
SuperMattsudo apt update07:52
sailorsarahej i need help installing ubuntu. i need to figure out if it will work with my system https://pastebin.com/cXh71cKi here is my lspci  output and the output from my  fdisk https://pastebin.com/sbRgxMe3 . i am currently using a live usb drive. its a sony vaio  model number vpcs11x9e from 2007  it has 5637 as the first value when i use free -m i NEED TO HAVE ACCESS TO WINDOWS. my bank login does not support linu and the govrnment l08:46
sailorsarasystem requires it too.08:46
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:56
sailorsarabrobostigon: im not09:20
brobostigonnot a boy or a girl?09:21
SuperMattnot in mourning?09:27
sailorsarabrobostigon: (09:21:45) brobostigon: not a boy or a girl?10:07
brobostigonyep, i did say that.10:08
sailorsarathat was what i meant10:08
sailorsaraim neither10:08
sailorsarahej i need help installing ubuntu. i need to figure out if it will work with my system https://pastebin.com/cXh71cKi here is my lspci  output and the output from my  fdisk https://pastebin.com/sbRgxMe3 . i am currently using a live usb drive. its a sony vaio  model number vpcs11x9e from 2007  it has 5637 as the first value when i use free -m i NEED TO HAVE ACCESS TO WINDOWS. my bank login does not support linu and the govrnment l10:08
sailorsarasystem requires it too.10:08
sailorsaraor if theres a swede here can i run bankid on a vm_10:09
Nafalloif you're currently running it off the usb stick, would you not know if it works? :-)10:09
Nafallosailorsara: well, us Swedes generally hang out in #ubuntu-se10:09
sailorsarai mean how to image the hdd so i have a iso of the drive_10:09
NafalloI'm here because I used to live in London and got an extra community too boost ;-)10:10
brobostigonah i see, got you, sorry, sailorsara10:10
sailorsaraNafallo: lol no. they are everywhere10:10
Nafalloright. let me re-phrase that then.10:10
sailorsarai can then use that iso as a virtual machine or to reinstall a legal copy of windows10:10
sailorsaraim from the uk10:11
sailorsarabut i live in sweden10:11
sailorsarathey want swedish speakers only there10:11
Nafallowhen you ask for help about stuff only existing in a specific country, you may have better luck asking in that countries community channel.10:11
Nafallosure, but if you explain your circumstances I'm sure we'll be fine with it ;-)10:12
* brobostigon hangs out in #ubuntu-cym, to practice his welsh, but its pretty quiet these days.10:12
sailorsaraok so, sweden and a number of baltic countries such as for example estonia MUST MUST MUST be able to use a security programme called bank id10:13
sailorsarawe cant use it on linux10:14
Nafallosailorsara: you have a requirement for bankid on your PC rather than mobile bankid?10:14
sailorsaraBankID have 7,5 million active users. Many services are provided where citizens can use their BankID for digital identification as well as signing transactions and documents. The services vary from online and mobile banking, e-trade to tax declaration and are provided by government, municipality, banks and companies. BankID is used both for identification as well as signing. According to Swedish law, and within the European Union10:14
sailorsarakID is an advanced signature and a signature made with a BankID is legally binding. The customer’s identification is guaranteed by the bank issuing the BankID. Authorities, companies and other organizations must check the validity of the customer’s identity and signature. BankID is available on smart card, soft certificate as well as mobile phones, iPads and other tablet devices.10:14
sailorsarai cant transfer 300,000gbp without a cable connected10:15
sailorsarai need that10:15
Nafallosailorsara: sorry, but explaining what it is to a country that doesn't need it is sort of not helpful ;-)10:15
sailorsarai mean its a small sum of money which is silly10:15
sailorsaraNafallo: no. 1 million swedes live in the uk10:16
sailorsaraand i am sure they still use banid for savngs and stuff10:16
NafalloI didn't10:16
Seeker`is this disucssion at all productive in its current form?10:16
