
=== Guest14580 is now known as Druide_
fx250I want to temporarily add like 15 seconds to linux system boot time so I can see if usplash works, but it boots to quickly on a test machine.  Is there a way I can configure Ubuntu to sleep for 15 seconds before X login appears?00:01
fx250s/ to / too /00:02
fx250ah nm00:02
jk^hi all, i opened "Disks" and it tells me my pendrive have 19 GB of free space. I have to put into it 18 GB, but to avoid a unsuccessful operation, i just copy/past to that pendrive 16 GB of data. Now i'd have 3 GB of free space, but now the app "Disks" tells me there is just 1,1 GB :\ so i can't copy/paste the other 2 GB of data :\ why?00:05
=== xxx is now known as Guest47420
skulltip2should i switch to xorg and disable wayland?00:10
kk4ewtare you using nvidia video card00:11
texlaWhat is the proper term to change the permissions of a file "chmod"or "chown"00:25
nacctexla: chmod00:26
nacctexla: chown "CHanges OWNership"00:26
texlanacc, Thanks for info00:27
slimjimflimanybody know how to mount a 5-10 yr old memorex 25x 700mb 80min audio cd-r on ubuntu 16.04.3?00:35
tomcresYou can't mount an audio CD.00:37
tomcresIt doesn't have a filesystem on it.00:37
slimjimflimoh. should i just start ripping then?00:38
tomcresYes, it should be instantly accessible from whatever ripper you're using.00:39
slimjimflimk thanks. haven't ripped a cd in a long time00:39
cheakoHello, I just debootstraped artful and tried to install libglvnd-dev  and it wasn't available.00:47
cheakoI altered my apt source to bionic and found the same, even though it's listed as part of both releases.00:48
cheakoThis is important for a package I'm trying to upload to a ppa: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/357949350/buildlog_ubuntu-artful-i386.renderdoc_0.91-12_BUILDING.txt.gz00:50
bazhang!info libglvnd-dev | cheako00:51
ubottucheako: libglvnd-dev (source: libglvnd): Vendor neutral GL dispatch library -- development files. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.2.999+git20170802-2 (artful), package size 3 kB, installed size 20 kB00:51
=== dell is now known as Guest40324
bazhangcheako, first off, never mix release version repos, and it is in the artful repos00:51
cheakobazhang: That may be, but it's clearly missing from the Packages files.00:57
bazhangcheako, which packages00:58
cheakogrepping for libglv00:58
bazhangcheako, not everyone needs it00:58
bazhangcheako, but it's there if you do00:59
cheakobazhang: No it's not...  cheako@debian:~/Downloads$ xzcat Packages.xz | grep -n libglv01:00
bazhangcheako, in debian?01:01
purplepodHmm are these updates here today Intel's new meltdown fix attempts?01:01
cheakoI downloaded Packages.xz and interrogated it for the package.01:02
cheakoIt's not even in http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu/pool/main/libg/01:03
bazhanghttps://packages.ubuntu.com/artful/libglvnd-dev cheako01:04
cheakobazhang: apt-get doesn't download that.01:05
bazhangcheako, sure it does, as long as you have that repo enabled, and have updated your sources list01:06
purplepodyep looks like it fixed the vulnerabilities, i'm, getting not vulnerable on all 3 now01:06
purplepod> STATUS:  NOT VULNERABLE  (Mitigation: OSB (observable speculation barrier, Intel v6))01:06
purplepod> STATUS:  NOT VULNERABLE  (Mitigation: Full generic retpoline)01:06
purplepod> STATUS:  NOT VULNERABLE  (Mitigation: PTI)01:06
cheakobazhang: No it downloads a list of installable packages from the Packages file that references the download URL for the deb, like pool/main/a/acct/acct_6.6.4-1_amd64.deb for example the first listing.01:07
bazhangcheako, it's at packages.ubuntu.com , and many other official ubuntu resources say it is there, however you are searching must be missing the use of those01:09
cheakoBTW the packages files are stored in /var/lib/apt and you can look at them there.01:09
cheakobazhang: Try installing it.01:10
bazhangcheako, give us a lsb_release -a please01:10
jycAfter suspending my laptop, it seems like my USB keyboard/mouse don't work any more. They get power, but typing / moving the mouse doesn't do anything--I also don't see anything in dmesg, although weirdly I do see the devices in lsusb01:10
jycdoes anyone know if this is a libinput problem? (I'm on Wayland)01:11
cheakoThat's what lead me to boot up a debootstrap.01:11
cheakoroot@debian:~# lsb_release -a01:11
cheakoNo LSB modules are available.01:11
cheakoDistributor ID:Ubuntu01:11
cheakoDescription:Ubuntu 17.1001:11
cheakoThe error I get is "sbuild-build-depends-renderdoc-dummy : Depends: libglvnd-dev but it is not going to be installed" though I understand that this is not informative.01:14
nacccheako: that's not what that error means01:14
nacccheako: it means it's not installable, which is not necessarily the same01:14
nacccheako: you looke din the main packages file01:14
nacccheako: but that package is in universe01:14
cheakoroot@debian:~# apt-cache search libglv; # Results in nothing.01:14
nacccheako: i'm sorry, perhaps debootstrap is not for you :)01:15
nacccheako: you know a bit too much? :)01:15
Ben64yeah the package is there01:15
nacccheako: typically the above message from the builder is that there is a dependency issue01:15
Ben64fired up vm, boom can install01:16
nacccheako: so that package becasem uninstallable, possibly due to someting else01:16
cheakonacc: Thanks, I bet it's super easy to get a PPA to reference universe.01:16
nacccheako: should be in its settings, yes01:16
bazhangso he had a PPA blocking the install?01:21
cheakobazhang: No, I need this pkg in my own PPA.01:23
cheakoLooks like I'll have to upload it myself as the "Edit PPA dependencies" screen doesn't seem to understand universe.01:24
larryany red hat guys here !!01:32
bazhanglarry, try #rhel01:32
bazhangthis is ubuntu support larry01:33
larryok thanks bz01:33
stoopkidhello, i'm using a computer that had an encrypted home directory with ecryptfs. i've managed to decrypt and mount it with ecryptfs-recover-private --rw, and i see that i can write files into the mounted directory, does anybody know what would need to be done to re-encrypt and unmount this directory?01:34
stoopkidi try "ecryptfs-umount-private /tmp/ecryptfs.d2wICJDV/" but that just says "open, no such file or direcctory. Error locking counter"01:36
stoopkidunfortunately there's no info in the manpage i'm not sure what the proper syntax for the command is supposed to be01:36
serestoopkid: did you encrypt from install or after?01:53
stoopkidsere: from install01:54
stoopkidforgot i did it until i had to go into recovery mode for something and saw everything "missing" from my home directory01:55
meadwelp I went from xubuntu 16.04.2 to 16.04.3 and the live image won't even boot01:55
serestoopkid: ahh ok.. do you think if you change installs/OS's it will still mount01:56
stoopkidno idea heh01:56
serestoopkid: ah ok hehe.. ive been wondering, i think im going to try with this new portable minimal im working on. i guesss we will find it01:58
stoopkidwell, i can `umount` it and then `ecryptfs-mount-prviate` again and the files i wrote are still there (i guess expectedly)02:07
stoopkidbut ok, so ecryptfs-mount-private sticks some things into the keyring so if i just do `umount` i have to clear the keyring02:11
stoopkidmanually i mean02:11
stoopkidhrm, i'd like a better understanding of what's going on there. let's say i don't clear the keyring, i should still be able to decrypt & mount this directory as long as that key is still in there?02:12
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
xDeathConthis is my first time joining an irc lol02:45
xDeathConi suppose you are able to see my messages?02:45
cfhowletttopic is xubuntu support.  your question is ...?02:45
xDeathConi dont have one testing02:45
xDeathConim on a dos pc02:45
cfhowlett!test | xDeathCon02:45
ubottuxDeathCon: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3...02:45
xDeathConidk i saw this in a video of the client im using and i dont know any others02:46
xDeathConis there a certain place i should go instead?02:46
cfhowlettfor chit chat?02:46
xDeathConok idk02:47
xDeathConnew to this02:47
cfhowlettno worries02:47
xDeathConits also quite strange doing this from a pc running ms-dos 6.2202:47
xDeathConis there a command to view all the channels?02:48
cfhowlettyep.  depends on the irc client you are using02:48
xDeathConwell... not sure. this is ircjr02:48
cfhowlettbest to see their support options --- possibly by typing "help"02:49
xDeathConi guess /help02:49
xDeathConbut it didnt tell me much at all02:49
xDeathConah... its alt commands02:50
xDeathConwell ill be... i dont think it has a channel list02:53
=== Zren_ is now known as Zren
=== AntiSpamMeta2 is now known as AntiSpamMeta
=== FrankF1 is now known as FrankF
OdysseyHi. I just restarted my computer and Ubuntu 17.10 seems to be stuck in gnome-classic. I have run env | grep -i DESKTOP_SESSION and DESKTOP_SESSION=gnome-classic. How can I change it back to regular Ubuntu gnome?03:22
MickeyMcMcMcHI UBUNTU03:24
ninersalldayjoin #49ers03:24
MickeyMcMcMc9ers blow03:25
Kon-I would have thought you were a Nicks fan, considering you just joined with six different ones03:25
Kon-And you're talking to yourself03:25
ninersalldaydont hate03:25
=== MickeyMcMcMc is now known as PatriotsDidNothi
Kon-2 more03:26
Kon-And another03:26
Kon-Just stop03:26
OdysseyIs anyone able to help me? Ubuntu 17.10 seems to be stuck in gnome-classic. I have run env | grep -i DESKTOP_SESSION and DESKTOP_SESSION=gnome-classic. How can I change it back to regular Ubuntu gnome?03:34
segersjerryOdyssey, when you are at ther login screen, there is a gear icon below your password on the right side, click there and select what you want.03:36
kenrinDid you try just clicking on the litte button that lets you change the DE before you sign in ?03:36
kenrinI'm not sure how to do it via CLI since that is the easier way03:36
=== saint__ is now known as postexodus
OdysseyI thought there was too but I can't see it. I will try again03:44
C4rB0nhow do I track down the cause of a System Program Problem that keeps popping up.03:46
C4rB0nI found the crash files in /var/crash03:47
C4rB0nNot sure what to do with them.03:47
RodenI keep getting the error message: "the repository does not have a release file"03:50
OdysseyRSHi guys I'm back. After restarting the gear was there and it gave me the option for gnome-classic and Ubuntu on Xorg. How am I able to change the default from gnome-classic to Ubuntu?03:51
RodenW:The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/colingille/freshlight/ubuntu xenial Release' does not have a Release file., W:Data from such a repository can't be authenticated and is therefore potentially dangerous to use., W:See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details., E:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/colingille/freshlight/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found, E:Some index files failed to03:51
Rodendownload. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead03:51
cfhowlettOdysseyRS, it will reboot to the last selection by default03:51
neilduganHi I am having trouble with DNS .... the /etc/resolv.conf has the "nameserver" ... but according to netstat there are no programs listening on ... I have setup my WiFi connection with a DNS server of .... a "dig server.home" returns nothing ... a "dig server.home @" returns the correct result ... does anyone have ideas on what can be wrong?03:52
OdysseyRSSo how do I boot to Ubuntu using Wayland instead of Xorg?03:52
kenrinWhat is in your list OdysseyRS03:53
OdysseyRS1 sec03:55
OdysseyRSgnome-classic.desktop  ubuntu.desktop  ubuntu-xorg.desktop. That's in usr/share/xsessions03:55
OdysseyRSis there a config file I can change gnome-classic to ubuntu?03:56
kenrinI'd assume the middle one would be wayland03:56
OdysseyRSkenrin: I think so. In the drop down gear at login I only have the choice of gnome-classic and ubuntu on xorg. I just need to change what appears in that list03:57
serehow can i use cut or grip to get the last line of an output03:58
kenrinAre you using nvidia or something?  they disable wayland04:00
OdysseyRSI am that could be it. But it has been fine up until an hour ago. Should I swap back to the nouveau driver or however its spelt? Or just stick with Xorg?04:01
OdysseyRSsere: try <grep command> | tail -104:01
kenrinWhatever you want to do,  I use xorg just because synergy and a lot of other programs refuse to work in wayland04:03
sereOdysseyRS: thank you04:03
OdysseyRSkenrin: Thanks for your help. I just don't know the pros and cons of xorg vs wayland. I'll just stick with Xorg for now.04:04
stoopkidso i'm trying to install a package onto an offline computer, is there any way to download all the dependencies on an online computer and then transfer these packages to my offline computer manually?04:06
lotuspsychje!info aptoncd | stoopkid04:07
ubottustoopkid: aptoncd (source: aptoncd): Installation disc creator for packages downloaded via APT. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.98+bzr117-1.4 (artful), package size 213 kB, installed size 1561 kB04:07
stoopkidlotuspsychje: checking that out, thanks04:07
serehow can i get the status of this command  minidlnad -f /home/$USER/.minidlna/minidlna.conf -P /home/$USER/.minidlna/minidlna.pid04:14
lotuspsychjestoopkid: apt can also download .debs if you like04:19
segersjerrysere, do you want "echo $?"04:21
meadis there a ubuntu fork for legacy machines?04:30
lotuspsychjemead: explain that a bit please?04:32
lotuspsychjemead: we only support vanilla ubuntu and all its flavors here04:32
seresegersjerry: not sure, im trying to get the status of that pid as if i would run service minidlna status04:34
segersjerrysere, oh, probably not then, $? is the (numerical) result of the most recent process for that terminal.04:35
seresegersjerry: im trying to tail the output of the servers pid through conky otherwise that might work04:38
ulyssesHow are things everyone?04:48
kj4hello all05:05
meadlotuspsychje:  I've got an old nettop (Atom 330 dual core cpu, 4ggis of DDR2, and  nvidia ION graphics) and I've had issues with xubuntu booting after install (live booted just fine)05:08
lotuspsychjemead: have you tested a lubuntu?05:12
kyanardag_I upgraded kernel to 4.15.4-041504-generic with ubuntu kernel update utility (ukuu), I rebooted, as expected I had problem with virtualbox, when I ran "sudo apt install --reinstall linux-headers-$(uname -r) virtualbox-dkms dkms" I got "ERROR (dkms apport): kernel package linux-headers-4.15.4-041504-generic is not supported" error msg, any workarounds?05:13
Ben64kyanardag_: use the normal ubuntu kernel05:13
kyanardag_Ben64, there's no way to run dkms for non-main ubuntu kernels?05:15
Ben64you shouldn't even be running those kernels without a really good reason05:15
nacckyanardag_: the drivers will almost certainly not compile05:15
kyanardag_Ben64, nacc thanks.. I thought latest kernel would be better to run, but sounds like running the main ubuntu kernel is the way to go..05:16
nacckyanardag_: that is definitely not the intention05:17
kyanardag_nacc, I see, when I read "latest" I thought like "latest version", more secure, more performant, etc.05:18
meadlotuspsychje: I tried it as a live boot, but had issues with networking.  Think I could get help trouble shooting it here?  #lubuntu isn't very active.05:18
