
Frank_16.04 from USB stick only speakers don't work00:00
Frank_15.04 from stick everything worked, installed on HD speakers didn't work00:00
SemiNusFrank_, can you give us the output of the "lspci" when starting from the USB drive?00:00
Frank_I can yes, but it will take time00:01
TJ-SemiNus: no, it's fun... and something I've wanted for some time (reverse-proxying websockets)00:01
Frank_its a differentpc00:01
SemiNusFrank_, if you don't mind - it would be interesting00:01
SemiNusFrank_, you can paste it to "dpaste.de"00:01
SemiNusor any other paste service of your choice00:01
SemiNusTJ-, heh, okay then :))00:01
Frank_that makes it easier00:02
Frank_the reason I can't run from USB stick is I have to plug in an external drive with data on it00:02
Frank_sometimes when I plug it in, the PC shuts off00:02
Frank_otherwise I'd just run from the stick...it is inconvenient to have to keep typing in the network password00:03
SemiNusFrank_, what do you mean by "sometimes when I plug it in, the PC shuts off" ?00:03
SemiNusHow exactly are you booting from the USB drive?00:03
SemiNusthe PC must be switched off first00:03
SemiNusAudio device: Intel Corporation Broadwell-U Audio Controller (rev 09)00:04
SemiNus^ that's the sound00:04
Frank_I have to either have it off or reboot, press ESC to get to the boot menu, press f9, select the usb device00:04
SemiNusthe keyboard is plugged in via USB ?00:04
SemiNusthen also give me a "lsusb"00:04
Frank_it'sthe laptop keyboard00:04
SemiNushold on00:04
Frank_It works with 15.04, 16.04 from USB stick.00:05
Frank_Works with 15.04 installedbut not weith 16.04 or 17.10 installed00:05
SemiNusI have an idea...00:05
SemiNusbazhang, correct me if I am wrong00:05
SemiNusmy idea is, that the USB drive Frank_ uses comes along with closed-source drivers00:06
Frank_YZXY is the lsusb00:06
bazhangFrank_, please dont use enter as punctuation, keep it all on a single line00:06
SemiNusbecause of these drivers, the hardware is better supported when he boots from the USB stick00:06
SemiNusI am just googling the audio device and seeing what drivers it needs00:07
SemiNusFrank_, what laptop is it? a Dell?00:07
Frank_HP pavilion g600:09
SemiNusFrank_, I am googling... give me some minutes00:10
SemiNusFrank_, could you please try the obvious first:00:11
Frank_I don't know the exact model.  The HP diagnostic programs that give it only run with windows.00:12
Frank_what is the obvious?00:12
SemiNusseeing if the sound is muted00:12
Frank_It is not00:12
Frank_when I look at sound options it only shows Headphones built in speakers.00:13
Frank_"Headphones built in audio"00:14
SemiNusFrank_, I have been going through many, many, many search results00:14
SemiNusall of them date a few years back.00:15
Frank_I looked at a lot of things since early this morning00:15
SemiNusI cannot see anything that says that it wouldn't currently be supported00:15
SemiNusconcerning the keyboard, I am totally stuck00:15
Frank_and it must be supported, otherwise it wouldn't work with 15.04 from the stick00:15
SemiNusI mean, I found this site, for example:  https://askubuntu.com/questions/244446/unable-to-configure-audio-on-hp-pavilion-g6-2006ax-using-ubuntu-12-04-lts00:16
SemiNusbut it's about precice pangolin00:16
SemiNusthat's soooo old that...00:16
Frank_right.  that's a much older model pc00:17
SemiNusI mean the Ubuntu version00:17
Frank_but when I had 15.04 on the HD I tried a lot of that00:17
Frank_I updated config files, added lines, took lines away...spent hours.  Then someone suggested installing the latest version.  That's what I've been doing for about 3 hours.00:18
SemiNusFrank_, I am really sorry to tell, but I cannot find anything that would help you on your way00:19
Frank_see, this is why i haven't used linux in the past.  I read about driver issues.00:20
bazhangFrank_, thats not the case here00:20
Frank_it has to be00:20
Frank_the hardware is working00:20
bazhangFrank_, did you wish for further assistance in fixing this00:20
Frank_the speakers work with 15.04 from USB, but not once it's installed on the built in hard drive.00:21
Frank_I sure do00:21
Frank_I'd like to get it working00:21
bazhangFrank_, first off we dont need to know about a much earlier release, and secondly please keep answers info etc on a single line00:22
bazhangFrank_, since you installed 17.10, has it been connected to the net, all updates of software done00:23
bazhangFrank_, so that computer is fully upgraded to the latest software00:23
Frank_not right now.  In order to use the keyboard, I have to boot from the USB.00:24
bazhangFrank_, so it's not been fully updated and upgraded at all00:24
Frank_The version on the HD has been.  But the keyboard doesn't work.  So I booted from the USB stick, which is 16.04. I could not type commands into the console from the 17.10 booted from the HD because the keyboard doesn't work.00:25
bazhangFrank_, how did you manage to upgrade the fully installed one00:26
Frank_By clicking on upgrade icon00:27
bazhangFrank_, and entering the password without a keyboard?00:27
Frank_I set it up to not require a password on boot up00:28
driveby187i need help with a samsung s7 google locked00:28
Frank_I see what you're saying.  It asks for the password when it is going to upgrade.  So no, I didn't upgrade 17.10.00:28
driveby187clean ieme00:28
bazhangdriveby187, is that with ubuntu on it?00:29
Frank_I updated when 16.04 was on there, before I upgraded to 17.1000:29
driveby187im using ubuntu 14.04 back box 4.400:29
driveby187please help00:30
bazhangdriveby187, how does the samsung device relate to all this00:30
driveby187i just entered00:30
driveby187the room00:30
driveby187please help00:30
bazhangdriveby187, yes, this is ubuntu support00:30
bazhangdriveby187, I suggest you find a proper channel on how to deal with that00:31
driveby187frank set up your su00:31
Frank_I can't00:31
bazhangdriveby187, we dont use that here, please dont suggest it00:31
Frank_the keyboard doesn't work00:31
driveby187what can i help him with00:32
driveby187or am im able00:32
smacktalkI'm having trouble with the mount command00:32
bazhangdriveby187, please find a support channel for you samsumg device, this is ubuntu support only00:32
smacktalkmount /dev/sgo for my dvd doesn't work...how do I specify a mount point?00:32
test4124Hello! Any ideas what is the best way to execute "hostnamectl set-hostname `perl -e 'open IN, "</usr/share/dict/words";rand($.) < 1 && ($n=$_) while <IN>;$n=~s/'\''//g;print lc($n)'`" on every startup?00:33
test4124ubuntu 17.1000:33
driveby187where did you download the software from00:33
Ben64smacktalk: mount -t <fstype> <device> <mountpoint>00:33
bazhangdriveby187, which software are you asking about00:33
smacktalkthere's so many options under the man command it's confusing00:33
driveby187thats wrong00:34
smacktalkthanks Ben64, what's an fstype00:34
Mathisensmacktalk, you where told in other chan already, step 1: mkdir ~/dvd step2: sudo mount /dev/sr0 ~/dvd00:34
Ben64smacktalk: filesystem type00:34
driveby187seems like a boot fail00:34
bazhangdriveby187, please, who are you addressing00:34
SemiNustest4124, you could add the script to /etc/rc.local00:35
SemiNustest4124, before the exit 0 line00:35
driveby187i was awnsering questions as they bpop up00:35
driveby187in order00:35
nicomach1s!who | driveby18700:36
ubottudriveby187: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:36
bazhangdriveby187, you need to use the users nickname when answering, not just type randomly00:36
smacktalkmathisen mount /dev/sg0 ~/dvd gave me error mount: /root/dvd: /dev/sg0 is not a block device.00:36
smacktalkmathisen I tried mount /dev/sr0 ~/dvd got error mount: /root/dvd: no medium found on /dev/sr000:38
TJ-smacktalk: well, I have the proxy working (needed to configure some proxyHTML rules because wekan hard-codes URLs inside HTML pages00:38
TJ-oops! that should be for SemiNus: well, I have the proxy working (needed to configure some proxyHTML rules because wekan hard-codes URLs inside HTML pages00:38
smacktalkwas hoping you were helping me TJ00:38
Ben64smacktalk: you should put a disc in first00:38
driveby187smacktalk can you use BleackBit to wipe your ram00:38
smacktalkI have a blank disk in ther00:39
Ben64you can't mount a blank disc00:39
bazhangdriveby187, thats not correct00:39
smacktalkI just rebooted00:39
driveby187and the ram size00:39
driveby18732 or 6400:39
bazhangdriveby187, please stop giving nonsense answers00:39
smacktalkI'm trying to write an ubuntu image to my blank disk00:40
Ben64smacktalk: use k3b or something similar00:40
SemiNusTJ-, oh, awesome!  how?00:40
test4124SemiNus: I am going to test it, thank you.00:40
smacktalkguess I'll have to do that with my windows box00:41
driveby187i didnt know he didnt make a iso image file yet.00:41
SemiNustest4124, you're welcome00:41
Ben64smacktalk: no, you can use Ubuntu00:41
smacktalki have a kali box, trying to reinstall to ubuntu00:41
Mathisensmacktalk, sudo apt update && sudo apt install growisofs && sudo growisofs -Z /dev/dvdrw=ubuntu.iso00:42
Mathisenasuming you are in the same directory as ubuntu.iso00:42
Mathisenanyway bed time00:42
smacktalkkali has many issues...currently dealing with the cdrom issue00:42
Handover901Hey, my Ubuntu GUI keeps crashing all the time! It crashes after a00:44
Handover901specific amount of time. It still works and I can SSH into it. Here is the00:44
Handover901logs before I rebooted the server (which temp. solves the problem):00:44
Handover901https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Y48QFPBYM4/ - Well its a computer with Ubuntu00:44
Handover90116.04 Desktop LTS00:44
=== Rochvellon is now known as Rochi
Frank_So, would updating 7.10 somehow - with no keyboard - help the situation?00:45
bazhangFrank_, yes00:45
Frank_But without a keyboard, how is that done?00:45
smacktalkwhat does that do Mathisen?00:45
bazhangFrank_, is this usb a wireless, on a hub, or wired00:46
=== Rochi is now known as miup
smacktalkthat didn't work Mathisen...00:46
Frank_the keyboard is the keyboard that's on the laptop.  The USB mouse has a receiver in the USB port on the laptop.  I tried all three ports.00:46
smacktalksaid unable to open64("ubuntu.iso",O_RDONLY): No such file or directory00:46
bazhangFrank_, your laptop built in keyboard does not register any key strokes at all?00:47
Mathisensmacktalk, what error00:48
Frank_Not sure.  I can check to see if some of the function keys work.00:48
Mathisensmacktalk, ofc you need to change ubuntu.iso name to whatever you iso is named00:48
Mathisensmacktalk, AND you need to be in that directory00:49
Mathisensmacktalk, im off now work in a few hours need to sleep.. good luck00:49
test1214SemiNus: didn't work; hostname was not changed; sudo systemctl status rc-local gives Active: failed (Result: exit-code)00:51
Frank_Just checked.  It registers nothing - tried changing brightness and sound level.  None of those work.00:51
=== Rochvellon is now known as miup
Frank_I just noticed where it shows the power settings, it shows Battery estimating and keyboard estimating00:52
=== miup is now known as Guest23190
=== Guest23190 is now known as Rochvellon
SemiNustest1214, how did you do it?00:53
SemiNustest1214, what did you write into /etc/rc.local ?00:53
TJ-SemiNus: There seems to be a problem (for me?) with the browser getting a Content Encoding error when using the proxy. Here's the revised entries for the vhost, and you'll need to "sudo a2enmod proxy_html"  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DBHRsg73Nh/00:53
test1214created /etc/rc.local then chmod +x /etc/rc.local; here is the contents: https://justpaste.it/1hbr500:54
test1214hostnamectl command works when done manually with sudo00:55
SemiNusthank you TJ-, trying00:55
test1214outside of the script, manually after startup00:55
SemiNustest1214, link the script, don't put the content there00:55
SemiNustest1214, will be with you in a moment00:56
SemiNusTJ-, trying it now00:56
test1214SemiNus: ok00:56
SemiNusTJ-, still 404 ^.^00:57
Handover901Man, is there no solution to my problem?00:58
Ben64Handover901: there is00:58
SemiNustest1214, put the script that you want to run somewhere, for example in /usr/local/bin/  and chmod it to be executable00:58
SemiNustest1214, then write the location of the script in your  /etc/rc.local00:58
Handover901Ben64: then what seems to be the problem?00:58
Ben64can't tell from the information you provided00:59
Handover901ill say this, the GUI is crashing. It happens every time i install Ubuntu00:59
Handover901this is like my 5th time00:59
SemiNustest1214, also run this:  "sudo systemctl enable rc-local.service"00:59
test1214SemiNus: do I need to put a header like #!/bin/bash  in rc.local ?00:59
Handover901maybe its a hardware problem? but what could be causing it?00:59
Ben64Handover901: does it complete install?00:59
Handover901yes, it boots up00:59
Ben64Handover901: then why keep reinstalling00:59
Handover901because i thought it would get rid of the problem01:00
Ben64well it isn't01:00
Handover901im just super frustraited with Ubuntu01:00
Handover901but i cannot go back to Windows, thats for sure01:00
TJ-SemiNus: I think you've something else in the vhost causing the 404 problem, can you share it in a pastebin?01:00
SemiNusTJ-, the vhost?01:00
SemiNussure, hold on01:00
Handover901any ideas Ben6401:00
driveby187how do i install virtual box on ubuntu 14.0401:01
TJ-SemiNus: the config file in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ for the web site where you've added the directives01:01
Handover901driveby, i can help with that01:01
ann07google it01:01
ann07#driver b18701:01
Handover9011. run "sudo apt-get install gdebi -y" to make installing easier01:02
SemiNusTJ-, https://dpaste.de/7HoA/raw01:02
Handover9012. Head over to https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads and download the version you have01:02
SemiNusthis is the content of:  /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/wekan01:02
test1214SemiNus: so I only need to write a location of the script that I want to be executed in rc.local without any prefixes, just a path? (I have created rc.local so it has no headers etc.)01:02
SemiNustest1214, hold on, I paste you an example01:02
test1214SemiNus: ok01:03
Handover9013. When it downloads the .deb file, open up a terminal and cd into the folder. Then type "sudo gdebi virtualbox*.deb" and hit enter01:03
Handover901got that driveby18701:03
Ben64Handover901: might need the amdgpu-pro01:03
driveby187ill trey it01:03
Handover901Ben64: what is that?01:03
SemiNustest1214, my bad, you need a shebang01:03
Handover901and yea, now that i think, it is AMD01:03
TJ-SemiNus: well, I've solved the "Content Encoding" error.... just got some paths in the HTML to fix01:03
SemiNustest1214, https://dpaste.de/TTjP/raw01:04
TJ-SemiNus: is that the /entire/ content of the file?01:04
Handover901Ben, ill go boot up the PC and install it01:04
SemiNusyes TJ-01:04
test1214SemiNus: ok, I will try that01:05
SemiNusdid you enable the service?01:05
Handover901driveby187, remember to hit Y when it asks you to install of course01:05
TJ-SemiNus: then it's incorrect and can never work - I don't even think apache would touch it! That code needs to be included inside the /existing/ web-site's config, which'll start with a <vhost ....> directive.01:05
test1214SemiNus: when I try to enable it complains01:05
SemiNustest1214, <SemiNus> test1214, also run this:  "sudo systemctl enable rc-local.service"01:05
test1214SemiNus: The unit files have no installation config (WantedBy, RequiredBy, Also, Alias settings in the [Install] section, and DefaultInstance for template units). This means they are not meant to be enabled using systemctl. Possible reasons for having this kind of units are: [...]01:06
SemiNusTJ-, good that we compared it ^.^01:06
SemiNusTJ-, okay, I set up a whole vhost01:06
test1214SemiNus: on the other hand this service exists01:06
TJ-SemiNus: E.g. here's the /default/ apache config file I'm editing for testing: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PRjbnXdyJh/01:06
TJ-SemiNus: I assumed that server already has a web-site configured in apache01:06
Azure_ChaosHello would it be safe to install the 18.04 daily how stable is it? Also would i have to reinstal at release time?01:08
SemiNusTJ-, even embedded like you did it, it still gives a 40401:08
SemiNusTJ-, I will use it with :3000 at the end01:08
bazhangAzure_Chaos, wait for release, chat for it in #ubuntu+101:09
driveby187handover901 it says * No suitable module for running kernel found                                                                          [fail]01:09
bazhangdriveby187, where did you get that vbox01:09
Handover901did you download from the virtualbox website01:10
driveby187i ran it in mt terminal01:10
Azure_ChaosOk ill ask in there i only ask because i curently use debian testing and i want to move back. So i wanted to know if it was as stable.01:10
bazhangHandover901, he needs to install from ubuntu repos01:10
Handover901weird, i have never done that01:11
driveby187how do i do that01:11
Handover901i dont think he should01:11
Handover901they may not be up to date01:11
Handover901better to get it from the official website01:11
bazhangapt-get install virtualbox01:11
bazhangHandover901, thats not correct01:11
SemiNusTJ-, thank you very, very much for your help!01:12
bazhangHandover901, he needs the proper guest additions etc for his specific distro01:12
SemiNusTJ-, I am going to use :3000 so that I can start using it now01:12
bazhangHandover901, he's on 14.0401:12
Handover901bazhang, we take care of that AFTER he has it installed01:12
bazhangHandover901, no, thats not correct01:12
bazhangdriveby187, install it from either your package manager or with apt-get01:14
gpio /part01:14
TJ-SemiNus: that's fine, you can use either (once the Proxy is working)01:14
bazhangdriveby187, you will also need to install some other packages from the repos as well01:14
driveby187i always use apt install01:14
bazhangdriveby187, for 14.04?01:14
bazhangdriveby187, are you sure about that?01:15
driveby187backbox 4.401:15
bazhangdriveby187, is ubuntu or and ubuntu based one01:15
test1214_SemiNus: it works now01:15
SemiNustest1214_, yeah!01:15
test1214_SemiNus: the only issue is that rc.local starts after Networking01:15
test1214_but it's minor01:15
driveby187i dont understand the question01:15
SemiNustest1214_, you can also define at what runlevel a script should start, but that's a different way then01:16
test1214_SemiNus: perhaps for a hostname I should use hostnamed service somehow?01:16
test1214_just guessing :)01:16
driveby187bazhang i dont understand the question01:16
SemiNusTJ-, since you knew wekan (which really surprised me)... do you know a really good note-taking-app?   Like "laverna", but with MySQL+PHP ?01:16
SemiNustest1214_, no clie01:17
bazhangdriveby187, you are on backbox?01:17
driveby187its ubuntu 14.04 BackBox4.401:17
bazhangdriveby187, thats not supported here, get to their support channel and ask there please01:18
bazhang!backbox | driveby18701:18
ubottudriveby187: Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it.01:18
SilentDishaving some problems with NFS mounts. got 3 setup. can mount one, but if i mount the other directories, i get the first one again (more info https://pastebin.com/raw/rSC2mzZC)01:18
TJ-SemiNus: you mean a web-based service? I use zotero for my research notes https://www.zotero.org/01:21
smacktalkMathisen are you still here?01:21
SemiNusthank you TJ- !01:21
SemiNusTJ-, that's not web-based, is it?01:22
smacktalkCan I install ubuntu from the iso i have in my downloads dir?01:22
SemiNusbasically I am looking for an evernote alternative01:22
TJ-SemiNus: but if you mean something for just typing in stuff, someone asked this earlier in #programming and I recommended a fab commerical/free cross-platform program I used to subscribe to called NoteCasePro01:22
smacktalkwithout installing on a dvd first?01:22
smacktalkI'm trying to overwrite kali01:22
SemiNusthank you TJ-, also googling this now01:23
driveby187ubottu sent me spam. not cool.01:23
ubottudriveby187: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:23
driveby187bazhang im not lieing.01:23
smacktalkI tried sudo apt update && sudo apt install growisofs && sudo growisofs -Z ubuntu-16.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso from that directory but it didn't work01:23
driveby187im out.01:23
SemiNusTJ-, notecasepro looks promising, but isn't web-based01:24
SilentDishaving some problems with NFS mounts. got 3 setup. can mount one, but if i mount the other directories, i get the first one again (more info https://pastebin.com/raw/rSC2mzZC)01:24
SemiNusI really like the idea of having a MySQL database in the background which makes me totally independent (and also I love web-based server-side stuff)01:24
Frank_I am going to download 17.10, install that from the USB, see what happens01:25
SemiNusprobably I should code it myself01:25
TJ-SemiNus: right; I'm the opposite - I don't want to trust to a network connection because Sod's Law says it'll fail at a critical time, or the DB will fail01:25
TJ-SemiNus: but NectCloud is good for such things, as well as sharing it has some excellent modules01:25
TJ-SemiNus: NextCloud01:26