NafalloI had UK banking when I lived in the UK.10:16
Nafallono, I don't think so :-)10:17
sailorsarawell think is i need bankid on my pc10:17
sailorsarahow can we make it happen_10:17
sailorsaraaghhhhh my keyboard is set out in austrian10:17
* Nafallo steps back from this conversation and go back to working :-)10:17
Seeker`only suggestion I've got is "try WINE"10:18
zmoylan-pivery reminiscent of south koreas dependence on activex back in the day for transactions...10:44
Nafallozmoylan-pi: I think this was java...10:56
Nafallowith a lot of dependencies to make sure the computer is "secure enough"10:56
Nafallochecking settings and stuff.10:56
Nafalloso no support for linux officially makes it very very difficult.10:57
zmoylan-piremembers that one of the first irish banking apps in java looked for files specifically in c:\windows which really helped... :-/10:59
SuperMattThat's nuts11:07
SuperMattThat's the kind of thing which stops people moving off windows xp11:08
NafalloSuperMatt: except the official statement of the agency responsible is to use mobile bankid, not file based certificates on your computer.11:09
zmoylan-piannoyed a few mac users back then too... :-)11:09
zmoylan-piso not all bad :-D11:09
Nafalloyou're allowed up to five devices as well, so that helps :-)11:10
NafalloI've got it with different auth on 2 tablets and 3 phones ;-)11:10
Nafalloas long as you've got at least one working, there's no problem to add another :-)11:11
=== SuperMat1 is now known as SuperMatt
foobarryhttps://github.com/npm/npm/issues/19883 wowzers12:15
foobarry"This destroyed 3 production server after a single deploy!"12:15
SuperMattWhat a bug!12:17
SuperMattI've never really liked node and npm12:24
SuperMattI remember my first job as a sys-ad when people were first talking using node on servers12:25
SuperMattI basically said no because the stuff they were writing could simply get out of control, use too much memory, and bring the server down12:25
zmoylan-piwe live in a world were people use slack for im gobbling ram likes it's free...12:27
SuperMattIt's not slack, it's electron which is the problem12:37
SuperMattbut memory on servers is different to memory on desktops12:37
SuperMatta server is generally a single task device, so you want to be using memory in a way that gives you space to burst, but not using so little that 99% of the time you're wasting money12:38
SuperMattbut a desktop can be asked to multitask at any moment12:38
ali1234npm lol13:33
diddledanSPAAAACE http://www.spacex.com/webcast14:06
SuperMattMOAR SPACE?14:26
penguin42meh, small rocket15:00
SuperMattstill, the amount of spacexing happening now is very heartwarming15:09
zmoylan-piall body warming if you get too close...15:10
SuperMattnothing like immolation by space rocket15:11
* penguin42 bastes SuperMatt15:13
SuperMattooohhh greasy15:16
foobarrydoes anyone have a bed table for laptop/tablet?15:24
zmoylan-pii made my own out of a piece of plywood...15:24
zmoylan-pimore for using netbook on lap as it's too small to fit comfortably on my lap...15:25
SuperMattI've got this: https://www.geek.com/gadgets/logitech-unveils-the-comfort-lapdesk-laptop-stand-642012/15:25
zmoylan-pimine folds in half and wraps around the netbook when it's in my bag to add extra protection...15:27
foobarrythere seem to be a lot of bamboo ones15:30
sara_hdd is 289gb. freespace is 193gb16:11
sara_max partition for ubuntu?16:11
SuperMattI always have different partitions for / and /home16:12
SuperMattbut that's just me16:12
SuperMattI normally give about 20G to /, and the rest for /home16:12
sara_im sorry i mean max partition i can resiye windows to make space for ubuntu - i asked a stupid question16:14
SuperMattOh, well you don't need much space for Ubuntu. Like I said, I use 20G for /, and then the rest for /home. I would say use another 20G for home, and you'll feel very comfortable in Ubuntu16:26
SuperMattthat's about 40G in total16:26
=== acheronuk_ is now known as acheronuk

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