
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
BlackDexHello there10:19
BlackDexi have juju 2.1.2 running. And i needed to remove a relation, but it isn't working10:19
BlackDexit told me the relation is removed10:20
BlackDexalso if i retry the remove-relation, it tells me there is no relation10:20
BlackDexbut the subordinate charm is still there10:20
BlackDexis there some way of forcing this?10:20
utkingHi guys!10:42
utkingHow can i completely re-deploy a bundle?10:44
BlackDexutking: juju destroy-model <model-name>10:47
BlackDexafter that, juju add-model <model-name>10:47
utkingah ok, thanks :)10:47
BlackDexand then you can deploy again :)10:47
magicaltroutBlackDex: whats your definition of "the subordinate charm is still there"?10:53
BlackDexwell, that it still is listed under the keystone charm in this case ;)10:53
BlackDex juju remove-relation keystone nrpe-xenial10:54
BlackDexERROR relation "nrpe-xenial:nrpe-external-master keystone:nrpe-external-master" not found (not found)10:54
BlackDex juju remove-relation keystone nrpe-xenial10:54
BlackDexERROR relation "nrpe-xenial:nrpe-external-master keystone:nrpe-external-master" not found (not found)10:54
BlackDexif i start a debug-hooks on one of those nrpe charms it sometimes starts a hook. And i tried running hooks/stop my self, but that doesn't do anything10:56
BlackDexjuju run etc.. is also working on these unit's10:56
BlackDexbut i can't seem to remove them10:56
BlackDextried restarting that container also, no effect10:56
kjackalcan you show us the full juju status BlackDex11:10
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pekkarikjackal: o/12:42
kjackalhey pekkari12:43
pekkarihey, what is the best branch for contributions in apache/bigtop on github?12:43
pekkariI see bunch of BIGTOP branches, master, some hadoops, some branch-*12:44
BlackDexkjackal: one moment12:47
BlackDexlet mee see12:47
magicaltroutpekkari: kwmonroe is your man for that12:48
kjackalpekkari: the PRs should reach the apache bigtop repo12:51
kjackalpekkari: here is the repo https://github.com/apache/bigtop12:52
BlackDexkjackal: http://paste.openstack.org/show/mA0DWpKLQl875T1WnUdG/12:52
pekkarimagicaltrout: thanks!12:53
kjackalpekkari: the process for submitting a PR is described here: https://github.com/juju-solutions/bigdata-community/wiki/Contributing and https://github.com/juju-solutions/bigdata-community/wiki/Bigtop-Patch-Process12:53
kjackalBlackDex: I do not see the nrpe-xenial:nrpe-external-master keystone:nrpe-external-master relation in the relations list12:55
BlackDexkjackal: no indeed12:55
pekkarikjackal: indeed, sorry for the noise, just quickread and destroyed, that strategy doesn't work :)12:55
BlackDexsince i removed it ;)12:55
pekkarithanks again!12:56
BlackDexBut the subs are still there12:56
magicaltrouton a big data note, kjackal, just tidying up my relations stuff for saiku->apache drill->hadoop connections12:56
magicaltroutso its zero command line12:56
magicaltroutoutside of getting data into hadoop12:56
kjackalmagicaltrout:  :)12:56
BlackDexkjackal: And, if i do an upgrade-charm, they also are triggered.12:59
BlackDexbut i can't remove them any more12:59
BlackDexThe only option i think i have now is adding new keystone unit's12:59
BlackDexremove the old once, if that will even work, since i think it will get stuck on removing the nrpe sub13:00
kjackalBlackDex: what is the error in the nrpe-xenial charm?13:02
kjackalcan you show us the logs?13:02
BlackDexlet mee see13:02
BlackDexit had something to do with opening/closing of a port13:02
BlackDexi think 566613:02
BlackDexbut that it had the value ICMP13:03
BlackDexso what i did, i added "return" at the function, to skip that part13:03
BlackDexthat didn't resolved it13:03
BlackDexi think someting went wrong with the upgrade13:03
kjackalBlackDex: I would juju ssh onto that node and do a tail -f /var/log/juju/unit-nrpe-xenial-25.log . Then I would do a juju resolved nrpe-xenial/25 . And see in the logs what we get this time13:05
BlackDexill get the output for you13:05
BlackDexone moment13:05
kjackalIf it is a bug in the charm we would better open a ticket13:06
BlackDexit is that, or the upgrade went wrong13:07
BlackDexi could try to overwrite the files /var/lib/juju/agent/x/x/x with an specific version13:07
