
TrevinhoOh finally https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git/+/05a0b26e256a7fc45836ce69e43e439850d5dcce00:27
TrevinhoGood news also for electron apps then!00:28
popeyrobert_ancell: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/7zcvkt/atom_snap_doesnt_work/duny7sp01:01
popeyGot a 16.04 system handy?01:01
popeyLooks like people have issues launching classic snaps from gs01:02
robert_ancellpopey, looks like a regression in snapd - it's no longer reporting the .desktop file to GNOME Software. This means G-S assumes it's a command line app and launches it that way. For some reason, that doesn't make it start.03:55
robert_ancellpopey, oh, maybe not a regression - it shows the .desktop file for spotify to me, but not for skype03:58
robert_ancellpopey, https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snapd-not-returning-desktop-file-for-skype04:05
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dufluAnd gitlab died06:52
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:17
oSoMoNand happy Friday07:17
ricotzoSoMoN, let's see how much apparmor anger arises :(07:48
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oSoMoNricotz, it's not that bad so far, just a few users with non-default partition layouts08:38
ricotzoSoMoN, shouldn't this cause those to be non-fatal errors? https://git.launchpad.net/~libreoffice/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/tree/patches/apparmor-complain.diff?h=ubuntu-bionic-6.008:40
ricotzoSoMoN, regarding the other apparmor patches, they are in master08:41
ricotzoSoMoN, so backporting apparmor-complain.diff would be an option08:43
seb128good morning desktopers08:45
oSoMoNsalut seb128, ça va?08:46
jibelSalut seb128 oSoMoN and all08:46
oSoMoNsalut jibel08:46
seb128lut oSoMoN jibel08:48
seb128oSoMoN, ouais, et toi ? already friday, which is good (w.e!) but less good at the same time (still lot of features backlog that didn't move as I wish they had this week, getting close from ff now)08:50
oSoMoNseb128, I'm good but tired, it's been a hectic week08:51
seb128indeed :/08:53
willcookemorning all08:57
robert_ancellmvo, if you have any insight into https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snapd-not-returning-desktop-file-for-skype please please comment there08:58
mvorobert_ancell: good morning! let me look, sorry, did made it so far yet :)08:59
seb128hey willcooke, happy friday09:00
dufluMorning willcooke, seb128, oSoMoN, jibel, robert_ancell...09:06
willcookehi duflu09:06
dufluseb128, I was able to modify the touchpad GUI nicely to display a message, but then got more ambitious and wondered if I could make it *work* instead. Now banging my head against mutter, again09:07
oSoMoNgood morning willcooke09:07
oSoMoNgood afternoon duflu09:07
robert_ancellbye all!09:07
mvorobert_ancell: replied09:07
mvorobert_ancell: and good night09:07
seb128hey duflu09:07
robert_ancellmvo, thanks!09:07
willcookehi robert_ancell bye robert_ancell09:07
seb128duflu, like making g-c-c configure synaptic?09:07
mvorobert_ancell: tl;dr packaging bug, trivial to fix09:07
oSoMoNhave a good week-end robert_ancell09:08
dufluseb128, yes it's simple in theory. I'm just missing something small09:08
seb128duflu, I doubt upstream would accept that, GNOME like to make opiniated choices on techs and stick to their line09:08
robert_ancellmvo, awesome. I think there's a bunch of those and hopefully popey and flexiondotorg can go out and help fix them.09:08
dufluseb128, I did agree... until I saw how small and simple it is09:08
mvorobert_ancell: yeah, I think we need to improve our tooling for better guidance on these09:08
seb128duflu, well, I predict Bastien is going to tell us to go away that they are not going to accept a commit for that, but maybe I'm wrong09:09
dufluseb128, this is a matter of easier to seek forgiveness than to ask permission. I think it will be nice enough that he either won't say that, and/or we can patch it trivially09:10
seb128duflu, ok, good luck :)09:10
oSoMoNricotz, backporting apparmor-complain.diff would be an option, yes, but I'm not sure what the point is of having apparmor profiles if they are not strictly enforced09:10
