
donofrioand now it is working....I just had to remeber to make sure all displayed touched each other and aligned up all for use now its this goodness https://1drv.ms/f/s!AsBlZbBf72iNoL9MBY5kLzCENfmqng01:11
FurretUberQEMU virtual machines with network in user mode are using 100% of host CPU when they keep a network connection01:37
daddy0how can i get winestaging for 18.04 without building it myself?01:39
daddy0this doesnt work:  apt-add-repository https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/01:40
FurretUberUgh, Pidgin crashed when I selected text from this chat01:42
FurretUberThis is bad, it crashed again01:45
daddy0im using pidgin too but its not crashing fwiw01:49
FurretUberI am using and had no problems, until I selected some text01:49
FurretUberNow it crashes if I select text on it01:50
FurretUberTo crash it, I selected some text from the chat, clicked on it and tried to drag, as if trying to copy to gedit01:51
FurretUberNow apport is uploading a xfce4-taskmanager crash, after that ends I will try to get a backtrace of pidgin01:52
FurretUberTime to kill pidgin01:55
FurretUberHorrible, there is no backtrace or apport crash01:58
FurretUberThis is the pidgin bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pidgin/+bug/175094102:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1750941 in pidgin (Ubuntu) "Pidgin crashes if I select text on chat and try to drag and drop it" [Undecided,New]02:08
daddy0got winestaging through POL woot02:46
ChmEarlis there a macro like this for Ubuntu: -DVENDOR_DEBIAN02:54
ChmEarlor is it the same02:55
ayeeI'm screwing around with ubuntu18 to play with netplan. I added an interface, and when I reboot the network startup process just hangs with a timer that keeps ticking up. but when I do netplay apply before reboot, everything works, I can ssh in, etc06:59
ayeeI'm confused about why it works before reboot, but not after.07:00
ayeeThis is the only file in /etc/netplan/: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/5cf3bac9168f19f9a0c9b8123aa6929a07:01
LopeIf I run a pre-release of 18.04, will it update to a stable 18.04 when the stable version is released?07:21
LopeI'm setting up a new laptop07:21
LopeAnd considering running 18.0407:21
lotuspsychje!final | Lope 07:22
ubottuLope: If you install a development version of Ubuntu bionic and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 18.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.07:22
ayeeThe odd thing is, if I do startup with just the one interface, and then I add the two bottom line to the netplan config, and do netplan apply, I can now ssh to the box through that bottom interface07:22
ayeebut on reboot, it barfs07:22
LopeIs anything notable broken in 18.04?07:22
LopeI've never heard of netplan.07:23
LopeSounds like a GUI for iptables? :P07:23
ayeeIt's the replacement for /etc/network/interfaces or something07:23
lotuspsychjeLope: we are currently in devel branch, alot 'could' brake in this stage07:23
ayeeIt smells very systemd-ish07:23
lotuspsychjeLope: but that doesnt mean things cantrun stable07:23
LopeYeah, I guess they've been killing /etc/network/interfaces slowly for a while.07:24
LopePretty weird how you had to setup static IPs in the DCHP client.07:24
LopeIt's like an oxymoron.07:24
lotuspsychjeayee: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Netplan07:25
LopeWill it be possible to upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04?07:25
lotuspsychjeLope: yes, in june07:25
ayeelotuspsychje: I read that doc, not sure if you're pointing to a particular part?07:25
lotuspsychjeLope: when 18.04.1 is out its reccomended to do the LTS to LTS upgrade07:25
Lopelotuspsychje: I was under the impression that ubuntu LTS doesn't offer upgrades?07:25
LopeI thought I had to run debian to be able to do release upgrades07:26
lotuspsychjeayee: no, just doublecheck if you installed netplan the reccomended way?07:26
Lopeso you're saying I just do the /etc/apt/sources.list update (change xenial to whatever) and bob is my uncle/07:26
ayeelotuspsychje: I just installed the daily current bionic, so it just came installed out of the box?07:27
lotuspsychjeLope: what?07:27
lotuspsychje!info netplan07:27
ubottunetplan (source: plan): network server for `plan'. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.10.1-5 (bionic), package size 27 kB, installed size 146 kB07:27
ayeepretty sure I didn't install this, I had no idea what it was 30 minutes go07:27
lotuspsychjeayee: wich ubuntu version?07:28
ayeeThis one: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/20180221/bionic-server-arm64.iso07:28
ayeeer, amd64 rather07:28
lotuspsychjeah im not following server news sorry07:28
lotuspsychjeim on desktop myself07:28
Lopelotuspsychje: in debian when you upgrade from one release to the next, you change the sources.list file from jesse to stretch for example, and then it upgrades the distro.07:29
ayeeI assume it's the same situation on desktop current07:29
lotuspsychjeLope: when 18.04.1 comes out, it will notify on 16.04 to do your upgrade07:29
LopeI've never heard of ubuntu offering seamless upgrades07:29
LopeI thought with ubuntu you have to nuke and reinstall for every new release?07:29
lotuspsychjeLope: where did you hear that?07:30
Lopepeople on IRC :P07:30
lotuspsychjeLope: bad info07:30
ubottuThe automatic LTS upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 was scheduled when 16.04.1 LTS was released on July 21st, but due to last bug testings it has been opened on July 28th.07:30
lotuspsychjeLope: for a daily we reccomend to install clean07:32
