[01:16] ikonia, heard of backbox 4.4? [01:16] is that some outside respin/distro? [01:16] !backbox [01:16] Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it. [01:18] Xfce/Xubuntu based pentesting distro, I think the claim was. [01:19] he wants help cracking his samsung device on backbox [01:19] had to PM him with the list of just plain wrong suggestions he was handing out [01:20] get to the root! broken hw! === Menzie is now known as Menzador === Menzador is now known as Menzie [07:39] bazhang: backbox has about 40 different spins based of it's own respin, so whle the version number doesn't specfically ring out to me, it's not a surprising thing [08:56] cheers! [10:55] Can someone deal with the bot 'trac' in #ubuntu please? [11:07] TJ-: Can you trigger the bot? [11:20] Unit193: it seems to have gone quiet but when I joined the channel about 30 minutes ago it was spewing random comments, didn't seem related to what was being sid in-channel [11:21] Seems to have left the channel itself though so no all sorted :) [11:22] Yes it's not online. [11:27] Thanks anyhow :) === Menzie is now known as Menzador