
=== dennis__ is now known as dennis225
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valoriehi juggernaut03:17
juggernauthi you all03:57
juggernauti have a question03:57
juggernauti know that i should do btc with telegram.... how i can do it?04:02
lordievaderGood morning06:54
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf
ultyHi all, anyone else having problems with libre office since the update from to For me the file dialog is broken, using save as or open file crashes libre office12:15
ultyusing kubuntu 17.1012:17
juggernautgood morning12:27
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest81878
Dragnslcrulty- I started having the same problem last night12:55
ultygood to know I am not the only one13:02
ultyI opened a thread about it here https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php/73116-Libreoffice-file-dialog-broken-after-update-from-5-4-2-2-to-5-4-5-113:04
=== mike_ is now known as xtensive
D0U91Ecan i safely do release upgrade from 14.04 lts to 18.04 lts?16:42
yofelno, the tool will not offer that, and that is not a supported upgrade path. You'll have to upgrade to 16.04 first16:49
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=== gianni is now known as Guest63405
=== robert_ is now known as Guest83324

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