
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:20
Nafallomorn' o/07:21
NafalloI need coffee07:22
oSoMoNhey Nafallo07:23
oSoMoNtough morning?07:23
Nafalloevery morning is ;-)07:24
Nafalloat least before the first four or five espressos :-P07:24
Nafallomeh. "hey google, what week is it" "according to wikipedia, a week is a time unit equal to seven days"07:29
Nafallohmm. can I get week numbers on the desktop? :-)07:31
dufluNafallo, gnome-tweak-tool > Top Bar07:31
dufluMorning oSoMoN, Nafallo07:31
oSoMoNgood afternoon duflu07:32
* oSoMoN → school07:32
dufluAs it happens, it is also end-of-school time right now07:33
Nafalloduflu: cheers, or in ansible: dconf: key="/org/gnome/desktop/calendar/show-weekdate" value=true state=present07:33
dufluNafallo, Yes, just not in "Linux for human beings" :)07:34
Nafalloexcept it didn't work :-P07:35
dufluWell, the GUI works07:35
Nafallohmm, it was "['true']" as well ;-)07:36
Nafallothis early in the morning, and Australians call me non-human ;-)07:36
dufluTo be fair, you might be a bot07:37
dufluAnd so might I07:37
Nafallohmm, true. you started after I left :-P07:37
dufluNafallo, 2011/2012?07:38
NafalloI think I left 2012...07:38
dufluWell then, let us marvel at our collective bot AI07:38
Nafallooh, hi google ;-)07:39
Nafallohmm. logout/login needed it seems.07:42
dufluAhoy Laney09:02
dufluAnd hello seb12809:02
seb128good morning desktopers09:03
seb128hey duflu09:03
seb128how is everyone today?09:03
dufluHi seb128, good. Hangout?09:03
seb128yeah, on my way09:03
oSoMoNgood morning Laney, seb12809:08
seb128lut oSoMoN09:08
Laneyhey seb128 duflu oSoMoN09:11
seb128hey Laney, how are you?09:11
Laneyseb128: good!09:14
Laneymy shoulder aches, just tried to do the maximum number of reps on my physio stuff09:14
Laneyfeels goooooooooooooooooooood09:14
seb128I'm good, could have slept a bit longer though :)09:15
Laneywatching the olympics right?09:15
* Laney has been following the curling09:16
seb128I didn't watch much, I should09:16
seb128at least hockey and curling09:16
seb128looking at the sponsoring queue, Laney could you have a look to bug #1744941 / help Trevinho to land that fix?09:20
ubot5`bug 1744941 in appstream-glib (Ubuntu) "gnome-software crashes in as_app_parse_desktop_file" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174494109:20
willcookemorning all09:29
dufluMorning willcooke09:29
willcookeGood show with Linux Unplugged last night, hopefully that will help dispel some of the FUD and BS09:30
dufluOh Will is famous. Again09:32
seb128hey willcooke09:34
jibelwillcooke, re your question about images not being promoted, this is caused by bug 175040309:42
ubot5`bug 1750403 in casper (Ubuntu) "Live Session - Increased memory usage with preinstalled snap (fails to start with - gnome-session timeout)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175040309:42
willcookethanks jibel09:44
jibelLaney, i've the timeout again in a VM with 2GB of RAM, so it must be something else09:52
jibelthe session fails to start, I'm dropped to the login screen, then I can login successfully09:53
Nafallomorning Laney seb128 willcooke :-)09:53
Laneyjibel: interesting09:53
willcookemorning Nafallo09:53
Laneywell maybe you can post the journal and systemd-analyze thing, might be something to spot in there09:54
Laneymaybe your IO from the ISO is slower than mine or something09:54
Laneyhey Nafallo09:54
Nafalloright. I suppose I should leave here and get ready to go work at the bank...09:55
* Laney pictures Patrick Bateman09:56
Laneyseb128: I replied on there09:58
Laneywe should do patch piloting again09:58
seb128Laney, thx09:59
seb128hey Nafallo09:59
duflu\o/ All upstream developers satisfied at 6pm10:02
* duflu goes to celebrate with dinner10:03
seb128duflu, well done, enjoy your evening!10:03
willcookejamesh, hi!  Do you know what the current status of portals support in snapd is?  Is it imminent?10:16
willcookebah, probably too late for today10:16
willcookewhere it = will it get merged soon?10:21
jameshwillcooke: still haven't gotten the user-mounts feature required for document portal support landed.  There was a request for some extra security checks from jdstrand that we couldn't get working reliably.  zyga was going to do a partial merge of the non-controversial parts first though.10:22
