
smoserstanguturi: how quick can you check somethign?00:18
stanguturi@smoser: Quickly. May be 5 minutes00:19
smoserstanguturi: on top of your mp (vmware 64 bit)00:19
smoserthe first hunk is just formatting00:20
smoserthe second i'mi 97% is just formatting :)00:20
smoserstanguturi: just give feedback here or on the bug, and i'll be back in ~ 1h.00:21
smoserand pull it00:21
smoserand stanguturi did you have a bug for that one ?00:24
smoserif so, edit the commit message and adda00:24
smoser LP: #XXXXXX00:24
stanguturiok thanks Scott. I don't have a bug for that.00:24
blkadderHey folks, looking for some advice on the best approach to using ansible w/cloud-init. Essentially I am using cloud-init for instantiation and am just using ansible for config file templating and providing secrets/credentials in those configs.00:25
blkadderTimers seem so crude.00:25
stanguturione quick thing: $pre/${pkg}64/$pkg/$ppath" should be ideally $pre/${pkg}64/$ppath"00:25
blkadderLike calling my spin up script waiting for x seconds then running ansible seems sub-optimal.00:25
blkadderAre there any "hey I am done" hooks in cloud-init that I can provide notification on?00:28
stanguturi@scott: Some fixes need to be done in that patch: like check for "${pre}64/$pkg/$ppath" and not "$pre/${pkg}64/$pkg/$ppath"00:32
powersjblkadder: if you want to know if cloud-init is done, you can look at /var/lib/cloud/instance and look at the boo-finished file or in /var/lib/cloud/data at the result.json and status.json00:50
powersjboot-finished file, rather00:51
blkadderOk, thanks.00:51
smoserblkadder: still there?01:41
blkadderYes sir.01:42
smoserblkadder: look in /run .01:42
smoserblackboxsw: around ?01:42
smoserand also, newer cloud-init have 'cloud-init wait'01:42
blkadderThat sounds shiny.01:42
smoseryeah, trunk only at the moment. will be in 18.101:43
blkadderWill go look at it.01:43
smoserif you look at /var/lib/cloud-init, you have potential of seeing stale data01:44
blkadderDid you guys ever settle on a templating strategy?01:44
smoser(from a previous boot)01:44
smoserso /run/cloud-init/result.json and /run/cloud-init/status.json01:44
blkadderI'm only resorting to ansible because I don't have a good way to template stuff otherwise01:44
smoserwrt templting blackboxsw has a mp01:45
blkadderGood deal.01:46
smoserand described at https://trello.com/c/xyqxyOxg01:47
blkadderWill take a look, thanks.01:50
blkadderWell if it's jinga2 anyways at least I should have an easy time migrating to it if I stick to ansible for now.01:51
blkadderSo that's good.01:51
blackboxswsmoser: around02:54
smoserblackboxsw: ya02:54
blackboxswbut probably late for you02:54
smoseri really shoudlt be here ;)02:54
blackboxswohh, what's up? reading backlog now02:54
smoserah. was trying to get you to ack a change i made . i added a test to sankar02:55
smoserand push'd02:55
blackboxswthe ds-identify branch?02:57
blackboxswor sankar's branch. checking02:57
blackboxswahh I see, push == push to tip02:58
blackboxswok yep seem 'em. marking those branches as merged02:59
smosersankar's MP. thanks03:01
smoserand i'im out03:01
smosersee you tomorrow.03:01
blackboxswsee ya03:02
blackboxswhttps://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/rxQ6kZJnjg/ rharper smoser16:30
rharperah, yeah local-hostname16:31
smoserahasenack: did you reproduce16:47
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1751051 in cloud-init "UnicodeEncodeError when creating user with non-ascii chars" [Undecided,New]16:47
ahasenacksmoser: twice, which was 100% of my tries16:47
ahasenackbut using subiquity16:47
smoseri can't reproduce in lxc16:49
smoserahasenack: i can't reproduce in lxc16:58
smoserlxc launch ubuntu-daily:bionic b6 --user-data='#cloud-config'$'\n''{"users": [{"gecos": "Andr\u00e9 DSilva", "name": "andre", "shell": "/bin/bash"}]}'16:58
smoser(have also trie dwith exactly config provided)16:59
ahasenacksmoser: can you try subiquity in a vm perhaps?16:59