SemiNushuh?  I have nextcloud installed and use it on a daily basis, but never have I ever stumbled upon a an add-on that would give me as much comfort as, say, Laverna01:26
SemiNusTJ-, laverna.cc01:26
SemiNusTJ-, https://laverna.cc/app/01:27
SemiNusthe problem is, that all the notes get stored in the browser's built in storage01:27
smacktalkBen64 are you still here?01:27
=== zenguy is now known as skycake
=== skycake is now known as zenguy
TJ-SemiNus: see https://github.com/nextcloud/notes01:29
SemiNusTJ-, I am 99% sure that I tried this one out recently and it did not support folders01:31
SemiNusTJ-, folders, categories, however one would call them01:31
SemiNusTJ-, trying the notes-app again now01:32
SilentDishaving some problems with NFS mounts. got 3 setup. can mount one, but if i mount the other directories, i get the first one again (more info https://pastebin.com/raw/rSC2mzZC)01:33
SemiNusTJ-, yep, I was right...01:33
SemiNusTJ-, I will code it myself01:34
TJ-SemiNus: the ownnote port to nextcloud supports folders https://github.com/brantje/nextnote01:35
SemiNusTJ-, I try that out right away!!01:38
SemiNusthank you!01:38
TJ-SemiNus: ANND FINALLY! Proxy working :)01:39
SemiNusomg you really kept trying? :))01:40
Frank_would I be better off trying 16.04.03 LTS or 17.10?01:41
Bashing-omFrank_: As you have to ask ,,, then it is 16.04 --- long Term Support - stable .01:43
DiecastMessiahFrank go with 16.0401:43
Frank_3rd time installing today01:44
TJ-SemiNus: arghh... not quite there... it's still not rewriting websocket URLs correctly01:45
Bashing-omFrank_: :) .. 7 more times to reach expert .01:46
SemiNusTJ-, you are really putting too much effort into this01:46
QuenzHow do I reset keyboard shortcuts to default in 16.04?01:46
Frank_I don't have time to reach expert.  I need to do other things with the laptop01:46
SemiNusTJ-, of course it's amazing when it works, but... I feel bad for you01:47
SemiNusTJ-, nextnotes is cool!01:51
SemiNusthank you!01:51
TJ-SemiNus: I'm getting closer... needing to create various ProxyPassPatch rewrite rules because wekan/meteor/nodejs is writing lots of hard-coded paths01:54
DiecastMessiahQuenz you ysing unity or and different desktop env01:55
SemiNusTJ-, I hope this will be of future-use for yourself too01:55
SemiNusTJ-, if not, then please don't put so much effort into it just for me01:56
SemiNusTJ-, 99% of the way was unblocking the port01:56
SemiNusI can live with the board running on port :300001:56
QuenzDiecastMessiah Gnome 201:56
QuenzOr classic01:57
DiecastMessiahoh you using mate01:57
TJ-SemiNus: it's for anyone that needs it, once it's solved.01:57
SemiNusokay, so as long as I don't have to feel guilty I am happy with it01:58
DiecastMessiahanyway for unbuntu mate its 'gsettings reset-recursively org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.media-keys'  unless you installed gnome 2 yourself but guessing you have mate02:01
=== FrankF1 is now known as FrankF
Frank_OK, 16.04 installed and updated.  Speaker not working, but at least the keyboard and USB mouse work02:05
SemiNusTJ-, I have the following problem:  it's 3.05 AM here already (at night) and I must get up at 6.30 AM in the morning.  However, I want to avoid coming across as rude by leaving while you try to figure out a solution.  What do you suggest?02:05
Frank_it will be back to windows with the new laptop.  This ubuntu is a pain.02:07
Bashing-om!sound | Frank_02:08
ubottuFrank_: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.02:08
Frank_what is the volume applet?02:10
DiecastMessiahsystems setting sound02:11
WhatTheDillyI'm curious if anybody here uses Kleopatra or the GPG stuff that it's a wrapper for in combo with a smart card reader02:11
QuenzDiecastMessiah Yes, sorry on Ubuntu MATE 16.04. That didn't work though02:13
Jakethepythonhello room when i do an SCP to a remote host i keep getting permission denied02:17
Jakethepythonsudo scp -r srvbackup jacob@
Jakethepythoncp: /~: Permission denied02:17
nudgehi all when i log into pidgin always see this yet am able to use my nick in this channel what the heck? am i missing something should i change my nick or assuming i cant register it if already registered and i didn't knowingly register the name???02:18
DiecastMessiahquenz did it error or just didn;t fix it?02:20
Frank_OK, so I have to find realtek alc3241 driver for ubuntu02:21
TJ-SemiNus: No need to wait up! You can pop in some other time to check if I've solved it. Right now it looks like the internal design of both wekan client-side JS and the nodejs/meteor code is so broken it's hard-coding paths and cannot cope with being on a relative URL.02:22
tjeJakethepython- are you trying to copy into your home directory?02:24
SemiNus....ooookay, perfect :))02:26
SemiNusTJ-, Thank you sooooooo much for trying!02:27
SemiNusand thank you soooooooo much for helping me opening the port02:27
SemiNusI wish you a great day and we'll hopefully meet soon02:27
SemiNusthank you!02:29
SemiNusgood night!02:29
DiecastMessiahnudge: have oyu reg you nickname before?02:30
SailorRwhat stops the boot loader code existing between end of grub and start of first partition from being modified?02:31
nudgeno never02:32
nudgejust opened pidgin02:32
nudgeconnected to channel02:32
nudgeassume it might of automatically been done by pidgin otherwise why would i be able to use it on this channel02:33
DiecastMessiahk well that just means soneone has the nickname reg'ed on freenode server and because you can chat here is because this channel is set to no worry about reg'ed nickname02:34
DiecastMessiahsorry i missed up my editing of line lol.. my keyboard is slowly dieing on me02:35
nudgethank you02:35
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nudgeif i want to register a name do i enter the commands on the NickServ window or on any window (I know i will have to change to a nick that isnt registered)02:36
nudge(eg any channel window)02:36
DiecastMessiahany shoudl work but i would on the server window... just incase because if you miss something it could show people your password02:37
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DiecastMessiahlike if your missing / at the start02:38
nudgethanks mate02:38
nudgehey i got told off for using stuff like np and idk on this channel-was i breaking the rules of this channel or just dealing with a nob02:40
DiecastMessiahmaybe a bit of both.. it may have been a bit off topic.. and some of the people are really hardcore about that..02:41
nudgefunny aye o well02:42
nudgethanks for all your help02:42
DiecastMessiahspeaking of best to cut the conv because we are getting off the support topic :)02:42
DiecastMessiahyour welcome02:43
Jakethepythonno im not trying to copy into home02:49
DiecastMessiahhome on the server ?? because you have a ~ at the end02:51
DiecastMessiahor sorry i meant on the other computer.. that command you shown before looks like it would go tot he home folder on that machine02:53
TJ-Jakethepython: that'll be expanded by the /local/ shell so the command becomes "sudo scp -r srvbackup jacob@"02:53
kailinrm -r /02:59
DiecastMessiahbad idea lol03:00
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novilogDoes anyone know if there's actually any rhyme or reason to people (presumably mods?) flagging questions on askubuntu as "duplicates"? A question that I answered last night just got marked as a duplicate, because there existed some bits and pieces of a complete answer "somewhere" on the internet (uncited via the jerk who flagged the question).03:31
novilogIn retrospect I should have posed that question to ##ubuntu. My apologies.03:32
novilogNever mind, I can't, because it's invite-only. Is that community even associated with this one?03:34
novilog("That referring to the askubuntu community"03:34
DiecastMessiahnovilog guessing but pretty sure this channel is not connection to askubuntu.. but anyway I am pretty sure that the question itself was a duplicate not your answer.. people don;t seem to search questions well enought before asking them.. or at all really so that happens alot of times03:54
segersjerryIs there an easy way to rip a data cd using the gui?04:33
panteraThis may not be an Ubuntu thing.04:34
Triffid_Huntersegersjerry: just copy the files?04:35
panteraDoes anyone have trouble viewing the Chunk Borders and Hitboxes in Minecraft?04:35
DiecastMessiahsure there would be programs for that.. one sec will look ..but this is offtopic04:35
panteraI know it's f3+g and f3+b and it shows that it's showing them but I don't see them.04:36
segersjerryTriffid_Hunter, I'll try that but I'm not hopeful, I'm trying to get diablo 2 to stop requiring its key disc.04:37
DiecastMessiahISO master seems a good to try... but diablo2 if you install the update and than copy a couple of files from the cd you don;t need the cd... search on bizzurds website for help pn that04:44
Triffid_Huntersegersjerry: didn't one of the update patches remove the cd check?04:44
DiecastMessiahoh forget the files to copy but there is help on that04:45
segersjerryTriffid_Hunter, did it? thanks for the tip, I'll look into it.04:45
segersjerryDiecastMessiah, thank you sir.04:46
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segersjerryTriffid_Hunter, DiecastMessiah the update somehow borked my gui, and I had to reboot, but it worked, I can put my cd away, thanks again for the info.05:01
DiecastMessiahohh odd but glad ya have it working05:02
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EuphOriaHey there.  Anyone stirring at this hour?05:26
donofrioEuphOria, just ask your question, time has no meaning here05:29
donofriohey folks anyone use more than one display on ubuntu?05:30
donofrioI only ask because I have a quad head card and I have this margin of two inches betweek 1+2/3+4 and I cannot get rid of the gap, and if you rotate left all monitors I'm unable to get them to touch like I can in Normal mode ;(05:32
donofriotried 18.04, 17.10, 16.04, it's in xfce4 and mate just too weird even in linux mint17.205:33
donofrioman ssd drives built quickly off usb ;)05:33
EuphOriaSo, after doing a software update to 17.x, audio has stopped working on my machine.  I tested this by LiveUSB booting from 16.04.3, 17.01 and 17.10 and audio won't work from the LiveUSB's from 17.x either but it still works on 16.04.  Does anyone know the the best way to downgrade from 17.x to 16.04?  I've never done such a thing.  Still somewhat new.05:47
segersjerryEuphOria, back up your home folder, install old version, replace home folder, there is no way to downgrade.05:48
EuphOriaI have my home folder on a seperate partition being good practice... I was wondering what other dirs I should backup, like the /etc dir, or some way to save a list of my installed software so I can try to get back to where I was.  I've been using this install for 3 years so it sucks to lose all that.05:50
segersjerryEuphOria, oh, I am basically a noob. anybody have a better answer?05:51
EuphOriaRunning Xubuntu.05:51
SailorRhow do I recompile my kernel05:51
SailorRafter a change05:51
lotuspsychjeEuphOria: in the future perhaps stay LTS versions, this way you can enjoy it longer?05:51
lotuspsychjeSailorR: we dont reccomend compipling own kernels, use !mainline instead05:51
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EuphOrialotuspsychje: lol, Well, 16.04.3 is LTS I believe, but I don't know why on earth 17.x would have killed my audio.  It also does something bizarre.  After it's been running for awhile, it gets up to 100% and peaks there running a bunch of CRON -f jobs that seem to be calculating hashes of files.  I have no idea what that is or why...05:53
EuphOriaLike right now, I'm only running hexchat, and a process monitor and it's pegged at 100% usage.05:54
lotuspsychje!sound | EuphOria try these steps?05:54
ubottuEuphOria try these steps?: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.05:54
EuphOriathank you lotuspsychje, I will read that if I have sound problems in the future.05:56
EuphOriaRight now I'm just re-installing Xubuntu totally.   I'm gonna back up my /etc dir, but I was wondering if anyone had any additional tips for restoration?05:57
karchareddoes anyone know how to remove tty1 login page at boot ,right now iam stuck at that page and it doesnt accept any inputs.how should i get pass tty1?05:58
lotuspsychje!aptoncd | EuphOria05:59
ubottuEuphOria: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline05:59
EuphOrialotuspsychje: That seems like an extremely useful package!  Thank you again.06:00
lotuspsychjeEuphOria: enjoy :p06:01
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD06:01
karcharedwhat should i do when i re-install ubuntu to avoid tty1 login page?06:02
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juan3find <#ebooks>06:08
EuphOriajuan3: Wrong IRC channel?06:08
daxwrong IRC network, in fact06:09
EuphOriaHeh.  Undernet or EFnet maybe?  It's been decades for me...06:09
EuphOriaor DALnet?06:09
juan3You are correct.  Sorry06:09
EuphOriaAnyone know of any good software to install multiple bootable "LiveCD" to one LiveUSB that lets you choose which "LiveCD" to boot from?06:12
EuphOriaThere's a great windows program that does that called SARDU, but I haven't used Windows in awhile and it's not accessable.06:13
EuphOriaKinda wish I could make better use of this 16GB SD card, than installing just one ISO image to it using "Startup Disk Creator"06:14
EuphOriaGood day dax.  Nice to see staff roaming around.  :)06:17
lotuspsychjeEuphOria: what are you trying to do?06:20
cart_manHey guys. IF I format a HDD with 1 partition ext4 why is it that I only get that 1 partition and in the dev file it only comes up as /dev/sda and not /dev/sda1 ?06:21
SailorREuphOria,  partition your usb?06:23
SailorRinstall a bootable image on each partition?06:23
EuphOrialotuspsychje: Well, for example, when I tried booting from 16.x, and the 17.x distros to check if the LiveCDs had any sound problems, I used Startup Disk Creator, used a 16GB SD card for each one.  It would be a great time saver to be able to install multiple bootable LiveCDs onto the 16GB SD card (or larger) and select which distro to boot from, rather than having to wipe out the card and write a distro to the card each time.  Also,06:23
EuphOriabeing able to install utility LiveCDs would be helpful.06:23
EuphOriaSailorR: Startup Disk Creator doesn't support that.  It just writes over whatever is on the card with an ISO image and boots from it.06:24
EuphOriaVS a program that will give you a menu of installed LiveCD's to boot from.06:25
EuphOriaI've never done that through linux.  I've only used that WinApp SARDU.06:25
EuphOriaI guess I could see if it runs under Wine and try and make a multi boot image that way, but I was imagining there would be an app on linux that did that already.06:26
lotuspsychjeEuphOria: there is multisystem to make an usb boot multiple Os06:27
EuphOrialotuspsychje: The package is called "multisystem"?  Is it in the ubuntu repository or a PPA somewhere perhaps?06:28
lotuspsychjeEuphOria: its not in repos sorry06:35
EuphOrialotuspsychje: I can go hunting for it myself.  Was just hoping it might be easier to find.  Thank you again.06:37
lotuspsychjeEuphOria: i always keep an LTS usb around for years06:39
EuphOrialotuspsychje: Yeah, I have some old 4GB USB sticks I can use.  It would just be nice to make use of a larger medium for multiple utility uses, including having an LTS around.06:40
EuphOriaKali, other linux distros, Avira AV LiveCD, Clonezilla, etc...06:41
EuphOriaI tested a couple versions of Mint as well and the audio wouldn't work from the LiveUSB, so there is a broader problem with sound support than just Ubuntu distros.06:43
cart_manHey guys. IF I format a HDD with 1 partition ext4 why is it that I only get that 1 partition and in the dev file it only comes up as /dev/sda and not /dev/sda1 ?06:44
Triffid_Huntercart_man: might need to re-read partition table? it's also possible you put ext4 on the disk without any partitions06:47
EuphOriacart_man: Because there is no other partitions, so no need for sda1,2, etc.06:49
cart_man@ Triffid_Hunter : Well I format the drive to have 1 partition. But sometimes if a drive is format that way it comes out as sda1 anyway and sometimes only sda ...why is that?06:49
cart_manEuphOria : I thought so too.. as soon as I add one more partition it gets sda1 and sda206:49
Triffid_Huntercart_man: you'll have sda1 if there's a partition table on it06:50
EuphOrialike, my USB drives, are always just sdb, sdc, while my HDD has multiple sdaX references.06:51
cart_manTriffid_Hunter Even if its one big partition?06:51
Triffid_Huntercart_man: if you only see sda, ostensibly your kernel is failing to read the partition table for some reason, check dmesg06:51
Triffid_HunterEuphOria: my usb disks show the partitions06:51
cart_manTriffid_Hunter Yea I can mount it though so its a bit confusing06:51
Triffid_Huntermaybe it's an ubuntu thing? they do like to make things difficult and confusing in the name of simplicity06:52
hateballTriffid_Hunter: it is not by any standard means so there's no need for FUD07:00
hateballie, I see all partitions on my block devices07:01
EuphOriaWhat do you all think about formatting the main filesystem using btrfs rather than ext4?  Having file compression would be nice, but I don't know how difficult that would make file recovery if I ever needed to recover data forensically.07:08
EuphOriaOr perhaps if it would make the system faster from an I/O perspective, or slow it down because of the overhead of compression/decompression.07:11
pZombiehello friends07:12
EuphOriahello pZombie07:12
Triffid_HunterEuphOria: my last 2-3 systems have had root on btrfs, works great07:13
Triffid_HunterEuphOria: not using compression though07:13
suvirbHi, is it possible to know which version of fbdev driver was compiled on armel ubuntu11.10? thanks07:14
lotuspsychjesuvirb: 11.10 is long end of life07:14
pZombiei replaced the openbox windows manager in lubuntu with JVM windows manager for my vbox setup. So far most seems to be working fine, except the lxpanel i made pretty big, but i want it to stop covering my app windows. So i want it to be a layer below my windows.07:14
suvirblotuspsychje: yes, i wouldn't have asked if the question was related to 16.04.5 or 17.1007:15
pZombiewho is controlling which layer the lxpanel is at? I would think my windows manager, but i don't see any config by JWM which sets lxpanel to any particular layer07:15
Triffid_HunterEuphOria: you'll need a really recent ver of ubuntu though, it's only been usably stable for the past year or two and ubuntu kernels tend to lag upstream by about that long07:15
pZombiecan anyone guide me here?07:15
EuphOriaTriffid_Hunter: I've only done some experimentation with btrfs years ago when it was still kinda new.  Lots of features. compressions, block deduplication, snapshots, if I recall...07:15
Triffid_HunterEuphOria: yeah it has plenty of nice features, most of which I rarely use07:15
EuphOriaTriffid_Hunter: Do you think btrfs using 16.04.3 LTS would be new enough?07:16
pZombiewhere in lubuntu are the different layers set for the lxpanel etc?07:17
Triffid_HunterEuphOria: no idea, what kernel ver does it use?07:17
EuphOriaTriffid_Hunter: I don't recall.  Which kernel ver do you recommend for btrfs?07:17
lotuspsychjepZombie: we also have #lubuntu if you like07:18
pZombieoh, nice07:18
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Triffid_HunterEuphOria: hmm no idea, >=4.8 or so I guess? I'm on 4.14.9 at the moment07:18
EuphOriaTriffid_Hunter: I wonder if starting with btrfs and upgrading just the kernel would be a viable option.07:19
cart_manI have tried a couple of things to try and make sure a USB external has loaded and at least appears as /SDA but it still does not always come up. I use the following sudo sh -c "echo 0 > /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb1/authorized" and then Is witch it on again07:20
cart_manBut it does not always work07:20
cart_manEspecially if it was already there and then I run the script07:20
cart_manThing is I need this drive to be there from boot because there is a couple of scripts that run to mount this SDA to a couple of places07:21
EuphOriaOk, another question.  Are there any utilities to convert one filesystem to another fs?  Like Ext4 does not support compression, but being able to save space through compression would be a big benefit.  My laptop's drive is only 750Gb and the /home partition takes up most space.07:22
zambai have terrible performance in my linux desktop environment07:22
EuphOriazamba: Which DTE do you use?07:22
zambai have 12 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD and i5-4590T07:23
zambaEuphOria: running gnome fallback07:23
zambaEuphOria: none of that unity/compiz stuff07:23
zambabut the performance is just terrible07:23
zambait seems to be related to graphics and/or I/O.. if i want to do any I/O operations like writing a big file, then the whole desktop environment lags07:23
EuphOriazamba: Have you tried any other DTE's like XFCE or LDE to see if there is a difference?07:24
zambaEuphOria: it's 2018.. i don't want to be running xfce or lde :)07:24
hateballzamba: intel GPU or nvidia/amd ?07:24