BlackDexand see if that will help13:07
kjackalBlackDex: I am not sure about this charm. You should open a bug with https://api.jujucharms.com/charmstore/v5/nrpe/archive/metadata.yaml . What you could do for now is to replace /var/lib/juju/agent/unit-nrpe-xenial-25/charm/hook/upgrade-charm with something that is a noop13:15
BlackDexit fails with update-config also13:15
kjackalfor example do a return on line 2 I think13:15
BlackDexso that doesn't work13:15
kjackalhow does it fail now? What is the error msg?13:16
BlackDexsame error message13:16
BlackDexi have removed ICMP from the .nrpe-config.ports13:17
BlackDexthat seems to get rid of the error13:17
BlackDexbut it still doesn't remove the unit13:19
kjackalis it in error state?13:20
BlackDexno error state13:21
BlackDexbut it should be removed13:21
BlackDexnot still being there13:21
BlackDexthx for the help i the right direction!13:28
BlackDexlets see if i can create a report of this. because this had something to do with an upgrade error, an not something else13:29
BlackDexall the others where fine13:29
ejathi, how do i use juju to make my ephemeral storage using ceph instead of local disk15:16
BlackDexejat: i haven't used it my self yet. But this page should help you: https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/charms-storage15:51
BlackDexNot, you need the latest version of juju v2.315:51
ejatBlackDex: ok thanks .. i just tested manually each of ceph-mon node ..16:21
ejatthe nova compute by default create volume on ceph not local disk16:22
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bdxcharmstore down?18:23
pmatulisbdx, here too18:29
rick_hbdx: pmatulis some sort of outage tracking in the data center.18:32
rick_hjust verifying that it's true/folks on it18:33
=== rick_h changed the topic of #juju to: Juju as a Service Beta now available at https://jujucharms.com/jaas | https://review.jujucharms.com/ | https://jujucharms.com/docs/ | http://goo.gl/MsNu4I || https://www.youtube.com/c/jujucharms
=== rick_h changed the topic of #juju to: Charmstore outage currently in progress | Juju as a Service Beta now available at https://jujucharms.com | https://jujucharms.com/docs/ | http://goo.gl/MsNu4I | https://www.youtube.com/c/jujucharms
=== rick_h changed the topic of #juju to: Charmstore outage currently in progress | Get started with Juju https://jujucharms.com/docs/ | The Juju Show https://www.youtube.com/c/jujucharms
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magicaltroutif jujucharms.com shafted?20:08
magicaltroutapparantly its out on the town with rick_h20:09
rick_hmagicaltrout: :( I'm taking my ball and going home.20:09
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magicaltroutkwmonroe stole it20:10
kwmonroemagicaltrout: jujucharms.com is perfectly fine.  it's only when you want to, ya know, do something besides look at the front page where you might have trouble.20:12
kwmonroemagicaltrout: this is a perfect opportunity to polish up those drill bits.20:13
magicaltroutokay the juju api is down20:13
magicaltroutmuch like the snapcraft api about 6 hours ago20:13
magicaltroutnot my day20:13
rick_hmagicaltrout: rolling reboot for Spectre and meltdown...20:14
magicaltrouti was actually wanting to record a quick video of my drill -> saiku no commandline data discovery thing20:14
rick_hSo just not a good day20:14
magicaltrouti also want to fix up my hdfs drillbit relation so we can do bigtop -> drill -> saiku no commandline hacks data analysis20:14
bdxdo the hadoop charms support network spaces?20:24
bdxkwmonroe magicaltrout: what do I do if I want data-node <-> data-node traffic on a network other then my maas mgmt net20:27
bdxlooking at the layer code I cont find any network bindings in any of the metadata.yaml20:28
bdxhaving a hard time thinking networking was over looked on those .... possibly I'm missing something ... or everyone is just using infiniband for their primary interface and I'm just behind the times ....20:29
kwmonroebdx: sorry for the delay, and sorrier for this reply:  the big data charms don't support network spaces.20:55
bdxno worries, thx thx20:55
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magicaltroutoooh she lives21:36
