
jrwrenGood Morning.13:07
jrwrenI'd like to share with you what I ultimately landed on as a bmarks.us or self hosted bookie replacement, all these years later: make your own reddit sub.13:08
cmaloneyGood morning13:25
cmaloneyrick_h: Happy Birthday Rick!13:25
cmaloneyjrwren: Hah.13:25
cmaloneyFunnily enough someone was asking about a self-hosted bookmark solution and wondered about what features they would want to put in there and I said "Well, funny you should mention that; have you looked at the features of Bookie?"13:26
cmaloneyHonestly nothing I've seen has come close to Bookie. It is remarkable.13:27
jrwrenoh yeah!  Happy Birthday Rick.13:38
dzhocmaloney: my bookmarking is still disconnected, but I think if I start coordinating it in any way it'll be by running https://mozilla-services.readthedocs.io/en/latest/howtos/run-sync-1.5.html13:47
cmaloneyYeah, i have yet to find something that has matched Bookie13:49
cmaloneyMOst of my bookmarks are in Chrome and Duck Duck Go13:49
jrwrenDDG has bmarks?13:49
cmaloneyjrwren: Yeah, and it even supports keyword searching13:53
cmaloneyjust remember the same keywords that you used and it'll find the bookmarks. ;)13:53
jrwreni only use !bang syntax as keywords :)13:56
rick_hty cmaloney and jrwren14:04
rick_hthe big thing is that bookmarks have potential to be much more than a file of links14:05
rick_hthat's the thing I feel like gets missed out on14:05
cmaloneyand it's something I thought Bookie got right14:05
rick_hwell, was working towards14:06
cmaloneyI still think there's life in those tires but I don't know front-end enough to make it work14:06
cmaloneyand the back-end piece has a lot of libraries that aren't getting updated anymore14:06
rick_hyea, bummed. Part of giving up on it was google was doing bookmarks and pin-whatever seemed to be the geek choice and such14:07
rick_hsaturated market14:07
cmaloneyRight, but the self-hosted stuff really isn't there14:07
rick_hjrwren: so how's the redditsub thing work? You can keep it private and add links from different sources easily?14:07
cmaloneyunless you count [Next|Own]Cloud14:07
rick_hcmaloney: yea, but self-hosted isn't big enough for the time investment14:08
cmaloneyI think the tides are changing14:08
rick_hhah, have to love that "I want my own X...so here's all the things!"14:08
cmaloneynow that ActivityPub is standardized we can do the federation with different platforms14:08
cmaloneyAnd make it a truly social platform14:09
* cmaloney is still in the "sprinkle federation on it to compete with the big players" phase14:09
rick_hI need to see that work I guess. I don't really know of anywhere it has.14:11
jrwrenrick_h: I keep it public, because I typically don't care. But yes, add links with a bookmark shortcut script, wtf are those called?14:12
rick_hyea, I think that a real bookmark solution needs to support private, searching, tagging, and sharing into other folk's collections. I like the lastpass setup for the sharing setup these day14:13
rick_huse that a lot with my wife so I can manage the finances but she has the login for when she's in the mood to check stuff out14:14
cmaloneyrick_h: ActivityPub is in use for Mastodon and Peertube.14:15
cmaloneyand a few others are coming on board.14:15
jrwrenprivate would be a different reddit sub, but reddit does all the rest of what you just said.14:16
cmaloneyMichael Hall is working on GetTogether as well to compete with Meetup14:16
cmaloneyand we've mentioned ActivityPub for federating that content14:16
jrwrenand since reddit it open source, one could host it yourself.14:16
cmaloneyIs it still? I thought there were rumbings that it wasn't current / buildable14:17
cmaloneyLike Sourceforge's code became OSS but you wouldn't want to build it14:17
cmaloneyand the hardware requirements to run it were pretty high14:17
dzhoToo Big To Fork is what I call those sorts of things14:17