zamba00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 06)07:24
Triffid_HunterEuphOria: in-place? no, ain't gonna happen. buy a new disk, do a fresh install then put your old one on a usb and copy stuff you need07:24
EuphOriazamba: lol, it doesn't matter what year it is, they're still great DTE's.  And I'm suggesting it for troubleshooting purposes.07:24
Triffid_Hunterzamba: got intel drivers? if it's using generic vesa, that would handily explain abysmal performance07:25
EuphOriaTriffid_Hunter: That's about what I figured.  I'm almost tempted to use NTFS for compression and broad FS support.  lol, I know that idea is gonna make people cringe.07:26
hateballzamba: and GNOME uses compositing as well, so you'd want proper 3D support07:26
Triffid_HunterEuphOria: problem is ntfs is almost unfixable in linux if you get an unclean shutdown..07:27
EuphOriaTriffid_Hunter: GParted, I believe, seems to do a good "dirty" shutdown fix of NTFS partitions.  When I was dualbooting, it was quite handy for fixing Windows issues.07:28
zambaTriffid_Hunter: how do i check that?07:30
Triffid_Hunterzamba: glxinfo | grep direct07:30
zambaTriffid_Hunter: it's using i915 driver07:31
Triffid_Huntershould say "direct rendering: yes" at the top07:31
zambaTriffid_Hunter: yup, it does07:31
Triffid_Hunterzamba: anything interesting in dmesg?07:31
zambaTriffid_Hunter: define interesting? :)07:32
lucas_ lol07:32
hateballzamba: have a look in ~/.xsession-errors also07:32
zambahateball: some crashes there07:32
hateball... and there's the oibaf !PPA if one is feeling adventerous07:32
zambathe main problem is when switching desktops.. especially to the desktop with the web browser.. i thought the problem was chrome earlier, so i switched to firefox.. same terrible performance there.. opening new tabs takes forever07:33
zambai also have a running thunderbird with a couple of imap accounts with several thousands email in.. that desktop is also incredible slow to get up07:34
zambahateball: https://pastebin.com/CP8ErqXK07:34
zambabut once it's loaded, it's more snappy07:34
zambanow for instance, it's ok again07:34
hateballzamba: are you on 16.04 ?07:34
hateball!hwe | zamba if you are using 16.04 you can give this a go07:35
ubottuzamba if you are using 16.04 you can give this a go: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack07:35
zamba16.04, yes07:35
hateballthat'll put you on kernel 4.13 among other things07:36
zambalet's try07:36
zambaopening a page like facebook drags the desktop to a near-complete halt07:37
zambaargh! and that /boot error stuff07:41
akikzamba: you could try changing the io scheduler to deadline, elevator=deadline kernel parameter07:42
p_eldritchI need some help finding/recovering some files. I somehow borked my /home folder, and can't see any of my files. I still have the folder, but none of my files are in it. I'm trying fsck and testdisk, but I am pretty well lost in the wilderness. My /home is on a luks encrypted lvm, which I can unlock. I may or may not have dd'd a 4 gig image to that partition, or maybe something got corrupted when I did a reisub.07:51
juan3#search Gold Dust Woman/Stephen Davis07:52
oerlaptopp_eldritch, uh oh, i hope you have a backup :-(07:52
p_eldritchoerlaptop: heh nope :p07:53
gordonjcpoh dear07:53
gordonjcpp_eldritch: so there's a bunch of stuff that's going to give you a bad time there, starting with LUKS07:53
oerlaptopthe thingy is encrypted..07:53
gordonjcpp_eldritch: rather than use LUKS, have you considered just taking the hard drive out and hitting it with a big hammer a few times?07:54
p_eldritchi know... but the key still works07:54
ponyriderp_eldritch: photorec?07:54
p_eldritchand i can log in, but only in a shell07:54
p_eldritchat graphical login, I get the message about /home/.dmrc file07:55
gordonjcpp_eldritch: it would appear that your /home partition is gone, if you've dd'ed an image to it07:55
p_eldritchbut I get permission denied when i try to touch that file, no matter what i set permissions to07:56
gordonjcpp_eldritch: what does LUKS say when you try to decrypt /home?07:56
auronandacep_eldritch: the first step to recovery is to boot some live media so nothing else gets overwritten in the meantime07:56
p_eldritchgordonjcp: key slot 0 unlocked command successful07:57
p_eldritchauronandace: i am speaking to you from knoppix :)07:57
akikp_eldritch: the .dmrc file should be in /home/username, not directly in /home07:57
p_eldritchakik: yes, sorry i meant that07:57
auronandacep_eldritch: if you really did dd 4g to that partition then at least that area will be lost. how big was the /home partition?07:58
gordonjcpp_eldritch: mm, so it recognises that it's there07:58
p_eldritchauronandace: like almost 500 gigs07:58
gordonjcpLUKS is never a good idea07:59
Euph0riaOooh, APTonCD is old.  Doesn't seem to be maintained...?08:01
p_eldritchgordonjcp: was working great til i messed it up, haha. I was trying to make a live usb with dd, and I used bash history to write to /dev/sdb, and my computer froze. I can't fathom that my /home was somehow mounted there, since i'm pretty sure its always on sda... but like I said, it froze and I did reisub. after reboot, I had my current problem.08:03
gordonjcpp_eldritch: actually that is pretty weird since it should mount partitions by UUID08:08
gordonjcpp_eldritch: although now I think about it, that mitigates the problem of drives being swapped, it doesn't prevent it08:08
Euph0riaHere's an off question: Are there any linux distros that support ZFS natively?08:08
* gordonjcp goes back to drinking coffee08:08
Euph0riaI was going through some bookmarks and came across this gem: http://zfsonlinux.org/08:09
Euph0riaLike, non-fuse implimentation of ZFS.08:10
Euph0riahttps://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/wiki/Ubuntu-16.04-Root-on-ZFS and https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/wiki/Ubuntu-17.10-Root-on-ZFS08:11
oerlaptopubuntu cannot put it in the iso, but is available08:12
warbaquesystem fails to start some services at boot and hangs: https://ibb.co/bWv3dH08:12
warbaquehow should I fix this?08:13
ducasseEuph0ria: zfs is officially supported on ubuntu, just not for the root fs08:13
Euph0riaThere is a guide for 16.04 and 17.10 that shows you how to set up ZFS as a boot environment apparently.  Looking it over now.  Seemse you must do some pre-setup from a liveCD/liveUSB first though.08:15
Euph0riaKind of an exciting idea.08:15
Euph0riaSomething to test out in a VM first, I think.  :D08:16
Euph0riaYeah, so I think I'm gonna go the VM route and use minimal ubuntu 16.04 minimal and XFCE and just use that to host 17.10 perhaps.08:24
Euph0riaducasse: ZFS not supported for root fs, or just for a partition /boot fs?08:27
Harishello all08:27
Hariswhile running a query on mysql 5.5.59-0ubuntu0.14.04.1, I'm getting error that it could not write /tmp/random-file-name. Disk space is not full. No path was specified in query for writing a file. Why am I getting this error ?08:27
cart_manEuph0ria Ok so now I formated the external drive to a 5 gig SDA1 and 995Gig SDA2 and still my HDD is picked up as SDA only ?08:29
ducasseEuph0ria: not supported for root fs, just data storage08:30
Euph0riacart_man: picked up by what exactly?  Can you describe what you're doing to identify the drive/partitions?08:31
Euph0riaducasse: So I suppose it might make a good file system for a /home directory, perhaps?08:31
ducasseEuph0ria: you could do that, but the installer has no way to set it up - you would need to do so manually08:32
Euph0riaducasse: Yep.  That seems to be what the guide is instructing also, but it's suggesting that ZFS can be used for root as well.08:34
Euph0riaThat's a can of worms for another day, I think...08:35
ducasseEuph0ria: it can, but it's not supported in any way. in other words, if it breaks you get to keep both pieces.08:36
Euph0rialol  fair enough.08:36
cart_manEuph0ria Ok so the system I plug this external in is a Raspberry pi running UBUNTU MATE . No I can not seem to mount any of the partitions08:37
Euph0riacart_man: Can you run a utility like Gparted on it?08:38
cart_manEuph0ria : I made 2 partitions ... sda1 would be 5 gig and the rest of the HDD SDA2 which is 995Gig08:38
cart_manEuph0ria I have yes08:38
cart_manEuph0ria I ran and partitioned with GParted . In GParted it shows sda1 and sda2 correctly08:39
Euph0riacart_man: Does Gparted identify the drive and partitions as sda1, sda2, etc..08:39
Euph0riaAh, well there you go.  So where is the problem occurring?08:39
Euph0riaYour whole drive will always be sda, and the partitions will be sda1, sda2, etc...08:40
Euph0riaYou'll notice you can change volumes, (sda, stb, sdc) with Gparted, and then access/modify the partitions within those volumes.08:42
Harisoverflow        1.0M     0  1.0M   0% /tmp08:46
Haristhis is my tmp partition on the box where I'm getting error code 28 from mysql08:47
Triffid_Hunteronly 1M? maybe it's trying to write more than 1M?08:47
oerlaptop0% used, so looks fine08:47
cart_manEuph0ria Yes I am use it them automatically being assigned SDA1 and SDA2 SDAX etc.. BUT for some reason they just refuse to do that on this Pi08:47
Triffid_Huntermy tmp is 1G..08:48
cart_manEuph0ria Whats even weirder is the fact that it only happens with the HDD and not my SSD08:48
oerlaptopoh, writing more than 1M .. that could be the culprit08:48
cart_manEuph0ria So If I was was to plug this drive as is into my desktop also running Ubuntu it will show up the way it should08:48
Euph0riacart_man: You're having problems mounting the volumes/partitions on the pi, you mean?08:49
warbaque"service network-manager restart" timeouts08:51
Euph0riaArrg, APTtoCD doesn't do what I'd hope it would do, which would be automatically recognizing the software and dependencies already installed on the system.  But nope, you gotta download all the packages and dependencies.  May as well just download and copy them manually.08:54
Euph0riaOr better, just make a list of installed packages.08:55
Euph0ria...and PPAs.08:55
=== Richard is now known as Guest33048
cart_manEuph0ria Well yes since I can see the sda1 and sda209:25
cart_manEuph0ria However if I have 1 large partition and I mount sda then it actually mounts09:25
EriC^^that's cause there's no partition table and no partitions09:26
EriC^^the filesystem starts at sector 0 of the disk09:26
EriC^^or 1 i dunno09:26
Euph0riacart_man: It might be, somehow, that the pi won't support partitions larger than 4TB.  Try formatting a partition a bit less than 4TB and see if that works.09:33
cart_manEuph0ria Welll the SSD handled larger09:34
Euph0riamake the first partition like 3.9TB, and the second whatever remains.09:34
EriC^^usually msdos partition table can't have larger than 2TB partitions09:34
cart_manOh and they are smaller then 1 TB all of em09:34
EriC^^gpt supports more than 2tb09:34
Euph0riacart_man: I'm just guessing here, but just for troubleshooting sake, try a >4TB partition.09:35
Euph0riaerr less than 4TB09:35
cart_manlol well I only have smaller then 1 TB : /09:36
Euph0riacart_man: Yes, but you said you have a 5TB partition and the second a little less than 1TB.  Resize or re-create the 5TB to 4TB and see if it will take it then.  Sometimes it's a drive controller firmware issue.09:37
cart_manEuph0ria Fk soz about that must be a type .. I meant 5GIg09:37
Euph0riacart_man: Not sure what you mean.09:38
cart_manEuph0ria So its a 1TB hdd right...but for testing I partitioned it to 5Gig and and 930Gig09:38
cart_manEuph0ria Soo sda1 should be only 5Gig while the rest of the HDD should be sda209:39
Euph0riaOh!  It's a 1TB drive.  lol  nevermind.   I spaced off and thought you were using a 6TB drive, partitioning one 5TB and the second 1TB.09:39
oerlaptoptime to pastebin the output of: sudo fdisk -l09:39
Euph0riacart_man: Right, or sdb1 if your Pi has an internal memory storage or an SD Card for storage.09:40
Euph0riaWhich would mean sda is already being used.09:41
oerlaptopha, sharp thinking...09:41
cart_manEuph0ria Well the Pis storage is being managed using mkblock0 etc09:41
Euph0riaSo your external drive could be some other volume name.09:41
oerlaptopthis conversation is not needed if you show the output of fdisk, or parted09:42
Euph0riaoerlaptop: Sure, that sounds like a good enough idea.  :D09:43
sasho199Hello everyone! I changed my settings on ubuntu in users so it logs in automatically. Now after it boots and I write my encryption password it goes to a black screen and nothing happens. Does anyone know how to fix this?09:46
sasho199It might be related to nvidia, but I'm not sure.09:54
thermomananything known about compiz/unity upgrades in xenial from yesterday that breaks desktops? have several machines here at work that have problems with lightdm or no window decorations, no status bar, no task bar on unity desktop10:03
cart_manoerlaptop Ok how can I get exactly the info you need using fdisk?10:04
cart_manKeep in mind that I did the partitioning with gparted10:05
oerlaptopcart_man, i gave the command ...10:07
sasho199Does anyone know how to fix a black screen on boot?10:09
stvnhow is it thought10:10
hateballsasho199: nvidia gpu/driver ?10:11
hateballsasho199: boot using !nomodeset and then install the nvidia blob10:11
cart_manoerlaptop Oh shit sorry Imissed it .. i usually zone in on the orange dots next to my name10:12
cart_mansudo fdisk -l /dev/sda -> No medium found EVEN though I can see it10:12
sasho199hateball: Yes, its nvidia. I also want you to know that it worked before today, It did not work after I activated automatic login, might also be from an update of ubuntu.10:12
stvnmy virtualbox exploded10:13
cart_mannow I will put it into another computer and see if it works10:13
sasho199hateball: What do you mean by nvidia blob?10:13
stvnbecause i updated muh kernil to suppot intel coffeelake gfx10:13
oerlaptopcart_man, i have the feeling you are trolling, never mentioned /dev/sda ....10:13
hateballsasho199: the "restricted" driver, rather than nouveau10:13
cart_manoerlaptop Trust me Im not haha10:13
cart_manoerlaptop on the PI the first USB to get plugged in gets the SDA10:14
cart_manoerlaptop the Pis onboard/memcard get memblk0 or something like that10:14
sasho199hateball: In my boot settings I have added nouveau.modeset=0 to fix a couple of previous issues(freeze on boot)10:14
stvnit suggested i do a modprobe10:14
stvnis that illegal?10:15
hateballsasho199: if you've a kernel update, perhaps DKMS failed building nvidia modules. you can try rebooting and holding left shift to pick an older kernel in grub10:15
sasho199hateball:I picked the third option, in advanced settings and it worked(not recovery). Is that what you mean?10:17
wonderwhyi patched the kernel to get my cherrytrail laptop working10:18
wonderwhythe sound on it, that is10:18
wonderwhybut now the alsamixer has weird controls, how can i fix it?10:18
hateballsasho199: yes. so what driver module are you using for VGA now? "lspci -k"10:19
sasho199hateball: Is the previous version chosen from advanced ubuntu ot10:19
sasho199hateball: Sorry misclick.10:20
hateballsasho199: thats where you pick it yes, the kernel numbers are listed10:20
wonderwhymaybe i need to install the ucm files?10:20
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sasho199hateball: Im not sure what you mean by VGA module? Can you explain?10:21
sasho199hateball: You mean I should write lspci -k in the terminal to check right?10:22
hateballsasho199: run "lspci -k |grep -A 3 VGA" and check what module is in use10:22
sasho199hateball: I will enter from my computer now.10:24
_Amaus_slt ttlm,10:25
sasho199hateball: Im using my own computer now. This is what I get: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation HD Graphics 530 (rev 06) Subsystem: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. HD Graphics 530 Kernel driver in use: i915 Kernel modules: i91510:25
hateballsasho199: So then you have no nvidia in use, and so that should not be a problem10:26
hateballmaybe I am not understanding you10:26
_Amaus_someone speak french here please ?10:26
hateball!fr | _Amaus_10:26
ubottu_Amaus_: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.10:26
sasho199hateball: That is strange, I have installed an nvidia driver(open source) according to a guide.10:27
cart_manoerlaptop Ok so the ubunut system I just plugged it in mounted and recognized it immediately while the other Pi didnt at all10:28
cart_manEuph0ria ^^10:28
cart_manAlso if I FDISK10:28
cart_man /dev/sdb1 Start:2048 End : 11722751 Sectors:11720704  5.6G linux filesystem10:29
sasho199hateball: I still don't really know my way around a linux system, so I don't know what to do. I will try the next versio 18.04 when it comes out I guess. But for now what should I do?10:30
hateballsasho199: what guide? you should be able to just use the software updater app and use the additional drivers thing10:30
cart_man /dev/sdb2 Start:11722752 End : 1953523711 Sectors:1941800960  925.9G linux filesystem10:30
hateballsasho199: or use the ubuntu-drivers command from a terminal, it is the same thing. I am going for lunch but back in a bit if you dont get it fixed until then10:31
sasho199hateball: I used the following commands in the terminal: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa and sudo apt update10:32
tracup nam10:42
tracking tuff10:42
tracmr big tee10:43
traccsx back up10:44
traccb ch #10:46
tracbeer mad eazy10:47
CWR|41448I'm trying to get my 21.5 mid 2011 that's running high Sierra to duel boot with Ununtu 17.10.1. Only problem is when I make the usb install disc and boot into and choose just test before I install I cant connect my keyboard or mouse won't move at all.10:47
yoshifan_I have a problem that I don't think is related to Ubuntu, as it is Linux10:47
yoshifan_I am trying to mount a share from my FreeNAS in Ubuntu at startup10:48
tracradio is slow
yoshifan_I added the following to my /etc/fstab: /media/yoshifan/YoshiNAS nfs     user,username=yoshifan,password=beep    0       010:48
yoshifan_When I try to mount the folder, I get "mount.nfs: an incorrect mount option was specified"10:49
tracwhoop whoop10:49
yoshifan_Despite this, if I execute "mount // -o username=yoshifan,password=beep /media/yoshifan/YoshiNAS", it works perfectly fine10:50
yoshifan_Is there any reason why the mount command works and not the fstab entry?10:50
CWR|41448I just can't connect my Bluetooth mouse or keyboard.  Does anyone know how to get the bluetooth drivers that will work on a mac for ubuntu mate?10:50
tracplane fly by sig is week10:50
wonderwhyyoshifan: don't know much about nfs mounting, but what does the "user," do?10:51
TJ-yoshifan_: fstab has user,  ... does the manual command fail the same way if you include that in the -o options?10:51
yoshifan_"user" should make the mount available to be mounted without root, but let me check10:51
CWR|41448I'm trying to get my 21.5 mid 2011 that's running high Sierra to duel boot with Ununtu 17.10.1. Only problem is when I make the usb install disc and boot into and choose just test before I install I cant connect my keyboard or mouse won't move at all.10:51
yoshifan_The mount command works just fine, even with the "user" part10:52
tracgrave robber dirt cheap songs10:52
TJ-yoshifan_: is there some 'hidden' character in /etc/fstab, like not an ASCII char. Try "hexdump -C /etc/fstab" and check the bytes where those options are10:54
yoshifan_I have slashes in my password, as it uses characters which would otherwise get parsed by bash10:55
yoshifan_Perhaps that is the problem10:55
TJ-yoshifan_: Aha! yes10:56
yoshifan_Same problem, even after removing the backslashes10:56
yoshifan_and I don't see any odd characters, other than the spaces I used10:56
CWR|17227I'm trying to get my 21.5 mid 2011 that's running high Sierra to duel boot with Ununtu 17.10.1. Only problem is when I make the usb install disc and boot into and choose just test before I install I cant connect my keyboard or mouse won't move at all.10:56
CWR|17227I'm trying to get my 21.5 mid 2011 that's running high Sierra to duel boot with Ununtu 17.10.1. Only problem is when I make the usb install disc and boot into and choose just test before I install I cant connect my keyboard or mouse won't move at all.10:56
akikyoshifan_: you don't use username and password for nfs mounts10:57
yoshifan_How else am I supposed to authenticate against the server?10:57
akikyoshifan_: nfs does things differently. the server decides if you have access rights10:58
tracgm out going zzzzzz10:58
yoshifan_Alright.. So this would be a more FreeNAS-oriented question10:58
yoshifan_Can I just mount smb in fstab?10:59
akikyoshifan_: yes but i'd suggest using autofs10:59
akikyoshifan_: i've had bad timeout problems with the smb mount in fstab10:59
wonderwhysamba has had security problems in the past, personally i would not use it if possible10:59
yoshifan_I am using the share on my LAN, and it is inaccessible to the public internet, so I'm not too concerned about security issues11:00
yoshifan_Here's one more, more Ubuntu-related questio11:02
yoshifan_in 17.10, there is an annoying animation when I am alt+tabbing between windows11:02
yoshifan_Is it possible to turn this off?11:02
=== db_ is now known as Guest35102