magicaltroutrick_h: by the way since this afternoon21:40
magicaltroutjuju gui on jaas seems completely hosed21:40
magicaltroutor i'm doing something that prevents it working cause its been fine21:41
magicaltroutbut now its not putting workloads onto machines21:41
magicaltroutkwmonroe rick_h or someone21:51
magicaltroutcan you just validate my stupidity21:51
magicaltrouti dunno if I'm doing something wrong, but i'm pretty sure I'm just doing what I've done 100 times21:52
magicaltrouthttps://gist.github.com/buggtb/27de532516ce54764a8700671bba7e39 that video gave me this as a result of my deployment :)21:52
magicaltrouteveryone's out at ricks party :'(21:58
magicaltroutah this time it was even crazier22:01
magicaltroutoh no this time worked22:02
magicaltroutbut I deployed 1 zk by itself then scaled that and added more charms22:02
kwmonroemagicaltrout: i'm still watching your movies.  seems fine to me.22:02
magicaltroutkwmonroe it doesn't deploy any software22:03
magicaltroutwhich seemingly in a software management solution seems a slight glitch22:03
kwmonroeno software can't fail. closing as designed22:04
kwmonroehar hars aside magicaltrout... machines are started, but no apps deployed?22:05
magicaltroutjust sits there with 5 nodes22:05
magicaltroutrepeated that this afternoon and now22:05
kwmonroemagicaltrout: which juju version? 2.3.3?22:06
kwmonroemagicaltrout: i just made a new thing from jujucharms.com, and it seems to be good:  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DBBw3tFmQC/22:09
kwmonroemagicaltrout: was this from a "juju gui" on a pre-existing env?22:09
magicaltroutits just jaas22:10
magicaltrouton a new model22:10
kwmonroehmph.. i'm using jaas for my controller too22:10
magicaltroutyeah but if i launch 1 zk it works22:11
magicaltroutbut if i launch 3 scaled at deployment time it doesn't seem to22:11
magicaltroutjust trying again to test my reasoning22:11
magicaltroutwell thats fscked22:12
magicaltroutthis time i asked  for 3 units22:12
magicaltroutit launched 3 machines22:12
magicaltroutand it scheduling 2 nodes22:12
magicaltroutliving the dream22:13
magicaltroutcheck that kwmonroe22:14
kwmonroeack, adding 3 zks.. gimme a minute22:14
magicaltroutthe 3rd one has now shown up22:15
kwmonroeugh, out of money.  magicaltrout, please send me a bitcoin22:15
kwmonroesend me one now22:16
kwmonroeso i can help you22:16
magicaltroutNASA haven't paid me in 3 months22:16
magicaltrouti'm about to go out of business don't ask me for cash :P22:16
magicaltroutokay 3 zk nodes works22:17
magicaltrout3 zk nodes with a relation22:17
magicaltroutits just done it again22:17
magicaltroutthat is 100% repeatable22:17
magicaltrouti'll file a bug22:18
kwmonroemagicaltrout: i may be seeing the same.. i just added 3 zks to my model, i see machines coming up -- https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PKC45GN5Ns/22:18
kwmonroebut no zk22:19
kwmonroelet's see if that changes after the machines come up22:19
magicaltroutit wont :P22:19
magicaltroutin any normal deployment i see, services going into a waiting state before the machines go live22:20
magicaltroutI've got another 4 here now just doing nothing22:20
magicaltroutalso kwmonroe if you look at the application status in Juju GUI22:21
magicaltroutit says "uncommitted" whatever that means22:21
magicaltroutalso kwmonroe IRC needs a joy emoticon....22:23
magicaltroutjuju gui refuses to delete the models22:23
magicaltroutand juju cli thinks they have 0 machines22:23
magicaltroutbut juju cli does let me destroy the models22:24
magicaltroutah! So when deploying when I scale and select 1 unit per machine22:26
magicaltroutit deploys the services correct22:26
magicaltroutbut if I deploy and select manually place, and then in the swimlanes select auto placement22:26
magicaltroutit doesn't deploy the services22:26
kwmonroeyeah, confirmed here magicaltrout22:30
kwmonroerick_h: haaaalp22:30
magicaltroutwant me to file it on github?22:30
* rick_h walks back to the computer22:31
rick_hwhat's up?22:31
=== rick_h changed the topic of #juju to: Get started with Juju https://jujucharms.com/docs/ | The Juju Show https://www.youtube.com/c/jujucharms
kwmonroerick_h: start a new model at jujucharms.com, add zookeeper (or anything), update the deployment to 3 units, commit.22:31