jameshwillcooke: I've got a branch that adds everything but the document portal access to the desktop interface, but we can't easily turn on access to just some portals10:23
willcookejamesh, got it, thanks10:32
willcookejamesh, re: security checks - is that a blocker?10:35
jameshwillcooke: yes.  I asked jdstrand that when I first ran into trouble10:36
willcookejamesh, oki, once kenvandine and jdstrand are online I'll chat with them (cc mvo)10:37
jameshwillcooke: essentially he wanted us to parse /proc/self/mountinfo to ensure that the result of the mount matched what was expected.10:37
jameshwillcooke: I could decode the data back to the original mount source in some cases, but in others I couldn't.10:38
jameshthe main problem was that for the mounts we want to perform, both the source and destination are controlled by the user10:39
jameshso symlinks or race conditions could be used to redirect the mount elsewhere10:39
willcookejamesh, are we at an impasse then?10:41
jameshmaybe.  Zygmunt was having another look at this, but I'm not sure if he got any further than I did.10:43
seb128jamesh, that sounds like things are stucked until/unless zyga or you find a way to resolve that problem?10:51
jameshwillcooke: thinking about it a bit more, I'll check with jdstrand to see whether verifying the mount point is enough.  It wouldn't protect against random other directories being mounted under $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR, but it would prevent replacing /etc, for instance10:55
willcookejamesh, oki, fingers cross, thanks11:01
jbichaseb128: I'm dropping telepathy support from Ubuntu's GOA. Upstream disabled it by default in 3.26 but I overrode that, but it will be gone permanently in 3.3011:19
seb128jbicha, hey, fine, I don't think that stack still has many users11:20
seb128jbicha, when you wrote " 3) Drop support for the WOFF2 format in webkit2gtk", do you know11:30
seb128- if that's easy, like is that supported by the upstream build system?11:30
seb128- how used is WOFF2/how much of an impact that would have?11:30
seb128I guess that's only visible in webbrowser so wouldn't have much impact on the default installation?11:31
Laneycan't reply to the community hub by email?11:31
jbichaLaney: no :(11:32
Laneygood job I looked up before pressing send :P11:32
seb128willcooke, ^ known issue right?11:32
seb128the snapcraft instance allows that :/11:32
willcookeyeah, we've got an RT open11:32
willcookeand have done for some time11:32
Laneymoar score / discuss it in the IS liaison call11:35
jbichaseb128: it does look like there is a configure flag to disable woff2 in latest webkit2gtk11:35
seb128I didn't even know we had a such call :)11:35
Laneyin #externalchats: inotify is a difficult API11:35
seb128jbicha, ok, good, so in any case the review is not blocking us11:35
jbichawebsites need to offer a fallback to woff2 if they care about IE (but not Edge) https://caniuse.com/#feat=woff211:36
jbichait would still be a regression though11:36
seb128jbicha, but only impact "web" I guess?11:36
seb128k, doesn't sound like a blocker then11:36
seb128if we had to go that road11:36
Laneycaptive portal detector?11:37
seb128at least not blocking the update, we can re-enable the feature later once the MIRs are approved11:37
jbichaI pinged in #ubuntu-hardened yesterday and it turns out that the Canonical Security team was assigned to those 2 MIRS instead of Ubuntu Security so it wasn't on their list :(11:37
seb128jbicha, right, and it came back to us asking what are our priorities because they have quite some items in their backlog11:37
jbichabrotli and woff2 are technically already in main :|11:38
seb128that's not how things work11:38
seb128"they got in through a backdoor process" isn't a reason for not having them properly reviewed11:39
jbicha*cough* they are still in Firefox now…11:39
seb128what's your point?11:39
seb128we should downgrade firefox? or let them in without review just because firefox bundled them?11:40
seb128I mean you are arguing that having them properly reviewed is wrong or what are you trying to say?11:40
willcookeseb128, Laney - the hub is likely changing name again, so email replies can hopefully be part of that work11:42