Guest35102Hi. How can I download the lastest version of veracrypt via terminal?11:10
=== Guest35102 is now known as suppppp
yoshifan_There is a setup package on the VeraCrypt site for Linux; it's not in the repo, so you will have to install it with that11:12
ayylmao69hello, im new to gnu/linux in general, and i wanted to try out ubuntu, however im not certain if my processor is supported (AMD A8-7650K Radeon R7), could there be any issue?, i've tried installing fedora and debian but my screen resolution is never detected so i dont know what to do11:13
RajRajRajI am using jwm, how do i create shortcuts in it11:16
hateballsasho199: that will just make the driver available to you, not actually install it11:18
hateballsasho199: so to install it you will want to do "sudo apt install nvidia-387 nvidia-prime" and then you can pick between intel and nvidia in nvidia-settings11:20
sasho199hateball: I went to Software & Updates, Additional Drivers and chose the latest(also check on nvidia website whic one is the latest)11:21
sasho199hateball: Is that the lame thing?11:22
supppppI need help with installing veracrypt https://prnt.sc/iha18r11:22
hateballsasho199: yeah that is the same thing11:23
hateballsasho199: needs a reboot for the nvidia module to load tho11:23
hateballsasho199: and also go into nvidia-settings tool to make sure it is actually nvidia and not intel selected11:23
sasho199hateball: I rebooted many times since then. How do I go to those settings11:23
supppppcan some one please help11:24
supppppHow can I install that https://prnt.sc/iha18r on my ubuntu11:25
hateballsasho199: just run "nvidia-settings" in a terminal and you should get a gui. if you have installed "nvidia-prime" there should be a selection for intel/nvidia11:25
sasho199hateball: I get this: ERROR: Unable to find display on any available system11:25
cart_manoerlaptop Euph0ria  Ok soo it was power to the USB .... That was the problem.11:26
Euph0riacart_man: The external drive had it's own power supply, right?11:27
cart_manIt does now11:27
SimonNLsuppppp: I would think double clicking that file or the other gui program depending on you system  (32 or 64 bit ?)11:27
Euph0rialmao ok, wow.11:27
supppppits 64 SimonNL11:28
Euph0riaSo I take it was a small laptop size hard drive?11:28
SimonNLsuppppp: or running one of the console programs from commandline11:28
hateballsasho199: are you logged in over ssh?11:29
Euph0riacart_man: Good to hear you got it figured out!11:29
hateballsasho199: are you not in a graphical environment?11:29
sasho199hateball: I am in a graphical environment.11:29
supppppSimonNL, when you double click it's opening a terminal window like that.. nothing else https://prnt.sc/iha5pk11:29
hateballsasho199: that is very strange. X or Wayland?11:30
cart_manEuph0ria Yea it was my first assumption though but we didnt have an external casing that could take a supply... So I had to waste 2 days trying to prove that to them : /11:30
hateballsasho199: at any rate you can do it from cli also: sudo prime-select nvidia11:30
sasho199hateball: what is X or Wayland?11:30
SimonNLsuppppp: don't see a prompt returning so probably still busy11:31
Euph0riacart_man: Well, I hope you feel vindicated.  :D11:31
hateballsasho199: the display server used. if you have 17.10 freshly installed, it would default to gnome on wayland11:31
hateballsasho199: anything older, and it's X11:31
DalekSecSimonNL: That's vim, a text editor.11:31
sasho199hateball: Its 17.1011:32
DalekSecsuppppp: I *believe* the installer needs 'xterm' to run properly.  The site does mention a PPA if you're into that sort of thing.11:32
SimonNL:) I'd better keep my mouth shut11:32
DalekSecHe's opening the installer for editing rather than running it.11:32
supppppoh done with dragging it on to terminal11:34
DalekSecGenerally, you'll want to chmod +x whatever.sh, then ./whatever.sh11:35
sasho199hateball: Should I run this command in the terminal then: sudo prime-select nvidia11:35
hateballsasho199: give it a try11:35
hateballsasho199: it should setup your system to use nvidia driver next reboot11:36
sasho199hateball: I get this: ERROR: Unable to find display on any available system11:36
sasho199hateball: Not that11:36
sasho199hateball: this: Info: the current GL alternatives in use are: ['mesa', 'nvidia-390'] Info: the current EGL alternatives in use are: ['mesa-egl', 'nvidia-390'] Info: selecting nvidia-390 for the nvidia profile update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/nvidia-390/ld.so.conf to provide /etc/ld.so.conf.d/x86_64-linux-gnu_GL.conf (x86_64-linux-gnu_gl_conf) in manual mode update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/nvidia-390/ld.so.conf to provide /etc/11:37
supppppDalekSec, thats right. just found out that.11:37
hateballsasho199: right, so you have latest beta driver 390 then. now try restarting11:37
sasho199hateball: Should I select a previous kernel or should I let it run with the default one11:39
hateballsasho199: default *should* work11:39
sasho199hateball: Ok I'll try it.11:39
supppppdid anyone ever try to Auto-Mount DEvice via terminal? for VeraCrypt ?11:41
supppppor even a specific one?11:41
=== Richard is now known as Guest49752
sasho199hateball: After I restarted it froze on a black screen with this text on it: Bluetooth: hci0: download fw command failed (-110)11:48
hateballsasho199: that should be unrelated11:48
hateballsasho199: can you get back to a working environment by booting an older kernel again?11:49
sasho199hateball: I am in the older kernel version now.11:49
hateballsasho199: ok. lets try "sudo apt install nvidia-387" to pick the latest stable driver, and make sure modules get rebuilt11:49
sasho199hateball: 390.25 is the latest version, did you chose 387 on purpose or should I use 390 instead?11:50
hateballsasho199: hmmm, I didnt think 390 had reached non-beta yet11:51
butax42@Search englishintown11:52
hateballsasho199: thats why I suggested 387 instead. what kind of nvidia card is it in the machine?11:52
sasho199hateball: nvidia geforce gtx 950m11:52
hateballyeah that should work just fine with 387 as well11:53
sasho199hateball: So should I run sudo apt install nvidia-387 or 390?11:54
hateballsasho199: try 387, you already have 390.11:55
hateballsasho199: just to make sure the modules get built right. I have no idea why it doesnt work now, but I was not here when you ran all your commands the last time so11:55
sasho199hateball: I get this: Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done The following additional packages will be installed:   libcuda1-387 nvidia-opencl-icd-387 The following packages will be REMOVED:   libcuda1-390 nvidia-390 nvidia-opencl-icd-390 The following NEW packages will be installed:   libcuda1-387 nvidia-387 nvidia-opencl-icd-387 0 upgraded, 3 newly installed, 3 to remove and 11:56
hateballsasho199: yep11:57
hateballsasho199: I've gotta go to a meeting now so will be gone an hour or two...11:59
qswzI need to lower my screen brightness, even below xbacklight -set 111:59
sasho199hateball: What should I do when its done12:00
qswzhttps://askubuntu.com/questions/104162/decrease-backlight-below-minimum I tried this12:00
sasho199hateball: can you quickly write the steps so I can do it12:00
EriC^^qswz: xbacklight -set 012:03
alub_Hello, where do I begin?12:08
DiecastMessiahalub_: if you having a problem please give as much info you can about the problem.. like what ubuntu version, error msgs if any, and step you have taken.. details help12:10
jpeUgh it would be really nice if bluetooth A2DP wouldn't periodically refuse to enable and then magically start working again after half an hour of restarting pulseaudio and bluetooth daemon12:12
alub_I am running 14.04.5 LTS ... recently I did apt-get-upgrade and for reasons unknown, apt-get broke.  Now, I cannot run apt-get upgrade and other applications continually crash such as Firefox and Skype.  At this point I am thinking that it would be prudent to reinstall or "upgrade".  What would be the best way for me to proceed with the least risk (preferably no risk) of losing my installed apps and data?12:15
ioc_alub_, the apt logs are at /var/log/apt/term.log12:19
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
DiecastMessiahalub_: try 'sudo apt-get install --fix-broken && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get update'12:28
DiecastMessiahmay not work this will try to fix broken packages and remove old ones... if that works than you can try to upgrade again afterwards12:29
BluesKajHi folks12:35
jpeReboot and it still doesnt work. But then if I run 'pulaseaudio -k && sudo systemctl restart bluetooth' AFTER rebooting then suddenly it works...12:36
foo357Hello, I have a modern Wacom tablet (attached via usb) that I'm trying to get working on ubuntu 16.04. I have followed this article: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom (Installed packages, attached tablet and restarted)12:36
=== apsknight1 is now known as apsknight
foo357However, after these steps I cannot see that the tablet works / is detected. The only thing I can see is that the tablet is listed by 'lsusb'.12:37
DiecastMessiahhang in there foo.. someone will help.. looking at those pages that is really old info,, ubuntu's inner working maybe way different.12:42
DiecastMessiahfoo357: maybe try this page https://medium.com/@ahris/setting-up-wacom-tablets-with-ubuntu-16-04-d7277e4a595d12:45
foo357DiecastMessiah: Does the following link work for you? http://linuxwacom.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Tablet_Configuration12:47
DiecastMessiahfoo357: Nope12:48
foo357DiecastMessiah: The website (sourceforge) seems broken when I try looking at it,12:48
DiecastMessiahyeah something up with that server12:49
=== rohan_flag0_ is now known as rohan_flag0
petersonWhen I use wine for windows applications, my computer is only using like 1/2 my ram. Is there any way to increase the amount of ram that the system can use? I am 64 bit12:58
brainwashpeterson: why do you think that it should use more? does the application tell you that it runs out of memory?12:59
=== Murii is now known as rope
BluesKajpeterson, the pc uses only the Ram it needs13:00
=== rope is now known as Murii
petersonOkay I'm trying to play a game and I'm having low framerate like 10-20. Yet my cpu/gpu/ram is all far less than 50% used (including os usage)13:01
zetheroohow is resolv.conf populated?13:01
DiecastMessiahbest to ask in #winehq13:02
impizai want a proper procedure to install a network scanner in ubuntu13:03
brainwashpeterson: there could be other bottlenecks13:05
zetherooresolv.conf has 'nameserver' and I cannot figure out where this came from13:06
petersoni know. I just switched to linux because windows 10 kept crashing on me and they insisted that it was my hardware failing even after physically testing everything - moving parts to other computers etc. psu paperclip test. Nothing wrong. Since the switch I haven't crashed one time.13:06
petersonI'm learning as I go.13:06
zetherooI tried setting it in /etc/network/interfaces and restarting the networking service, but it's not changing13:07
petersonHow do I know what nvidia driver is the best for my video card?13:07
brainwashby testing them13:07
vfwpeterson: nvidia.com13:09
diskinzetheroo, you have dnsmasq running on localhost, that's why13:09
vfwpeterson: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us13:10
vfwpeterson: and identify your Nvidia chip via lspci13:11
arcade_zetheroo, I'm no pro at this section of things, but /etc/resolv.conf probably won't be changable within the file. There should be other ways to change it. Even though I wouldn't accept this as a complete answer and I know that, try systemd-resolve --help.13:11
petersonvfw, Shoot I didn't know they had linux drivers. Awesome!13:11
petersonI feel like a loser now. lmao13:11
vfwpeterson: Well sure they do, but you should use the packagement system to install.13:13
vfwpeterson: If you avoid using the package management system to install your nvidia driver, it will get wiped out each time you do updates and receive new kernel.13:15
=== alhe is now known as alhen
vfwpeterson: You may need repository ppa:graphics-drivers13:16
=== Menzie is now known as Menzador
UU97I have 14.04.3 installed on one partition with /home on another.  I am planning to either reinstall 14.04.3 over top of it or install 16.04.3 over top of it.  With the separate /home my settings and files should be safe as in theory the partition will not be touched, but WILL the new install know somehow what programs are installed, or will I have to reinstall everything that I have added?13:23
arcade_there are ways to install things to a home directory, but they always seem a bit convoluted. I believe most programs installed end up in the /usr/bin and /usr/sbin folders.13:28
arcade_You'll probably end up having to reinstall actual programs.13:28
UU97@arcade_ I see, ok thanks ... is there a way then to determine what individual programs I have added over the months?13:29
TJ-UU97: you'd have to reinstall, can you not just reinstall the packages?13:29
DiecastMessiahif you install with apt there are logs you can check a history of all ya installed..13:30
TJ-UU97: it's possible to use 'debfoster --keepers" to get a list of all the top-level packages installed, so you can reinstall with the same set. That doesn't help with any system-wide configuration values though13:30
UU97Sure TJ, but honestly -- I do not rememeber every obscure package that I have installed ... so I wouldn't know until I try to do something or run something and it didn't work.... as certainly I do not know everything i have installed.13:31
arcade_UU97 try this command. for app in /usr/share/applications/*.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/*.desktop; do app="${app##/*/}"; echo "${app::-8}"; done13:31
TJ-UU97: right, so "sudo apt install debfoster; sudo debfoster -q; debfoster --show-keepers" will list all the top-level packages required to duplicate the install13:31
arcade_UU97 that will list them all out, you'd have to substitute the carriage returns for spaces if you were going to do an apt install on them all, but it's pretty close to what you want!13:31
arcade_TJ's may be better13:32
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
UU97  ~/.local/share/applications/*.desktop; do app="${app##/*/}"; echo "${app::-8}"; done13:33
UU97bash: syntax error near unexpected token `do'13:33
DiecastMessiahwould have have to make a new partation for home as well if he wants to keep the files in there?13:33
DiecastMessiahwould he^13:33
TJ-debfoster --show-keepers is better than using "dpkg --get-selections" because get-selections lists /all/ libraries - and their versions may have changed. By using just the list of keepers their declared dependencies are automatically pulled in with no problems13:34
arcade_that's pretty neat13:34
TJ-On a reinstall shouldn't need to touch /home/ file-system - but *will* need to re-add the user with the same uid/gid values to have it work13:35
UU97Ahh ty TJ, I would not have thought to check the uid/gid.13:37
akikTJ-: is there a command to show packages installed after the initial install?13:38
=== Trystam is now known as Tristam
UU97TJ, debfoster seems perfect! Ty.  How would you recommend I use the data from it after the reinstall ?13:39
zetheroodiskin:  ah ok13:39
pragomerI switched from debian9 to ubuntu 17.10 and i got an error message "mount error(95": Operation not supported. Refer to the mount.cifs manpage13:44
aussie32does mirc still exist?13:44
pragomerwhen trying to mount my synology nas. I have cifs-utils installed and I use the same fstab-entry like I used under debian:13:45
pragomerany ideas whats wrong here?13:45
DiecastMessiahaussie32: yes but it a windows program13:46
sasho199hateball: After the process was done I rebooted, but now it does not work with the standard or the older kernel, I get the following error on a black screen: Coudn't get size: 0x8000000000000e MODSIGN Coudn't get UEFI db list Couldn't get 0x8000000000000e13:47
nmrp3my USB subsystem periodically crashes out - I loose all my USB peripherals13:50
nmrp3is there any particular log I should look in to get a hint about exactly what is failing?13:50
nmrp3or any command I can type to get it to refresh the USB subsystem?13:50
BillD73anyone ran Ubuntu on a Micro$oft Surface? What was your experience? wife is tired of the window$ RT 8.1 but she seems to like 16.04 default install on our main PC13:53
pragomergot the solution: had to add version=1.0 to fstab because 17.10 seems to use a newer version13:54
hateballsasho199: are you using a dualboot maybe? with uefi?14:00
hateballsasho199: with secure boot that14:01
sasho199hateball: I have only Ubuntu 17.10 installed and its in uefi mode I think14:01
hateballsasho199: are you able to boot into any working kernel at all?14:02
hateballsasho199: could try manually disabling the signing validation14:02
sasho199hateball: I tried both that are not recovery mode and they dont work14:02
sasho199hateball: What is signing validation?14:03
hateballsasho199: a secure boot thing, to validate that modules have not been tempered with. and that needs to be disabled for nvidia driver to work14:03
sasho199hateball: What should I do?14:04
hateballsasho199: you should be able to get into recovery mode tho and run "sudo mokutil --disable-validation"14:04
hateballsasho199: I am trying to find a nice writeup about it... but it's such a terrible thing to start with14:05
hateballsasho199: https://askubuntu.com/questions/843656/is-it-safe-to-disable-secure-boot/843678#84367814:05
BillD73UU97: thx  I did some reading, not possible on the RT14:06
sasho199hateball: Ok so recovery mode and run "sudo mokutil --disable-validation"?14:07
hateballsasho199: yep14:09
iskorptixafter boot my /etc/resolv.conf file sets dns nameserver to , where I can change setting and set custom dns on boot ?14:09
hateballsasho199: it tells you it disables secure boot but that is only in the shim so it has no impact even if you were to dualboot14:09
sasho199hateball: I get the recovery menu what should I choose?14:14
hateballsasho199: should have a root shell option14:17
apteryx_Hello! When will the automatic package import last happen for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS?14:18
sasho199hateball: Drop to root shell option?14:18
hateballsasho199: yea14:18
apteryx_(from Debian Unstable, if that link is correct: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/LTS).14:18
sasho199hateball: Ok I ran it.14:21
hateballsasho199: I guess try rebooting a normal kernel again14:23
sasho199hateball: How should I turn off the computer?14:24
hateballsasho199: oh, "sudo reboot" :)14:24
hateballor well, you're root, so simply reboot would do14:24
rollingubuntuHow can I send files via bluetooth in 17.10 ?14:26
sasho199hateball: I get the same problem as I described earlier.14:26
rollingubuntu(I managed to connect to the phone, just that there is no option to send files...)14:26
hateballsasho199: ugh... I am starting to run out of ideas14:26
geodb27People : hi ! I'd like to launch multiple instances of apache2 on my ubuntu-lts64 system (16.04). I've seen an example on another system which pleases me (a centos7 system) where all instances are made from a /usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd@.service14:27
vfwgeodb27: Can you explain why you need multiple instances of httpd running?14:28
geodb27This folder doesn't exist on ubuntu, so, my question is : what would be the best practice on an ubuntu system to create such templates-based systemd unit ?14:28
geodb27vfw: I need one apache2 per user, each listening on separate port, so as to isolate one from another.14:29
vfwgeodb27: (there may be another way to accomplish your end goal)14:29
vfwgeodb27:  Can you add more details that explains your end goal?14:30
geodb27This is not in a "pure" ubuntu system (the final destination will be a lxd-container, ubuntu format, but it remains the same.14:30
vfwgeodb27: Are you sure you need to listen on more than one port?14:30
geodb27vfw: what other solution can you advice so as to have one apache2 process only serve the files the user that runs the apache instance can access, isolated from the files belonging to another user ?14:31
geodb27This could be made, years ago with suPhp, for example, but it is not maintained anymore.14:32
leftyfbgeodb27: vhosts14:32
rollingubuntuanyone please? I am unable to send files via bluetooth in ubuntu17.1014:33
wonderwhywouldn't it be possible to run each apache in its own chroot?14:33
leftyfbgeodb27: user1.yourdomain.com , user2.yourdomain.com14:33
sasho199hateball: Could this be related: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=238070014:33
hateballsasho199: sure could14:34
hateballsasho199: do you have secure boot enabled?14:34
vfwgeodb27: Apache, by defautl, follows symlinks.  So you just create different users for each site, (or batches of sites).14:34
geodb27To be more specific : I have a frontent machine that handles the requests (http://domain.tld/xxx) with xxx related to some users. If I go to http://domain.tld/user1, the machine forwards the request (ProxyPass) to my lxd container (http://lxc-container.localhost/user1) and I want the apache process that serves user1 files (inside the container) not to be the same as the one that would serve the files belonging to user214:35