oSoMoNI'd rather have them enforced by default, and provide guidance to people on how to disable them if they really need it09:11
oSoMoNI'll ask the security team what their opinion is09:11
Laneythat seems fixed!09:12
Laneyhappy friday!09:12
willcookehi Laney09:14
willcookehi oSoMoN09:14
Laneymoin willcooke09:16
willcookewow, for the firstr time since I proposed that chage, I opened an XML file and it opened in gedit and not Firefox.   Much rejoicing09:19
oSoMoNgood morning Laney09:19
seb128Laney, happy friday to you too!09:21
seb128jibel, hey, could you have a look to https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/ubiquity/default-enable-downloads/+merge/337967 ? it should be trivial to review09:26
jibelseb128, I will09:27
seb128jibel, thx09:28
dufluseb128, yeah OK I've got some GUI settings working now with synaptics, and a tiny diff. But it's also Friday evening. Will finish next week10:00
seb128duflu, nice, enjoy your w.e!10:03
seb128hey Nafallo, happy friday10:11
Nafalloseb128: headache at the moment, but there's still hope ;-). how are you?10:24
popeyhttps://github.com/canonical-websites/snapcraft.io/issues/334   :) :)  bug of the day :)10:28
davidcalleFrench Guyana! It's totally a part of France10:51
popeyRight, but it's not called "France" is it? :)11:01
jibelpopey, it is a department of France, and you won't name all the department of France on the map, will you?11:03
jibeldepartment=guiana, region=guiana, country=France11:05
jibeland continent=south america11:06
popeyGeography lessons :)11:06
jibelyq :)11:06
jibelyw :)11:06
popeyJust looked odd given no other map I looked at had "France" on it. I guess there's not enough room there for the actual name11:07
jibelseb128, I cannot fully test your change. Bionic keeps freezing in a VM11:07
jibelbut looks good and download updates is checked by default11:08
jibelpopey, https://snapcraft.io/skype has France11:09
popeyno i mean gmaps, bing maps etc11:09
jibelah ok11:09
jibelpopey, but you're right, it's odd and it would make sense to write French Guiana, same for other overseas department, it's just the title of the report is incorrect11:11
willcookeandyrock, hey, you got a link handy for the upstream MR for g-o-a11:22
NafalloI always thought that place was called something like "Brazil"?11:25
Nafalloah. I didn't see the tiny little border there :-P11:27
ricotzoSoMoN, ok, so this needs some discussion, while of course 6.0 in bionic will only complain11:28
willcookeTrevinho, didrocks linked to this bug as the date alignment fix https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/merge_requests/311:30
willcookeTrevinho, is that the right link?11:30
andyrockWillcooke I've the patch ready but not yet proposed. Waiting for today meeting before proposing it11:34
willcookeandyrock, ack, thx11:34
willcookeoSoMoN, do you think we should distro patch HW accel video in to Cr?11:46
willcookeUpstrea, seems to be stuck in a circle11:46
jbichagood morning11:50
Nafallomorning jbicha11:51
xnoxwe love you Laney12:09
Laneyhey snookums12:09
seb128jibel, thanks for testing12:13
seb128willcooke, no, it's https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/merge_requests/1212:13
willcookethanks seb12812:19
Trevinhowillcooke: mh, no... exaclty as seb said :)12:20
seb128hey Trevinho, how are you?12:23
Trevinhoseb128: hey, good... you?12:23
seb128Trevinho, too busy but good otherwise :)12:23
Trevinhonice :)12:23
seb128Trevinho, got a nautilus patch for me? ;)12:25
Trevinhoseb128: I'm preparing the 1st one right now12:25
seb128Trevinho, \o/12:26
oSoMoNwillcooke, yes, I'll do that12:26
willcookeoSoMoN, nice one thanks12:26
oSoMoNthe patch currently applies on the dev branch, so it won't reach a stable release near you before ~ 10 weeks12:27
willcookeoSoMoN, ack12:27
oSoMoNbut we should have it in time for 18.0412:27
oSoMoNand as it's an optional feature that's behind a flag and off by default, the risk is rather low12:28
oSoMoNkenvandine, seb128 : another build of LO 6.0.1 is ready for upload at https://people.canonical.com/~osomon/libreoffice-6.0.1/bionic/0ubuntu3/ , can one of you sponsor it?12:51