ayeeo it works. hmm. I think I was too impatient. The systemd job for the network was taking 90 seconds, and I only waited 30 seconds before powering off the VM07:32
ayeeno idea why it takes so long. *shrug*07:32
ayeeok, I did read the docs and make the config properly, I thought I was going crazy07:33
lotuspsychje!yay | ayee 07:33
ubottuayee: Glad you made it! :-)07:33
Lopelotuspsychje: "for a daily" ?07:34
lotuspsychjeLope: as in a daily iso 18.0407:35
Lopelotuspsychje: do you mean if I install a daily iso, once the release comes, I should reinstall the release version?07:36
lotuspsychjeLope: no, i just explained this with !final remember07:37
lotuspsychjeLope: with daily i mean: to help test/bug out a development version, we reccomend to install the iso clean and not upgraded from another version07:37
LopeOh I see07:39
Lopebut once I install a daily of course I'll want to upgrade it and not keep reinstalling every day?07:39
lotuspsychjeLope: correct07:40
lotuspsychjethats what we all do here07:40
lotuspsychjebug/test until final07:40
lotuspsychjeLope: just updating your system will make it better and better07:41
Lopeayee: okay. So netplan the main way to configure network interfaces, is broken. Seems like quite a showstopper?07:42
Lopelotuspsychje: thanks07:42
ayeeLope: It works. for some reason it takes 3 minutes to startup with systemd.07:44
Lopeayee: hmm.07:47
lotuspsychjeayee: perhaps the #ubuntu-server guys might know more of netplan/server07:49
ducasseLope: you don't manually edit sources.list to upgrade to a new release, you run the software updater or do-release-upgrade08:06
Lopeayee: The new netplan syntax looks nice09:40
Lopelooks like Ubuntu 18.04 will be good for a tablet?09:49
gpunki ahve this [  1349.670] (EE) AIGLX: reverting to software rendering , so the desktop is very slow09:50
gpunkany help ?09:50
gpunkit was fine before todays update09:51
gpunkhello : 52.508] (EE) AIGLX: reverting to software rendering10:03
gpunkmy desktop is very slow10:05
gpunksince this morning update10:05
gpunk i fixed the issue by uninstalling libglvnd010:32
gpunkbut kinfocenter has to go too, (dependency)10:33
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donofrioso it looked like my issue was a gnome/unity/mate issue, when I added xfce4* to my system and changed the DE to xfce4 my controls worked, no more north north magnetic like repelling of the screens, might just be visable after the second display is setup that is why maybe no-one on dualhead land has seen that, I'm a quadhead at home mahcine...again it's working now (fixed it last night) but figured I'd share just the same14:04
alkisgdonofrio: so, if it's an ubuntu mate issue, you'd better ask in #mate-dev or #ubuntu-mate14:08
alkisgOr report it to launchpad14:08
FurretUberHi, a machine I upgraded from Xubuntu 16.04 to 18.04 is failing when I want to log in using lightdm. It does so because the startup script tries to run /sbin/upstart --user14:35
FurretUberI have noticed my machine I upgraded from Zesty to Bionic that it has many startup scripts at /etc/X11/Xsession.d. That Xenial machine has only 99x11upstart and 99x11-common_start14:37
FurretUberI can't find which packages add content to /etc/X11/Xsession.d, so I don't know against what should I file a bug14:37
alkisgdpkg -S /etc/X11/Xsession.d14:56
alkisgThis will tell you which packages put files to that directory14:56
FurretUberThank you. Somehow, the startup script 99upstart was not removed when upgrading from 16.04 to 18.04, which is causing the login to fail15:04
FurretUberRemoving this specific script from /etc/X11/Xsession.d solved15:04
FurretUberAnd the Xubuntu's default wallpaper is beautiful15:04
alkisgFurretUber: you can file a bug report for that if you want15:23
FurretUberHmm... I can't report it, because there is no package upstart in Bionic15:35
FurretUberAgainst which package should I report then?15:36
alkisgAgainst upstart in xenial15:36
alkisgOr against the upgrader, which should have purged and not removed upstart15:36
alkisg$ dpkg -S /usr/bin/do-release-upgrade 15:37
alkisgubuntu-release-upgrader-core: /usr/bin/do-release-upgrade15:37
alkisgRemoving upstart leaves its configuration files. If they cause login issues, either upstart should be fixed so that they don't cause login issues, or do-release-upgrade should purge it instead of removing15:37
alkisg(remove means leave configuration files in /etc there)15:38
FurretUberIt was already reported, I marked I was affected too.15:41
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jlacroixI'm having a strange issue in 18.04 in a VM. I tried to set up a bridge, and then did sudo netplan apply. However, the VM does get an IP address from my DHCP server but cannot ping or access anything on the LAN19:28
jlacroixI followed this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/971126/17-10-netplan-config-with-bridge19:28
Odd_Blokejlacroix: It might be worth asking in #netplan.19:41
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Boyettewho can help me to install wine21:18
naccBoyette: well you're doing it rather wrong21:33
Boyettewhat should I do ?21:33
naccBoyette: you are passing two packages to apt21:33
nacc'wine-development' and '3.2-1'21:33
naccBoyette: why are you doing that?21:33
naccBoyette: if you are on bionic, you will get 3.2-1 already, you don't need to tell it the version21:33
Boyetteah ur right21:35
Boyetteremoving the version works21:35
naccBoyette: right, and you see why, yes?21:35
naccBoyette: ok :)21:37
Boyettethx mate21:38

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