter than mine. i've got nobody else around me to complain about the clicking :)17:47
naccducasse: yeah, i'm on a lot of calls17:48
OerHeksplease stop clicking guys17:52
BluesKajTJ-, I can tell you one gets used to a comfortable chair very quickly. I also used a desk and swivel chair for a while in my den, but felt isolated there so i moved the pc into the living room and i haven't looked back. I'm retired from work and the desk/chair relationship :-)17:53
TJ-BluesKaj: my problem is I'd have dogs trying to curl up on me, and I'd lean back and nod off :D17:55
BluesKajnothing wrong with nodding off ...I do it all the time, but I'm old :-)17:56
lotuspsychje1613 users in main18:07
TJ-or just lots of bots logging the channel!18:13
lotuspsychjeTJ-: in april its gonna overload again :p18:14
* TJ- books a 3 month vacation ... for April!18:17
OerHekswithout bouncers, 300 ?18:19
lotuspsychjehumans or robots, all help fill the room :p18:20

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