nacckyanardag_: ukuu i think just uses the mainline ppa, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds05:19
nacckyanardag_: they are for debugging issues, mostly05:19
Ben64if you're on LTS you can install the HWE kernel, which gets you the latest ubuntu kernel every 6 months. Otherwise the normal ubuntu kernel receives normal security updates and all that good stuff05:19
RodenIn ubuntu mate, what's the default file explorer?  Is that what does the save-as dialogues?05:20
RodenI noticed that the initial focus is on the name, and there's no alt-key to focus the central pane, and some other issues....05:20
Roden"Places" is pretty limited...05:20
kyanardag_nacc, Ben64 thanks, you saved me from unnecessary hunt for an unneeded solution..05:20
Ben64kyanardag_: no problem05:20
Rodenalt-p doesn't work to focus the places region05:20
nacckyanardag_: yw05:20
Rodeni thought maybe i could find a way to easily customize or improve it?05:21
akikRoden: caja05:22
Rodenthank you akik05:23
align_waivershey there I'm using ubuntu 16 LTS and its not detecting my usb midi device in lsusb or on /dev with grep.. any ideas? i know the cable and device works, have tried on other computers and linux before...05:25
align_waiversp.s. its a m-audio trigger finger if that means anything05:28
align_waiversany other way besides lsusb and grep to determine if a generic usb device is detecte?05:31
lotuspsychjealign_waivers: tail -f /var/log/syslog and plug in your device05:31
align_waiversthanks lotuspsychje thats giving me some info... error -3205:33
align_waiverssays device not accepting address05:33
akikalign_waivers: run this before connecting the device: sudo udevadm monitor --udev --subsystem-match=usb --property05:33
align_waiversand Ben64 appreciate it. same msg05:34
align_waiversakik: k ill try that05:34
align_waiversakik:  i plugged in while that process was running, should i expect output05:36
akikalign_waivers: yes, lots05:36
align_waiversnot seeing anything05:36
align_waiverssays monitor will print events for :  UDEV, ...05:37
akikalign_waivers: what is the device?05:37
lotuspsychjealign_waivers: hastebin it to us05:37
align_waiversm-audio trigger finger. generic usb midi interface has worked before05:37
align_waiverslotuspsychje: , akik https://pastebin.com/FZn0F38s05:39
align_waiversfyi though I have not tried it on this computer previously. But on ubuntu 14 and on others it has worked05:39
Ben64try other ports05:40
akikalign_waivers: you can also test with 14.04 live session if it's working05:42
align_waiversyeah didnt have any luck with that05:42
align_waiverslike boot from a usb to see if this computer can run it with 14.04?05:43
akikalign_waivers: yes05:43
akikalign_waivers: has it ever worked with your current computer?05:44
align_waiverslenovo x22005:44
align_waiversbrb ill try to find a 14 live drive05:45
align_waiversakik:  lotuspsychje no luck I dont have a drive right now. is comparing to how ubuntu 14 handles the device the only next step I can take?05:52
akikalign_waivers: you could also test with another computer05:52
lotuspsychjealign_waivers: or test other kernels as test05:56
align_waiversjust tried it on another computer running the same ubuntu (kde neon)... shows up perfectly in lsusb05:58
align_waiversand lotuspsychje I tried low latency kernal and geneic05:58
lotuspsychjealign_waivers: same ubuntu version/kernel on both machines?05:58
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic xenial | align_waivers05:59
ubottualign_waivers: linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB05:59
align_waiversubottu: im not sure what you mean by that05:59
ubottualign_waivers: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:59
lotuspsychjealign_waivers: do you have same kernel on xenial?06:00
lotuspsychjealign_waivers: your system up to date to latest?06:00
align_waiverslotuspsychje: not exactly the same. kernal 4.13 (current) vs 4.10 (compared) and both ubuntu 1606:02
align_waiversbut the other has not been updated definitely06:02
align_waiversI'm up to date with the current06:02
align_waiverswell akik and lotuspsychje I think I'm gonna have to work around it, thanks much for your helps anyway06:09
align_waiversI'll just have to waste 2 usb ports and a midi interface until ubuntu updates automagically fix it lol06:10
=== Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner
LopeI've got a freshly installed ubuntu. I can't apt-get update because it cannot lock http://dronebl.org/lookup?ip=
LopeIt's probably due to some gui thing. How can I kill it?06:45
EriC^^Lope: the link isnt working06:45
LopeOh damn, sorry my clipboard didn't paste what I expected06:46
Lopeit cannot lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock06:46
EriC^^Lope: is something else running? try ps aux | grep -Ei "dpkg|unattended"06:47
EriC^^try removing the lock file06:47
LopeThat worked06:48
LopeBut seems wrong to do.06:48
LopeI tried `service aptd restart` but it wasn't found06:48
EriC^^yeah no apt service06:51
EriC^^if nothing is using the file it's safe to remove06:51
Lopeaptd was using the file06:51
Lopebut pkill aptd didn't work.06:51
LopeI've got a large ods calc spreadsheet. On some versions of libreoffice calc it runs well. On other versions calc chokes and runs super slowly. The last time calc got super slow I switched to the libreoffice PPA. But now it seems libreoffice is not recommending the PPA on their website anymore. The version of libreoffice calc that I have at the moment is Any ideas?06:53
ayeeI'm screwing around with ubuntu18 to play with netplan. I added an interface, and when I reboot the network startup process just hangs with a timer that keeps ticking up. but when I do netplay apply before reboot, everything works, I can ssh in, etc06:55
ayeeI'm confused about why it works before reboot, but not after.06:55
LopeOh I see the PPA is briefly mentioned (though no longer *recommended* (but not advised against)) on libreoffice's site. It's here https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/ubuntu/ppa )06:56
ayeeThis is the only file in /etc/netplan/: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/5cf3bac9168f19f9a0c9b8123aa6929a06:56
Lopeayee: I've never heard of ubuntu 18. Isn't ubuntu 16 the latest LTS?06:56
kille18.04 has had some mention on the webs lately guys06:57
killebut it is obviously not out yet06:57
ayeeI'm running the daily build of the pre-release06:58
ayeeI just installed it on virtualbox as a test06:58
killethats cool06:59
EriC^^ayee: for more info on 18.04 /join #ubuntu+106:59
ayee*shrugs* about stability. don't run it in production. I'm just playing around though.06:59
ayeeEriC^^: thanks!06:59
killeayee: yeah, thought as much, features though? anything new?07:00
ayeeI think they're going to freeze it soon, and typically after freezes things get pretty stable07:00
ayeenot sure, I'm just using the server install. so the gnu tools all look the same to me!07:00
ayeebut netplan is new! I'm used to /etc/network/interfaces, but this is all different. a yaml file now07:01
killeayee: staying on 16.04 lts myself, have learned my lesson with new interim releases.07:01
killeayee: that sounds good, is it easier to use at least? interfaces was pretty powerful, don't think they'd throw it away 100%, is it stil present too at least?07:02
lotuspsychjekille: stick to ubuntu support please07:02
ayeekille: here is an example file: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/5cf3bac9168f19f9a0c9b8123aa6929a07:02
killelotuspsychje: sorry dude, didn' realize this was only for support, will move over to another channel. :)07:02
lotuspsychjekille: #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic07:03
killelotuspsychje: thanks dude07:03
Frank_Someone suggested that maybe later...now....someone might have an idea.  16.04 - when run from a USB stick (try it) no trouble, but when installed on HD the speakers don't work, but the headphones do.07:10
lotuspsychjeFrank_: did you make that bug report?07:10
Frank_Odd thing is if I right click above the speaker icon, the speakers work, but only as long as I hold down the right mouse button.07:10
Frank_No, I just returned home from work.07:10
Frank_Thought maybe, as you suggested, someone would have an idea07:10
lotuspsychjeFrank_: sure thing, but meanwhile you could add the bug aswell07:11
Frank_bug is reported07:33
lotuspsychjeFrank_: can you share please, ill have a look07:33
Frank_it sure is strange that right clicking in one spot makes the speakers work.07:33
Frank_no idea how to share the bug07:33
lotuspsychjeFrank_: its ok to paste the url here07:33
Frank_no idea how07:34
lotuspsychjeFrank_: you can also write bug #your-number-here07:34
EriC^^Frank_: maybe opening some settings canmake them work too07:35
Frank_I tried eric07:35
EriC^^Frank_: what does the right click menu show07:35
Frank_I opened the mixer from the console...set the speaker to max...nothing07:35
Frank_I just right click right above the speaker icon, then sometimes sound works07:35
Frank_when I release the button, sound goes away07:35
EriC^^which de07:36
EriC^^desktop environment07:36
EriC^^unity lubuntu etc07:36
Frank_I don't know what that means07:36
Frank_I have ubuntu 16.04.3.  No idea what a desktop environment is07:36
EriC^^aha it's unity then07:37
Frank_problem happened on 15.04 and 17.10 too07:37
=== gordon is now known as Guest68481
Guest68481+R GordonGordon07:37
EriC^^Frank_: did you try settings > sound?07:37
Frank_the link is +source/alsa-driver/+bug/175097707:37
Frank_and I tried the mixer from console07:38
lotuspsychjebug #1750977 EriC^^07:38
ubottubug 1750977 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "HP Pavilion 16.04.3 Speaker works when run off USB stick, but speaker doesn't work when run from HD install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175097707:38
lotuspsychjelets have a look07:38
EriC^^Frank_: what happens if you click on the output07:38
Guest68481GordonGordon +R07:38
EriC^^Frank_: even though it's already clicked07:38
Frank_where?  in sound settings?07:38
Frank_there is only one shown:  headphones07:38
EriC^^Frank_: did you try pavucontrol ? it's a good program07:39
lotuspsychjeFrank_: your bug report is good, but i would change usb into Liveusb, so they know its working there07:40
Frank_I don't know what you mean change it07:40
Frank_I don't see where to put liveusb07:41
Frank_I don't know what pavucontrol is07:42
lotuspsychjeFrank_: first line you write is: when i put usb no problem07:42
Frank_this is like talking in code07:42
Frank_it says "when I run from USB stick"07:42
lotuspsychjeFrank_: yes, change that to when i boot from a liveusb07:42
Frank_ok I changed it07:43
lotuspsychjeFrank_: tnx07:44
lotuspsychje!info pavucontrol | Frank_ suggested by EriC^^07:44
ubottuFrank_ suggested by EriC^^: pavucontrol (source: pavucontrol): PulseAudio Volume Control. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0-3.1 (artful), package size 123 kB, installed size 792 kB07:44
Frank_A program to predict trends and buy times for crypto exchanges, that I can write and understand.  This ubuntu language - it's like a foreign code.07:44
Frank_how do I get it?07:45
EriC^^sudo apt-get install pavucontrol07:45
EriC^^Frank_: type "dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999"07:46
Frank_it is installed07:46
EriC^^paste the link it gives you here07:46
EriC^^it uploads your error log07:46
EriC^^Frank_: type "pavucontrol" in a terminal and fiddle with it07:46
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: the one from his bug: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/358000404/CurrentDmesg.txt07:47
EriC^^try output devices > port07:47
Frank_the program mc is currently not installed07:47
EriC^^Frank_: nc07:47
EriC^^you're trying to output normal speakers, not HD right?07:48
Frank_just the laptop speakers07:49
EriC^^Frank_: try lspci -k | grep -iA4 audio07:50
EriC^^Frank_: try lspci -k | grep -iA4 audio | nc termbin.com 999907:50
Frank_it says "no such directory"07:52
Frank_is that l or 1 at the start?07:52
Frank_el or one07:53
EriC^^Frank_: L07:53
EriC^^Frank_: everything looks setup in dmesg, i have similar output to yours07:53
EriC^^snd_hda_codec_realtek hdaudioC1D0: autoconfig for ALC3241: line_outs=1 (0x14/0x0/0x0/0x0/0x0) type:speaker07:53
Frank_you want me to type all that?07:54
EriC^^that's just my output07:56
EriC^^Frank_: try cat /dev/urandom | aplay07:56
EriC^^quickly followed by ctrl+c07:56
EriC^^btw loud noise alert07:56
Frank_no sound07:57
EriC^^Frank_: try aplay -l | nc termbin.com 999907:57
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EriC^^hmm interesting 1 ec08:00
serehow can i get the mem and cpu usage of a single command08:03
lotuspsychjesere: htop08:04
serelotuspsychje: ok i will install ty08:07
EriC^^Frank_: i think maybe it's using the first one as default in aplay and the second one isn't being used08:07
EriC^^trying to figure out how to test that08:07
EriC^^Frank_: try aplay -L | nc termbin.com 999908:08
EriC^^Frank_: try "alsamixer" in the terminal then press F608:10
EriC^^and choose the non-HD one08:10
Frank_which one?08:10
Frank_you wrote two different things08:10
EriC^^Frank_: well, run aplay -L we can use it08:10
EriC^^Frank_: try aplay -L | nc termbin.com 999908:10
EriC^^also try the alsamixer command > F6 and choose PCH [HDA Intel PCH]08:11
Frank_f6 just activates mute08:12
EriC^^Frank_: try fn+f608:12
cart_manHow can I ReInstall my LIGHTDM because as of this morning my desktop is just a blue screen : /08:12
EriC^^Frank_: try playing some music08:13
Frank_it shows speaker at 008:13
Frank_No sound08:13
Frank_turned speaker up to 100, no sound08:13
EriC^^try cat /dev/urandom | aplay -D plughw:CARD=PCH,DEV=008:14
lotuspsychjecart_man: try to boot into a previous kernel first?08:15
Frank_it says playing raw data ....  but there's no sound08:15
cart_manlotuspsychje huh?08:15
Frank_now I'm deaf because I plugged in the headphones08:16
EriC^^Frank_: try sudo apt-get install paman08:16
lotuspsychjecart_man: how do you know lightdm is broken?08:16
cart_manWell on startup my desktop is just  ablue screen08:16
cart_manSoo not sure which part I should reinstall08:17
cart_manlotuspsychje ^^08:17
lotuspsychjecart_man: ok, so try booting a previous kernel from grub as test08:17
Frank_it's done installing08:17
lotuspsychje!recoverymode | cart_man or try this08:17
EriC^^Frank_: type paman in a terminal08:17
lotuspsychje!recovery | cart_man08:17
ubottucart_man: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode08:17
Frank_now what08:18
EriC^^Frank_: does it look connected and stuff08:18
EriC^^Frank_: go to devices and see what's under Sinks08:19
Frank_hdmi stereo and hdmi analog08:19
Frank_hdmi stereo and analog-stereo08:20
EriC^^Frank_: ok try Sample Cache08:20
EriC^^Frank_: at the bottom choose an output and press on the play button08:21
Frank_analog stereo plays over the headphones only08:21
cart_manlotuspsychje Ahm ok soo I spam SHIFT on startup but I never get to the GRUB screen08:21
Frank_hdmi stereo plays nothing08:21
almoullimI have an electron process runing that08:23
almoullimthat i'm trying to kill but pkill is not working08:23
sailorsarahej i need help installing ubuntu. i need to figure out if it will work with my system08:23
almoullimneither does system moniter08:23
EriC^^sailorsara: try a live usb08:23
ducassesailorsara: just boot the installer, see if it runs in live mode and your hardware works08:24