seb128oSoMoN, I can do12:52
oSoMoN(tested in https://launchpad.net/~osomon/+archive/ubuntu/lo-test/+packages, it builds and autopkgtests pass locally, fingers crossed that no other transition in the archive will bork it again)12:52
oSoMoNseb128, thanks!12:52
seb128I hope I don't shot myself in the foot by doing so, I'm waiting for launchpad translations imports for days now but apparently libreoffice DoS the importer job :/12:52
jibelis there a bug about bionic not booting on intel hw with an external monitor attached?12:55
willcookejibel, there was one about not booting without external power on certain hardware, but I've not yet seen one about monitors12:58
jibelokay, submitting one12:59
jibelbug 175126813:04
ubot5bug 1751268 in linux (Ubuntu) "bionic desktop does not boot with external monitor attached - [drm:ironlake_crtc_enable [i915]] *ERROR* mode set failed: pipe A stuck / vblank wait timed out on crtc 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175126813:04
seb128well, as long as it's the kernel and not us :)13:05
Nafallohmm. removed gnome-calculator from desktop-recommends. which one is the preferred one these days then? :-)13:08
xnoxsnap gnome-calculator?13:12
Nafallonot sure we're at the stage where we'll replace apt packages with snap yet, surely?13:13
jbichaNafallo: you'll need to install the gnome-3-26-1604 snap first for it to work13:13
jbichaNafallo: yes, we are13:13
jbichawe're not replacing *everything* with snaps13:14
Nafallowoha. wasn't expecting that for the LTS. okay then...13:14
k_alamjbicha: Where do I propose fix for unity patches for empathy?.....https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/empathy/ubuntu does not contain any patches and has not been updated.13:19
jbichak_alam: it's updated now13:22
k_alamjbicha: That was quick! Thanks.13:23
willcookeoSoMoN, this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/1751005  is because folk are running the ppa|pre release right?13:32
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1751005 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "libreoffice cannot open a document not within $HOME" [Undecided,Opinion]13:32
ricotzwillcooke, no13:42
ricotzthis basically apparmor working, while libreoffice in bionic (6.0) run in complain-mode, the artful (5.4) is in enforcing-mode13:43
oSoMoNwillcooke, yeah, what Rico said, LO has had apparmor profiles for quite some time but they were broken, we have fixed them and now they work as intended, a little too well maybe13:49
oSoMoNI want to discuss this with the security team13:50
oSoMoNin 6.0 the profiles are in complain mode, but I personally don't think that's a good solution, it kind of makes them useless13:50
willcookethx oSoMoN ricotz13:51
ricotzoSoMoN, willcooke, https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=88654814:00
ubot5Debian bug 886548 in libreoffice-common "libreoffice-common: Try to ship all AppArmor profiles in enforce mode" [Wishlist,Open]14:00
ubot5Debian bug 884747 in libreoffice "fails to start when .config is a symlink, error message about permissions (apparmor)" [Normal,Fixed]14:00
oSoMoNricotz, Jamie suggests shipping the profiles as they are, but disabled by default14:04
oSoMoNso I'll work on a patch and will request a SRU to artful asap, to try and curb all that negative feedback we're getting14:05
ricotzoSoMoN, +1, artful is hit hard here14:06
ricotzI will update the 5.4.5 backports too14:06
oSoMoNI'm preparing the patch now14:07
oSoMoNseb128, thanks for the LO upload!14:08
Laneywah, -proposed isn't installable atm14:34
Laneyguess I'll have to just let livecd-rootfs migrate and see what happens14:34
Laneywonder if xnox will still love me then14:35
xnoxLaney, do it like we did it back in the good old days without proposed-migration14:36
* xnox is feeling retro today14:36
Laneyforce hint you mean?14:37
Laneyuse my ubuntu-release membership to copy directly to the release pocket ;-)14:37
* Laney will be nice and let mwhudson's upload migrate first14:38
LaneyI did briefly consider making the official builds use my PPA too14:39
* Laney yeehaw14:39