willcookehopefully be fixed as..11:42
jbichaseb128: it just annoys upstream when we diverge like this, but I don't have easy answers :(11:42
seb128jbicha, k, same then :)11:47
seb128jbicha, but don't worry, those are going to get reviewed, I'm just trying to make we sure we don't get blocked11:47
seb128jbicha, seems we are not, we can easily turn that off for a bit to unblock the update if needed (hopefully it isn't though)11:48
jameshwillcooke: Here's the post about handling themes in snaps: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/supporting-desktop-themes-via-the-content-interface/412211:48
jbichaTrevinho: should I publish https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3161 ?11:50
willcookethanks jamesh11:52
willcookejamesh, great stuff :)11:58
Trevinhojbicha: no12:51
TrevinhoIt compiled fine only because there's gdb in the middle12:51
TrevinhoWell when launching tests12:51
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
tseliotxnox: the new systemd doesn't seem to solve the problem13:08
xnoxtseliot, yet stopping logind, allows you to unload the module, right?13:09
xnoxtseliot, and/or stop and start logind (NB! not restart)13:09
xnoxtseliot, maybe crank up the logging of all the things as well (debug in /etc/systemd/system.conf)13:09
tseliotxnox: yes, stopping systemd-logind allows me to unload the module13:10
xnoxtseliot, *sigh*13:10
xnoxtseliot, i think, i may have nvidia prime stuff laptop. but i typically purposefully disable nvidia in the bios.13:10
xnoxtseliot, is there some guide, that i can follow to enable nvidia on Ubuntu and try to reproduce this all? I'm on bionic.13:11
* xnox has never used anything nvidia, cause proprietary13:11
xnoxtseliot, i guess it might be quicker for me to debug this stuff.13:11
tseliotxnox: do you have a laptop with intel and nvidia?13:13
xnoxtseliot, i believe so, let me bring up a URL with specs. I have this one - http://www.dell.com/en-us/work/shop/dell-laptops-and-notebooks/xps-15/spd/xps-15-9560-laptop?view=configurations the third column. It sais it should have NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 with 4GB GDDR513:15
xnoxand it does have intel too, and i use intel-only at the moment.13:15
xnoxbut i have the uk model13:15
tseliotxnox: yes, that should do it13:16
tseliotxnox: of course you're going to have to enable nvidia from the BIOS, or undo whatever you did to disable nvidia13:16
tseliotthen install nvidia-38413:16
jbichaseb128: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/webkit2gtk/2.19.91-1ubuntu113:16
seb128jbicha, great :)13:17
tseliotxnox: then "sudo prime-select nvidia", and reboot (unless you're using mesa from -proposed)13:17
jbichaI didn't fully test build it becuase that takes hours but I think that will work for us for now13:17
jbichabut actually webkit2gtk built in less than an hour on s390x in my ppa https://blogs.gnome.org/mcatanzaro/2018/02/17/on-compiling-webkit-now-twice-as-fast/13:19
seb128jbicha, is there a packaging vcs?13:21
seb128jbicha, ignore that13:21
seb128https://anonscm.debian.org/git/pkg-webkit/webkit.git is right, it's just that the new version is in a branch13:22
jbichayeah, it's a bit confusing13:22
seb128jbicha, looking at https://anonscm.debian.org/git/pkg-webkit/webkit.git/commit/?h=wk2/experimental&id=8ec6b681 some symbols were added when it was turned off ... so let's see if that's an issue13:25
jdstrandwillcooke (cc jamesh, and kenvandine): fyi, zyga took over the per-user mounts branch for portals. he isn't in this channel, so probably need to talk in #nappy, but it is his highest priority13:28
xnoxtseliot, i have a team meeting, and then i will play with this. please bear with me.13:29
willcookethanks jdstrand, did you see jamesh previous comments on the security aspects?  Is that all related to the work zyga was doing?13:30
willcookeI understand that he's off sick today, so just want to get things straight in my head today if poss13:31
jdstrandwillcooke: that is precisely what zyga is working on. he has already given me PRs to review (which I did), doing some rfactors (in progress), trying different approaches to avoid the race at all (in progress) and is confident we can fallback to 'check after' approach if his experiments don't pan out13:35