IamTryingIn cloud i have Ubuntu 16.04.3. I need to run GUI application and capture dummy mic, speaker to let the application work. How do i do that Ubuntu is in cloud (so no monitor, display connected).08:24
EriC^^Frank_: dumb question, you tried without the headphones installed just now, right?08:27
Frank_Neither one played with headphones disconnected08:27
sailorsarahej i need help installing ubuntu. i need to figure out if it will work with my system https://pastebin.com/cXh71cKi here is my lspci  output and the output from my  fdisk. i am currently using a live usb drive. its a sony vaio  model number vpcs11x9e from 2007  it has 5637 as the first value when i use free -m08:27
sailorsarait is cruitial to have windows08:28
ledeniEriC^^, can Frank_  use 'pavucontrol'08:29
EriC^^Frank_: try sudo apt-get install alsa-tools-gui08:29
EriC^^i think this might be promising08:29
EriC^^ledeni: he tried already08:29
EriC^^try running it and forcing the output from the speakers08:33
EriC^^or any options that help08:33
Frank_how do I run it?08:35
ledeniEriC^^, 'pavucontrol' in terminal08:35
ledeniEriC^^, ops08:35
Frank_what am I running?08:36
ledeniFrank_,'pavucontrol' in terminal08:36
Frank_I already did that earlier08:36
ledeniFrank_,what show configuration -- built in Audio08:39
EriC^^Frank_: run 'alsa-tools-gui'08:40
Frank_it says command not found08:41
sailorsarahej i need help installing ubuntu. i need to figure out if it will work with my system https://pastebin.com/cXh71cKi here is my lspci  output and the output from my  fdisk. i am currently using a live usb drive. its a sony vaio  model number vpcs11x9e from 2007  it has 5637 as the first value when i use free -m i NEED TO HAVE ACCESS TO WINDOWS. my bank login does not support linu and the govrnment login system requires it too.08:42
Frank_run: command not found08:42
Frank_there is no run command08:45
Frank_when I try alsa-tools-gui by itself, also no such command08:45
Frank_I will run this if someone tells me how to run it08:51
ledeniFrank_,did you install alsa-tools-gui like ' sudo apt-get install alsa-tools-gui'08:52
sailorsarai gues girls dont get help round here08:53
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Frank_but when I did run...it said no such command as run08:54
bazhangsailorsara, patience08:54
sailorsarabazhang: ive waited half an hour08:54
bazhangsailorsara, people help when and if they are able08:55
ducassesailorsara: you were given a suggestion08:56
akiksailorsara: if you're planning on a dual boot system, make sure you've made backups before doing it. it involves resizing your partitions if you don't have free space08:57
EriC^^Frank_: try dpkg -L alsa-tools-gui | grep bin | nc termbin.com 999908:58
jink"OMG, I've waited half an hour for my free support that no one here is required to give...!  Why am I even paying for...  Oh, wait."08:58
akiksailorsara: i don't see the fdisk output there08:58
bazhangjink, lets not do that here please08:58
jinkI just did. :P08:58
bazhangjink, no further08:58
jinkI wouldn't.08:58
Frank_not y09:00
akiksailorsara: ?09:05
Emmarofhow can i upgrade my ubuntu from 17.10 to 17.0409:14
* rvgate wonders how that is an upgraade09:14
bazhangEmmarof, did you mean .04 to .1009:15
Emmarofno, the other way round09:15
Emmarofjust realised what i want is a downgrade09:15
bazhangno downgrades possible Emmarof09:15
Emmarofoh no!09:15
bazhangEmmarof, its end of life, so no reason to09:16
Emmarofi want to install postgres09:16
Emmarofusing this tut09:16
Emmarofcan't see option for .1009:17
bazhangEmmarof, that is possible with current releases09:17
Emmarofyou mean the installation?09:17
Emmarofby current releases, you mean? Is .10 not the latest?09:18
bazhangEmmarof, it is09:18
Emmarofso how do i install postgress here?09:21
Emmarofon .1009:21
bazhangEmmarof, check in the package manager, it's there09:21
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bazhangEmmarof, alternately, open a terminal and type apt-cache search postgres09:22
bazhangEmmarof, the name will not simply be 'postgres'09:23
Emmarofi see it there09:24
bazhangsudo apt install packagename Emmarof09:24
Emmarofbazhang: thaanks09:34
Lopelooks like Ubuntu 18.04 will be good for a tablet?09:49
bazhangLope, discussion of that is in #ubuntu+1 until release09:51
LopeOk bazhang, thanks. well this is a sneak peak why I say it looks like it'll be nice for tablet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UdcFS2GbrA I'm going to install it on my MS surface pro 2.  Don't worry I won't discuss here.09:54
dragetIs there a (somewhat) official PPA for anything > QT 5.6 for Ubuntu 16.04?10:24
Ben64PPA is unofficial10:25
dragetHmm, aren't some PPAs maintained by trustworthy ubuntu members?10:25
Ben64how can you trust them10:26
dragetI saw that qt is also not part of the backports. So the only official way would be the manuall installer from QT I guess.10:26
Ben64or just wait a couple months for 18.04 then upgrade to that10:26
dragetI found https://launchpad.net/~beineri - seems like a reliable member that has QT5 packages10:26
dragetMy buildchain is kind of big… and running on 16.04 now. I think using the manuall isntall will be less work than an update to 18.0410:27
Ben64up to you, it's not supported here at all10:27
tesujiHi, I am on a public wifi, which regularily loses the connection. After a reconnect I can't do anything online anymore: 'tracepath google.com' timesout on every hop after localhost. Since this is an open wifi, I have the openvpn service running, and only connect to it when I need it. When I 'service openvpn stop' the network responds normally again. Can anybody point me in the right direction to keep10:29
tesujiopenvpn running figuring out why I get network problems?10:29
TJ-tesuji: is openvpn configured to operate using TCP, or UDP? It sounds like when the transport loses connectivity the openvpn link dies but doesn't realise so keeps on trying to send to the original end-point10:31
TJ-tesuji: is openvpn configured to operate using TCP, or UDP? It sounds like when the transport loses connectivity the openvpn link dies but doesn't realise so keeps on trying to send to the original end-point10:31
tesujiTJ-: Just checked, its UDP.10:34
tesujiTJ-: but then again I wasn't vpn-connected during the wifi-disconnect. Can I just change it to TCP? (I am guessing your answer is "udp packets are allowed to get lost, tcp arent?)10:36
gordon__good morning10:36
TJ-tesuji: how is openvpn controlled? is it via Network-Manager? Because with NM, it allows you to configure the wifi connection to bring up another link (the VPN) when it connects, and will disconnect that VPN if the underlying link dies10:36
TJ-tesuji: No, my answer would be, UDP is /much/ more reliable for openvpn connections, and can prevent denial-of-service attacks against the server's listening port10:37
tesujiTJ-: OK. No I use a script to initiate the connection on a console10:37
tesujiTJ-: There is a tun adapter though, which I guess comes from OpenVPN, which not the default route10:38
tesujilet me google real quick10:38
TJ-tesuji: I'd recommend integrating your script into the system's native network manager. If you rely on ifupdown, then uses some of the /etc/network/if-{up,down}.d/ hooks to control the VPN, otherwise integrate into NM10:39
tesujiTJ-: thanks for the hint. I need to check the script, I didn't write it myself.10:39
TJ-tesuji: yeah, I guess as much :) I use the NM method quite successfully for your scenario10:40
tesujiTJ-: it just runs 'openvpn /etc/openvpn/myvpn.conf'10:40
tesujiTJ-: wait, wouldnt that mean there are 2 openvpns running then? that sounds like a problem...10:41
tesujiTJ-: OK great thanks. Many new leads!10:41
LopeWhy is there closed source stuff in the ubuntu app store? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFQGKsLKBlk&t=14m38s10:42
LopeThis is worrying. How do I know what's open source or not open source in the ubuntu repos?10:42
tesujiLope: there is multiverse, which has restricted/propietary/copyrighted stuff10:44
tesujiLope: you can disable that repo10:44
Lopebut isn't htop in the multiverse?10:45
LopeOh, maybe htop is in universe...10:45
DiecastMessiahquick question.. would it be better to disable software updates program from auto checking and just do it myself in apt-get. every couple of days orr?? just wondering because i find it better using apt-get than using the ubuntu software program..10:48
tesujiDiecastMessiah: it tends to be a good idea to get at least security updates as quickly as possible. You CAN setup a cron job instead or something. Never underestimate human error ^^10:52
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DiecastMessiahK well i can leave it open so it will tell me there updates.. but is it a better idea to than use apt-get to download them and just close the update program?10:53
tesujiDiecastMessiah: no. it does the same10:54
DiecastMessiahkk.. just wasn;t sure if it was like the ubuntu software program .. it does always seem to get everything that is needed10:56
DiecastMessiahbut i leave updater alone and use it than .. thank you10:56
Ben64DiecastMessiah: just make sure to do 'apt full-upgrade'10:57
DiecastMessiahi though that command upgrades to the next ubuntu version10:57
DiecastMessiahi want to stay on 16.0410:58
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Ben64DiecastMessiah: 'do-release-upgrade' brings you to a new version10:58
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EmmarofI get this when tryna install postgres11:00
BluesKajHi folks11:09
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Vic2I have been having beaucoup issues, and realize that I most likely need to reinstall -- but I would like to take this as a learning exercise ... my issue now is that LibreOffice Calc will not open.  I click it and the banner appears along with the clock that something is happening, then after a few seconds - nothing.  I am using 14.04.5 LTS.  How would I begin to troubleshoot this?11:18
gef3233Vic2 try opening it from the terminal, then maybe you can get some output when it crashes11:19
Vic2gef3233: any clue what the program name is?  I have never opened it from terminal.11:20
gef3233Vic2 I think it is libreoffice --calc11:22
gef3233I cannot check right now11:22
Vic2gef3233: yes, I got over my laziness and checked the man page. :p11:23
Vic2gef3233:  no output in terminal ... no process running.11:24
TJ-Vic2: try this: "strace -f -o /tmp/libreoffice.log libreoffice --calc"11:28
TJ-Vic2: then you can show us the captured /tmp/libreoffice.log file via a pastebin ("pastebinit /tmp/libreoffice.log")11:29
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Vic2@TJ - strace: Can't fopen '/tmp/libreoffice.log': Read-only file system11:46
DiecastMessiahthats seems odd tmp is normally allowed by user i think. but maybe try fopen with r option.11:53
PRAVIN_hey Iḿ trying to install linuxmint along side win 10. as soon as I reach installation type window I am unable to select storage space that I allocated for linuxmint install. Iḿ facing same problem with ubuntu as well. Here is the image of the window. https://imgur.com/a/RVZHX11:55
geirhasounds like / has been remounted in read-only mode11:55
ducasse!mint | PRAVIN_11:55
ubottuPRAVIN_: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)11:55
PRAVIN_ducasse | i am facing same problem in ubuntu as well11:56
TJ-Vic2: aha! That means you've got a problem with the root file-system, possibly corrupted11:58
DiecastMessiahPravin not sure but i think to have to create a partation12:00
DiecastMessiahdoes that + at the bottom left allow you make it?12:01
PRAVIN_I am not able to select that +12:02
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DiecastMessiahk well not sure than.. all i can say maybe try Gparted to make the unused space a new partation ..12:04
DiecastMessiahext4 filesystem12:05
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iresfanyone has exprience java programming on VScode  in ubuntu  ?12:05
DiecastMessiahhave to download the image of gparted and there is free software to make usb bootable12:06
DiecastMessiahfree software for windows12:06
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DiecastMessiahthere maybe way without do that.. but i pretty new.. i guess try a second opinion on linuxmint12:08
PRAVIN_DiecastMessiah i am doing that12:09
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D94_1234is mint much different to ubuntu apart from the DE?12:15
DiecastMessiahusing it i think not. but supporting it is different12:17
D94_1234how so? i don't know which is best for me12:17
DiecastMessiahits a different disrto... it forked from ubuntu12:17
iresfThe JDK_HOME environment variable does not point to a JDK.12:18
BadriDo you care of your privacy and afraid of NSA stealing your digital life?12:21
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katnipstfu, devuan is a pos12:22
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DiecastMessiahdarn spammers,, but what ya mean pos??12:24
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katnipany ops alive?12:24
mrCOOLDisagree with systemd politics? Join #devuan12:24
katnippiece of shit12:24
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SayiedDo you care of OSS destiny? Want freedom of choice? Don't want systemd to eat your privacy? Join #devuan12:24
katnipit's garbage12:24
mrCOOLdo not spend your time with privacy-violating distros, join #devuan12:25
Youk-Seedo not spend your time with privacy-violating distros, join #devuan12:25
sofortkatnip you are a nigger piece of shit pal12:25
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax12:25
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sofortkatnip you better close your dirty black mouth before get killed12:25
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DiecastMessiahlooks like the ops are tring to get it12:26
JamilDo you care of OSS destiny? Want freedom of choice? Don't want systemd to eat your privacy? Join #devuan12:26
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Amjadkatnip is fag12:27
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Politiskatnip is fag12:28
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fcffksknxqpelrhkatnip is fag12:28
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chillfanJust to point out to people here, devuan is not behind the spam.. this is someone doing it on their own12:31
katnipknow that12:31
KatolaZplease report any users/ips that are spamming on behalf of Devuan12:31
KatolaZwe want them to stop12:31
katnipto whome12:32
KatolaZkatnip: anybody on #devuan or #devuan-dev12:32
RodenIf I find a bug in ubuntu-mate's power management, where should i report it?12:32
popeyRoden: in launchpad under mate-power-manager12:33
katnipKatolaZ, no offense, but i dont want to sit in there just to report those things, sorry, im not a fan of that distro :)12:33
Rodenpopey, yes12:33
KatolaZkatnip: sorry mate12:34
RodenThe brightness buttons go up and down on the brightness scale12:34
KatolaZwe would really like the asshole to stop12:34
popeyPlease ignore the spammers and move on to what we do here, support.12:34
Rodenbut "Set display brightness" remains at 80% at all times12:34
Rodenand after a few minutes, the brightness jumps back up to 80%12:34
popeyRoden: what version of ubutnu mate?12:34