oSoMoNricotz, FYI see last two commits in https://code.launchpad.net/~libreoffice/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+git/libreoffice-debian-pkg/+ref/ubuntu-artful-5.415:34
ricotzoSoMoN, ok, fwiw "git commit --ammend"15:37
ricotzoSoMoN, ok15:57
ricotzoSoMoN, better use "dch -e" so you are not touching the timeline everytime15:57
ricotz"dch -r" does eventually15:57
GunnarHjseb128, jbicha: gnome-todo.pot was not imported by LP, but I just uploaded it manually. Not sure it was a good idea, since LP since to be in a bad shape and should better be looked into.15:59
seb128GunnarHj, shrug :/16:00
seb128GunnarHj, no it was not, it would be nice if you asked on IRC before next time, I've been talking to Colin since yesterday about those import issues and doing uploads as you might have noticed16:01
seb128GunnarHj, the launchpad importer was stucked after a server reboot and not is hitting timeout/long delay on libreoffice translations which are in the queue16:02
GunnarHjseb128: Ok, sorry about that. For that particular package the imports worked last time, but there were only .po files, no template.16:03
seb128GunnarHj, right, because the package was not generating one, which your fix (that I sponsored) is resolving16:03
seb128GunnarHj, the new package should result in a successful import once the launchpad job is done hitting libreoffice16:04
seb128GunnarHj, same for gtk+3.0 and gnome-sudoku btw, just wait those should autoresolve16:04
GunnarHjseb128: That sounds promising.16:05
seb128GunnarHj, btw I reviewed the queue and accepted a bunch of template that were waiting, gcc-8 lshw, webkit2gtk, gnutls28, orca so those should have translations enabled now (or when the import is done)16:06
GunnarHjseb128: Is the common denominator that they are new packages in main?16:08
seb128the recent ones on https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+imports?field.filter_status=IMPORTED&field.filter_extension=pot16:08
seb128GunnarHj, well I was reviewing https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+imports?field.filter_status=NEEDS_REVIEW&field.filter_extension=pot16:08
seb128but yeah, it wouldn't import things from universe16:08
seb128unless translations are enable by the debian/control key16:08
seb128they are some more obvious things in needs review but I don't have the free slots to investigate those now16:09
GunnarHjseb128: Talking about debian/control, any chance you can add that line in Debian git for fcitx?16:10
seb128no, I'm not part of that package set16:10
seb128try asking happyaron16:10
* happyaron patches welcomed16:11
happyaronmy pgp subkey was expired, so giving me a patch will make sure I can remember it when I regain the upload permission16:12
GunnarHjhappyaron: Hi Aron!16:12
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1749673 in fcitx (Ubuntu) "Fcitx translation to Catalan not imported" [Medium,In progress]16:13
happyaronGunnarHj: mind to send it to Debian as well? let's keep it delta clean16:14
seb128hey happyaron, how are you? ;-)16:15
GunnarHjhappyaron: That patch is intended for Debian. I was hoping that someone just could commit it there. ;)16:15
happyaronseb128: hey good, but super busy by moving home this week, haha16:16
seb128happyaron, moving city as well?16:16
happyaronGunnarHj: I'd prefer to track it at Debian BTS, LP is about a bit too noisy...16:16
happyaronseb128: nope, still at BJ16:16
seb128happyaron, have fun moving!16:17
happyaronseb128: :D16:17
GunnarHjhappyaron: Are you saying that you want a Debian bug to add a single line which is useful for Ubuntu only?16:18
happyaronyes, for tracking purpose16:18
happyaronsubmit it as wishlist is not an abuse to Debian BTS16:18
GunnarHjhappyaron: Sure, I can do that if you insist. Not much to track, though. All that needs to say is already in the patch comment.16:21
Laneyif you have the change applied locally you can run 'submittodebian' to help you submit it16:21
GunnarHjLaney: Would that result in a pull request?16:22
happyaronGunnarHj: if you use salsas.d.o, a pull request might also work, ;-)16:22
Laneyit'll make a bug report16:22
Laneywith a debdiff16:22
happyaronLaney: hey man how are you16:22
