
valoriecberg: you could remove your ~/.config plasma* files00:06
valoriemaybe one by one?00:06
valorieuntil you find the offending bad config00:06
valorieor rename is safter00:06
cbergvalorie: yeah I've rm -rf ~/.config/plasma* already, and it fixed it again :)00:15
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lordievaderGood moring07:02
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markus_dhow would I turn off bluetooth forever?08:50
markus_dWhen I disable it in the gui it goas away. But reappears when I turn on the computer again08:51
krytarikmarkus_d: Look in the autostart apps.09:08
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest89850
anton_phello. i use 18.04 beta and until today i was very satisfied. i just upgraded to 5.12.1 and everything is flickering. is it a known issue?10:58
anton_pSystem settings -> Display and Monitor -> Compositor -> Rendering backend: set XRender instead of OpenGL -- solves the issue11:01
anton_pbtw, i use amd opensource drivers11:03
anton_plooking through upgraded packages i found 3 suspects: libqt5opengl5, libkwinglutils11 and libegl111:17
weebtakioh crap, is this actualy live? in that case... hello humans11:57
weebtakiso...... what exactly is this? I just saw that it came with the Kubuntu instailation........ is this some kind of KDE chat room?12:05
BluesKajkubuntu support chat12:06
weebtakioh... welp in that case im out12:07
BluesKajHiyas all12:09
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om26erHello! I installed Kubuntu 18.04 and graphics are slow. My system is using fallback driver.16:31
om26erI have intel 5500 graphics16:31
shkahey folks, what should i use for ZIP compression?17:02
shkaZIP is just fine?17:03
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IrcsomeBot<ajyotirmay> @shka, use zip17:51
IrcsomeBot<ajyotirmay> zip -r foo.zip directory/17:51
zxq9shka: zip/unzip works well. Occasionally there are some differences between zip on unix and zip on Windows, if that's what you are concerned with.18:06
zxq9shka: https://superuser.com/questions/5155/how-to-create-a-zip-file-compatible-with-windows-under-linux18:06
zxq9Within the unix world, though, tar + gzip (.tar.gz or .tgz) and tar + bzip2 (.tar.bz2) are much more common. RAR has high cross platform compatibility also, as does 7zip and lzma (though lzma has some odd availability issues sometimes).18:08
zxq9Some have better tradeoffs than others (time/space/ratio) depending on what you're compressing.18:09
obsitoshi guys18:15
obsitosi was fool and i have added the beta repository to the kubuntu instead of the backports. how I can replace it without a bigger effort?18:17
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mparilloThere is a ppa-purge, but what I simply do is go to Discover, and sources, and uncheck the beta ppa, and check the kubuntu backports ppa. It should catch up (+/- the odd package or two, but that has never horribly broken me).18:46
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ger_bearon kubuntu 18.04 daily. whatever updates landed yesterday/today has killed various game performance. all games gone from 140+ fps down to 3-8.20:32
IrcsomeBotbrnghkmrs was added by: brnghkmrs20:44
IrcsomeBotthiagoAderaldo was removed by: thiagoAderaldo20:45
IrcsomeBot<brnghkmrs> hello friends, I'm on kubuntu 17.04, but my sound is worst than win10, I think it is a driver or configuration problem20:45
IrcsomeBot<brnghkmrs> can someone help me?20:45
IrcsomeBot<brnghkmrs> sorry. I'm on 17.1020:46
obsitosmparillo: thank you very much20:46
brnghkmrshello friends21:07
brnghkmrscan someone help me?21:07
brnghkmrsthe sound in my kubuntu 17.10 is worst than in my win1021:07
brnghkmrswhat should I do? it's the same hardware it should sound the same21:07
brnghkmrsthe bass notes are just way off for me21:07
obsitosbrnghkmrs: what kind of speaker have you?21:10
brnghkmrsI have Alesis MKII Active monitors21:11
brnghkmrsstudio grade21:11
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obsitosis it an analog speaker or a digital one?21:12
Fritigernbrnghkmrs: May I recommend you joining #kxstudio? Those people are specialized in audio soft/hardware in KDE21:12
obsitosbrnghkmrs: maybe in the sound settings on the advanced tab you have to change the profile.21:14
obsitosi have not other idea21:14
brnghkmrsFritigern: where is this channel? its not on freenode21:22
FritigernI see you've found it ;-)21:24
brnghkmrsyup, thx breh21:25
FritigernMake sure you stick around, it may take a while before someone replies. Alternatively, there is a group onm Facebook called Linux Musicians that are also very knowledgable.21:28
=== tobias is now known as Guest27491
FritigernOh, you COULD install the package pulseaudio-equalizer. From the terminal (command line) type "sudo apt install pulseaudio-equalizer", without quotation marks, of course ;-)21:30
brnghkmrsok, I don't have facebook but I might be able to get an account21:30
brnghkmrsI'll try, thanks for the tip21:30
FritigernNote that it's been a while since I last used that package. I may not be able to help you with it21:32
brnghkmrswhen you use the word package, what exactly do you mean? are these drivers? or is it software? or both?21:33
FritigernPackage refers to anything that can be installed in Kubuntu using the default tools. They can be software, drivers (this is rare), or even desktop backgrounds or other artwork.21:36
* Fritigern remembers being a noob to Linux. :-)21:37
brnghkmrslel, ok thanks21:39
brnghkmrsI'm trying hard to learn21:39
FritigernFeel free to ask anything, incudinng "dumb" questions. It's how i learned :-)21:41
brnghkmrslel, I bet ALL my questions are pretty dumb haha21:46
brnghkmrswhat is daemon conf? do you know?21:46
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Fritigernbrnghkmrs: I'm sorry, I stepped away from the PC for a bit. A deamon is the linux equivalent of a service. So a deamon conf is the configuration of a specific daemon.22:01
brnghkmrsok, nice22:06
brnghkmrshow do I understand my root completely? I'm not sure how it starts.. is it /Home ?22:07
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