rollingubuntuthis is the page explaining plain-simple how to send files via bluetooth, however, for me, I can see my device, can receive files from, just that I am unable to send to it from my PC... https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/bluetooth-send-file.html14:35
sasho199hateball: Didn't I just disable that with that command in recovery mode?14:35
leftyfbgeodb27: why do you need the process separate?14:36
leftyfbgeodb27: regardless, if that's the case, I would just put each site/user into an LXD or docker container14:37
geodb27leftyfb: we have had issues in the past (before I ended where I am now) and we had some escalation that occured, where an apache process could get to some places where it shouldn't and crashed many sites.14:37
geodb27I won't create 2000 lxd containers on my machine leftyfb :D14:37
=== nat is now known as Natkeeran
rollingubuntuhey guys... any tips?14:38
JFox762hey guys,... I'm just wondering, how do I find out what Com port a given USB port is?14:38
geodb27rollingubuntu: what dm do you use ? Under kde, it is quite straightforward...14:38
leftyfbgeodb27: you never mentioned this type of scale14:38
leftyfbgeodb27: I would really suggest vhosts in this case14:39
rollingubuntugeodb27: I use gnome14:39
geodb27leftyfb: I know :-) That's why I only asked on the best practice to create instanciated apache2 system unit files on ubuntu :-)14:39
vfwgeodb27: Let's say your DocumentRoot is /srv/http and you have users joe and fred.  In joe and fred, you have /home/joe/www and /home/fred/www  and ftp jails ftp users to the www directory.  You create symlinks in /srv/http for joe and fred's www directory.14:40
leftyfbgeodb27: creating separate systemd unit files is easy. Pretty close to what you posted above. But the location in ubuntu is /etc/systemd/system/14:40
leftyfbvfw: vhosts is the better solution there14:40
vfwgeodb27: ln -s /home/joe/www /srv/http/site1 ; ln -s /home/fred/http/site214:41
leftyfbvfw: symlinks for website is a hack and can lead to permission issues14:41
jinkEverything can lead to permission issues, unless you host them on separate containers or jails or whatever.14:42
leftyfbjink: containers is a completely different ballgame14:42
JFox762hey guys,... I'm just wondering, how do I find out what Com port a given USB port is?14:42
vfwleftyfb: They both work just fine.  The symlink method is just fine, it is easy and it is not a hack and does not lead to permissions issues.  (Try it, you'll like it.)14:42
rollingubuntuoh my... I got it now... the pairing process went very fast and the desktop did not finalise the pairing properly, so my phone appeard only as "phone" in the list; I disconnected ("forgot" the connection on my phone, as there was no suck option on the desktop) and reconnected and now it works...14:42
geodb27vfw: and, provided joe and fred belong to the group apache user's belongs to, then, let's say that joe has a php script that reads "unlink($_GET['path']);" then if I go to http://mydomain.tld/joe/script.php?path=/srv/http/fred/*, I delete all of fred's files...14:43
vfwgeodb27: No.14:43
leftyfbvfw: I've been doing web hosting for about 20 years. I used to work for the largest shared hosting company in the world. I have a little experience with symlinks14:43
jinkvfw: As long as you run the sites on the same server, any php script can read any other site.14:43
geodb27rollingubuntu: great to read that you solved your problem :-)14:44
jinkgeodb27: Only if you have everything owned by www-data or 777, but you shouldn't do that.14:44
vfwOk, I agree, there are different ways to do it.  I just thought I would explain the easiest way.14:45
geodb27jink: that's why I wrote : " and, provided joe and fred belong to the group apache user's belongs to,(...)"14:45
jinkYeah, don't do that.14:46
JFox762How do I find out which serial port I'm using?14:46
JFox762or rather what Com port my USB port is14:47
leftyfbJFox762: if the usb device you're plugging in is in fact a serial device, then as soon as you plug it in, open a terminal and type "dmesg". Toward the end you should see the device being enumerated as /dev/ttyUSB0 or similar.14:48
rollingubuntugeodb27: yeah... such a thing...14:48
JFox762im using a USB to Serial adapter to connect to a Cisco router14:48
JFox762Trying to connect to it using Putty, and I just need to know what Com port to use14:48
ubottugiaocmo901010: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:49
leftyfbJFox762: I just told you how to find it14:49
JFox762ok let me try14:49
noob_on_railshey all , i think i really f*ed up somehow , i get error Gave up waiting for root device...14:55
JFox762ok so I did the dmesg... and after connecting it and disconnecting it a couple of times I found this14:55
noob_on_railswhen im trying to boot14:55
JFox762[132170.994844] usb 3-1: ch341-uart converter now attached to ttyUSB014:55
JFox762so it seems ch341-uart converter is the device... Is ttyUSB0 the COM port #?14:56
geodb27Anyway, thanks all for your help. Heading for my apache2@.service right now :-)14:56
noob_on_railsif anyone has any idea , i'd greatly appreciate it , problem came out of the blue14:58
noob_on_railsonly thing i can think of , is that a Windows software i was using called Acronis (for backups/restores) maybe messed up something..14:59
=== vladislav is now known as Vladrus
hateballsasho199: no that command only turns of the secure boot stuff in the grub shim. which is supposed to work. but according to the post you linked then maybe unless it is actually turned off in in BIOS/UEFI it wont work anyway15:02
akiknoob_on_rails: you might have some more information if you boot the ubuntu live session and try to fix the problem from there15:03
akiknoob_on_rails: did you modify the linux partition with acronis?15:04
noob_on_railsnono , nothing15:04
noob_on_railsi just booted again into windows ,and there shouldn't be any data loss15:04
sasho199hateball: So that command that I wrote did not do anything? Do I understand correctly?15:05
noob_on_railsAs acronis states 84gb of 96 used and labeled as Ext4 partition15:05
=== JimBunbtu is now known as JimBuntu
akiknoob_on_rails: which boot loader do you use? grub?15:06
noob_on_railsyes grub15:07
noob_on_railsgparted in the live cd can see /dev/sda1 as ext4 83/95gb used15:07
noob_on_railsswap looks ok too15:07
=== Richard is now known as Guest68022
noob_on_railsdo you think it can be a grub error? , it lists all boot options correctly tho ( i still can boot into windows via grub menu )15:08
akiknoob_on_rails: open a terminal15:08
hateballsasho199: oh it did something, like I said it turns off the module validiton in the bootloader shim. but the error you are getting a different issue, just like in the post you linked15:08
hateballsasho199: and if you dont dualboot, or for some other reason think you need secure boot, you can go into bios and try disabling it15:08
akiknoob_on_rails: 1) sudo -i 2) for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do mount -B $i /mnt$i; done 3) chroot /mnt /bin/bash15:10
akiknoob_on_rails: oh sorry wait15:10
akiknoob_on_rails: 0) is mount the partition that has your root fs into /mnt15:10
sasho199hateball: I think I might need to install Windows again because Im having many problems with Ubuntu and its slowing down my work. Is it safe to install it currently with that command that I ran?15:11
noob_on_railsakik: if i fdisk -l , my ubuntu is @ /dev/sda115:11
akiknoob_on_rails: so: mount /dev/sda1 /mnt15:12
akiknoob_on_rails: do you have a separate /boot ?15:12
noob_on_railsok , mounted15:12
noob_on_railsgoing to run the loop now15:12
akiknoob_on_rails: also; do you boot in uefi mode or non-uefi mode?15:13
noob_on_railsakik: i can't recall atm , but everything was working 2 days before15:13
akiknoob_on_rails: check if you see /sys/firmware/efi15:13
hateballsasho199: again, mokutil only affects linux. it has no effect on the actual secure boot/bios/otherOS15:13
noob_on_railsakik:  inside sudo -i , i can browse the directory yes15:14
akiknoob_on_rails: did you run the for loop?15:15
noob_on_railsoh not yet , i thought i should do something with the efi we mentioned15:15
noob_on_rails1 sec to run15:15
sasho199hateball: Is there anything I can do to make my Ubuntu run, or should I just wait for 18.04?15:15
noob_on_railsakik: all run15:16
akiknoob_on_rails: do you have a separate /boot? do you see anything in /sys/firmware/efi ?15:16
noob_on_railsno separate /boot , inside sys/firmware/efi i have : config_table , efivars / fw_platform_size , fw_vendor , runtime , runtime-map , systab , vars15:17
akiknoob_on_rails: did you get any error when you mounted /dev/sda1 ?15:17
noob_on_railsalso loop took like no time15:18
akiknoob_on_rails: ok after running the for loop, run: chroot /mnt /bin/bash15:18
noob_on_railswhich could be strange , but i hope not :)15:18
noob_on_railsyep , did that too!15:18
akiknoob_on_rails: if there's no output, then it worked :)15:18
noob_on_railsall 0 -> 3 steps ran15:18
noob_on_railsoh , fingers crossed mate15:19
noob_on_railsreboot ?15:19
akiknoob_on_rails: inside the chroot: grub-install --efi-directory=/boot/efi --boot-directory=/boot --target=x86_64-efi15:19
noob_on_railsu mean inside sudo -i ?15:20
noob_on_railsoh , inside /mnt?15:20
akiknoob_on_rails: inside the chroot /mnt15:20
akiknoob_on_rails: also double check that /etc/fstab in the chroot has the correct UUID for /15:20
akiknoob_on_rails: you can see it with: sudo blkid /dev/sda115:20
noob_on_railsok 1 sec15:21
brunosferHi guys! I installed bluez in Ubuntu Core Snappy and I'm having this problem:15:22
brunosferbluez.sdptool browse local15:22
brunosferFailed to connect to SDP server on FF:FF:FF:00:00:00: No such file or directory15:22
akiknoob_on_rails: you can also check that the UUID matches in /boot/grub/grub.cfg15:22
noob_on_railsi don't really get the "inside chroot"15:22
noob_on_railsshould i just cd to /mnt?15:22
brunosferDoes anyone knows how can I solve this issue?15:22
akiknoob_on_rails: when you run chroot, it changes the "view" to another place15:22
noob_on_railsinside sudo -i , /etc/fstab doesn't mention the UUID from blkid15:22
akiknoob_on_rails: can you paste the /etc/fstab from the chroot?15:22
noob_on_railschroot should be ran , outside sudo -i  right?15:23
noob_on_railsas step 015:23
akiknoob_on_rails: no15:23
noob_on_railsoh ok15:23
akiknoob_on_rails: after running the sudo -i so that you become root15:23
noob_on_railsok inside chroot now15:24
noob_on_railslets see fstab15:24
imestinwe recently bought a HP M12W printer. it's not compatible with hplip. is there a way to get it work15:24
noob_on_railsinside chroot , blkid hangs for a bit , then gives sudo : unable to resolve host ubuntu: Connection timed out15:25
noob_on_railsbut right after , it gives the sda1 id15:25
akiknoob_on_rails: ok run the blkid from outside the chroot15:25
akiknoob_on_rails: it is essentially the same sda1 device that you want to use15:26
noob_on_railsyes that's true15:26
noob_on_railsok let me figure a way to paste the fstab15:26
Mathisenimestin, you can install it using other model with HPLIP and change when it gets suported15:26
noob_on_rails1 sec15:26
=== Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner
noob_on_railscause Gigabyte ethernet just sux :)15:27
Mathisenimestin, https://askubuntu.com/questions/900272/laserjet-pro-m12w15:27
leftyfbJFox762: yes15:28
Mathisennoob_on_rails, cat /etc/fstab | curl -F c=@- https://ptpb.pw/15:28
pnwiseDoes anyone knows how to find only zero or non-zeroed sectors? The goal is to zero only sectors that are not. I don't want to run dd on the whole thing15:28
imestin@Mathisen how can i select other model? i couldn't find it15:29
noob_on_railsakik: https://gist.github.com/frcake/9a15a2601b2fd84609020bbd7cd200ef15:30
noob_on_railsMathisen: i would but the computer needs a driver replacement for the ethernet driver...15:30
akiknoob_on_rails: does it match the sudo blkid /dev/sda1 output?15:30
noob_on_railswhich is a major pita anytime i use a live CD15:30
noob_on_railsah yea sec15:31
hateballsasho199: at this point, I'd do a clean install of 18.04. All you *should* need to do is use nomodeset the first live-boot + next run, then install nvidia driver from the regular software updater. no need to use a PPA or anything15:31
akiknoob_on_rails: also check that the uuid matches in /boot/grub/grub.cfg15:31
qswzis there here a guru about brightness and X11? I switch to a new laptop, with a better screen and stuff, max_brightness is higher, annoying because the night I do xbacklight -set 1 (minimum) and now it's still too bright15:31
noob_on_railsthe first UUID mentioned in fstab , is the same as blkid /dev/sda115:31
noob_on_railsi hope that's what we're looking fore15:32
akiknoob_on_rails: e.g. root=UUID=772e656d-c347-406f-8260-eaedddbb048d15:32
noob_on_railsdid you see the fstab i pasted?15:32
akiknoob_on_rails: yes15:32
noob_on_railsok so the first line is the root right ?15:32
akikUUID=33edb702-d055-4eea-9fa2-15a6671fb145 /15:33
akiknoob_on_rails: you should see it when you run: grep UUID=33edb702-d055-4eea-9fa2-15a6671fb145 /boot/grub/grub.cfg (inside the chroot)15:33
sasho199hateball: Should I wait for the official release, can I try the current(alpha I think)? If yes, where can I download an iso so I can make a flash drive?15:33
akiknoob_on_rails: or inspect visually the whole file15:34
noob_on_railsblkid answers /dev/sda1: UUID="33edb702-....." TYPE="ext4" PTTYPE="dos" PARTUUID="ebce2fc3-01"15:34
hateballsasho199: image here http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ and support in #ubuntu+115:34
noob_on_railshm ok let me run that15:34
sasho199hateball: Thank you, have a nice day!15:35
akiknoob_on_rails: hold on, your previous blkid command return PTTYPE="dos". you're not using a gpt partition table?15:36
noob_on_railscould this be messed up by Acronis ?15:37
akiknoob_on_rails: i'm not sure if it works or doesn't work together with uefi15:37
akiknoob_on_rails: it's just i've seen that if you're using uefi, it's usually together with gpt15:38
noob_on_railsyea i see what u mean15:39
noob_on_railsany way i can change that ? , if it's a "hard" setting15:39
noob_on_railsit should work , as it did before15:39
akiknoob_on_rails: you could also run: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda (outside the chroot)15:39
noob_on_railsakik: yes fdisk shows /dev/sda1 and swap15:40
akiknoob_on_rails: what does it say for disklabel?15:40
akiknoob_on_rails: you know, for uefi boot, there should be a efi system partition /boot/efi (a fat32 partition)15:41
noob_on_railsummm , im a bit stupid when it comes to these stuff15:42
noob_on_railsdo you want me to reboot and check my bios ?15:42
akiknoob_on_rails: i think that your ubuntu setup was done for mbr/bios setup, and not for uefi15:43
akiknoob_on_rails: and when you booted the live session you booted that in uefi mode15:43
noob_on_railswell , whatever it was , it was working 2 days before15:43
noob_on_railsakik:  how can i know in what mode i booted :O15:44
akiknoob_on_rails: do you still have the chroot running?15:44
noob_on_railsyes chroot up15:44
akiknoob_on_rails: if you see /sys/firmware/efi it's a uefi mode boot15:44
noob_on_railsyes , it's there15:44
akiknoob_on_rails: try booting the live session again, but in mbr/bios mode (non-uefi)15:45
akiknoob_on_rails: if you didn't ask acronis to change the partition table, i'm pretty sure it didn't do it by itself15:45
noob_on_railsum , im quite sceptical abou the way acronis indexes the disks , and what it does when you reboot (because acronis asks so)15:47
noob_on_railsakik: in my boot mode (BIOS) i have UEFI and Legacy15:47
akiknoob_on_rails: legacy15:48
noob_on_railsi mean , the option i have _should_ support both , but w/e ill change it to legacy only15:48
chalcedonyhow do i get my husband's ubuntu 16.04 back to the login screen with the password, and with cairo-dock working? apparently some update messed it up, and it's defaulting to something else that he doesn't like.15:48
noob_on_railsakik: same stuff :(15:50
akiknoob_on_rails: you booted the live session in legacy mode now?15:50
noob_on_railscould gparted help with the dos -> gpt?15:50
noob_on_railsoh sry , i tried booting the actual15:50
akiknoob_on_rails: let's try to do it once more15:50
noob_on_railslet me put the session15:51
akiknoob_on_rails: i made the wrong conclusion that you use uefi15:52
noob_on_railswhy is that15:52
qswzxbacklight anyone?15:52
noob_on_railswell , i never fiddled with any of these settings15:52
qswzI want xbacklight -set 0.215:52
akiknoob_on_rails: because you have mbr partition table but you booted the live session in uefi mode15:52
noob_on_railsi just default installed ubuntu way back15:52
qswzhow can I do that?15:53
tinloafI've tried to install GCC 7 by installing the "gcc-7" package from https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-toolchain-r/+archive/ubuntu/test on my 16.04 LTS. I do have a /usr/bin/gcc-7, however no /usr/bin/g++-7. Am I missing something?15:53
qswzplease, it would save my eyes15:53
noob_on_railsway back , meaning , 16.04 version15:53
noob_on_railsok inside the live session , legacy mode on BIOS15:53
tinloafD'Oh. Obviously I should install g++-7.15:54
noob_on_railsakik: gparted has some nice tricks15:55
qswzguys just a simple question15:55
akiknoob_on_rails: 0) sudo -i 1) mount /dev/sda1 /mnt 2) for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do mount -B $i /mnt$i; done 3) chroot /mnt /bin/bash15:55
qswzin my /usr/share/X11/xorg..15:55
qswzI see amdgpu driver, and radeon15:55
qswzare those used for backlight?15:56
qswzbacisally what manages backlight? I've a i5 and radeon graphics15:56
qswzhttps://askubuntu.com/questions/476664/cannot-change-backlight-brightness-ubuntu-14-04 I was copying stuff usinf driver: intel, I guess I need something different15:57
noob_on_railsakik:  ok inside again15:57
qswzsince I don't have an intel gpu, right?15:57
akiknoob_on_rails: try running now: grub-install /dev/sda15:57
qswzit was not working anyway with intel driver in conf15:57
akiknoob_on_rails: that tries to modify the grub code in the mbr of /dev/sda15:57
akiknoob_on_rails: you can also double (triple) check the uuid seen in /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/grub.cfg15:58
noob_on_railsgrub.cfg doesnt say much , and it's hard to cat it15:59
noob_on_railsgedit doesnt even work on it15:59
noob_on_railsi mean grub has lines of code15:59
noob_on_railsbut didnt see UUID15:59
noob_on_railsmaybe ill c/p the content15:59
noob_on_railsakik: /dev/sda , or /dev/sda1 ?16:00
akiknoob_on_rails: egrep linux.*root= /boot/grub/grub.cfg16:00
akiknoob_on_rails: /dev/sda16:00
noob_on_railsok , grub said all good16:00
noob_on_railslet me see fstab16:01
AmisHello! Is it possible to acquire the ttf-mscorefonts-installer as an offline installer? I just can't download the fonts from sourceforge with apt and it's driving me nuts.16:02
noob_on_railsakik egrep returns some root= /dev/\Device\HarddiskVolume1 ro quiet splash $vt_handoff16:02
noob_on_railswth O_O16:02
akiknoob_on_rails: i think you just found your problem :)16:03
noob_on_railswhats that thing16:03
akiknoob_on_rails: looks like a windows path for disk16:03
noob_on_railsyes it does16:03
noob_on_railsso , grub is affected16:03
akiknoob_on_rails: should be something like: linux   /boot/vmlinuz-4.13.0-32-generic root=UUID=772e656d-c347-406f-8260-eaedddbb048d16:04
noob_on_railsyea ,16:04
noob_on_railswell it could be whatever but not backslash characters , windows pathstyle16:04
hateballAmis: are you on 16.04 ?16:04
Amishateball, yea16:04
noob_on_railsakik: so how should i go on about fixing that ?16:05
AmisIt's the "Protocol "http" not supported or disabled in libcurl" kinda of bug as I found on the net16:05
noob_on_railsclassic grub restoration steps ?16:05
AmisBut I don't really know a way around it16:05
akiknoob_on_rails: you can try modifying the grub.cfg for your uuid and try a reboot16:05
noob_on_railshaha , hacky , let's hope16:05
akiknoob_on_rails: actually run update-grub16:05
akiknoob_on_rails: if the uuid is correct in fstab, that should fix it16:06
noob_on_railsi only change the UUID right? i keep the weird "ro quiet splash $vt_handoff"16:06
akiknoob_on_rails: no just run "update-grub" in the chroot16:07
hateballAmis: so not this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/msttcorefonts/+bug/160753516:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1607535 in msttcorefonts (Ubuntu) "ttf-mscorefonts-installer 3.6ubuntu2 fails to install core fonts" [Medium,Fix released]16:07
akiknoob_on_rails: it'll recreate the grub.cfg16:07
noob_on_railsoh looks cool now16:07
noob_on_railsi think it's time to reboot16:07
hateballAmis: where the urls that the installer points to are broken. you can as per the first post use the debian package as a workaround16:07
noob_on_railsakik: reboot ?16:08
akiknoob_on_rails: yes16:08
noob_on_railsstay legacy or revert to what it was?16:09
akiknoob_on_rails: it's quite a mystery how that path got so mangled up. i blame acronis16:09
