
wallyworldbabbageclunk: would be awesome to get the caas containers PR looked at before your EOD if you get a chance01:12
babbageclunkwallyworld: ok, pushing this and looking now01:14
wallyworldawesome sauce01:15
babbageclunkwallyworld: do you want to look at https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8380 again before I try to merge it?01:33
wallyworldbabbageclunk: doing interview, should be ok though?01:33
babbageclunkok cool - I'm gonna kick it off now then.01:33
babbageclunkwallyworld: approved02:09
wallyworldyay, ty02:10
babbageclunkwallyworld: yay, finally landed!02:19
* babbageclunk goes for a celebratory run02:19
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
chrome0Heya folks, do you have any ETA for a juju 1.25.14 release? Eagerly waiting for a release for bug #172993009:15
mupBug #1729930: juju.state.leadership manager.go:72 stopping leadership manager with error: state changing too quickly; try again soon <sts> <juju-core:Fix Committed by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1729930>09:15
jamanyone up for reviewing a patch that cleans up peergrouper logging: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/841014:02
jamand the same patch into 2.4 https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/841114:38
jamwell, bringing in Tim's work on 2.3 that actually fixes the intermittent test, and combining it with my cleanups to peergrouper, and resolving conflicts with manadart's network changes14:38
jammanadart: ^^14:38
manadartjam: I can look at #841114:43
jammanadart: 8410 has a bunch of "why am I changing this comments" that I made, so it might be easier to start there.14:44
manadartjam: Ack.14:45
manadartjam: Reviewed.15:31
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
veebersHi All, anyone have a juju/juju PR ready for merge? I want to make a fix to the merge job and want to monitor the run21:52
wallyworldrogpeppe: looks like there's a jimm change needed. juju core itself is fine22:47
rogpeppewallyworld: what change is needed?22:48
rogpeppewallyworld: i'm a bit surprised because i'd've thought it was still serving the same API22:48
wallyworldthe api facade clients in core have been updated to fill in "iaas" where the ModelInfo structs returned from the api have an empty ModelType field22:48
wallyworldi could also accept an empty model type further downstream and fill in iaas22:49
rogpeppewallyworld: i don't understand why the facade clients aren't filling in the empty model types received from jimm22:50
wallyworlddifferent code base22:50
wallyworlddoesn't jimm have it's own client facades?22:51
wallyworldthe api layer i mean22:51
rogpeppewallyworld: it does, but i don't see why the juju client isn't doing this22:52
wallyworldit is for core22:52
rogpeppewallyworld: the juju client used with jimm is the same as for any juju server22:52
wallyworldthat doesn't make sense then, as core CLI works fine22:53
rogpeppewallyworld: it doesn't behave fine when it's talking to a jimm controller22:53
wallyworldan older controller will return empty type value and the api client fills it in22:53
rogpeppewallyworld: isn't that what jimm is doing?22:54
wallyworldthere's3 places in the api layer that were changed22:54
rogpeppewallyworld: not filling it in, i mean, but returning an empty type value22:54
wallyworldyes, and the api layer should be filling it in. core CLI works fine22:54
wallyworldso i'm confused22:54
rogpeppewallyworld: it's the core CLI that i'm using22:55
rogpeppewallyworld: and i've pasted the full API interaction in the bug22:55
wallyworldhmm, i tested with core CLI too22:55
wallyworldagainst an old 2.3.3 controller22:56
wallyworldworked fine22:56
rogpeppewallyworld: yes, but you didn't test with jimm22:56
rogpeppewallyworld: i.e. with a jimm controller22:56
wallyworldwhat's the difference?22:56
rogpeppewallyworld: it fails to work :)22:56
rogpeppewallyworld: did you try my repo instructions?22:56
wallyworlda jimm controller will return the ame thing - an empty type22:56
rogpeppewallyworld: yup, but it fails22:56
rogpeppewallyworld: i don't understand the difference either22:57
wallyworldright and it makes no sense why - an empty field is an empty field22:57
rogpeppewallyworld: well, first see if you can reproduce22:57
rogpeppewallyworld: then you can debug to see what's going on22:57
wallyworldok, guess i'll need to make a jaas account :-)22:57
rogpeppewallyworld: you don't need a jaas account22:58
rogpeppewallyworld: you just need to log in with usso22:58
rogpeppewallyworld: which you'll be prompted to do22:58
rogpeppewallyworld: what's your USSO id? i'll make sure you're granted access to a model23:00
wallyworldrogpeppe: i found it - there is old legacy code that i missed when adding in the missing value23:00
wallyworldit's a quick 3 line fix23:00
wallyworldsigh, sorry23:01
rogpeppewallyworld: ok, thanks23:01
wallyworldmakes sens now23:01
rogpeppewallyworld: np23:01
rogpeppewallyworld: BTW you should use jaas - it's useful :) :)23:01
wallyworldif i had a need to i would :-)23:01
wallyworldbut for development i need to run up bespoke cloud deployments23:02
babbageclunkveebers: did you find a candidate for your job test?23:26
babbageclunkcause there's one here: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/841323:26
babbageclunkFeel free to approve it if you look at it. ;)23:26
veebersbabbageclunk: I haven't yet, I may have now :-)23:27
veebersbabbageclunk: Sweet, LGTM I'll update the job and $$merge$$ it23:28
babbageclunkveebers: ta23:29
veeberscool, I had to repeat myself but the merge process is in motion. I'll monitor it in case the change needs reverted :-\23:32

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