techsynthello guys I was configuring Putty through terminal. Does anyone know how to stop auto wrap in putty through terminal ?12:34
katnipKatolaZ, who is the founder?12:34
popeykatnip: please take non-support discussion elsewhere12:34
RodenI think it jumps back up to 80% after sleep because I have a 1-minute sleep.12:35
RodenI'm on 16.0412:35
Rabbitnightmarewhy doesnt drag and drop work12:35
meow14popey, you are being offtopic too12:35
popeyRoden: what make/model of laptop?12:35
katnippopep is there a offtopic channel, used to be12:35
popeykatnip: yes #ubuntu-offtopic12:35
Rabbitnightmareyou guys basically rape gnome into this thing but dont even do it right12:35
Rabbitnightmarejust stop trying12:36
Rabbitnightmarenobody wants this12:36
popeytechsynt: i don't think most people use putty on linux, so it's not a common question12:37
techsyntpopey: Is here any channel where I can get the answer or helP ?12:37
popeytechsynt: here, or askubuntu, but be patient, as I said, not many people use putty12:38
techsyntpopey: I have deadline)12:38
popeytechsynt: we're volunteers. If you want instant support, you probably need to pay someone.12:39
DiecastMessiahyeah plus atm it normally pretty slow around this time12:39
popeyYeah, those pesky americans haven't woken up yet :)12:39
DiecastMessiahbut in another hour or so there are alot of people around12:40
techsyntpopey: I rather will watch WTF parrot12:42
techsyntor lets say it's my reaction to ur answer )12:42
krytarikHe isn't wrong..12:43
zetherooI am looking for a command/script which can tell you when was the last time updates were installed - not just when was the last time 'apt upgrade' was executed.12:49
DiecastMessiahzetheroo: there are logs 'gedit /var/log/apt/term.log'12:52
popeyzetheroo: you can look in /var/log/dpkg.log12:52
DiecastMessiahuse popey that seems right.. mine maybe out of date12:54
DiecastMessiahactually both seem to work just tried12:59
techsynti have 2 eth in one PC, but when i'm trying to configure second eth it shows: did not find UUID13:06
zetherooDiecastMessiah, popey, great - both of those seems to be what I am looking for. They don't alter with 'apt update' or 'apt upgrade'13:16
DiecastMessiahzetheroo: glad i could help13:25
IndustrialWHen I start my computer (16.04), before logging in I can not connect to a WIFI network13:26
IndustrialWhy is there an indicator there to choose the network13:26
Industrialif all it does is popup saying "insufficient privileges"13:26
mst89thats kind of funny :)13:27
Industrial2) When I log out of Unity back into LightDM, when I log into Xmonad (window manager), there is no WIFI connection.13:27
IndustrialThere is no way to choose it in xmonad.13:27
IndustrialSo I need a WIFI connection first, and a login after that.13:27
IndustrialOr just the wifi to stay at whatever I put it at inside Unity (or LightDM)13:28
Rolandhi. does anybody know why libreoffice crashes on ubuntu 17.10?13:28
Rolandthe system is updated, and libreoffice calc crashes anytime i try to press save.13:29
TJ-Industrial: did you configure the network connection in Network manager as "All users may connect" and "automatically connect" ?13:29
IndustrialOh. You have to config that per network. I thought it would just take a configured network and just connect to one whenever possible when WIFI is ON :)13:30
Industriallike a phone :P13:30
Industrialalright then13:31
TJ-zetheroo: there's a simpler way to determine last upgrade install: "ls -l /var/lib/dpkg/status"13:32
ioriaRoland, try to start it from terminal13:37
Rolandioria, no luck, tells me "application error" doesnt offer to send bug report13:38
DiecastMessiahTJ-: thanks that awesome.. just was looking at that file.. didn't think it would have all the info/details on each package that installed.. writing that down for sure :)13:39
ioriaRoland, libreoffice --calc13:39
TJ-DiecastMessiah: dpkg is responsible for all package installs13:39
TJ-DiecastMessiah: apt's job is to handle debian repositiories and fetch packages - it passed them to dpkg for installtion13:40
TJ-DiecastMessiah: additionally, apt ensures all dependencies are met13:40
DiecastMessiahoh i know just meant that i open the status file and it give alot of details on each package13:40
Rolandioria, libreoffice --calc // Warning: failed to read path from javaldx // Couldn't open /usr/share/kde4/config/kdebug.areas // Application Error13:41
Vic2@TJ- Anyway to determine if it is a root file-system issue and fix it? or would a reinstall be called for?13:41
Rolandioria, this is on ubuntu 17.10, LibreOffice 40m0(Build:1)13:42
ioriaRoland, no idea,  let's try to disable java :  Tools -> Options -> Advanced13:42
TJ-Vic2: first confirm it /is/ a root-fs issue. "mount | grep '/ ' and check it shows "rw" not "ro" in the options - if it is ro it's Read Only so you probably need to reboot and let the file-system check do a repair13:43
Rolandioria, did that, doesnt change anything13:43
purplepodI'm unable to install the VLC snap. I get an error, with a bunch of snapcraft.io URL data I'm leaving out of the paste: error: cannot install "vlc": Get13:43
purplepod       net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)13:43
purplepodis it just broken right now?13:43
TJ-Roland : try this: "strace -f -o /tmp/libreoffice.log libreoffice --calc" and then after it crashes we can look at the log file for clues13:44
ioriaRoland, clean the cache13:44
Vic2@TJ-  compaq@HP-Compaq-8000:~$ mount | grep '/ '13:44
Vic2/dev/sda3 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro)13:44
ioriaRoland, ~/.config and in  ~/.cache13:45
TJ-Vic2: hmmm, OK, so not the root-fs13:45
Crusher you may need to install the BOSS::Config module <-- WLS/Umbuntu.... what do I run?13:46
Vic2@TJ- when I went to install pastebinit I got a lot of errors ... sudo: unable to open /var/lib/sudo/compaq/4: No such file or directory13:46
Vic2W: Not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock13:46
Vic2E: Unable to write to /var/cache/apt/13:46
Vic2E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.13:46
Crusherperl module13:46
TJ-Vic2: ouch! do you have a separate /var/ file-system configured?13:47
Vic2@TJ- I have / on one partition and /home is on another ...13:47
TJ-Vic2: "mount | grep var" or "grep var /etc/fstab"13:47
TJ-Vic2: otherwise, it looks like parts of the file-system have been damaged or destroyed13:48
TJ-Vic2: When was the last time the PC was rebooted?13:48
Vic2@TJ- the last two commands returned nothing.  it was rebooted yesterday.13:49
TJ-Vic2: I'm not sure whether to suggest another reboot - if it's gone bad it might not return in a state you can easily recover from. Do you have an alternate PC to connect to IRC with if that happens?13:50
Vic2I can get one ready ... but not atm.  On another path ... would a complete reinstall potentially be helpful?13:51
TJ-Vic2: it depends... the disk could be failing.13:51
TJ-Vic2: check /var/log/kern.log in case there's indications of I/O errors with the disk(s)13:51
Vic2TJ yeah that was my next question ... any potential way to check?13:51
RolandTJ-: , ioria: looks like the problem is libreoffice-kde package, libreoffice-gtk works fine13:54
ioriaRoland,  kde problem , then13:55
Vic2@TJ I did a tail of that log file but I have no idea what I am looking at ... other than when I plugged my phone in yesterday (it was not recognized as it usually is) I have no idea what that output is saying. :(13:55
Vic2@TJ how can I look at more than the last 20 lines easily?13:56
TJ-Vic2: "tail -n 20 /var/log/kern.log"13:56
TJ-Vic2: the fact /var/log/ exists is a better sign, after those other reports13:56
Vic2Oh, this ... Feb 22 07:42:56 HP-Compaq-8000 kernel: [149742.837529] EXT4-fs error (device sda3): ext4_search_dir:1291: inode #136579: block 533769: comm updatedb.mlocat: bad entry in directory: inode out of bounds - offset=500(500), inode=1073878428, rec_len=12, name_len=313:56
TJ-Vic2: that doesn't sound good. The file system needs checking/repairing, and as it's the root FS that requires a reboot. Try "sudo touch /forcefsck" then reboot13:59
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deadromLibreOffice 6 on 16.04: /join #virtualbox14:02
deadromline meeeerge! :D nvm that14:03
deadromin 16.04 LTS how do I dd xorg options when running nvidia drivers so I don't mess with nvidia or system upgrades?14:06
deadromI need "AllowIndirectGLXProtocol" in, but old tinke me feels hacking it into xorg.conf might not be the way in 2018?14:07
Vic2@TJ- Set up IRC on another machine but cannot get in this room ... due to nick-serv users only???? how long will that be in force?14:17
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ikoniaVic2: freenode channels are currently being spammed by unregistered users14:18
ikoniaVic2: the registration requirement will be removed once people are confident the spamming has stopped14:18
Vic2So it could be minutes, hours, or even days ...14:19
jinkimho, +r should be the default for all channels.14:19
TJ-Vic2: ioria I *think* if you change your nickname now you can stay in the channel and log-in with the other client and use the current registered nickname14:21
TJ-bhah! ^^ ikonia ^^14:21
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bodomHi there! What's the btrfs status in ubuntu LTS?14:23
Vic2--* #ubuntu :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services ---------- even though I am14:25
Vic2---NickServ- You are now identified for Vic2.14:25
C_MFHello all. Im looking for some info regarding AMD drivers. What is the best place to find that sort of information? Thanks14:25
leftyfbVic2--: you might try #freenode. This channel is for Ubuntu support.14:28
Vic2--sigh, have to get support to stay in a support channel ... smh14:29
mjaykC_MF, either google or https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD I suppose14:29
C_MFWell my issue is that i installed drivers and now my web browser keeps crashing. LOl14:30
leftyfbVic2--: Do you go to a Ford dealership when you need help with a toll booth?14:30
leftyfbVic2--: There are support channels for specific topics. Your topic has to do with freenode services. Not ubuntu.14:31
C_MFYou should be able to type /join #freenode I think14:32
C_MFThis is literally my first time... lol14:33
C_MFOut of time! On to differential equations! Thanks again! :)14:38
IndustrialHi. My user has ID 1001.14:39
IndustrialCan I change that to 1000 ?14:39
deadromIndustrial, well, you *can*, in theory, but why?14:40
IndustrialDocker containers using the UUID 100014:42
Industrialworking for all my other team members14:42
IndustrialThe containers are creating files in host mounted volumes14:43
Industrialwith the UUID 100014:43
Industrialresulting in permission errors because mine is not 1000 but 100114:43
IndustrialSo putting my user at 1000 is the best solution :-)14:43
deadromIndustrial, you would need to change the ID in /etc/passwd, /etc/group, and modify each and every file that belongs to that use to reflect the new id. I might be forgetting a thing or two. bottom line: I'd not do it without a full disk backup14:44
deadromIndustrial, sounds more like Docker should have asked the system if the ID is available and go for the next one that is, right..? not a Docker expert, but I'd rather adapt Docker there.14:45
Vic2@TJ- It came back up after reboot.  Seemingly with many less issues.  TY.14:45
Industrialdeadrom: eh, I want to continue developing. having my own system be equal to all others is preferrable. WHy is my userid not 1000 to begin with? Isn't it always 1000 for the first created user?14:46
deadromif new shoes don't fit I don't saw off my toes, I alter the shoes. persistent solution, les painful14:46
deadromIndustrial, cant answer that one really. here on my 16.04 actually I am uid 100014:47
DiecastMessiahplease remind me what # root user id is again..14:48
fx250I want to temporarily add like 15 seconds to linux system boot time so I can see if usplash works, but it boots too quickly on a test machine.  Is there a way I can configure Ubuntu to sleep for 15 seconds before X login appears?14:58
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AmericanBlendfx250, grub timeout15:04
Dawidekguys how do I move / partition from one disk to another?15:05
AmericanBlendthat's a simple question about a complex task15:05
DawidekI have /dev/sdb1 - ext4 file system, mount point "/", flags "boot" and /dev/sdb2, filesystem extended consist of /dev/sdb5 for swap and /dev/sdb6 ext4 for /home15:06
DawidekI want to move /dev/sdb1 boot partition to new disk15:06
AmericanBlendjust create partitions, rsync the data, adjust configs, installk bootloader, done15:06
Dawidekk, so there is no simpler way like just moving partition from one disk to other using tool like gparted15:08
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fx250AmericanBlend, Thanks.  I set GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=120 (2 minutes) and I see black screen for 120 seconds (2 minutes), but then the usplash image does appear for a second before X starts.  I tried 20 seconds at first, same effect, but I wanted to try longer to better understand how the screen-to-black, where it comes from15:22
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z3braI'm currently installing ubuntu 16.04 on a machine, but the RAID card is not supported15:44
z3braIt looks like the HWE kernel would bring that support, but I'm not sure how to get the HWE kernel during the install process15:44
z3braIl looks like the livecd is really barebone, so I don't have many options15:45
z3braI tried using apt-install, but I can't reach internet because my network require the use of VLANs, and I could'nt configure it (looks like there is no support for VLANs on the livecd either)15:46
z3braany hint?15:46
naccz3bra: apt-install or `apt install` ?16:00
naccz3bra: also, if you use the 16.04.3 live usb, the hwe kernel is an option presented at the first menu (iirc) and is installed by default16:01
BSaboiais it easy to run a live ubuntu on a mac?16:02
BSaboiaI am downloading 16.04 LTS16:02
BSaboiaI tried slax, but it did not work. the USB stick was not present on the boot list16:03
GargravarrBSaboia: depends how old the Mac is. some only work properly when booted from CD16:03
z3branacc apt-install16:03
Gargravarrran into issues booting my old MBP into Mint16:03
z3bra(apt or apt-get is not available at the command line)16:03
naccz3bra: oh from the installer environment?16:03
BSaboiaGargravarr, this mac is not that old16:04
BSaboia2 years, I'd say16:04
Gargravarrnot tried on more modern hardware, so probably can't help you, sorry16:05
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mumixamanyone know why ssh would be slow ONLY when using tty?16:05
Gargravarranyway, hi all, wonder if someone can give me some pointers. i've got a fleet of Dell XPSen running Xenial that, on certain kernels, fail to boot16:06
Gargravarrboot screens do one of a number of things: 1. FDE password screen doesn't work at all 2. password accepted, but the Ubuntu booting animation freezes 3. screen is just black16:07
mumixamz3bra: before you start the install process select HWE?16:07
z3braI'll try that16:07
mumixamif the system is already installed just update the kernel16:07
Gargravarrin all cases, i can't find anything in the logs, implying the rootfs isn't being mounted in the background, but without logs i cannot figure out what's going on16:08