willcookejdstrand, got it, thanks very much13:35
jdstrandwillcooke: as for mounting underneath, users shouldn't be able to race a predictable file/dir name (that is the existing issue). if portals itself (which does the mounts) can be raced/etc, then that would be a bug in portals that should be reported13:38
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
tseliotxnox: no problem13:51
kenvandinejdstrand, thx13:56
seb128jbicha, seems like webkitgtk builds fine ;)14:28
kenvandinejbicha, about bug 1750382 how do you feel about sticking with 0.11 for 18.04?14:50
ubot5bug 1750382 in flatpak (Ubuntu) "please roll back to 0.10.x stable branch or confirm use of 0.11.x for bionic" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175038214:50
kenvandinei'm inclined to say it's fine14:50
oSoMoNkenvandine, I'm preparing a new upload for libreoffice 6.0 with a patch that disables the failing autopkgtest, will you be able to upload it for me when it's ready?15:04
kenvandineoSoMoN, sure15:06
oSoMoNit should be ready soon15:07
oSoMoNkenvandine, ready at https://people.canonical.com/~osomon/libreoffice-6.0.1/bionic/0ubuntu2/15:26
kenvandineoSoMoN, i'm on it15:27
oSoMoNricotz, FYI, to unblock the migration: https://git.launchpad.net/~libreoffice/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/commit/?id=90fd3ce6645729ad57c6f043b3316bcb47f8509715:31
jbichakenvandine: 0.11 will be harder to justify for SRUs if anyone wants to work on them16:22
jbichaon the other hand, like I said before Debian/Ubuntu were the only distros I know that of that used the 0.8 LTS series16:23
jbichaand people complained about that16:23
Trevinhoseb128, jbicha: once ppa binaries have been published you can now publish this please https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/313816:24
jbichakenvandine: ask Alex what he recommends then?16:25
ahayzenjbicha, 0.11 with the possibility of 1.X SRU later ;-)16:25
ahayzenalso, you might have issues contacting Alex for two weeks https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/flatpak/2018-February/000946.html16:26
kenvandinehey ahayzen!16:26
ahayzenkenvandine, o/16:26
jbichaahayzen: Flatpak's biggest problem in Ubuntu is it needs an Ubuntu developer using it, to make sure things work and make sure SRUs are ok16:26
jbichaI don't use Flatpak so that's not me16:26
ahayzenright, i've been using it and submitting bugs/fixes where appropriate if i can. But guess it needs an official maintainer16:27
kenvandineme either16:27
kenvandineahayzen, sounds like you win :)16:27
ahayzenhah, did i win beer ?16:27
kenvandineyou can help maintain it :)16:28
jbichapart of the problem finding Ubuntu developers is that a major use case for Flatpak is running latest version of apps, but that's mostly satisfied by running Ubuntu's dev release16:28
kenvandineor maybe let us know when it breaks16:28
ahayzenhappy to help were appropriate, but i may lack maintainer knowledge16:28
ricotzoSoMoN, thanks16:38
kenvandineoSoMoN, sponsored16:39
ahayzenkenvandine, what sort of thing would be involved if one did want to become a maintainer/help out with SRUs ? I assume syncing packaging for future releases, fixing autopkgtests, testing the packages in -proposed etc, looking for issues? (is there a Wiki with this info)16:42
kenvandinemost of those things16:45
kenvandinethe primary key is someone that would notice there are bugs16:45
kenvandineand help test those in an SRU16:45
kenvandineeven better would be actually handling the SRU of the package16:45
kenvandinethat would rock16:45
kenvandinei'd be happy to sponsor such package updates16:45
kenvandineahayzen, ^^ has the rationale and the steps (rather verbose)16:46
ahayzenkenvandine, interesting, would be happy to help. thanks for the link16:48
kenvandineahayzen, awesome!16:48
kenvandineahayzen, maybe you could comment on bug 1750382 mentioning you are willing to help look after it in ubuntu16:49
ubot5bug 1750382 in flatpak (Ubuntu) "please roll back to 0.10.x stable branch or confirm use of 0.11.x for bionic" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175038216:49
ahayzenkenvandine, sure16:50
oSoMoNkenvandine, thanks!16:54
jbichaahayzen: Ubuntu 17.10's Flatpak needs to be updated if you want to work on that… :)17:00