akiknoob_on_rails: legacy yea16:09
dbagmHi, is there any detailed tutorial on how to calibrate a touch screen on Ubuntu 16.04? I tried using xinput calibrator, but it did nothing, I assume I should use it, but maybe with the flags Ubuntu expects... any help? TIA16:09
noob_on_railsakik: pretty much saved me 2 days of setup16:10
noob_on_railscan't thank you enough for that16:10
akiknoob_on_rails: nice!16:10
noob_on_railsyou're the best big big thanks! :D16:10
akiknoob_on_rails: i try :)16:10
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
eflakeyhi, is it ok if i make my passport a bootable linux distro and go with that?16:14
AmisWell, the debian package worked (thanks hateball ). Strange that it's a bug from 2016 and still reoccuring.16:15
eflakeyguess i'll try it out and see16:16
hateballAmis: so it goes16:16
jairhello team, we are having an issue with ubuntu 17.10 running in a brand new DELL R440 the server after a few hours start increasing the memory until it crashes16:21
xerronestoy aprendiendo a usar esto16:23
nicomach1s!es | xerron16:23
ubottuxerron: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:23
naccjair: fully up to date?16:23
xerronI love ubuntu16:23
xerronthank you16:24
xerronhow exit16:24
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hateballjair: do you know what process does this?16:27
jairhello nacc here is the first screenshot > https://ibb.co/nsMKkx second after a few hours https://ibb.co/hopddH and then here is when it crashed > https://ibb.co/g3SaQx16:27
=== Vic is now known as Guest55706
jairnacc: let me check but it looks like there are just a few updates available16:28
jairhateball: looks like systemd16:28
jairhateball: > see the screenshots16:28
jairhateball: https://ibb.co/nsMKkx16:28
jairsorry about the repetitive information16:29
eflakeyhi, how do i partition my passport for an ubuntu 17.01 desktop installation/root partition?16:29
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eflakeycurrently it's ntfs16:29
jairnacc: looks like it is currently eating almost 8GB16:29
jairnacc: and the server is just used as router for our internet connection16:30
jairno running lxd/lxc nor snaps16:30
Bray90820_Can someone ping meso I can test my notifications16:30
eflakeyshould i just create a root and then add an ext4 partition? if so how big should the root and ext4 partitions be?16:31
jairnacc: there are actually 7 updates and all 7 are security updates16:31
hateballjair: uh.. according your screenshots it's running a ton of containers tho16:32
jairso I also understand, why people is installing 17.10 in a production server firewall, it is because the 17.10 supported the RAID controller for 16.04 LTS we needed to do some backports weird stuff I believe16:32
jairhateball: nope16:33
jairbelieve me16:33
hateballwell something is spawning those lxcfs instances16:33
jairhateball: https://lbb.co/d9jmyH16:35
jairhateball: you can see I run the lxc commands to list images and containers16:35
jairwe have nothing of that running at the moment16:36
eflakeyhow big should i make the root and ext4 partition on a 300Gb passport usb drive?16:36
jairit is not confirgured16:36
die7Hi, I have issues with Ubuntu 16.04 and spacewalk..anyone familiar with it?16:36
vfwjair: "Oops, it doesn't look like this page exists"16:38
eflakeyso like 128Gb for root, 44Gb for swap, and 128Gb for home ?16:39
amazoniantoadI keep losing my internet after a particular step while trying to install xen using the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen16:39
eflakeyi'll prob sudo install alot of crap btw16:39
amazoniantoadCan someone help me fix this problem?16:40
sasho199Hello everyone, I would like to install 18.04 but Im not sure if I can since my processor is made by intel. This is the link that was given to me by hateball: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/16:41
amazoniantoadWhy wouldn't you be able to install?16:41
sasho199amazoniantoad: It is written "Choose this to take full advantage of computers based on the AMD64 or EM64T architecture (e.g., Athlon64, Opteron, EM64T Xeon, Core 2). If you have a non-64-bit processor made by AMD, or if you need full support for 32-bit code, use the i386 images instead." I am not familiar with processor architechtures so I wanted to ask here.16:42
amazoniantoadI see, why are you installing daily?16:43
hateballamazoniantoad: he was having issues (nvidia/uefi) with 17.10 that lead to reinstalling, and he asked about trying 18.0416:44
sasho199amazoniantoad: I decided to try 18.04 because my hardware is new and 17.10 has many problems, mainly my nvidia videocard.16:44
nicomach1ssasho199: 18.04 has not been released yet and is not supported in this channel.16:44
nicomach1ssasho199: if you insist on installing 18.04, please use #ubuntu+1 for support.16:44
sasho199nicomach1s: You are right, I just forgot to write the +116:45
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hateballsasho199: amd64 just means 64-bit in this context. and I also mentioned #ubuntu+1 to you for support with 18.04 itself :)16:45
amazoniantoadsasho199 odds are that installing daily will introduce more problems. What issues were you having with nvidia?16:45
nicomachushateball amazoniantoad: not related to this channel, let's drop it.16:45
sasho199amazoniantoad: It was related since I was running 17.1016:45
amazoniantoadnicomachus is an issue with xen related to this channel? I keep losing internet after modifying my interfaces file16:45
nicomachusamazoniantoad: this channel is ubuntu support, so yes.16:46
amazoniantoadnicomachus sweet thanks16:46
amazoniantoadCan anyone help me unbreak my interfaces file? I am trying to modify it for xen16:46
Bray90820_Can someone ping meso I can test my notifications16:46
sasho199hateball: I reinstalled 17.10(currently on it) and did not specify a network so no updates were installed. Currently I see no problems and I did not have to add any parameters.16:47
hateballsasho199: well then you're all good16:47
amazoniantoadbray90820 i sent a ping16:48
hateballsasho199: if you intend to play any games on the machine, you will however at some point want to use the nvidia gpu with the nvidia binary16:48
sasho199hateball: I also did not install any 3rd party software, which would probably explain why I can boot, whereas on my previous install I could not. I think one of the 3rd party software was the driver causing the issues.16:48
amazoniantoadThat happens16:49
hateballsasho199: so what kernel driver do you have now? "lspci -k |grep -A 3 VGA"16:50
hateballfor the GPU16:50
lordcirth_work!paste | amazoniantoad16:51
ubottuamazoniantoad: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:51
=== wanda is now known as wanda_
lordcirth_workIf you paste your /etc/network/interfaces we can take a look16:51
amazoniantoadlordcirth_work thanks16:51
amazoniantoadlordcirth_work what's the command to auto paste from terminal?16:52
amazoniantoadthis is going to be tricky for me16:52
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit16:52
sasho199hateball: The terminal does not work for some reason. I write th command and then Enter and it does not do anything.16:52
lordcirth_worksasho199, does it print a new prompt?16:53
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hateballsasho199: you can also just do "lspci -k" and manually locate the VGA section16:53
sasho199lordcirth_work: I dont know what that means, but Its currently acting as a text editor.16:53
sasho199hateball: No commands work. How do I submit a command? Before I just pressed enter. Now when I press enter it goes to a new line.16:54
amazoniantoadlordcirth_work it is going to be a sec because the internet is down on the machine. having to remove what changes i made and reboot16:54
hateballsasho199: uh... that sounds quite broken. you should only need to press enter, yes16:55
sasho199hateball: Ok. Only lspci does not work.16:55
hateballsasho199: how about a simple "ls" ? does that return anything?16:55
sasho199hateball: It brakes it when I write it. Before writing it I can open firefox through it for example and it acts normally.16:56
target_hey everyone16:56
target_I have a question16:56
hateballsasho199: since it's a fresh install I suppose make sure you have an internet connection and apply the latest updates, see if that magically fixes it16:56
sasho199hateball: ls returns something. If I try to close the terminal after writing lspci it tells me that a process is running asking me if I want to kill it.16:57
target_can I choose the encrypt my home folder in the installation menu even if I didn't make a home partition?16:57
hateballsasho199: since... you should really be able to run that command16:57
amazoniantoadlordcirth_work paste.ubuntu.com/p/VNv6PVqqWw16:57
hateballsasho199: well just kill the terminal I guess16:57
sasho199hateball: How do I update?16:57
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sasho199hateball: But I expect the latest update to brake the system, because thats what happened last time.16:58
target_I know I may sound inpatient but can anyone please answer my question?16:58
hateballsasho199: "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade"16:59
ioriatarget_, you encrypt your home directory with ecryptfs, not with luks17:00
target_so I can pick that option even if I didn't create a separate /home partition?17:01
sasho199hateball: Ok currently updating.17:01
ioriatarget_, yes, and you can also encrypt you Home even after the install17:01
target_thx ioria17:01
amazoniantoadlordcirth_work the instructions i'm following are here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen17:02
hateballsasho199: since you never checked any box to install 3rd party stuff or nvidia driver I dont think you should have any problems now, your system is either running on intel driver or nouveau, both provided in the kernel17:03
Epx998I am running the server version, installed ubuntu-desktop, all I get is a background, no menu or icons.  Is there a config file that didnt get deployed maybe?17:03
=== DrWatson_ is now known as DrWatson
amazoniantoadlordcirth_work I'm at the part where you modify the interfaces file after disabling the network manager serrvice17:03
ioriaEpx998, are you in text mode atm ?17:04
Epx998ioria: yes17:04
ioriaEpx998, 16.04 server ?17:04
Epx998ioria: yeah, i set the run level to 5, i dropped down to the cli tho to get here.17:05
Epx998ub 16.0417:05
ioriaEpx998, sudo service lightdm restart17:05
Epx998i didnt see that service listed, sec17:05
sasho199hateball: That makes sense, shame though because I wanted to have a strong video card for 3d rendering(maybe games). I will probably install Windows again if I need it. Will try the new release when it launches officially.17:05
hateballsasho199: I dont see any reason why we cant get it running on your current system either. Like I said, I dont know what guides you followed when you tried it the first time17:06
Epx998 im getting errrors, let me set run level 3 and try17:07
hateballsasho199: because there should be very little to it, should only need to enable the nvidia driver in the software updater and it should magically install itself. Unless you have secure boot setup, in which case we could try running mokutil first17:07
amazoniantoadlordcirth_work It seems to successfully enable the xenbr0 bridge as well17:10
jairhello vfw17:12
sasho199hateball: Ok I would try again. I have to restart now because of the updates.17:14
laurusDoes anyone know a simple way to convert a PDF that has filled-out form fields to a PDF that is exactly the same but where everything is just an image?17:15
jairsorry I believe the link is >> https://ibb.co/d9jmyH17:17
jairvfw: >> https://ibb.co/d9jmyH17:17
naccjair: so ... did you try installing the updates?17:17
jairnacc: come on... 7 updates related to security17:18
laurusThis is off-topic to Emacs, but does anyone know a simple way to convert a PDF that has filled-out form fields to a PDF that is exactly the same but where everything is just an image?17:18
jairnacc: that will be solution17:18
laurus(wrong channel sorry)17:18
jairI doubt it17:18
ioriajair, current kern for artful is you have -2117:20
naccjair: ... seriouslY?17:20
naccjair: i'm sorry, but I don't understand what you are basing that on.17:20
naccjair: OOM regression could be a security fix17:20
jairnacc: I apologize for my igonrance17:21
jairioria: huh? I am sorry you are asking me or telling me?17:21
ioriajair,  telling you17:21
sasho199hateball: Something weird that happened both reboots - after the install and now. Some text appeared: Firmware updater starting Firmware updater started[OK] and more like that one but different it is a different thing that is starting. After those lines show I have to force my computer to shut down because it wont do anything. Is that to be expected?17:21
naccjair: in any case, it's always good to test with the updates applied, as old, possibly broken packages are, sort of by definition, unsupported17:21
nonix4How to access windows hidden by pressing numlock? I see processes in them still in ps so they didn't just die...17:21
jairnacc: ok17:21
ioriajair,  uname -r ; and idk if relevant the R440 page says only LTS is supported17:22
naccnonix4: by pressing numlock? what are you referring to?17:22
ioriajair,  http://www.dell.com/en-us/work/shop/povw/poweredge-r44017:23
jairahhh checking17:23
jairioria: and I see what you mean about the kernel17:23
hateballsasho199: does not sound like it should be expected, no. but do you have a running system now?17:23
sasho199hateball: Yes no other problems appear.17:24
=== zer0 is now known as Guest9284
sasho199hateball: It just seems like some data might get corrupted if I force my computer to turn of after lines like that appear.17:25
hateballsasho199: go into the software updater and see if there's intel microcode to be installed, could be some bug that gets fixed by that17:25
jairioria: thank you very much! checking17:25
nonix4nacc: prolly some unity bug... if I have any window focused while pressing numlock, it'll go hiding somewhere...17:25
ioriajair,  ok17:26
hateballsasho199: well it's certainly not ideal to not power off clean but with ext4 you are generally fine as long as it isnt during an upgrade or something17:26
naccnonix4: ok, i don't have unity handy, so I don't know17:27
sasho199hateball: What is ext4?17:27
ducassehateball: could that be messages from fwupdate?17:28
hateballducasse: I am sure it could, but I am not much in the know about UEFI and fwupdate to be honest17:29
jairioria: hmm it will be sad if we can only install Ubuntu 16.04 on this server17:29
hateballsasho199: the filesystem used in your installation, where your data is stored17:29
jairioria: but it is clear there only LTS is supported17:29
ducassehateball: i've never used it either, got no hardware that works with it afaik17:29
jairioria: we are looking into the 7 updates and kernel upgrade17:29
jairthank you for all your input guys!17:30
sasho199hateball: Which updater should I look at, is there a difference: Software & Updates or Software Updater?17:30
hateballsasho199: should be a tab on software & updates (I think)17:30
sereHello, Im on a minimal install ubuntu 16.04 / 4.4 and trying to install mkchromecast to cast directly without vlc or smplayer but i cant seem to find the repo i had it working for a later version..is it supporting on 16.04 or can i use a later distros repo17:30
hateballsasho199: I dont use gui for this stuff so I might be off17:30
hateballsasho199: usually you have the option of install intel-microcode and nvidia driver17:31
nonix4nacc: googling for it gives random pointers like #772817 mentioning there being some (unspecified there) logic tied to num lock key, wonder whether what unity does for that key is actually defined somewhere?17:31
sasho199hateball: Can I do it through the terminal?17:32
hateballsasho199: yep, use the "ubuntu-drivers" command17:32
naccsere: if it's a PPA or external repo, then you would need to ask the maintainer of that repository17:33
naccnonix4: hrm, ok; probably under keyboard shortcuts (I thought that was under settings)17:33
hateballsasho199: "ubuntu-drivers devices" will show what devices need extra drivers17:33
OerHekssere no xenial packages, build it yourself?? .. https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=mkchromecast17:33
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
sereOerHeks: Ok perfect.. thank you17:34
sasho199hateball: I get this: == /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:01:00.0 == modalias : pci:v000010DEd0000139Asv00001043sd00001130bc03sc02i00 vendor   : NVIDIA Corporation model    : GM107M [GeForce GTX 950M] driver   : nvidia-384 - distro non-free recommended driver   : xserver-xorg-video-nouveau - distro free builtin  == cpu-microcode.py == driver   : intel-microcode - distro free17:35
hateball!paste | sasho199 for future reference17:35
ubottusasho199 for future reference: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:35
hateballsasho199: ok so that tells us we can install the microcode using "sudo apt install intel-microcode"17:35
hateballsasho199: oh before we do any of this, do "sudo mokutil --disable-validation"17:36
hateballsasho199: just to avoid secureboot issues...17:37
OerHekssere vlc 3.0 can do chromecast too17:37
sasho199hateball: what is that paste command?17:38
hateballsasho199: just for future reference if you wish to paste long things into the channel, use a pastebin17:38
=== Betonneklakske is now known as Garc
sereOerHeks: I saw that.. i have smplayer working but it goes through chromium. i need to upgrade vlc and try that.. i was thinking about xdmc or a NAS /chromecast/dlna server might be the answer i think17:39
sasho199hateball: Ok I dont know how that works, so If I have to I'll learn it.17:40
hateballsasho199: for now just install the intel-microcode and see if you can do a clean reboot17:41
ruicruzhello there. I want ot create a bootable windows 2008 r2 flash drive, and I can't get any method to work. I'm using ubuntu. any hint on how to do it?17:41
sasho199hateball: Ok currently installing. I will get back to you after the reboot.17:42
amazoniantoadlordcirth_work you there?17:43
arcade_ruicruz try the program unetbootin. You can do sudo apt install unetbootin, and then run it with sudo unetbootin17:43
loginoobPlease someone point me to a guide to taransfer files from one pc to another both running ubuntu and connect to same wifi17:43
amazoniantoadloginoob https://www.a2hosting.com/kb/getting-started-guide/accessing-your-account/transferring-files-using-scp-secure-copy17:44
amazoniantoadjust use spc17:44
ubottuscp is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/17:44
akikruicruz: i've written a guide for win7 maybe you can get pointers from it https://atkdinosaurus.wordpress.com/2016/07/20/how-to-create-a-bootable-windows-7-usb-stick-in-linux/17:44
jemvguys i'm running in low graphic mode, any hint? ;)17:45
ruicruzarcade_ i was reading about it just now. trying. thanks akik, ok, checking your link if that first method does not work. thank you both guys!17:45
nonix4nacc: but in general... is there way to unhide any window that can't be alt-tabbed to, without restarting (different) window manager?17:45
OerHeksunetbootin does a bad job, and does not do windows isoś,  you need Woeusb17:45
sasho199_hateball: Ok installed intel microcode and rebooted. On tunr off I got the same text and had to force turn off.17:46
naccnonix4: i have no idea what mode said window is in, but i'm guessing you set it to 'keep below all other windows'?17:46
naccnonix4: you could try minimizing all other windows first17:46
OerHeksnot sure win2008 can be done, but you can give it a try https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/06/create-bootable-windows-10-usb-ubuntu17:46
lotuspsychjejemv: some details please? ubuntu version? what happens when?17:47
jemvlotus: thanks for interest. i issued sudo start x, and now...17:48
hateballsasho199_: can you test another reboot? as the microcode would not have been loaded by then17:48
nonix4tested, it ain't there... only way I've previously got unity-hidden ones reappear is to execute different window manager like openbox and after that... well don't even remember what I actually did :-/17:48
hateballsasho199_: it could also be an ACPI bug with your BIOS17:48
lotuspsychjejemv: startx isnt the reccomended way anymore, but tell us more about your ubuntu first?17:49
jemvwell do i tell you what visualise after "low graphic mode"?17:50
ruicruzarcade_ it says that the usb is not mounted. how can I mount it? I try to format it with ntfs and fat32 in qparted but I sitll get that info17:50
lotuspsychjejemv: start with your ubuntu version first17:50
loginoobamazoniantoad: which system will be my hosting username? the one from where i m copying or the one from i'm copying17:50
sasho199hateball: This time the text appeared but after milliseconds the ubuntu screen appeared and the cmputer turned off normally.17:51
hateballsasho199_: anyhow I am going to need to finish up and leave work in a bit, but I guess I will be here tomorrow in case you dont get the nvidia stuff working now17:51
loginoob*to copying17:51