jrwrenadam had juju charms deploying reddit a few yrs ago. I don't know if it still works.14:18
dzhoit's a combination of the parent site having too much centrality due to network effects and first mover effects, coupled with maintaining the code base being too big a lift for the reward, and too much configuration being specific to an instance.14:18
dzhogiven the channel, I think Launchpad is probably a good example.14:19
jrwreneh, its equivocal becuase LP wasn't opensource until it was. reddit always was?14:23
jrwrenthe LP OSS suffered because it wasn't designed to be hosted by others until much later.14:24
jrwrenbut then, I guess reddit wasn't always open source either. it was jsut opened much earlier in its life. https://redditblog.com/2008/06/17/reddit-goes-open-source/14:24
jrwrenstill, I think you are probably right. The complexity of reddit was one of the things that made the juju so impressive. it wasn't just wordpress and mysql.14:26
dzhoeven wordpress teeters on the TBTF edge.14:28
dzhoI mean, sure, people self-host it all over the place.14:28
dzhobut then they get pwned all over the place.14:28
jrwrenI must misunderstand waht you mean by TBTF14:29
dzhotoo big to fork14:30
jrwrendepends on the goal of the fork, I suppose.14:30
brouschcmaloney: Is this GetTogether? https://gettogether.community/15:09
brouschIt's really not clear what that is15:10
rick_hyea, really hate things that don't land with their pitch15:17
jrwrenk8s Helm took me a while to figure out. They never really explain what they are.15:20
jrwrenthey use analogy, but they are poor and so it took me a while to get WTF they do and why I'd want it.15:20
jrwrenAnalogy is the WORST way to describe what you are doing.15:20
rick_h"the uber of ..." ? :P15:21
rick_hhelm looks a lot like charms :P15:21
jrwrendoesn't it?!?15:22
rick_hhelm install vs juju deploy :P15:22
rick_hyea, there's a lot of talk of what CaaS in Juju looks like and I keep thinking it looks a lot like https://hub.kubeapps.com/charts/stable/artifactory15:22
cmaloneybrousch: Yeah, that's the one15:25
rick_h open source, experts in adoption :P15:27
jrwrenSTILL?!?!  its 8mo later... 1yr later since we talked about it in New Orleans15:30
rick_hjrwren: still what?15:31
jrwrenstill lots of talk :)15:31
rick_hheh well there's code there15:31
rick_hbut to be fair everyone working on it has left15:31
rick_hso wheeeee15:31
jrwrenpeople must have left that I didn't know about.15:32
rick_hMcKraken, menno, axw,15:32
jrwrenyup, I didn't know.15:32
jrwrenmattyw left?!?!15:33
rick_h(though he didn't work on caas)15:33
cmaloneyIs there anyone still working on code at Canonical that isn't Dustin?15:33
rick_hdustin doesn't work on any code15:33
cmaloneyAh, well then15:33
rick_hhis idea of coding is to bash script something with our tools and give it a funny name15:33
* rick_h stops before he gets himself in trouble15:34
cmaloneyAh. Apparently I conflated that with code. :)15:34
rick_hyea, he's a good salesman15:34
cmaloneyhttps://gettogether.community/ <- Just added an event to this page15:35
cmaloneyWe'll see if it gets any traction. :)15:35
cmaloneyThe interface reminds me a LOT of the Ubuntu Loco interface15:36
cmaloneyasking for lat / long15:36
cmaloneyusing a drop-down for city that is a type-in field15:36
cmaloneyreally rough, but workable15:36
brouschI was wondering why that came up as nearby me, then remembered our VPN often makes it look like I'm in Detroit15:36
cmaloneyIt's the only event in MI so that's another reason15:37
brouschIf I put in Grand Rapids, 100km, it goes away15:37
cmaloneyhttps://github.com/npm/npm/issues/19883 <- God bless NPM15:44
jrwrenLMAO @ page taking too long to load unicorn15:50
_stink__cmaloney: that's a fun read15:57
cmaloneyI love that's a pre-release15:57
cmaloneybut with a minor version number15:57

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