kenvandinejbicha, throw him into the fire :)17:01
jbichathis is how it starts17:01
ahayzenas in to 0.8.9? from 0.8.717:02
jbichain 2011, Seb's like "you could help work on GNOME3 packaging in the GNOME3 PPA"  ok.  and then later "you could start a GNOME flavor of Ubuntu"  well, ok…17:04
jbichaand this is where we end up17:04
ahayzenkenvandine, are you uploading them manually at the moment? rather than having a branch somewhere with recipies/bileto linked?17:04
kenvandinejbicha, and it's awesome right? :-D17:04
kenvandineahayzen, yeah17:04
jbichakenvandine: mostly, this is the crazy part of the release cycle :)17:05
kenvandinejbicha, but debian has it in gitlab17:05
ahayzengitlab \o/ \o/17:05
jbichabreak all the things17:05
kenvandinejbicha, it is crazy time :)17:05
kenvandineahayzen, so you could create git branches somewhere if you like17:05
ahayzenok, i'll try and take a look when i get a moment :-) see if i can figure anything out17:05
jbichaahayzen: you can fork from https://salsa.debian.org/debian/flatpak17:06
ahayzenah cool :-)17:06
jbichasmcv (the Debian maintainer) would love to have team maintainers help out so I'm sure you could get commit privileges there once you've done some packaging work17:07
kenvandinethat would be awesome :)17:08
jbichabileto is mostly only used for Unity stuff (and it's optional there currently)17:08
kenvandineahayzen, everyone would love to know someone is looking after it in ubuntu17:08
ahayzencool, i'll take a look, thanks for the pointers :-)17:11
oSoMoNtime for some real-life activities, have a good evening everyone!18:01
=== user8394 is now known as user8393
willcookeEOD time, night all19:00
robert_ancellkenvandine, I was playing around yesterday and made a thing (https://github.com/robert-ancell/snapper). What's the easiest way to get that onto the Snap store - it would need classic20:39
kenvandinerobert_ancell, is that just a cli tool for querying?20:53
robert_ancellkenvandine, no, that's a GUI app that shows installed snaps, has searches and does install/remove. The only delays are the search round-trip and the async icon loading (though that will be invisible once I put in an icon cache).20:56
robert_ancellI'm half done putting in the PK support20:56
kenvandinedo you want me to snap it up?20:57
robert_ancellkenvandine, yes please. It needs the latest snapd-glib so if you could bundle that in that would be helpful20:57
robert_ancellkenvandine, I'd like to use it to show what performance we could get and if we can ship it as a snap that would make it super easy for others to see20:59
kenvandinerobert_ancell, can you please register snapper in the store and add me as a collaborator?21:34
kenvandinei'll handle getting it packaged21:34
* kenvandine has a build going already21:34
kenvandinerobert_ancell, i'll also submit a PR on github when it's ready21:35
robert_ancellkenvandine, hmm already registered21:38
kenvandineor is it reserved?21:39
kenvandinethey pre-reserved names of packages in the archive as well as some other variations21:39
kenvandinei believe21:39
robert_ancellkenvandine, yeah, there's an archive package called snapper21:39
kenvandinewell, you could startout calling it snapper-robert :)21:40
robert_ancelland snapper-store is reserved too!21:40
kenvandinewouldn't be the first21:40
robert_ancellrobert-ancell-snapper it is21:41
robert_ancellkenvandine, where do I set you as a collaborator?21:42
robert_ancellmight have to upload a version first?21:42
kenvandineoh, you don't see that?21:42
kenvandineI'll send you a snap you can download then :)21:43
robert_ancellkenvandine, this is on dashboard.snapcraft.io ?21:43
kenvandineDo you see "Overview" ?21:43
kenvandineyou don't get those controls until it's been uploaded21:44
robert_ancellkenvandine, it just has "view snap upload instructions". I can't click on it like the other snaps I've already uploaded21:44
kenvandinei'll send you something you can upload tomorrow21:44
robert_ancellkenvandine, just PR in the snacraft stuff and I can build and upload right?21:44
kenvandineit'll be faster if you don't bother with the cleanbuild part21:45
kenvandinei'll do all that and send you the snap to push21:45

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