jemvwell i care a lot about it, it's a version really beatiful 12.0417:51
lotuspsychjejemv: are you paying for the ESM?17:52
jemvplease explain ESM17:52
lotuspsychje!esm | jemv17:52
ubottujemv: Canonical offers paid extended security support for 12.04 through the Ubuntu Advantage program. For more information, see https://ubuntu.com/esm . ESM is not an Ubuntu community offering; please direct questions about it to Canonical directly.17:52
lotuspsychjejemv: if not, your version has gone end of life17:52
sasho199hateball: I wanted to encrypt my system which I somehow missed so I intent to clean install again. After that I will follow the steps that you showed me just now.17:52
jemvoh god!17:52
jemvlotus can't you help so?17:53
lotuspsychjejemv: we reccomend installing a supported version from the topic17:53
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) was the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-of-life was April 28th 2017. See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2017-April/003833.html for more information17:53
arcade_ruicruz is this in a virtual machine, or on the main system?17:53
OerHeksdead, no support here :-(17:53
jemvby upgrading do i fix?17:53
ruicruzmain system arcade_17:53
arcade_ruicruz generally in linux when you put the usb into the usb drive, it becomes mounted. But if you're using a virtual machine, you have to unmount it from the host system, and then using the menus there is a usb option  and you can mount it in the guest system17:54
lotuspsychjejemv: upgrading from an end of life version is risky, perhaps your system has been compromized already17:54
jemvso dead two times? XD17:54
arcade_ruicruz that one's a bit weird then.  I don't have an answer for it.17:54
lotuspsychjejemv: consider backup your data fast and install a new version clean?17:54
jemvit's a vm, no data or fancinesses17:55
sasho199hateball: Can you explain to me why there is a sasho199_ with the same adress who just quit the chat?17:55
ruicruzarcade_, thanks anyway.17:55
lotuspsychjejemv: for the future, keep your system up to date17:55
sasho199hateball: At 18:5317:56
jemvlotus i play with them, i don't have them as "system"17:56
lotuspsychjejemv: doesnt matter, we cant support eol versions here17:57
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shazbotmcnastyHey there, when editing a php config file, the walkthrough I'm following says "'logtimezone' => 'your_time_zone'", what am I supposed to put for 'your_time_zone'? like, "UTC-8", or "America/Los_Angeles"?17:57
naccshazbotmcnasty: probably better asked in a PHP channel?17:57
shazbotmcnastymeh you're probably right17:57
jemvlotus thanks anyway ;)17:58
lotuspsychjejemv: np, if your on a vm, its easy to loadup a new ubuntu iso..17:59
jemvyou can bet on it, i have plenty!18:00
nonix4nacc: lol control-alt-tab can switch focus to those hidden windows, but nothing won't be shown... just did a "touch foo.txt" blind in such and it worked.18:01
naccnonix4: weird18:01
arcade_ruicruz oh yeah, make sure the usb is connected before running unetbootin. I guess there's that. But if not that, I still don't know.18:01
ruicruzno, it's not that. but yeah I'm checkin akik's link and see if I get it working.18:01
lotuspsychjearcade_ ruicruz follow OerHeks advice, unetbooting acting weird woeusb the the rescue18:02
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nonix4nacc: nvm me it was actually just another (visible) window on another workspace, not one of those actually hidden ones.18:03
OerHeks2008 server is EOL, so i am not surprised it will not work on usb18:04
OerHeks* with Woeusb18:04
ruicruzOerHeks I just want to get some sql databases on a very old version of ms sql anyway for a client. its not for production :p18:05
ruicruzbtw, I solve the issue: mount it from disk utility and its creating18:05
loginoobwhile connecting using ssh I'm getting this error ssh: connect to host port 7822: Connection refused18:07
akikwindows server 2008 r2 support ends in 2020 so it's still supported18:07
akikit seems to be the same than for windows 718:07
arcade_loginoob it's hard to troubleshoot these things, so sorry if this is too far back, but do you have ssh installed and running on the computer you are trying to ssh into?18:08
OerHeksakik, then i have misread, assuming 2008 ... 10 years...18:09
loginoobarcade_: ssh is installed, how can i run it?18:10
loginoobon the computer i'm trying to connect to18:10
arcade_loginoob which ssh is it? A general guess would be the command service ssh start18:11
naccloginoob: also, you seem to be using a non-standard port on the server?18:11
loginoobssh start gives me could not resolve hostname start18:12
naccloginoob: that is not what arcade_ wrot4e18:12
naccloginoob: are you on 16.04, on the server?18:12
loginoobnacc: The one I'm trying to connect to is on 16.04 and from where i'm trying to connect is on 14.0418:13
Jayfluxhi all, is it possible to install postgresql non-interactively (so without picking country and city?)18:13
Jayfluxthis is on ubuntu 1818:13
lieferWith btrfs, is it possible to create a subvolume that does data replication (raid1)? I dont want the entire disk(s) to use raid1, just a subvolume18:13
lotuspsychjeJayflux: #ubuntu+1 for 18.0418:13
naccloginoob: on the 16.04 server, does `ps aux | grep sshd` indicate any ssh daemons are running18:14
lotuspsychje!btrfs | liefer18:14
ubottuliefer: Btrfs is a filesystem available for Ubuntu. It is not recommended by default, and should not be used for important data. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/btrfs18:14
lieferthats lotuspsychje, but that doesnt really answer my question :/18:15
loginoobservice ssh start gives me Failed to start ssh.service: Unit ssh.service not found arcade_ nacc18:15
lieferi believe ZFS does this, but unfortunately zfs is not available to me18:16
gordonjcpliefer: it doesn't really matter if you partition off part to use as RAID18:16
gordonjcpliefer: you're going to lose the data on it anyway18:16
liefergordonjcp, hmm?18:16
gordonjcpliefer: it's btrfs, it'll fail and splatter your data18:17
arcade_loginoob you may not have ssh installed at all, unless you explicitly installed it. If you have not, I like openssh18:17
naccloginoob: ok, as i said, what does `ps aux` indicate?18:17
arcade_if others have strong opinions for another ssh client, they're probably more right than me, but that one always seemed easy18:17
liefergordonjcp, what exactly do u mean by that18:17
lotuspsychjeliefer: it means what the factoid suggest: not reccomended18:18
gordonjcpliefer: btrfs is known to be incredibly unreliable with several pretty horrible failure modes18:18
loginoobnacc: ps aux gives me a list of running process18:19
naccloginoob: `ps aux | grep sshd`, as i said.18:20
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arcade_loginoob you can install it with sudo apt install openssh-server. I think the way that you start it sadly depends on the install you have, but ' service ssh start ' will probably work.18:20
naccliefer: it's probably outside the scope of this channel, tbh; i'd see if there is a btrfs channel18:20
gordonjcpliefer: literally any fs will outperform btrfs in any useful way18:20
naccarcade_: if you install ssh, it starts by default, iirc18:20
liefergordonjcp, nonsense18:21
liefernacc, thanks, i will18:21
gordonjcpliefer: about the only thing you should consider using btrfs for is demonstrating how not to design filesystems to people18:21
lotuspsychjeliefer: seems like there is one: #btrfs18:21
liefergordonjcp, you have anything substantial? Otherwise i dont really care about random angry ramblings18:21
lieferlotuspsychje, found it, thanks :)18:21
loginoobnacc: px aux | grep gives me output like this-> username 4076 0.0 0.0 1424418:21
loginoobpx aux | grep sshd18:22
naccloginoob: i know what the output looks like.18:22
naccloginoob: i asked for the exact output.18:22
naccloginoob: use a pastebin, please18:22
gordonjcpliefer: do a quick google for "btrfs reliability"18:22
loginoobok sorry18:22
lieferIll take that as a no18:22
phoenix_firebrdwhat is the channel to approach for 18.04?18:22
naccphoenix_firebrd: #ubuntu+118:23
gordonjcpliefer: maybe it's a lot better now than it was a couple of years ago18:23
gordonjcpliefer: when I have to slum it on Linux I just use ext418:23
loginoobnacc: this http://lpaste.net/36270018:24
BValehi, is there a way to get smaler title bars of applications in Ubuntu ? there just way to big18:24
ioriaidk it's running18:24
gordonjcpliefer: if you're not doing ridiculous amounts of storage, ext4 is just fine, and if you are doing ridiculous storage, zfs18:25
naccloginoob: ok, you do not appear to have ssh installed on your server18:25
lotuspsychje!themes | BVale18:25
nonix4nacc: 'k found the terminology the ui is using for those hidden windows, they are "shaded": $ gsettings list-recursively org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings|grep -i num  # org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings toggle-shaded ['Num_Lock']18:25
ubottuBVale: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy18:25
gordonjcpliefer: but for zfs, you'll either need shonky additional libraries, or you'll need to use something like OpenIndiana or FreeBSD, neither of which I'm guessing you want to get involved in ;-)18:25
naccnonix4: interesting18:25
naccgordonjcp: zfs is supported in ubuntu18:25
nonix4nacc: which brings me to bug #131344618:27
gordonjcpnacc: oh is it?  cool, officially?18:27
ubottubug 1313446 in unity (Ubuntu) "window disappears on toggle shade" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131344618:27
naccgordonjcp: yes18:27
naccgordonjcp: not for / (although perhaps that's different now, i'm not sure)18:27
gordonjcpnacc: cool, I'll need to look into it18:27
naccgordonjcp: but it's part of the ubuntu kernel, etc.18:27
gordonjcpah, right, well that's not a big problem18:27
naccgordonjcp: most people use it for data storage, anyways18:28
gordonjcpnacc: I use OI for data storage, because Solaris > Linux ;-)18:28
gordonjcpnacc: and all you damn kids can get off my lawn18:28
lotuspsychje!zfs | gordonjcp suggested by nacc18:29
ubottugordonjcp suggested by nacc: For information concerning ZFS and Ubuntu, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS18:29
* gordonjcp would still be using VMS if it was remotely up to the job of modern OS duties ;-)18:29
gordonjcplotuspsychje: thanks :-)18:29
lotuspsychjegordonjcp: wiki has been renewed recently also :p18:29
lordcirth_workamazoniantoad, sorry, was on lunch18:31
lordcirth_workamazoniantoad, so, you disabled networkmanager, you added your main interface as dhcp?18:32
lordcirth_workamazoniantoad, what is your interface name?18:33
ConsoleFx2Would it be feasible to ungroup applications on my Ubuntu 17.10? No doubt this option helps but sometimes I'd like to keep things ungrouped for quick access.18:36
ConsoleFx2any quick workaround?18:36
gordonjcplotuspsychje: :-)18:37
loginoobYes!!! openssh is working. Thank you nacc and arcade_18:39
qswzplease, someone, I really desparately want to do a xbacklight -set 0.2 but of couse it does only accept integers between 1-100, and 1 is too bright at night18:40
qswzmaybe will sneak in arch, since it's low-level18:41
gordonjcpqswz: maybe that's the smallest step the hardware can manage?18:42
DreamSynththe ubuntu network manager has majors problems with the Qualcomm Atheros QCA61X4a wifi adapter, despite it having native kernel support. It's in a bunch of major laptops, and coming into more, but I can't get anyone to actually look at the bug reports and fix it18:44
DreamSynthFor debugging purposes: yes I've tried every version from 16.04 to 18.04, yes the card works on windows and with WICD instead of ubuntus default network manager18:44
naccDreamSynth: link to the bug reports?18:44
gordonjcpI wish I could afford a laptop new enough to have poorly-supported hardware :-D18:45
DreamSynthblack friday man18:45
DreamSynthgive me a minute for the bug report18:45
OerHeksDreamSynth, lots of posts on github with fresh build firmware.. https://askubuntu.com/questions/929027/qualcomm-atheros-qca6174-802-11ac-wireless-network-adapter-168c003e-rev-32 --- https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=232381218:49
DreamSynth(The one I submitted before, was written at 3am after tryign to fix it for 8 hours grade so I'm fixing it)18:49
OerHeksso the linux-firmware is not perfect18:49
donofriosay does anyone here use multiple monitors?18:50
donofrioWhen you have four monitors like I do on one card/chip radeon I cannot get all the monitors to touch sides in the "Display" applet, when they are anything other than rotation of normal....18:50
DreamSynththats more than a year old, and since then the drivers been natively integrated into the kernel18:50
DreamSynthalso, it works on WICD18:50
naccDreamSynth: did you provide a link?18:50
DreamSynthno, im fixing the bug report18:51
DreamSynthi will in a second18:51
lotuspsychjeDreamSynth: is your system up to date also?18:53
DreamSynthI've tried it on every version fully up to date from 16.04-18.0418:53
skulltip2how do i apt-get install the SDL2 libraries?18:54
OerHeksdmesg | grep firmware  - it should indicate what firmware file is missing.18:55
ubuntu_end_userAnyone notice unattended-updates likes to hang at 99% cpu usage when starting without a network connection?18:57
flexdHmm.. So I have one of those SATA -> USB3 adapter things, and I'm trying to look through a few old harddrives. A few of these do not show up with fdisk -l at all. Any other suggestions? I doubt they are dead18:57
ancient_dogWhen trying to use gcc, I see an error that gcc is not installed. But when trying to install gcc with apt-get i get an error that it's already installed18:57
ancient_dogHow do I fix that?18:57
flexdancient_dog: are you sure it's complaining gcc itself is gone, and not another package?18:58
flexdperhaps try opening a new terminal18:58
ancient_dog"This program 'gcc' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: sudo apt install gcc"18:59
ancient_dogThat's the error I see18:59
ancient_dogbut apt install gcc says it's already installed18:59
ubuntu_end_userOh, looks like unattented-updates must timeout at 5-10 minutes, nevermind.18:59
ancient_dogflexd: do you know how i can fix that?19:00
JimBuntuancient_dog, I suggest using `sudo apt list gcc` to verify what gcc is installed. Then you may want to try `which gcc` to see if it's installed somewhere in the current path19:01
ancient_dogJimBuntu: sudo apt list gcc says gcc 4.5.3 is installed, which gcc doesn't show a path19:03
pnglI have a systemd unit which does not run at startup. It is enabled. If I run it with `systemctl start <unit>`, it works. How can I troubleshoot this?19:03
Epx998is there a way to disable desktop icons in unity?19:04
lotuspsychjeEpx998: yes, with unity-tweak-tool19:04
JimBuntuancient_dog, it sounds like gcc is installed somewhere outside your current path. As flexd mentioned, you may want to open a new terminal window and verify you still get the same error... if you do, then you should take a look at your PATH environment variable. You can use something like `locate gcc` or `find / -type f -iname "gcc"` to locate the executable19:05
Tulitomaattiany good guesses why gbit ethernet seems to give only ~400-500mbits/s on 16.04.3 servers? same switch with same cables/ports have been tested to get ~940mbits/s between my laptop and a debian host. ...can it be that the NICs are just crappy?19:05
lotuspsychjeEpx998: or you want to avoid a user creating new icons to desktop?19:05
Tulitomaatti(all cables less than 2m long, cat5e or cat6)19:05
ancient_dogJimBuntu: I get the same error in different terminals19:05
lotuspsychjeTulitomaatti: perhaps the #ubuntu-server guys might know more on that19:06
Tulitomaattithanks. i'll try there.19:06
loginoobis there a way show progress of how much GB is copied from ssh?19:07
DreamSynthsorry, heres the wifi adapter bug report from earlier19:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1750638 in network-manager (Ubuntu) " Network Manager Can't Interact With Qualcomm Atheros QCA6174 despite WICD working and native kernel support" [Undecided,New]19:10
JimBuntuloginoob, how are you copying? Are you not using scp?19:10
DreamSynthI just redid from the original since it had no comments19:10
DreamSynth<nacc> , <OerHeks>19:11
akikubuntu has an airplane mode now?19:13
loginoobJimBuntu: I am using scp but it does not show how much total GB is copied19:13
loginoobI had to check the folder size to know how much is copied19:13
JimBuntuAh, I think I see what you mean... you want a total instead of a file by file count, right?19:14
loginoobJimBuntu: yes19:15
loginoobis it possible19:15
JimBuntuI don't think it would be super easy via scp, maybe rsync if that's an option19:16
YousI turned on my Ubuntu 16.04 on admin account and I cant see the unity bar nor the task bar (top one)... I have access to them on my guest account19:17
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JimBuntuloginoob, So, this might be silly but you can add the -v flag to your scp, and in the verbose output will be a line that includes the total19:18
DreamSynthalso, how do we report issues with the gnome shell integrated in the 18.04 beta?19:18
loginoobI'm transferring a directory of 2.5GB . Is there a faster way than scp?19:18
JimBuntuloginoob, you may want to use the compression option with scp.19:18
loginoobJimBuntu: oh ok will compress next time19:19
loginoobthank you19:19
Yousplease someone help me19:19
JimBuntu!ask | Yous19:20
ubottuYous: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:20
JimBuntuoops, sorry Yous, I must have blinked when you asked that19:20
YousI turned on my Ubuntu 16.04 on admin account and I cant see the unity bar nor the task bar (top one)... I have access to them on my guest account19:21
donofrioWhen you have four monitors like I do on one card/chip radeon I cannot get all the monitors to touch sides in the "Display" applet, when they are anything other than rotation of normal....19:21
JimBuntuloginoob, rsync should be faster. Also, if you can zip up or tar your directory into a single file and upload that single file via scp, things will be faster compared to moving a bunch of files19:21
loginoobYous: Did you try unity --reset19:23
loginoobJimBuntu: Next time i'll compress. This was my first time using scp so i had no idea how much time it could take19:24
Richard_CavellI'd like to create an archive of my home directory (including hidden directories and files, recursively) for backup purposes. What's the best way?19:24
akikRichard_Cavell: a tar file is the simplest19:25
thxffowhat firewall rules should i request so i can do apt-get update on my ubuntu 16.04 server19:25
akikRichard_Cavell: tar -zcvf /target/richard.tar.gz /home/richard19:25
Richard_Cavellakik, And how do I untar that into my home directory?19:26
loginoobYous: sudo dconf reset -f /org/compiz/19:26
vltloginoob: rsync can “continue” an interrupted transfer. It will only transfer files (or even parts of them) that are different on the target machine.19:26
akikRichard_Cavell: cd /; tar -zxvf /target/richard.tar.gz19:27
vltloginoob: That means, you could stop stop your scp transfer at anytime and later continue with rsync.19:27
loginoobvlt: cool! thanks19:27
akikRichard_Cavell: overwriting active files is not wise in every case19:27
Budgii/join #python19:28
thxffowould i just need to submit a rule to allow security.ubuntu.com and us.archive.ubuntu.com to connect through my firewall?19:34
nicomachusthxffo: if you allow connections on port 80 then they should be fine19:35
nicomachusand whatever port HTTPS is19:35
thxffook so 80 and 44319:35
thxffothx @nicomachus19:35
akikthxffo: are those servers trying to connect to you or you trying to connect to them?19:37
loginoobwhere else does PATH is setup? I looked in ~/.bashrc and ~/.profile but JAVA_HOME is not there still when i echo $JAVA_HOME it shows path19:41
akikloginoob: look into /etc/profile.d/*, /etc/profile, /etc/environment19:42
akikloginoob: $HOME/.bash_profile19:42
skulltip2when i hit tab, my second monitor display turns off. how do i turn back on the second monitor without rebooting, and hwo do i turn off that hotkey?19:44
skulltip2tab mutliple times19:45
lordcirth_workskulltip2, try Win-P19:46
DoctorPainlessHope that someone is willing to help me on this one, think pretty straight forward for u guys..... but I'm somewhat new to Ubuntu and recently installed it on my laptop. It has 2 harddrives. Now I want to copy a file from one drive to another. Right clicking and cut and paste it into another drive don't seem to work. Dragging with two Delphin windows seems to work. Is there another way and most of all, how do I copy using a termina19:46
DoctorPainlessl (what do I need to call in order to adress the HDdrives one is called LENOVO) ??19:46
fadavihey there. how can i change default *purple* color of GDM3 in Ubuntu 17.10 to gray/black?19:47
apteryx_Hello! I'm trying to build a package in a chroot (created with pbuilder like this: sudo pbuilder create --distribution sid --mirror ftp://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ --debootstrapopts "--keyring=/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg".19:47
