
-queuebot:#edubuntu- New binary: gegl [s390x] (bionic-proposed/universe) [0.3.28-2] (edubuntu, ubuntugnome)17:20
-queuebot:#edubuntu- New binary: gegl [ppc64el] (bionic-proposed/universe) [0.3.28-2] (edubuntu, ubuntugnome)17:28
-queuebot:#edubuntu- New binary: gegl [amd64] (bionic-proposed/universe) [0.3.28-2] (edubuntu, ubuntugnome)17:30
-queuebot:#edubuntu- New binary: gegl [i386] (bionic-proposed/universe) [0.3.28-2] (edubuntu, ubuntugnome)17:40
DeeVeeDeesHello. I am having an iteresting issue with Edbuntu 14.04 and playing DVD's. Is there a common issue getting DVD's to play on this verison of Debian?18:12
-queuebot:#edubuntu- New binary: gegl [arm64] (bionic-proposed/universe) [0.3.28-2] (edubuntu, ubuntugnome)18:22

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