mumixamGargravarr: hardware is the same as other machines without issues?16:09
Gargravarrmumixam: for the most part, yes16:10
mumixamhave you tried memtest86+?16:10
z3braI'm using the 16.04.1 iso now which doesn't have this option16:10
Gargravarrmight as well16:10
mumixamz3bra: i thought i seen it in there16:10
naccz3bra: 16.04.116:11
naccz3bra: you want 16.04..316:11
mumixamif not just do a normal install then upgrade the kernel unless you need the raid card for rootfs16:11
z3brayeah I'm downloading it16:11
naccz3bra: 16.04.1 is the same as 16.04 kernel wise16:12
naccno hwe there16:12
naccz3bra: so it wouldn't present you with a hwe option, afaict16:12
thinkyhow can i add this ppa in ubuntu ` https://software.opensuse.org/download.html?project=home:ailin_nemui:irssi-test;package=irssi16:14
thinkyi try to add in software & ubuntu but +add source button doesnt get active16:15
Kon-That isn't a PPA16:16
thinkyso where can i find ppa for irssi?16:16
thinkyi want to install latest version but sudo apt update doesnt bring latest irssi16:16
sereQuestion: I have this small backup script for tar i can get running but the --excludes are not working.. anyone help would be grately appreciated16:17
Oolthinky: everything is clear on this page16:18
IntelCoreSometimes grub returns to menu after enter before i hit enter again, then it will boot.16:18
IntelCoreyesterday it worked fine, then updated system.. now it doing it again16:19
IntelCore145.3mb to download, more updates16:20
naccthinky: why do you want the latest irssi?16:20
naccthinky: did you try the instructions on that page?16:20
thinkyi did16:21
thinkybut it is giving W and E now : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZDBJnjZWGR/16:21
naccthinky: ok, read the manpage it refers to if you don't care about security for your system :)16:21
thinkyi care !16:21
thinkyso it was bad idea adding that sourcE? O.o16:22
IntelCorelibreoffice updated16:22
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Kon-Not unless you think OpenSUSE hosts malware16:22
IntelCoreis there a signed linux image - 116 ?16:23
Kon-"why do you want the latest version?" is a ridiculous question for software that is used daily16:24
IntelCore < just want updated, and works16:25
naccKon-: no it's not16:25
naccKon-: ubuntu supports irssi in 16.04 as shipped in 16.0416:25
naccKon-: if you want a newer version, do you have a reason?16:25
Kon-Bug fixes, new features16:25
naccKon-: bug fixes, if filed in Ubuntu, are backported16:25
naccKon-: and specific new features was the point16:25
naccmost users do this and then say "i want the latest" without a why.16:26
naccwithout realizing they are explicitly trusting the PPA owners16:26
thinkyok done16:26
ycyclistIs 12.04 still supported?  I just got ahold of a 12.04.5 iso.16:26
Kon-nacc, If the PPA is maintained by the developers of the software, and the software is well-known and included in the distro repo, it's unlikely that an official release will include malware16:27
naccycyclist: esm only (canonical paid support)16:28
naccKon-: lots of ifs.16:28
=== V7 is now known as VjdfMQ
Kon-Do you have any reason to suggest the latest version of irssi is unsafe?16:28
IntelCore12.04 lts is until 201916:29
sereQuestion: I have this small backup script for tar i can get running but the --excludes are not working.. anyone help would be grately appreciated16:29
naccIntelCore: no, it was until 201716:30
naccIntelCore: 5 years16:30
naccIntelCore: you can pay Canonical for more support16:30
naccKon-: red herring; my point was simply you don't always need the 'latest' and you certainly don't need to add 3rd party repositories just so you can get 'latest'16:31
IntelCoreyea.. i'm on tha page tells support end of life16:31
IntelCorethanks nacc16:31
Kon-I agree nacc, but I think it gives end-users the wrong idea when they point to officially maintained repos (hosted by OpenSUSE, no less) and told that it may compromise system security16:32
naccKon-: 'officially' by whom? this is the ubuntu support channel.16:32
donofriohow do I get pastebinit to keep color and formatting when submitting pastes16:33
IntelCore 12.04.5 ended april 28 201716:36
naccdonofrio: maybe one of the other settings (rather than plain text)?16:36
naccdonofrio: not sure how pastebinit posts it and if its aware of those options yet16:36
donofrionacc, it tries but don't think that is the way - http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rscVzcH5x8/16:41
naccdonofrio: that was telling it what mode?16:44
qswzfor the life of me, I was never able to make a imwheel.sh script run on statup (I stried the multiple autostart ways)16:46
donofrionacc that was screenfetch -p16:47
qswzscrot -s16:49
naccdonofrio: i understand, but was it pasted 'as' plaintext?16:49
giacoHello! I've a problem with openssh -A agent forwarding. Not sure if this is a problem related to openssh or ubuntu, but what happens is that after the connection the SSH_AUTH_SOCK variable points to a non-existing file/socket in /tmp. Do you have any idea on what's happening here?16:49
naccdonofrio: i think pastebinit may have a conf file too16:50
donofrionot that I know of I just did "screenfetch | pastebinit" http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qK2cF9zdcb/16:50
naccdonofrio: right, that's not what i was suggesting :)16:51
ycyclistThank you nacc.16:53
naccycyclist: yw16:53
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raubCan anyone recommend a vpn client that plays nice with a cisco vpn server?16:56
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IntelCoregrub not ubuntu?16:59
IntelCorenacc, why grub return before the menu boots ubuntu?17:00
naccIntelCore: sorry?17:01
IntelCoreNacc, grub2 menu.. I use grub.  Hit enter to load ubuntu. But then, comes back to same grub menu17:08
IntelCorenacc, you think it is this...?17:08
IntelCorenacc, " recordfail' is not 1 for the first boot and is equal to 1 on the reboot .."17:09
IntelCorenacc, Also, my battery is empty..needs replace.17:10
IntelCorenot using laptop batt now, plugged in socket17:10
roger23894832hi i need to modify a open source program .. very small modification i need the program to include a custom http header .. paying 0.25btc ... private message me thanks17:12
IntelCorehmm.. started with the - 112 img.. and sometimes the menu loads straight away, other times has these restart17:12
TJ-roger23894832: you could run a proxy in front of it like squid that adds the HTTP header17:12
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naccroger23894832: totally offtopic for this channel.17:14
naccIntelCore: does it ever work (if it fails once)?17:14
giaconevermind, solved on my own17:14
donofrionacc, what I'm asking is does anyone know how to maintain formatting and control codes but not display them in rawtext from screenfetch?17:16
naccdonofrio: so you want an online terminal emulator?17:17
IntelCorenacc, yes. like it failed day before, but not yesterday, but today it did.17:17
naccIntelCore: ok, and when it fails, does it work the ... second time, say?17:17
naccIntelCore: or does it fail until you reboot, etc17:17
donofrionacc no not that just wanting the pastebinit to make a proper formatted posting...seems to leave escape codes uncoverted into color on pasteainit site17:18
naccdonofrio: you're not listening? pastebinit is pasting plain text17:18
naccdonofrio: plain text does not have 'color'17:18
IntelCorenacc, I see it boot after hit enter for 2nd time17:18
naccIntelCore: hrm17:18
naccIntelCore: i thought grub had an error log or something17:18
naccIntelCore: but i really don't know17:18
donofrionacc, uh ok so besides taking a screengrab is there a way to get the text to retain formatting on pastebinit?17:19
IntelCorety nacc17:19
naccdonofrio: as i said, try manually entering it with the other possible formatting options17:19
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IntelCorenacc, it a 00_header thing?  at, maketimeout () set timeout=10 in that script?17:20
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naccIntelCore: i don't know17:21
IntelCorenacc, yes. I dunno either. hmm, lookin logs, ty17:21
LazyBones_lo all17:24
gordonjcpLazyBones_: evening17:26
LazyBones_had some issues with lubuntu - dns not working, just testing everything works fine..17:26
LazyBones_k, ciao..17:27
IntelCoreGrub_cmdline_linux= ""  - I am not going to change it17:29
IntelCorereboot repair, BRB17:30
IntelCoreno prob that time17:33
IntelCorethat time was restart to install updates17:33
IntelCoreupdates i had waiting17:34
TJ-IntelCore: does it only happen on a cold-boot? from a hard power-off state?17:34
IntelCoreso.. I think to watch what it (grub2) is doing more closely now.17:34
IntelCoreIDK, TJ- it may be17:35
IntelCoreIt may, yes.. it was today.. plug in socket, boot/return, then entered and it did17:36
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IntelCoreand, it did restart fine enough17:36
IntelCoreas expected17:36
jairhello all17:37
IntelCoregoing to turn off this, so it shows text.17:37
IntelCorejust have to watch what it doing closely17:38
IntelCoreTY for helps, ya'll. Have a nice ubuntu day17:38
qswzwhat's the simplest way to start a script at session opening?17:39
qswzwell, won't work, because I've disabled password for initial session opening17:40
jairthe server with the memory leak issue is about to crash and I have the following screenshot: https://ibb.co/dmrfvx17:42
Gargravarrmumixam: memtest passed 100%, all 16GB17:43
jairany tip on what I can run to identify which process is taking the memory and not releasing it17:43
aleksanderso guys i wonder, is it possible to have fully portable browser on linux, that doesn't leave any trace?17:43
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jairhello all this is a bug memory regression issue of 17.10 in the Dell R440 > https://ibb.co/dmrfvx17:44
Gargravarrjair: isn't htop telling you what you need to know?17:44
jairbefore the server crash I have been looking for softwares to identify the memory leak17:44
jairI ran memtest and got the copy of the output17:44
jairGargravarr: did you have a look at the screenshot?17:45
Gargravarrthat would have been my suggestion, to look at htop and check processes and threads for high memory use17:45
jairGargravarr: it is showing no processes using the memory17:45
jairGargravarr: htop is showing that everything is working fine17:45
jairGargravarr: that is the issue17:46
naccjair: `cat /proc/meminfo` in a pastebin17:46
jairthanks nacc checking17:46
naccjair: also, are you possibly using any tmpfs or something?17:46
Gargravarri see. iirc, the colour of the RAM gauge in htop means something, i can't remember what17:47
Gargravarryes, green = actively used, blue = buffer, yellow = cache17:48
jairnacc: nah, this is just a iptables router17:48
Gargravarrthe OS seems to be caching too agressively and not releasing it17:48
Gargravarrif you run 'free -m' you'll probably see most of the RAM use is in cache17:48
jairnacc: here > http://paste.debian.net/101152117:48
naccjair: appears to be all in use by THP17:49
naccjair: which, if too aggressive, can be harder to break up and swap out under memory pressure, iirc17:49
naccjair: did you by any chance set to THP to always?17:50
jairGargravarr: > http://paste.debian.net/1011524/17:50
pinnerupDoes anyone know of a program for Ubuntu or Linux in general that shows which installed fonts support a given unicode range? Like if I want to find out which of my installed fonts support, say, Phoenician?17:50
jairnacc: what is that?17:51
jairnacc: THP17:51
naccjair: Transparent Huge Pages17:51
naccjair: the DirectMap bit at the bottom17:51
Gargravarrjair: okay, fair enough17:51
Gargravarri'm wrong, ignore me :)17:52
naccjair: what OS / kernel is this?17:52
jairubuntu 17.1017:52
jairkernel -3217:52
naccjair: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42525327/what-are-side-effects-cons-of-disabling-transparent-huge-pagesthp/42540006 has some interesting tidbits17:52
naccjair: i'd try disabling THP and see if it fixes your issue17:52
AnticomHi all. a friend of mine (a little elderly) hasn't installed updates in a while17:53
naccjair: the default is madvise, but if your software is madvise heavy, you can get into weird isseus17:53
Anticomhe's got some weird chinese sources when i do `sudo apt update`17:53
jairnacc: you can see this > https://ibb.co/dmrfvx17:53
Anticomis this something i've got to worry about?17:53
naccjair: yes, you already sent that to me17:53
jairnacc: how can I disable THP17:53
naccjair: cat /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled17:53
naccjair: read the link?17:54
jairnacc: no yet17:54
jairchecking I am trying to see if I can save the server from crash17:54
naccjair: and then you would change your grub default to pass transparent_hugepage=never17:54
Anticomalso when i try to upgrade, i get "the package linux-headers-4.4.0-81-generic needs to be installd again but there's no archive for that"17:54
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Anticom(loosely translated)17:54
naccAnticom: that kernel is ancient17:55
Anticomnacc: i know but why isn't it in the repos anymore?17:55
naccAnticom: if you know what you are doing, remove it, and then install the updates17:55
Anticomlike how am i supposed to upgrade now17:55
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GargravarrAnticom: that's the reason, it's ancient17:55
jairnacc: http://paste.debian.net/101152717:55
Gargravarryou should be able to upgrade to a newer 4.4 kernel without APT stopping you, current is -11617:55
naccGargravarr: not if there is a broken package already17:55
AnticomGargravarr: how exactly would i do that? apt remove -f the old one and then?17:56
naccAnticom: it's hard to know what's wrong, immediately, but the package is definitely still in the archive17:56
naccjair: right, so set that to never, as per the link17:56
Gargravarrpossibly to do with these suspicious sources17:56
naccjair: i don't believe it will free the thp, but i'm not sure17:56
z3braok so my fix will only be avail on 16.04.4, so I guess I need to wait... Thanks everyone for your help17:57
jairnacc: you mean I can try now and see if it saves the server?17:57
GargravarrAnticom: save the Chinese source deb string somewhere for later analysis and put archive.ubuntu.com in its place17:57
AnticomGargravarr: https://imagebin.ca/v/3sbmC0C3HPJt17:58
AnticomSorry, it's german17:58
GargravarrAnticom: s'ok, i can read some German17:59
avi_IRChow to add curl as c++ header file? curl exists but compiler is unable to find. Ubuntu 16.0417:59
Gargravarrinteresting, good to see internationalisation is working well17:59
Anticomhm so tl;dr; he's running xenial (according to lsb_release) however in /etc/apt/sources.list everything is on zesty17:59
jairnacc: I changed it > http://paste.debian.net/1011530 but the memory is still increasing18:00
Gargravarravi_IRC: libcurl4-gentls-dev18:00
jairnacc: does this will take effect after the reboot of the crash?18:00
jairnacc: perhaps?18:00
GargravarrAnticom: hmm, that'd work for doing a dist-upgrade (maybe he agreed sometime in the past but cancelled out of it once it reset the sources)18:01
AnticomGargravarr:  i just modified all entries to be xenial18:01
Anticomthat shouldn't be an issue right?18:01
OerHeksAnticom, also precise sources??18:01
AnticomOerHeks: yep, one of them18:01
GargravarrAnticom: correct, it'll all come back into line now18:02