kwmonroe3 machines will spin up, no apps get deployed22:32
kwmonroeright magicaltrout?  is that about the simplest way to do it?22:32
kwmonroei confirmed with both zk and mongo charms22:33
magicaltroutyeah, although when I did it I had to relate it to something22:33
rick_hkwmonroe: k, what's the logs on the machine that comes up say?22:33
magicaltroutbut kev already had kibana running so who knows22:33
magicaltroutalso rick_h https://gist.github.com/buggtb/f7299a2116e96e63dc1dac20bfe5b13722:34
magicaltroutthe messed up models report 0 machines for the broken services22:35
rick_hmagicaltrout: yea, you might have to log out and back in to see something22:35
rick_hmagicaltrout: because of the outage/back up and such22:35
magicaltrouteven though my model and mymodel2 had 4 or 5 running22:35
rick_hmagicaltrout: I had errors until I re-authed22:35
magicaltroutrick_h: this happened at 3pm22:35
magicaltroutwell before the downtime22:35
rick_hmagicaltrout: oic22:35
magicaltroutand then post downtime22:36
rick_hk, testing out kwmonroe's issue22:36
magicaltroutaww shit kwmonroe even gets credited with it22:36
magicaltrouttoday is a bad day22:36
kwmonroeheh, lemme cycle my login and try again22:37
rick_hsorry but it's my birthday and I'm packing for a trip. I only came back because of "haaaaalp"22:37
rick_hso I was lazy and only read the backlog a little ways :P22:37
magicaltrouthehe, i was just gonna file it22:38
magicaltroutblame kev22:38
magicaltrouti saw the bike getting packed, somewhere nice?22:38
rick_hmagicaltrout: was hoping so, ozark mountains (arkansaw)22:38
rick_hmagicaltrout: but it's been raining a solid week and raining tomorrow/sat22:38
rick_hmagicaltrout: so not sure how much riding we'll get to do...maybe some mudding?22:38
rick_hplan was to get out of MI winter and it's warmer here than there right now lol22:39
rick_hyea, something odd here22:39
rick_hunits still show as uncomitted22:39
rick_hbut the machines came up22:39
kwmonroeha!  mongo just came up for me.  maybe it's a zk thing.22:39
rick_hhah, and hatch bailed22:39
kwmonroeand i have to change locations for <reasons>.. be back asap.22:40
rick_hk, I'll file a bug and get folks to look in the AM...damn. We've got a new gui that's hit release and wonder if this is still in there...22:40
rick_hmagicaltrout: what's your GH username?22:41
rick_hyou know why? because you didn't hit autoplace?22:41
rick_hor did you do some placement stuff?22:41
magicaltroutwell I hit autoplace on one of the tests I did22:42
magicaltroutand it made no difference rick_h22:42
rick_hso it works if I manually place22:42
rick_hworks if I add and click "one unit per machine"22:43
rick_hand works if I hit manually place and then later click "auto place"22:43
rick_hmagicaltrout: do you have a solid failure repro steps?22:43
rick_hbasically the bad thing is that if I scale 3 new units it says it'll add-unit but since I never placed it that changelog is a lie22:44
rick_hin that case it's "broken" but it's because I said manually place and then didn't22:44
magicaltroutso i've literally just tried this22:46
magicaltrouti've stuck 1 apache-drill and 3 zookeepers on my canvas22:46
magicaltroutrelated them22:46
magicaltroutsaid manual place22:46
magicaltroutbut then in the machines view i clicked the auto place button22:47
magicaltroutoh i see what its doing22:47
magicaltroutthats messed up22:47
magicaltroutscreen grab coming22:48
magicaltroutlook at this rick_h22:49
magicaltrouti stuck the stuff on the canvas then clicked the auto place button22:49
magicaltroutand the deploy22:49
magicaltroutit fired up 4 machines22:49
magicaltroutwhich are empty22:49
magicaltroutthen did something pretty weird with 2 zookeeper nodes22:50
magicaltroutwhich don't exist22:50
magicaltroutand wheres the other zk node and wheres the apache drill?22:50
magicaltroutthey literally don't exist22:50
rick_hmagicaltrout: hmm, can you file a bug in https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/issues/new with the step by step and I'll get someone to look into it please?22:51
magicaltroutsure thing22:52
magicaltrouthave fun packing22:55
magicaltroutthanks for the help kwmonroe22:55

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