
alpha_Aquilaemorning o/09:44
alpha_Aquilaesomebody knows why midori isn't present from 17.10 release09:45
Unit193https://packages.qa.debian.org/m/midori/news/20170624T150159Z.html - (From Debian) RoQA/RoM; FTBFS, unmaintained and unsupportable; Debian bug #86495109:47
ubottuDebian bug 864951 in ftp.debian.org "RM: midori -- RoQA/RoM; FTBFS, unmaintained and unsupportable" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/86495109:47
alpha_Aquilae'k thanks, that will be definitive? It's difficult find equivalent...09:50
Unit193As long as it stays unmaintained, yes.09:52
alpha_Aquilaeso, epiphany...10:13
alpha_Aquilaehave agood day Unit193.10:13
Unit193You too.10:13
claruxhi everybody! Can somebody help me with LVM?17:09
claruxI would like to move the /home folder to a different logical volume17:12
xubuntu37iis any one here?20:14
xubuntu37iI'm in the installing process and an error has been shown to me.20:15
xubuntu37igrub-efi-amd64-signed failed to install into /target/. Without GRUB boot loader, the installed system will not boot20:15
xubuntu37iCould you help me?20:15
knomein a minute? no.20:17

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