jairnacc: I wonder if there is some command that can make the memory go back to zero something like for swap swapoff -a or something like that :(18:02
OerHeksreally a mess there, not likely a virus/walware, but randomly added sources18:02
Gargravarrespecially for an older gent who may not 100% understand what he's clicking on...18:03
jairnacc: > here more details > http://paste.debian.net/101153118:04
AnticomOerHeks: he also had some maleware on his firefox. dunno whether i got rid of it completely18:04
Anticombut yes, this machine is a wrek :D18:04
Gargravarrmaybe more sensible to back up and nuke from orbit?18:06
OerHeksAnticom, time to do a fresh install,, he'll be back online in 30 minutes18:06
jjvvxto update only one package I just do `# apt-get install package` right?18:06
Gargravarrjjvvx: yep18:08
OerHeksjjvvx, no, install does something different18:11
OerHeksand why update just one package, it might break dependencies...18:12
jjvvxOerHeks: because it's the only package that I need updated atm18:12
naccjair: tbh, i'd just reboot it and see if the memory doesn't leak18:12
jjvvxalso it updated some other dependencies anyway so the latter statement seems to be false18:12
AnticomRunning the upgrade now. Thanks for the help guys18:13
Gargravarrjust to clarify, it's not the advisable way to do it, sure, but it does work18:13
* Gargravarr has used it in the past when on a slow connection but needs an important update18:14
meadonce you install Samba, how do you configure it to join a specific workgroup?18:15
jairnacc: I will see if after the crash the memory leaks again18:16
jairit is going to crash soon18:17
jjvvxGargravarr: yeah my router's AC adapter decided to die on me so I'm tethered to my phone rn18:17
jjvvxI just needed that one update and I'm on a limited data plan so18:17
Mathisenmead, edit your smb.conf18:17
meadwhere is it located by default?18:18
Mathisen> /etc/samba/smb.conf18:19
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meadonce you change the config, do you need to so something to activate the new config?18:23
Mathisenrestart samba service18:23
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meadwhat is the cli to do that?18:24
Mathisenyou know, you can look upp some basic info yourself...18:24
Mathisensudo service smbd restart18:25
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/samba.html18:25
OerHekswithout knowing howto handle samba, i wonder what you added/changed to the conf18:26
meadOerHeks: changed the workgroup18:30
debouncerhi, I encountered with login loop problem in 17.10 version with nvidia gtx970 graphic card.18:33
debouncercan anyone help me? thanks18:34
debouncerBtw it is not only working with gnome. For now, it works fine in unity18:35
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debouncerisnt that odd?18:37
Mathisena little yes, what nvidia drivers are you using18:37
debouncerMathisen, 390.2518:38
debounceropen source one18:38
xXkIlLeRbOiXxnow you must die18:38
spec2Hi, for a week or so now I've been suffering from what I've been assuming has been buggy video drivers, brought on by an apt upgrade. I've tried different drivers and different ubuntu versions, but get the same result. Nothing appears on the screen smoothly anymore. Nothing can be dragged around the screen without it being horribly jumpy. Mplayer no longer works well. The strange thing is that when i boot from a live cd (installation cd), it seems to work fi18:39
Mathisendebouncer, ok you need to share logs with error message to know more.18:40
debouncerMathisen which ones?18:40
Mathisenstart with syslog18:41
OerHeksso standard nouveau works, what videocard is that, exactly? lspci | grep VGA # would tell18:42
memphistohaving issues with openconnect18:58
memphistousername:fgets (stdin): Resource temporarily unavailable18:59
memphistousing it in a script with --passwd-on-stdin option18:59
FrameFeverI want to to sudo apt-get update19:12
FrameFeverbut I am getting: "Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default."19:12
FrameFeverubunut 17.10 x6419:12
FrameFeverwhat is wrong?19:12
FrameFeverfresh install19:12
KingbonjFrameFever: Add --allow-unauthenticated19:12
FrameFeverKingbonj: where? at the end?19:13
naccFrameFever: wait, what repo are you using?19:13
naccFrameFever: what mirror, i mean (pastebin the output from `apt-get update`)19:13
naccKingbonj: without context, that doesn't seem like great advice19:13
KingbonjYes, but remember the security is there for your protection19:13
KingbonjNacc: quite ^19:14
FrameFeverI cannot copy paste because of vmware19:14
nacc!pastebinit | FrameFever19:14
ubottuFrameFever: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit19:14
FrameFeverlike I said, I cannot copy paste19:14
naccFrameFever: why do you have the cdrom still configured?19:14
naccFrameFever: just remove it from your sources.list19:14
FrameFeverdon't know19:14
naccFrameFever: ... pastebinit is a cli tool19:14
FrameFeverjust fresh installed19:15
naccFrameFever: vmware is irrelevant, if you ahve network19:15
OerHeksdisable cdrom in sources19:15
naccFrameFever: yeah, disable that entry and it's fine19:15
FrameFevernacc: I removed the CD from from VMware settings19:18
FrameFeverbut the problem is still there19:18
tewardFrameFever: erm, removing the CD from the VM settings is only half the battle19:19
tewardyou need to go into /etc/sources.list and comment out any cdrom entries19:19
OerHeksdisable cdrom in sources ..19:19
naccFrameFever: right, not what i was suggesting19:19
FrameFeverteward: there i no file called like that19:21
naccFrameFever: /etc/apt/sources.list19:21
meadtrying to connect to the existing smb workgroup...  "failed to retrieve share list from server: Invalid argument"19:23
FrameFevernacc: now it works19:24
FrameFeveris this a bug in ubuntu?19:25
OerHeksmead, problem #5 https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=116914919:25
OerHeksUnable to mount location: Failed to retrieve share list from server" error message when trying to browse your network, this may be related to Windows "Event ID 2011".19:26
OerHeksPlease see the fix noted here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/17707819:26
tewardFrameFever: i mistyped the path, my apologies.19:26
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naccFrameFever: no19:31
OerHeksFrameFever, it is proper behaviour of vmware, it does what you tell it to19:32
OerHeksyou made your own custom vm, proisioning with existing vmÅ›  would not require those steps19:32
FrameFeverI enter following cmd in my console:19:37
FrameFeverurl -sSL http://www.cmake.org/files/v3.10/cmake-3.10.2-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz | sudo tar -xzC /opt19:37
FrameFeverbut nothing happens19:37
FrameFeverI get also the shell not back19:37
FrameFeverhave to cancel with Strg+c19:37
Frank_I'm back for more...still hoping to fix this no sound through speaker problem in 16.04.319:38
OerHeksurl or curl19:41
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Frank_url for what19:41
OerHeksFrameFever, we use the standard build-essentials, why do you *need* that cmake version ?19:42
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meadOerHeks: #5 can't be the issue, and I don't have norton running on windows box with the file share20:00
luckaHi There20:08
luckaI would very like to install intel drivers on my newly xubuntu 17.10 install... what package should I install?20:09
ioriawhy ?20:09
luckaWhy I would like to install intel graphics card drivers?20:09
luckaSo I would experience better 2d/3d rendering20:10
luckaI own following integrated graphics card: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation HD Graphics 5500 (rev 09)20:10
ioriamind if you ask what  the issue  is ?20:10
luckaioria: don't have any issues currently...20:11
luckawould just wanna have the latest drivers that's all20:11
craigbass76Where do phones mount up when you plug them in via usb? I can find them in the file browser, but now sure where to look in a command line -- I don't see anything mounted up that looks likely20:11
OerHeksintel is standard in the kernel now, maybe that new 5500 needs a kernel line;  i915.alpha_support=120:12
iorialucka, what kernel in use, please ?20:13
Frank_i can't even get the speakers to work20:13
luckaioria: 4.13.0-36-generic20:13
OerHekscraigbass76, i would asume /media/20:15
iorialucka, you should be fine ... but i cannot recommend  the intel-installer, sy20:15
luckaOerHeks: so I put this in which file? don't know what boot manager xubuntu uses by default20:15
craigbass76OerHeks: Nope20:15
luckaAnother thing is... how can I disable touchpad while typing?20:16
luckaI keep pressing it with my side of a left thumb and it's messing my workflow :p20:16
luckaAh I found it in the settings20:17
craigbass76OerHeks: Ahh, I didn't go deep enough. /run/user/myUID/gvfs/mtpblahblah20:17
luckaThis is awesome20:18
OerHeksinteresting discussion on Intel dri2/dri3 https://community.ubuntu.com/t/enable-dri3-by-default-in-18-04/1253/820:19
luckaioria: Also I am experiencing teardropin while scrolling with firefox20:23
iorialucka, define 'teardropin' ?20:26
kenrinWhat compoistor are you using20:26
kenrincompton is pretty popular for xfce20:27
luckaioria: nah, I guess I thought mistakenly...20:28
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YADW1Hello! I'm trying to get some fonts to work on libreoffice, I tried almost every way to install them but never succeeded. I'm on Ubuntu 17.1020:29
grumble2Hi, I have a laptop running ubuntu 17.10 (with wayland). Before 17.10, I used to be able to automatically change the screen resolution in shell scripts with "xrandr", however that no longer works.  I'm for a way to change the screen resolution from a shell script that works on 17.10. Can anyone help me?20:30
YADW1Some time ago, I edited /etc/fonts/fonts.conf to include a /WINDOWS/Fonts folder on another partition, which worked until yesterday20:31
YADW1Now any software other than LibreOffice suite can see and use those fonts. I tried reinstalling the whole suite, deleting any .conf file related to it, even runned a dkpg-reconfigure20:33
YADW1Nothing at all. I'm getting desperate, can anyone give me a hand?20:33
kenrinDid your fonts have the pfb and afm ?20:35
YADW1Sorry, I guess I don't know.20:35
ducassegrumble2: there's no way to do that with wayland. by design the desktop should handle that.20:37
YADW1@kenrin , what exactly do you mean by *having* pfb and afm?20:38
grumble2ducasse: can I tell the desktop to do it? some weird dbus call? tried digging around but haven't found anything so far20:38
craigbass76YADW1: Did you try sticking them in /home/you/.fonts/ ?20:38
YADW1Yup, tried that too.20:38
luckaioria: but when I am watching a movie in VLC I defenatelly see tear drops like picture is tearing (having intel graphic card) how can I fix this?20:38
ducassegrumble2: afaik it's not even implemted in gnome at all yet, so no.20:38
iorialucka, try another player, please... mpv is good20:39
kenrinWell if  you are using type 1,  they dropped support for that last year: http://www.linux-magazine.com/Online/Blogs/Off-the-Beat-Bruce-Byfield-s-Blog/LibreOffice-drops-Type-1-font-support20:39
grumble2well i can change the resolution in that settings dialog, hmm20:39
YADW1It's a LibreOffice specific issue I suppose.20:39
craigbass76Where'd you get the fonts YADW1 ? Wondering if I can duplicate it here20:40
ioriagrumble2, you can do it editing the kernel boot line,  but never tried20:40
luckaioria: installing and will report how it goes20:40
driveawayi need help with my att 5268 wifi firmware its causing problems with my ubuntu 14.04 eth0 connections20:40
YADW1They were the fonts I had in another partition, from a Windows XP installation20:41
luckaI did tick the installation of media formats during the installation so codecs "should" be installed20:41
ducassegrumble2: ok, i don't use gnome myself, so i really don't know. you could try asking the gnome people, i expect most of them are on oftc.20:41
driveawayi need help with my att 5268 wifi firmware its causing problems with my ubuntu 14.04 eth0 connections20:41
driveawayhelp please20:41
luckaioria: unfortunatelly tear dropping present in MPV too20:42
iorialucka, i suggest  ubuntu-restricted-extras as well then reboot20:42
grumble2ioria: well, i'm doing it from bash scripts because I want to change it at run-time: For example, when starting netflix i want to set the external monitor resolution, and restore the old resolution when closing it20:42
luckaioria: what is the repository filename path agan?20:42
TJ-grumble2: might be better just switching to the X session20:42
nikos_hello can anyone help me with nagios ?20:42
ioriagrumble2, not with wayland, afaik20:43
iorialucka, it's a package, not a repo :  ubuntu-restricted-extras20:43
luckaioria, ah ok :) Thank you20:43
ioriainfo xubuntu-restricted-extras | lucka20:43
ioria!info xubuntu-restricted-extras | lucka20:44
ubottulucka: xubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used media codecs and fonts for Ubuntu (transitional). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 66 (artful), package size 1 kB, installed size 14 kB20:44
luckaioria: I thought I installed those during the installation process,... I guess not. Thank you20:44
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ioriagrumble2, maybe some gdm3 hooks20:45
fullstackHi, 16.04.  I can't apt --anything--, due to /boot.  I tried 'apt autoremove' (fails) apt -f autoremove fails, apt install byobu && purge-old-kernels -- byobu fails to install due to apt trying to install stuff in /boot20:45
fullstackI then tried rm -rf /boot/old_kernels* and that failed20:46
fullstackI'm completely stuck. Why does Ubuntu have such a small /boot why can't I just fix this?20:46
kenrinAre you out of space?  Do you have more than one kernel installed?20:46
luckaDoes ubuntu/xubuntu has some sort of snapshots possibility like if you manage to break system? Like time machine in MacOS or smth similar in WIndows?20:46
fullstackI'm out of space20:46
ioriafullstack, lvm, encryption ?20:46
kenrinJust delete them manually then fullstack20:46
kenrinThen re-run apt20:47
fullstackI tried deleting them manually20:47
fullstackdidn't work20:47
kenrinwhat command did you use ?20:47
luckaNeed to reboot20:47
lordcirth_worklucka, not by default.  If you use btrfs as your filesystem, you could take snapshots.  Or if using LVM, LVM snapshots.20:47
fullstackrm -rf old kernel files20:47
fullstackdo you mean apt remove each one?20:47
driveawayhow do i get new firmware for att 5268ac20:48
luckalordcirth_work: I did tick LVM and system encryption during the installation20:48
TJ-fullstack: I've got a script that cleans that up: http://iam.tj/projects/ubuntu/apt-autoremove-old-kernels20:48
kenrinno,  just rm *-4.4.0-103-generic as an example20:48
driveawaycan anyone help please20:48
kenrinThen maybe rm *-4.4.0-104-generic if you still need space,  the names will depend on what you got installed of course20:48
luckalordcirth_work: can you give me a link or what should I google in order to enable snapshots for lvm20:48
fullstackYeah I do that, and then it tries to reinstall them20:49
driveawaymy eth0 keeps losing connection20:49
fullstackand then it fills up the space and dies20:49
kenrinTried to reinstall them?..20:49
driveawayhow do i get new firmware for att 5268ac20:50