ahasenackif you prefer, I can move the bug to subiquity, but the backtrace came from cloud-init16:59
smoserits just odd.17:01
smoserit looked obvious.17:01
smoserbut didnt' reproduce17:01
smoserit feels like locale must be involved.17:03
ahasenacksmoser: with that config of yours, did you get a firstname of André, or a literal Andr\u00e9?17:07
ahasenackyou also missed the ' between D and Silva17:07
ahasenacksorry, vpn dropped17:07
ahasenackgoing to repeat my last17:07
ahasenacksmoser: with that config of yours, did you get a firstname of André, or a literal Andr\u00e9?17:07
ahasenackyou also missed the ' between D and Silva17:07
smoseri dropped that by design17:10
smoserthe '17:10
smoserjust as it is not the problem17:10
smoserand inside, it does work17:11
smoser# grep andre /etc/passwd17:11
smoserandre:x:1000:1000:André DSilva:/home/andre:/bin/bash17:11
rharperahasenack: fwiw, subiquity is writting the cloud-config17:25
rharperso I suspect it's not escaping it like smoser  did17:25
rharperif possible set the root password and then extract the user-data from /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/user-data17:26
blackboxswhrm, no tracebacks on my cloud-init changes in juju's vsphere-deployed unit, but the ubuntu charm /var/lib/juju disappeared across system reboot. This is why my unit no longer talks to juju. /me digs at why that's happening17:36
mjhhi, I need to encrypt a filesystem. I cant find anything usfull in the disk module. anybody tackled this before?17:37
Odd_BlokeIs there a cloud-init PPA that I could use to test the latest cloud-init HEAD in an image?17:38
Odd_Blokesmoser: rharper: ^17:38
blackboxswhttps://launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/+archive/ubuntu/daily Odd_Bloke17:39
blackboxswsudo add-apt-repository ppa:cloud-init-dev/daily :)17:39
blackboxswno prob17:39
smoserahasenack: i diagnosed18:04
smoser https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+bug/175105118:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1751051 in cloud-init "UnicodeEncodeError when creating user with non-ascii chars" [Medium,Confirmed]18:04
smoserit does somewhat seem like a bug to me that python3 does encode based on LANG down some C parts when .encode(encoding) defaults to 'utf-8'18:05
ahasenackencodings, ugh :/18:06
=== r-daneel_ is now known as r-daneel
blackboxswsmoser: will review for today's cut21:23
smoserblackboxsw: i don tthink weh ave to race that in21:23
blackboxswok, wasn't sure21:24
blackboxswwill wrap up on vsphere then21:24
smoserit only affecgts systems that use utf-8 commands (such as adduser) but do not have a utf-8 capable system default set.21:24
smoserblackboxsw: i'm thinking i'm just going to cut release21:24
smoserunless you have somtehing you think needs fixing21:24
blackboxswsounds fine smoser21:25
blackboxswlet me know and I can queue the upload to bionic21:25
blackboxswto keep in the habit of it21:25
blackboxswone more piece of flare for upload rights :)21:26
smoserahasenack: https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/338586 if you're interested.21:35
dpb1rharper: so nogo for loopback huh21:47
rharperdpb1: not without a systemd-resolved fix21:47
rharperit seems to ignore it even if networkctl doesn't21:47
=== r-daneel_ is now known as r-daneel
smoserrharper: or blackboxsw22:16
smoserif you want to quick ack that22:16
smoseri just uploaded to launchpad the source tarball. about to ssend email22:16
smoser(yes, the order is wrong :)22:16
blackboxswsmoser: change log fix22:16
blackboxsw- docs: Fix typos in docs and one debug message. [aRkadeFR]22:16
blackboxswlooking for other names that we had to manually fix22:16
smoserhm.. suck. ok i'll fix.22:17
smoserthat is what i'm following22:17
smoserblackboxsw: i fixed that.22:24
blackboxswsmoser: https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/338591 for upload to bionic22:44
rharperbug fix deluge !23:01
dpb1rip my inbox23:03

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