akikDoctorPainless: you probably just need to modify the permissions on your target19:47
naccapteryx_: you're building for debian, it seems like?19:47
akikDoctorPainless: sudo chown -R username /target/dir19:47
apteryx_nacc: yes! trying to test a package for Debian unstable (sid).19:48
DoctorPainlessBut I don't know how to adres the HD19:48
naccapteryx_: right, probably want to ask in the debian channel, whatever your eventual question is :)19:48
akikDoctorPainless: use "df" it'll show  the path19:48
apteryx_nacc: but I'm on Ubuntu :)19:48
lordcirth_workDoctorPainless, also, to learn command line in general: https://linuxjourney.com/19:48
naccapteryx_: is your bug with pbuilder?19:48
DoctorPainlessthat is, I don't even now how to do a cd or a ls  to the HD19:49
apteryx_nacc: The error I get after trying to build the package with 'gbp buildpackage --git-pbuilder' (defaults to sid, so selects the current chroot) is this: http://paste.debian.net/1011206/19:49
apteryx_this seems to be the problem: chroot: failed to run command 'cowdancer-ilistcreate': No such file or directory19:50
apteryx_I'm trying to package GNU Ring for Debian Unstable, hoping that it will trickle down into Ubuntu 18.04.19:51
apteryx_As you can guess, I'm new to this.19:51
akikDoctorPainless: you can't find the info from "df" output?19:52
naccapteryx_: there are packaging channels, iirc19:52
DoctorPainlessthx guys19:52
naccapteryx_: it's not really ontopic for the support channel19:52
apteryx_nacc: oh, I wasn't aware of packaging channels. I will look into those. Thanks.19:52
naccapteryx_: you want the debian one, probably, as it's not really about the ubuntu packaging19:53
DoctorPainlessI was also looking on the web and just found another help..... in Delphin ctrl + l shows the path in the adress bar19:53
naccapteryx_: cowdancer-ilistcreate comes from cowbuilder, which implies you have it set in your pbuilder config19:53
naccapteryx_: or your gbp config19:53
DoctorPainlessthx for helping me :-)19:53
naccapteryx_: i'd suggest using sbuild19:53
apteryx_nacc. OK. Thanks for the hints and suggestion. I have some reading to do! :)19:54
DoctorPainlessthx also for the https://linuxjourney.com/ tip, looks good19:54
skulltip2ok how do i turn off the backspace hotkey so itdoesn't turn off my dual monitors and make it one monitor?20:02
thxffo@akik, i am just trying to figure out what needs to be allowed on the corporate firewall so i can apt-get update/upgrade20:04
lordcirth_workthxffo, your firewall is default-deny on outgoing port 80?  That's kinda extreme20:05
skulltip2what's the difference between a snapshot and a binary?20:06
AmericanBlendlordcirth_work, white list20:08
naccskulltip2: in what context?20:08
AmericanBlendcan't do nothing about it20:08
AmericanBlendconnect your own internet device20:08
AmericanBlendliek phone tethering or so20:08
OerHeks"ok how do i turn off the backspace hotkey so itdoesn't turn off my dual monitors and make it one monitor?" explain??20:10
skulltip2wellll.. @OerHeks.. i hit the backspace key more than once, my second monitor - a TV LCD shuts off. i have to turn it back on20:11
lordcirth_workI thought you said tab did it?20:11
skulltip2or even just once in here.. lovely20:11
lordcirth_workEither way, very odd, I have no idea how that could happen20:11
skulltip2maybe it's the sound20:11
lordcirth_workAre you sure your Alt, Ctrl, etc keys aren't "stuck" down in software or hardware?20:12
skulltip2when the key cant move any more20:12
skulltip2  when it hits the limit and i hit the key, it makes some audio noise20:12
skulltip2which somehow cuts the TV off20:12
lordcirth_workEasy way to test - unplug the keyboard, then press it20:13
skulltip2lol  haha20:13
lordcirth_workOr is it a laptop?20:13
skulltip2it's a pc20:13
Johnson1977how can I connect a raspberry pi to the internet via ethernet connection to a laptop20:15
Johnson1977I am running ubuntu 17, getting internet over wifi20:15
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing20:15
Johnson1977yes already looked there20:15
OerHeksnetworkmanager can do that20:15
Johnson1977its useless for 17.1020:15
TJ-skulltip2: where does the 'sound' come from, the PC or the monitor's speakers? if the latter that could be causing an issue in the monitor20:15
TJ-skulltip2: in other words the monitor going off could be a side-effect of a faulty monitor sound link (HDMI?)20:16
lordcirth_workskulltip2, so does it turn it off when unplugged?  If so, it's a (bizarre) hardware problem and you should ask in #hardware20:16
Johnson1977o and the ethernet connection is set to static20:16
IndustrialI did sudo apt install gnome, and then sudo apt remove gnome; which put a lot of things in autoremove so then sudo apt autoremove20:18
IndustrialNow I still have gdm320:19
OerHeksbasicly edit 2nd networkcontroller,  add a connection, select type ethernet, create, then on tab IPv4 Settings select Method Shared to other computers.20:19
Industrialand I can pick gnome in the login menu20:19
IndustrialHow do I completely remove gnome, so that only unity is left, like a fresh ubuntu install?20:19
OerHeksIndustrial, adding a destop is no problem, removing one can give issues, on what ubuntu version is this?20:21
skulltip2i agree it is odd, audio works fine on the tv over the hdmi20:21
IndustrialOerHeks: still, it was not what I had in mind would happen when I typed in `sudo apt remove gnome`;20:22
IndustrialShouldnt that be the inverse of install?20:22
OerHeksyou could boot and login with ctrl alt F2; sudo apt install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop # this would be the faster way, i think20:25
ioc_Industrial, ''which gdm3''20:26
OerHeksthat line is mentioned in the article too20:26
ioc_the inverse of install pkg is smth like ''apt --purge autoremove pkg'' which will also remove the new config files20:28
nicomachusioc_: if you don't know DON'T SAY IT20:29
nicomachusthe proper command is 'apt remove --purge <package>'20:29
ioc_sorry it is apt-get --purge autoremove pkg - calm down pls20:30
naccioc_: that is still incorrect20:31
naccioc_: autoremove will simply remove currently unused pacakges20:31
BrownCaTHi Boys!!!20:31
naccioc_: it does not take any arguments20:31
Johnson1977Please help me configure network. I need to share wifi internet over static configured ethernet20:31
nullrayhey guys, does anyone know how to create lxc containers from templates in virt-manager? i know how to do it from the command line but I would prefer to have them in virt-manager20:31
Johnson1977on ubuntu 1720:31
OS-23778Friend of mine is looking at installing Ubuntu on a Mid-2015 Macbook....Is there a compatiability page I can look at to help him through any issues he'd face? I told him it may get kinda touch-and-go for a while depending on hardware support.20:32
ioc_nacc, what? it does although it is not documented, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/105286420:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1052864 in apt (Ubuntu) "Behavior of apt-get autoremove with arguments" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:33
skulltip2it's happening in hexchat for sure20:34
ioc_I'm on xenial20:34
_KaszpiR_nullray meniu File, add connection and there is an option to add LXC20:34
naccioc_: seems unwise to depend on undocumented behavior20:34
skulltip2in terminal, hitting tab or backspace gives me an audio sound and holding it down i'll hear it sound off several timesb efore the tv shuts off20:35
ioc_just calm down and get back to being helpful thanks20:35
_KaszpiR_nullray but I'm affraind you'll be disappointed20:35
nullray_KaszpiR_: i know how to add the connection. but when i try to create a container it asks for 'existing OS root directory' and I have no idee what that is20:36
_KaszpiR_yeah, that's what I ment ;)20:37
nicomachusOS-23778: it's pretty common. there are a few wiki pages that you may find helpful. One for just regular Macbooks: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook and one specifically for Macbook Pro: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro20:48
jwashanyone here have experience with the dell t5400?20:50
lordcirth_work!ask | jwash20:50
ubottujwash: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:50
jwashmy question is if the dual power connectors are required to be used simultaneously?20:51
leftyfbjwash: plug 1 of them in and find out20:52
leftyfbjwash: your question has nothing to do with ubuntu or any other operating system you could have on the machine20:52
jwashdon't have one yet20:52
leftyfbjwash: look up the documention. Call Dell20:52
lordcirth_workjwash, then it's a hardware question.  Dell docs or #hardware20:52
IndustrialHi. I have a ~/.Xmodmap file. How do I get Unity to `xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap` ?20:54
brainwashIndustrial: https://help.ubuntu.com/16.04/ubuntu-help/startup-applications.html20:55
ducasseIndustrial: xmodmap is deprecated in favor of the xkb tools - setxbmap and xkbcomp. as a result xmodmap is no longer guaranteed to provide consistent results.20:56
skulltip2i installed samba.. after trying to share my 'Games' folder i get this error:  'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: share name games is already a valid system user name20:56
brainwashducasse: I would like to see a source for that statement20:57
Industrialducasse: So that means I could have another config file in my home dir to accomplish the task fo getting capslock to be an additional control (or switching left control for capslock)20:57
IndustrialI also want to run `xset r rate 200 60` :)20:58
Industrial(for vim :P)20:58
b3h3m0thI have two ::sysinit:: entries in my /etc/inittab, for executing one shell script each. Are they going to be  executed sequentially?20:59
lordcirth_workskulltip2, so pick a slightly different name? mygames or whatever21:00
skulltip2yep found it via google, sorry21:00
Industrialah, setxkbmap -option ctrl:swapcaps21:01
akiki think people use the word deprecated too much21:01
Industrialdeprecate it21:02
akikthe apps are deprecated when they are removed from the distro21:02
akikbtw. xmodmap works just fine21:03
ducasseIndustrial: you can run those from ~/.xsessionrc21:03
ducasseakik: the biggest problem is that any call to setxkbmap after you've modified the layout with xmodmap will reset your modifications21:04
akikducasse: sure, but you know what you've run21:04
Industrialducasse: ah, nice. Thanks21:05
ducasseakik: of course. it can be confusing if you aren't aware of it, though.21:07
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fwmoorsup guys21:20
terminalatorI've installed something with pip, but when trying to run package I'm getting "command not found". Why's that?21:21
akikterminalator: it's probably not in your PATH21:26
thesebhelp! how run browser on my AWS ubuntu instance?  I tried ssh -X and got this error   ..  Failed to connect to Mir: Failed to connect to server socket: No such file or directory21:26
thesebUnable to init server: Broadway display type not supported: localhost:10.021:26
thesebError: cannot open display: localhost:10.021:26
terminalatorakik: I see. When I place sudo before the pip install, I'm able to run the package. What would you recommend doing?21:30
badboyjerdo you like blob blob?21:36
raidghostBlob blob like the fish :P21:36
raidghostThere is one thingy i dont understand. When creating virtual harddrive with virt-manager (libvirt) it doesnt show up when i create virtual machines21:37
raidghostSo trying to install debian on the virtual host. IS not possible. And i find that weird when the drive is created before i start the installer21:38
Richard_CavellWhat is the best software to use for partitioning flash drives etc?  I'm using gparted.21:50
tewardRichard_Cavell: probably gparted for GUI and regular formatting needs21:52
tewardbut that's an opinionated answer, and you'll get a bunch of different answers ultimately.21:53
nehemiahI've setup my Xenial installation with LDAP authentication. Login seems to be working perfectly, got my sudo and groups going too. But, when my screen locks and I want to unlock it, it doesn't authenticate. My keyring doesn't seem to get unlocked either. I'm on Ubuntu Mate. Can anybody help me with this?21:53
akikterminalator: sorry i was away. when using sudo it'll probably install the files into directories that are in the PATHs for every user22:01
Richard_CavellHi everyone. I'm on Ubuntu 16.04 and I want to upgrade to 17.10. How do I do this?22:02
akikterminalator: maybe pip install without sudo installs files into your home dir22:02
badboyjersoftware updater22:03
badboyjertry to look for that22:03
leftyfbRichard_Cavell: I would not recommend upgrading from 16.04 to 17.10. 18.04 will be out in less than 2 months. While if you upgrade to 17.10, you'll need to upgrade in July regardless. The upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04 is supposed to be cleaner/easier than going from 16.04 to 17.10.22:05
terminalatorakik: No worries, that's true. I've found an alternative: I cloned the repo and run "sudo python setup.py install". I'm mainly concerned with installing packacges outside of the package manager with sudo.22:05
terminalatorleftyfb: What about upgrading from 17.10 to 18.04?22:06
leftyfbterminalator: same. LTS -> LTS is cleaner than anything else22:07
leftyfbpersonally, I never recommend installing non-LTS's at all.22:07
terminalatorI see22:07
leftyfbMaybe boot a live cd to try out if you're curious. But I see them mostly as interim releases not to be relied upon22:07
terminalatorWell, I experienced issues with my APU on anything before 17.10, I later realized that it got fixed in a kernel upgrade.22:08
leftyfbterminalator: the LTS's will get the latest kernels22:08
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack22:09
terminalatorterminalator: That's true. Would you recommend upgrading from 17.10 to 18.04 or doing a clean install?22:09
OerHeksupgrading usually gives no issues22:11
leftyfbI would recommend a clean install. But that's me. I have backups scripts to rebuild my computer the way I want22:11
OerHeksi would make a fresh usb though, before upgrading22:11
OerHeksand your precious data: if you don't have a backup, it is not important22:11
terminalatorYeah, I've multiple backups offsite as wel online of my precious data and config files.22:14
terminalatorThe things is that I've invested an large amount of time in configuring and tweaking my current setup.22:15
terminalatorRebuilding it from scratch after a clean install would take at least a few days. On the other hand I'm also worried that my system may get broken after upgrading from 17.10 to 18.0422:17
terminalatorWhen not doing a clean install22:17
badboyjerya i dont blame you. it could get messed up22:17
terminalatorQuite the dilemma22:18
tfgbd_How do I turn off the accererometer?22:21
tfgbd_The accererometer works in the opposite way it is supposed to22:21
tfgbd_When I hold it in poitrait it rotates to landscape and vice versa22:21
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mixxithey all just did a debootstrap install of ubuntu and applied grub but i seem to have a non-themed black/white version of it, what package provides the usual look?22:52
Euph0riaCan someone recommend a good ubuntu task manager?  All I have is lxtask for Xubuntu and it's not the greatest.23:01
brainwashEuph0ria: xubuntu has xfce-taskmanager23:02
brainwashI guess the usual recommendation is htop, but it's a terminal application23:03
Euph0riabrainwash: Yeah, that's the same one I'm looking to replace it seems.23:04
Euph0riaI see.  I'm not as familiar with ubuntu as I'd like to be, and as I reboot my machine, the CPU increases until it hits 100% and is maxed out, making everything else crawl.23:15
donofrio how do I get the video cards to not be redirected all the time....I have a quadhead radion that not only is crazy to get the placement of the four displays but they keep redirecting and disabling sometimes all by themselves when the card is not broken the monitors all work like they do in windows just ugh....spent last hour just moving display 4 infront of display one buyt you cant just move it they all have to be "touching??23:15
Euph0riaIt's hard to find out what is using all the CPU.  The tasks are not listed individually, it's listed in a tree form so I can't just sort by CPU usage.23:16
naccEuph0ria: use top?23:17
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=== emerge is now known as strive
Euph0riaI see a lot of these running, and they seem to be keeping the CPU maxed.   https://i.imgur.com/q9KSqeM.png23:20
Euph0riaAnyone know what the problem/solution is?   When I boot my system, it starts out fine, but gradually grows until it's slowed to a crawl.  Right now I just have Hexchat running.23:21
kk4ewtEuph0ria,  so have you been playing in making your own kernel?23:21
kk4ewtEuph0ria, fpaste --sysinfo23:22
Euph0riakk4ewt: Not at all.  I don't know the first thing about such a thing.23:22
KyhwanaEuph0ria: what is fcheck?23:23
Euph0riaI opened a terminal and "fpaste --sysinfo" said it couldn't find fpaste.23:23
Euph0riaKyhwana: I have no idea...23:23
Kyhwanawell, probably want to find out what that is, since it seems to be using a lot of cpu23:24
Euph0riaIt seemed to start around when I did an upgrade to 17.1023:24
nacc!info fcheck23:24
ubottufcheck (source: fcheck): IDS filesystem baseline integrity checker. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7.59-19 (artful), package size 29 kB, installed size 151 kB23:25
naccEuph0ria: you at some point installed the above23:25
naccEuph0ria: it periodically runs, it seems like and will likely hammer your disk and/or cpu23:25
mutanteEuph0ria: how did you install that "fpaste"? it doesnt seem to be a regular package?23:25
naccfpaste is fedora, isn't it?23:25
naccyou want pastebinit on ubuntu23:25
DiecastMessiahyeah i get did you mean mpaste or paste23:26
Euph0riamutante: I didn't install fpaste.  I tried it in a terminal because "kk4ewt> Euph0ria, fpaste --sysinfo"23:26
kk4ewtEuph0ria,  sorry wrong channel23:26
naccEuph0ria: seems irrelevant in this case, anyways23:26
naccEuph0ria: your system is running an intrusion detection system, which naturally will take some CPU (at least at first), while it calculates the hashes of every file on teh system23:27
skulltip2how or can i go fullscreen on ubuntu 17.10 ?23:27
Euph0riaOk, I didn't install fcheck though, so I suppose I should open Synaptic and try and find it and remove it?23:27
skulltip2seems there's a task bar n the left hand side23:27
naccEuph0ria: it's definitely not installed by default23:28
skulltip2or app bar.. task bar at top? strange configuration23:28
Euph0riaI found it.  In synaptic is's described as "IDS filesystem baseline integrity checker"  And I have no idea what that is.23:29
naccEuph0ria: you can probably look in /var/log/apt/history.log to see when it was installed and by what23:30
Euph0rianaac: I'll do that.  But probably removing it and maybe a reboot should fix it?23:30
naccEuph0ria: yes23:31
chrometigercan someone help me with a display issue?  I came back to my computer and the display is all wacked out lots of diagonal lines barely can see anything, i've tried switching display drivers but nothing works,  I only can use 2 of the prolly 12 resolutions given to me and both of those is wrong for my screen "cant see menubar or dock" plus screen seems oddly bright and wallpaper not in clear focus23:31
Euph0riaExcellent.  Definitely giving this a try.23:32
mutantechrometiger: does it stay like that after restarting X  (logout and login again, or used to be Ctrl + Alt + backspace) and turning off/on the monitor? then i would try reseating and then replacing the cable to the monitor23:33
Euph0riaThank you for the info and advice.23:33
chrometigeryes it stays23:34
chrometigerchanged cables to23:34
mutantechrometiger: any other monitor to try temporarily, just to confirm?23:34
chrometigernvidia geforce 9400 gt   ,   ubuntu 16.0423:35
mutantemaybe can remove nvidia and use onboard graphics instead, to confirm if the geforce is the problem23:35
chrometigercan try different monitor will take a few to set it up23:37
chrometigermay try new drivers first23:41
chrometigerwhat is the latest nvidia driver ? 37023:43
DiecastMessiahone sec checking23:45
chrometigeri purged nvidia,  added this ppa  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers   when i did this23:47
chrometigersudo apt-get install nvidia-37023:47
chrometiger  says unable to locate nvidia-370  is there another ppa?23:47
Bashing-omchrometiger: for that ^^ card, need the 340 version driver : see http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/130042/en-us .23:48
DiecastMessiah390 is the last one23:48
DiecastMessiahbut i cannot see a 940023:48
chrometigerinstalling 340 now23:48
txlinuxi have two problems ubuntu software center does not ever finish loading when i start it up. The other is that firefox crashes as soon as i do the update. these are both running on ubuntu mate on raspbeery pi 323:53
chrometigerafter these drivers install should i do nvidia-xconfig    or just reboot and try?23:57

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