driveawaycan anyone help please20:50
tewarddriveaway: you need to talk to AT&T.  That doesn't sound like an Ubuntu issue at *all*20:51
guacamole_My encrypted /home is refusing to mount at login. Using ecryptfs-recover-private, I can mount them read-only to /tmp, but would really like to find a way to restore them to /home without reinstalling.20:51
fullstackyeah So I just rm /boot/*oldkernels-etc-etc-generic20:51
fullstackI have 142mb of space20:51
driveawayteward i did20:51
luckaioria: I have installed xubuntu extras and rebooted, teardrops present after reboot in vlc and MPV20:51
driveawaythey will not provide me any info20:51
OerHeksdriveaway, try ##hardware20:52
luckamy graphics card is 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation HD Graphics 5500 (rev 09)20:52
JimBuntudriveaway, I'll tell you now that they update them remotely when they see fit.20:52
TJ-guacamole_: how is it refusing to load? messages in syslog/kern.log ?20:52
luckaHalp please. I think this might be related to the graphics card drivers20:52
driveawaymy access key is available without having to put it in20:53
guacamole_TJ-: At graphical login, after putting in my password, I get an error about my .dmrc file having wrong permissions, and then the screen goes black.  dropping to shell, I can cd to home, but none of my files are there.20:54
guacamole_TJ-: I will check the log and come back later.20:54
TJ-guacamole_: OK, hang on, that's relatively simple to fix20:55
TJ-guacamole_: you drop to a shell meaning you press Cltr+Alt+F1 or similar and log-in at the text console?20:55
guacamole_TJ-: yes20:56
TJ-guacamole_: OK, at that point when logging in at console encrypted home will/should be mounted, so if it isn't then there's something very wrong20:57
guacamole_TJ-: yeah, something got corrupted when I had to do a reisub i think20:58
ricardoramirezI am trying to install KDE in Ubuntu 7.10 but I get an error message20:58
TJ-guacamole_: ...BUT... the fact your error reports $HOME/.dmrc having incorrect permissions means either a) encrypted home /is/ mounted but that file has wrong permissions so you get logged out, or b) encrypted mount fails but there's a stray $HOME/.dmrc20:58
zteamHi! Which package are we supposed to install to get adobe flash working in chrome nowadays?20:59
TJ-guacamole_: check /var/log/auth.log, /var/log/kern.log for authentication and/or I/O errors respectively20:59
zteamThere is just too many packages available, nowadays20:59
ricardoramirezI am trying to install KDE in Ubuntu 7.10 but I get an error message20:59
guacamole_TJ-: ok, will check.20:59
TJ-ricardoramirez: I hope you mean 17.10 not 7.10 :D21:00
kenrin7.10 is end of life21:00
ricardoramirezsorry, 17.1021:00
kenrinLooks like your mirror is dead ricardoramirez21:01
zteamricardoramirez, change mirror to the official repo, it can't find the mirror correctly21:01
TJ-ricardoramirez: 404 might just mean the package versions have changed and you need to "sudo apt update" first21:01
ricardoramirezI already did sudo apt update21:01
OerHeksricardoramirez, i see packages held back, perform dist-upgrade first21:02
ricardoramirezhow to change to official repo?21:02
TJ-ricardoramirez: OK, as kenrin says, change the mirror. I've just checked and that mirror doesn't have any version after and your system wants
ricardoramirezok, but how ?21:04
zteamcan somebody please help me to get adobe flash working in chrome? ubuntu 17.1021:05
Mathisenzteam, any reason you really need adobe flash ?21:05
ricardoramirezok, I change it to "main server"... it was "Server of Colombia".21:06
TJ-ricardoramirez: that's the one !21:06
kenrinIs flash still installed by default in chrome?  You should just need to click the little circled i button (or the https button as I call it) and select allow flash21:07
ricardoramirezcan you help me with the sound?21:07
ricardoramirezI have a HP Envy 13 laptop with bang and olufsen, but the sound in Ubuntu is horrible.21:07
zteamMathisen, yes, there is a webpage I'm using that require Adobe Flash21:08
Mathisenzteam, https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/net-install-flash.html21:08
OerHeksadobe flash comes with restricted-extras21:08
Frank_you have sound?21:08
zteamkenrin, I meant chromium not Google chrome21:09
Frank_my sound only works in headphones and if I right click on a certain spot on the screen21:09
ricardoramirezYes, but sounds horrible.21:09
kenrinAh yeah,  then you got to install it from the extras21:09
Frank_I only get sound in headphones21:09
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.21:09
Frank_this ubuntu has been a nightmare21:09
Frank_I've done what ubotta said21:09
TJ-Frank_: what does "pastebinit <( aplay -l )" report?21:10
Frank_people say "use linux, it's better than windows"  three days still can't get sound to work21:10
craigbass76I'm still not sure I understand how right clicking on anything makes the sound work.21:10
Frank_no kidding21:11
Frank_it makes 0 sense21:11
guacamole_TJ-: I didn't see any i/o errors in kern.log, but in auth.log what stands out is a lot of 'PAM unable to dlopen(pam_kwallet.so)' type messages21:11
craigbass76You right click on the sound app (VLC, Banshee, etc)?21:11
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Frank_the program pastebinit is not installed21:11
TJ-guacamole_: you can safely ignore all those pam_kwallet messages21:11
TJ-Frank_: what does "cat /etc/issue" report?21:12
Frank_Right click above the speaker icon, the volume level, at top of screen.  Sometimes that makes sound work through speakers as long as I hold down the mouse button21:12
TJ-craigbass76: I suspect the sound applet/icon on the taskbar is opening somethinh invisible and the press/click is activating something21:12
Frank_16.04.3 LTS \n \l21:13
zteamOerHeks, unfournaty installing ubuntu-restricted-extras does not help21:14
TJ-Frank_: ahhh, you're likely using the unity/gnome desktops which dont depend on pastebinit like other DEs do. "sudo apt install pastebinit" then the pastebinit command above ^^^^21:14
zteamchromium, still doesn't pick up the plugin correctly21:14
craigbass76Oh, I totally forgot about unity or gnome3 doing strange things...21:14
kenrinDid you try directly from the website then zteam ? https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/21:15
kenrinthen check about:plugins and enable it21:15
TJ-craigbass76: my hypothesis yesterday was there's a 'silent' audio device (like an HDMI audio) been set as the default device but the mouse press causes the built-in card to be used :p21:16
Frank_yes, but the mouse press only works sometimes21:16
craigbass76would alsamixer help? I've used that to fix things that weren't showing up in the regular GUI before21:16
TJ-Frank_: weird; I'm getting paste not found21:17
Frank_we ran through all sorts of alsamixer things over night21:17
Frank_do caps matter21:17
guacamole_TJ-: I'm not sure what else I should be seeing :s21:17
Frank_the last three are qKh21:17
TJ-guacamole_: if you don't see obvious warnings/errors mentioning ecryptfs then the basics seem fine21:18
TJ-Frank_: OK, got it, thanks haha! and I was correct21:18
Frank_correct about what?21:19
Frank_I am using whatever was installed21:19
Frank_I haven't done anything but install Ubuntu21:19
TJ-Frank_: see that? your PC has a HDMI audio and it's set as card 0 which is the default which explains why you're not hearing anything in the normal course of events, so all we have to do is demote that so card 1 becomes card 021:19
Frank_my intention is to have a computer I can use until a new laptop comes21:19
TJ-Frank_: no, it's not you, it's the order the audio devices are discovered21:19
Frank_ok, so how do I do it?21:20
ricardoramirezthanks for your help21:20
ricardoramirez*bye bye*21:20
Frank_"Computer, make the speakers work"21:20
TJ-Frank_: hang on, I'm looking for the instructions21:20
Bashing-om!info adobe-flashplugin artful | zteam21:21
ubottuzteam: Package adobe-flashplugin does not exist in artful21:21
TJ-Frank_: show me "pastebinit /proc/asound/modules"21:21
Frank_this is tough writing this back and forth21:21
TJ-Frank_: I thought you were on the problem PC! It would help :)21:22
zteamBashing-om, i can find it in synpatic, but maybe it has been removed, so what to install instead?21:23
frankcabthis is it21:24
frankcabok, I am logged in from the problem computer21:24
TJ-Frank_: aha!, that makes more sense. That shows the 2 devices in your PC are both using the same module, so it's just bad luck the HDMI device is found first21:25
Aeliusjust discovered snap packages, playing with them. So, if it requires sudo to install a package, then I assume the self updating feature won't work? (that is, unless I sign up for an ubuntu one account)21:25
frankcabSO how do I fix it?21:25
TJ-frankcab: Give me a moment to check the correct procedure in this case, since we can't use the normal procedure (when the modules are different it's easier)21:25
Bashing-omzteam: checking to see what I can find . " sysop@x1604:~$ apt list adobe-flashplugin >> adobe-flashplugin/xenial 1:20180206.1-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 amd64" ; seeing what might have replaced the package in artful .21:25
frankcabI see21:25
frankcabsudo fixthedamnsoundnow /h21:26
akikTJ-: i've used "pacmd set-card-profile ..." to switch between laptop audio and hdmi audio21:26
frankcabI have to go work.  But I will leave the chat on21:26
guacamole_TJ-: in syslog, I found "WARNING: t+20.03322s: IceLockAuthFile failed: Permission denied"21:26
rr89i already have installed kubuntu-desktop. how to active kde desktop?21:27
magnet_selamun aleykum21:28
TJ-frankcab: see https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NH59PQjMbK/21:31
rr89how to active kde desktop?21:32
TJ-guacamole_: that also suggests the home directory /was/ mounted correctly but has incorrect permissions. Do you have a terminal shell on that PC right now? if so can you show me "pastebinit <( mount | grep ecryptfs; id; ls -altr $HOME )"21:32
luckaOk I would like to add Option "TearFree" "true" to xorg.conf file somewhere in the System. I am using Xubuntu 17.10 where are xorgs.conf file located usually in ubuntu/xubuntu systems? In archlinux is /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf where is in ubuntu/xubuntu?21:33
czwolfHello! Can someone skilled help me to this: I am connecting to a remote pc with 1.4 TB of free space. Anyway, it looks I have problems with free space. My feeling is it has something to do with a space root uses. When I do df, I get 100%  for /dev/root Recently pc even refused my logins through graphical client - and I think it can be caused by that it wanted to write something on disk but could not, so I used text access and rebooted. Some applications21:33
czwolf(servers) keep working  even when I am not able to login and some stop to, after some time I observe them (tried a program which creates more data, in docker). Also messages that some system program failed are more frequent now. I am not sure what to do to fix the problem - the free space is on /dev/sda3 where there is only 24% occupied.21:33
leftyfblucka: /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf21:34
leftyfblucka: assuming this is for an Intel chipset21:34
AmericanBlendlucka, same place21:34
luckaleftyfb: I don't have "xoreg.conf.d" directory21:34
adman120anyone have an openvpn client inside of a lxc21:34
luckaAmericanBlend: don't have "xorg.conf.d" directory21:34
Menzielucka - It's in /usr/share/X11/, not /etc/X11/21:34
luckaMenzie: ah! Thank you21:35
luckaMissed that21:35
leftyfbczwolf: you need to clean space21:35
akiklucka: the configs are also read from /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ (it doesn't exist by default)21:36
guacamole_TJ-: https://pastebin.com/EfYrbs0m21:36
TJ-czwolf: as you say it sounds like the root file-system has run out of space, so you need to identify files that can be deleted to free some up, or if possible enlarge the root file-system21:36
leftyfbadman120: please ask a support question, not for people to take a survey21:36
czwolfleftyb It is possible taht system runs about 5 years now. What would you suggest?21:36
leftyfbczwolf: I suggest cleaning up some space21:36
Bashing-omzteam: I have conflicting tutorials to install flash . Not at all sure of a best means to proceed as I do not have a 17.10 install to test .21:37
leftyfbczwolf: at 1.4TB, 99% of that has nothing to do with applications or system file. Maybe logs.21:37
adman120I'm having an issue where I'm getting this error while trying to run openvpn as a client in a lxc: openvpn.service: Failed to reset devices.list: Operation not permitted21:37
naccadman120: probably needs to be privileged21:37
naccadman120: you should check in #lxcontainers21:37
adman120it is21:37
TJ-guacamole_: That looks very bad; it looks like you've managed to totally delete the original directory. Let's look further: "pastebinit <( ls -latr /home/ /home/.ecryptfs/ /home/.ecryptfs/mike/ )"21:38
leftyfbadman120: use sudo21:38
adman120I'm running as root21:38
czwolfTJ- Enlargin the root file-system sounds good to me. So you suggest partitioning   yes? I athink i can for sure sacrifice some space from that 1.4 TB ..21:38
adman120just to test21:38
TJ-czwolf: enlarging is sometimes not possible unless the system is using LVM21:39
guacamole_TJ-: ok, but remember, I can still find and mount my files (read only) to /tmp with ecryptfs-utils21:39
leftyfbczwolf: so you have a server with 1.4TB being used up, but don't know what it is and you think the solution is to add more space? I think your issue is something is eating up space and giving it more is just prolonging the inevitable21:39
TJ-guacamole_: yes, I know, they actually live (encrypted) in /home/.ecryptfs/$USER/.Private/ which is why I'm checking those; then we can sort things out21:40
leftyfbczwolf: how big is your root filesystem?21:40
adman120also why are you not using zfs21:40
guacamole_TJ-: https://pastebin.com/dq5WiY8P21:40
TJ-guacamole_: thanks, right, give me a couple of minutes to test the solution here safely, then I'll give you the commands21:41
czwolfleftyb - 1.4 TB is free ond /dev/sda3 , df says this about root: Filesystem                                                                                      1K-blocks      Used  Available Use% Mounted on21:41
czwolf/dev/root                                                                                        20026236  18985904          0 100% /21:41
leftyfbczwolf: df -h /21:42
TJ-guacamole_: Right. That directory "$HOME/server_music" - do you need to preserve it ?21:43
leftyfbczwolf: please don't paste more than a line here ... use pastebin or just look up the total space and mention it here21:43
guacamole_TJ-: No, it was just a mount point for a network share21:43
czwolfleftyb /dev/root        20G   19G     0 100% /21:43
naccso root isn't so large, you can just start seeing what's taking up space, czwolf :)21:44
leftyfbczwolf: ok, so 20G total21:44
AeliusIs there an easy way to browse the snap repository?21:44
czwolfMacc I see ... :/ So there is a chance I cannot enlarge this yes?21:44
Aeliuswithout searching21:45
leftyfbczwolf: englargign is not the answer21:45
naccczwolf: what leftyb said21:45
naccAelius: #snappy is probably the right place to ask21:45
leftyfbczwolf: if your roof is leaking, do you just get bigger and more buckets?21:45
=== manacit is now known as careless
czwolfleftyfb  OK ty, I wil ltry to locate some logs I can delete21:46
leftyfbczwolf: it might not be logs21:46
leftyfbczwolf: sudo apt-get install ncdu && sudo ncdu /21:47
czwolfleftyfb doing ty21:47
=== careless is now known as manacit
TJ-guacamole_: Good :) let's get started. Simply copy/paste the commands in this pastebin verbatim. the shell will expand $USER to your username (mike). https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/G3fB5QJfYq/21:48
lordcirth_workleftyfb, czwolf ncdu -x will not cross filesystems, you may want that21:49
leftyfblordcirth_work: good idea21:49
guacamole_TJ-: ok, I will have to type them out, but i'll do it now21:49
TJ-guacamole_: then you can remove that mount point with "sudo rm -r /home/mike/server_music"  ... and then log-in correctly21:49
TJ-guacamole_: hang on, don't do that, I can make it so you can fetch the file. The PC has network of course?21:49
czwolflordcirth_work Thank you!21:50
guacamole_TJ-: yes it's networked21:50
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TJ-guacamole_: OK: do "cd /tmp/; wget http://iam.tj/projects/ubuntu/fix-ecryptfs.sh" then "bash /tmp/fix-ecryptfs.sh"21:52
guacamole_TJ-: hmm. permission denied on everything, except rm /server_music : No such file or directory21:54
TJ-guacamole_: really!? is the file-system read-only !? "grep '/ ' /proc/mounts "21:55
TJ-guacamole_: does that show ro or rw option ?21:55
guacamole_TJ-: rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro,data=ordered 0 021:57
TJ-guacamole_: hmmm! is /home/ a separate file-system? maybe it's read-only? "grep '/home' /proc/mounts"21:58
minthello people, i have a question to my linux mint installation21:59
TJ-!mint | mint21:59
ubottumint: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)21:59
guacamole_TJ-: It seems rw... but it is it's own partition22:00
mintokay but its on ubuntu right?22:00
OerHeksmint has its own issues22:00
TJ-guacamole_: hmmm, let's do some more checking to try to figure out what is going on. Maybe it's out of space? "df -h /home; df -i /home"22:00
mintits a simple think for you its about partition and so22:01
meadwhat app fills the same roll as  "device manager" does in windows?22:01
minti will short explain22:01
TJ-mead: a variety: lspci for PCI devices lsusb for USB, lswh for everything22:01
guacamole_TJ-: 79% used, 3% used inodes22:02
meadTJ-: are those accessed in CLI or through the gui?22:02
OerHekslshw lspci lsusb lscpu dmidecode22:03
TJ-guacamole_: so not that. Hmmm, when you ran the script you saw permission denied messages. Can you run it again so it's output is sent to pastebin so I can see? "bash /tmp/fix-ecryptfs.sh |& pastebinit "22:03
TJ-mead: CLI22:04
guacamole_TJ-: https://pastebin.com/m9xz7cUS22:05
minti have a ruling installation / and /swap on one hd and /home on another one, than the hd from /home crashed, so I changed in another one, I start a linux from dvd and change the fstab entry so now the system is going to the point of user login but than says something about the rights of /home that the user I will login not have the rights, where can I change this?22:05
meadTJ-: how about a GUI app?22:06
adman120why does my system show 45gb of ram used when each vm is using less than 422:07
TJ-guacamole_: does /home/mike/server_music have something mounted on it right now? "mount | grep music"22:07
TJ-!ram | adman12022:08
ubottuadman120: If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/22:08
guacamole_TJ-: yep, it looks like it22:08
TJ-guacamole_: aaaaahh! can you 'umount' it first and try again22:08
TJ-guacamole_: and check if something else is actually mount on your /home/mike too - that'd explain why some commands might fail22:09
adman120bruh why tf is my swap 8gib22:09
guacamole_TJ-: at umount, it says not mounted.  It is mounted as type fuse.sshfs if that makes any difference22:10
TJ-guacamole_: ah, so you need to do "fusermount -u /home/mike/server_music"22:11
guacamole_TJ-: ok i found how to fusermount -u, but no entry found in /etc/mtab22:11
TJ-guacamole_: you'll need "sudo " prefix there too I guess22:11
TJ-guacamole_: better show me "pastebinit /proc/mounts"  :)22:11
guacamole_TJ-: https://pastebin.com/VztAJTtt22:13
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TJ-guacamole_: that looks like you've got an autofs mount on /home/mike as well as the sshfs on /home/mike/server_music22:14
czwolfleftyfb I think I found that my problem was caused by Docker install, so I should find a way for it how to save data somewhere else - Biggest I have 2.8 GiB [##########] /docker from yesterday and 1.1 GiB [##########]  mail.log.1 which has acumulated during the years. You helped me and some others too, ncdu is pretty handy, thank you!22:14
guacamole_TJ-: if i disable networking and reboot, will that help?22:15
TJ-guacamole_: try "sudo umount --lazy /home/mike/server_music && sudo umount --lazy /home/mike && echo YAY"22:15
TJ-guacamole_: noooo, I need network :D22:15
TJ-guacamole_: it's my eyes at the moment :p22:15
TJ-guacamole_: is there a possibility you have some music-player holding open files in /home/mike/server_music ?22:16
guacamole_TJ-: yes, i suppose that is possible. let me disconnect that server anyway22:16
TJ-guacamole_: if you do you may leave hanging file-descriptors which block us from fixing it22:17
guacamole_TJ-: ok22:17
TJ-guacamole_: lets try stopping the autofs service; is it 16.04 there?22:18
guacamole_TJ-: yes22:18
guacamole_TJ-: ok i stopped it22:20
TJ-guacamole_: let's try this then: "sudo systemctl stop autofs" then check if those mounts have gone with "grep mike /proc/mounts"22:20
TJ-guacamole_: once you've confirmed the mounts are unmounted you can re-run the script :D22:20
TJ-guacamole_: might be a good idea to /disable/ the autofs for now since it is the cause of this problem.22:21
TJ-guacamole_: "sudo systemctl disable autofs"22:21
guacamole_TJ-: ok! the script printed 'all done' :) can i reboot?22:26
TJ-guacamole_: no... in the console just log-out and log-in again to test it. "exit" to log-out22:27
TJ-guacamole_: check your files are there (which confirms the ecryptfs is correctly mounted)... if so, Ctrl+Alt+F7 to get the GUI greeter login, and test login there too22:28
guacamole_TJ-: 'Refusing to mount over an unapproved filesystem type: 0x187'22:28
guacamole_TJ-: ls shows Access-your-private-data.desktop, and readme.tx22:28
TJ-guacamole_: urghhh!?!? I've never seen that error before! Are you sure you managed to do the unmounts?22:28
TJ-guacamole_: "grep mike /proc/mounts" --- anything reported?22:29
guacamole_TJ-: yes, it looks like the network shares are still mounted22:29
TJ-guacamole_: darn, let's try ridding ourselves of them again! "sudo fusermount -u /home/mike/server_music" then re-check22:30
TJ-guacamole_: if that doesn't work try "sudo umount --lazy /home/mike/server_music" and re-check22:30
TJ-guacamole_: if it's still there some process must be holding a file open22:30
guacamole_TJ-: failed to unmount /home/mike/server_music: no such file or directory22:31
TJ-guacamole_: OK, I give in! As long as you've /disabled/ autofs, reboot it to clean things up, then I'm guessing you'll be able to log-in22:32
guacamole_TJ-: with the lazy, i got 'mountpoint not found'22:32
TJ-guacamole_: it must have got itself very confused, so reboot that sucker :D22:33
guacamole_TJ-: rebooting. I really appreciate all your help. it's been a rough week.22:33
Rodenwhat the f?22:35
guacamole_TJ-: It worked! Thank you so much. I mean it.  Last night I was so happy, just that I found and decrypted my files, and today you helped me avoid a total reinstall of my system. I hope I can do the same for someone else one day.  Enjoy you day/night :)22:36
TJ-guacamole_: YAY! glad we got it. Don't allow autofs to mount inside your $HOME as root like that, I suspect that is what broke it.22:36
TJ-guacamole_: Instead, I recommend you create a directory /mnt/server_music and configure your /etc/fstab to mount it there. /THEN/ from your $HOME you could create a symbolic link to it, as in "ln -s /mnt/server_music $HOME/server_music"22:37
guacamole_TJ-: good call. I never would have guessed, since my problem started with a system freeze and reisub. it just so happened to be the first reboot since i used those mounts.22:38
Bashing-om!cookie | TJ-22:43
ubottuTJ-: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!22:43
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:49
ubottuGnash is an open-source Flash replacement. It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/22:49
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash22:55
frankcabfrankcab: see https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NH59PQjMbK/    I tried pasting and running that in terminal as someone suggested.  There was a "permission denied" error.23:01
jeffreeubuntu17.10, getting some weird UI behavior, single-clicking in the browser often results in the pointer 'dragging' some icon from the page that wasn't even close to where I clicked, hard to describe23:08
jeffreeusing gnome and xorg23:08
zteamBashing-om, thanks for your time, I managed to fix it23:11
Jordan_UTJ-: Remember the general form needs to be "echo foo | sudo tee -a /root/writeable/file" as otherwise it's still the shell, running as a non root user, trying to write to the file.23:13
Bashing-omzteam: And for posterity - what is your solution ?23:13
TJ-Jordan_U: for what?23:14
no_maamI have a small problem, I used a software that needs firefox 45 on ubuntu 16.04 (xenial) LTS. Now I would like to install a new system and have firefox 45 on that system. However it looks like firefox has been upgraded to 57 or 58 in all repositories.23:15
no_maamDoes anyone know which repositories I have to disable or enable to get the original version of firefox that was shipped?23:15
OerHeksno_maam, no, you can make a vm of xenial without updates https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes23:17
OerHeksthaat gives FF 4523:17
no_maamOerHeks: OK, so that means just download the iso and cut the network?23:18
TJ-no_maam: you can download it manually and install it using "sudo dpkg -i filename.deb" from http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/f/firefox/23:18
mutanteno_maam reminds me of Al Bundy and Married With Childredn.. flash from the past23:18
no_maamTJ-: sure, but it also has some dependencies, so getting it with apt would be much more convenient23:19
no_maammutante: yep, the nick (and also I) am that old23:19
pinnerupDoes anyone know of a program for Ubuntu or Linux in general that shows which installed fonts support a given unicode range? Like if I want to find out which of my installed fonts support, say, Phoenician?23:19
zteamBashing-om, the packages needed for flash seems to be browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash pepperflashplugin-nonfree installing them makes flash useable again :-) I didn't relalize that worker at first, because the plugin doesn't show itself under extentions in chromium23:19
mutanteno_maam: haha, old enough to recognize it :)23:20
Bashing-omzteam: Yepper, glad to have the confirmation as I did see that as a solution - but I am not able to test and verify .23:21
no_maamOerHeks: what surprises me is that firefox has been updated even in the normal repository: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=firefox https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/firefox23:21
no_maamOerHeks: as far as I understand debian and ubuntu, it's supposed to be update only in the backports or -updates repository, but not in the normal one23:22
zteamBashing-om, thanks for your time man I really appreicate it :-)23:22
Jordan_Ufrankcab: I'll have a working pastebin for you to use in a minute.23:24
frankcabok thanks23:24
Jordan_UTJ-: Sorry, for frankcab. My plan was to immediately make a new pastebin for them but I got taken away by other duties before I could.23:24
OerHeksno_maam, you could try !pinning but that would be a hack to keep such vulnerable browser version23:26
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto23:26
Jordan_Ufrankcab: Here is a fixed version of TJ-'s instructions. Note that I've only checked the permissions side of things, I don't know enough about alsa configuration to know if that portion is correct (but I assume it is, because TJ- know's what they're doing :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GGCx6CqhDp/23:28
TJ-Jordan_U: oh, duh! of course - I see what you mean now :D23:28
OerHeksi wonder of one could update certificates in such old browser23:29
TJ-Jordan_U: last I saw he's gone off to work... Bashing-om is going to keep an eye open for him returning23:29
* Bashing-om keeps an eye out .23:30
frankcabThanks.  Now I am rebooting to see if it worked.23:30
TJ-oooo you scared me!23:30
FrankcabRan that script you pasted, rebooted, still no sound from speakers23:33
TJ-Frankcab: so many it didn't take23:33
Frankcabso many what?23:34
TJ-Frankcab: or possibly it did, but the sound output isn't correct.23:34
TJ-Frankcab: need to think of how we can programmatically check which it might be, more research required :)23:35
Frankcabok,  thanks23:35
TJ-Frankcab: we need 2 things: 1) prove that the built-in card 1 is now the default and 2) get some sound out of it23:35
OerHeksalsamixer, f623:38
TJ-Frankcab: can you show us "pastebinit <( aplay -L )"23:38
TJ-Frankcab: try this: "speaker-test -Dfront -l 2 -c 2 -t wav"23:43
Frankcab"Playback open error: -2,No such file or directory"23:43
TJ-Frankcab: is it a laptop or desktop PC?23:44
TJ-Frankcab: OK, let's do this another way. "sudo apt install pavucontrol" - this is the PulseAudio GUI controller application23:53
Frankcabit is already installed23:53
TJ-OK, start it "pavucontrol"  then go to the "Output Devices" tab. I expect you'll see 2 devices, the HDMI and the Built-in, is that correct?23:54
TJ-Frankcab: OK, for the "Built-in Audio" look to the right side, there are 3 icons, a speaker, a shield, and a green tick roundal... that last selects the default device. Press it.23:55
Frankcabbuilt in audio digital stereo hdmi and built in audio analog stereo23:55
Frankcabthey both say built in audio23:55
TJ-OK, ignore the one with "HDMI" in it23:56
Crusher sudo apt install build-essential app <-- not working on my WLS/ubuntu, getting many many 404's23:56
TJ-Frankcab: test your sound now23:56
Frankcabright now for port it shows "speakers (unavailable)23:56
TJ-Frankcab: Great! We finally have a clue23:56
Frankcabspeakers not working, headphone working23:56
TJ-Frankcab: in the drop down are there any other options?23:57
TJ-just speakers and headphone ?23:57
Frankcabhold on23:57
Frankcabboth speakers and headphones not working now23:57
TJ-Frankcab: :p23:57
TJ-Frankcab: did te default device change back to the HDMI ?23:57
FrankcabI see.  If I change port to headphones, then the headphones work23:57
TJ-Frankcab: go to the "Configuration" tab23:58
Frankcablooks like the default is the built in analog stereo23:58
FrankcabI am there23:58
TJ-For the Built-in audio analogue" try some of the other profiles. "Analogue Stereo Duplex" is the usual one for laptops23:59
Frankcabit's already analog stereo duplex23:59
TJ-'duplex' means it also enables the microphone input as well as speaker output23:59
TJ-Try some of the others23:59

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