Laneyif you've checked out git then you can make a merge request easily too :-)16:23
Laneyhey happyaron16:23
LaneyI'm doing alright thanks!16:23
Laneylooking forward to the weekend16:23
GunnarHjhappyaron: Then a pull request it will be. ;)16:23
Laneywhat about you?16:23
Laneyall packed up?16:24
happyaronLaney: almost, will move this Sunday16:25
Laneygood luck16:26
LaneyI always forget to tell some company my new details16:27
jbichaGunnarHj: libgweather switched to meson. As you might remember, it's an odd package because it has two pot files16:27
jbichathe locations pot file generation is a bit buggy, I opened LP: #1751261 today (see the upstream bug)16:28
ubot5Launchpad bug 1751261 in libgweather "libgweather-locations.pot generation fails with bionic meson" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175126116:28
jbichadoes this look ok? https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/libgweather/commit/e4af319b16:28
jbichait creates po-locations/locations.pot do you think we need to rename that pot or maybe it's ok now?16:29
seb128gQuigs, hey, do you think you would have some free slot to make a patch for the network-manager autopkgtest issue since you seem to understand the problem?16:43
ricotzoSoMoN, please finalize the 6.0 branch16:46
ricotzoSoMoN, I will take a look at the we to prepare it for 6.0.216:46
gQuigsseb128: ideally, someone who cares more about the urfill use case would review to make sure my analysis makes sense, but sure I can make a patch for my suggestion16:48
seb128gQuigs, we don't seem to have anyone matching that description and meanwhile that update is stucked, that would be nice, thanks!16:49
oSoMoNricotz, ok16:49
ricotzoSoMoN, will cherry-pick the orcus stuff for 6.0.2, which officially lands in 6.0.316:50
ricotzoSoMoN, so please don't forget to push the 6.0 branch16:52
oSoMoNricotz, done, the branch is all yours over the we-16:52
oSoMoNw-e *16:52
jbichagQuigs: thanks :)16:52
ricotzoSoMoN, did you test the apparmor disabling patch?16:53
ricotzoSoMoN, I am not an expert in touch conffiles in /etc16:53
ricotzbut I thought there are special debhelper ways for that16:54
oSoMoNricotz, it's currently building in my lo-test PPA, will test as soon as it's built16:54
oSoMoNricotz, I had the patch reviewed by Jamie from the security team though, so I'm fairly confident that it will work16:55
ricotzalrighty then16:55
* oSoMoN logs out to try and reproduce a bug in the GNOME session16:56
oSoMoNI'm off to doing beers, have a great week-end everyone!17:21
willcookeoki, bandwidth all gone, nearly 6pm, I think it's time to give up for the week.  Have a good weekend all!17:56
GunnarHjjbicha: Any chance you can fix https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=793764 ?17:57
ubot5Gnome bug 793764 in general "Typo in po/es.po" [Major,New]17:57
jbichasudoku or to-do ? ;)17:58
GunnarHjjbicha: todo this time17:59
jbichaI'll take care of it and close the bug17:59
GunnarHjjbicha: Thanks!17:59
jbichafeel free to complain at Daniel though18:00
jbichaI've probably fixed that a dozen or more times across GNOME…18:00
jbichait's a gtranslator bug but maybe he should pay attention too :)18:00
GunnarHjjbicha: Who is Daniel? Is there a bug report anywhere where I can add an angry comment? ;)18:02
jbichaDaniel is at https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-todo/commit/124c798d18:03
jbichagtranslator bug is GNOME bug 77176518:04
ubot5Gnome bug 771765 in Parse engine "Problem with 80 character lines and header comments" [Major,New] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=77176518:04
GunnarHjjbicha: Ah, the translator who caused it. Yeah, he should know about it, but it's low priority right now.18:05
jbichathat particular mistake was a few years old, but it wasn't noticed in LP because the package only entered main now18:08
GunnarHjjbicha: Starting to understand. And only now I noticed that I files the bug against the wrong project. :( Thanks for fixing it!18:10
jbichagnome-todo uses gitlab.gnome.org for bugs now18:11
GunnarHjjbicha: I started with trying to create an account there, but there was some server issue...18:11
GunnarHjjbicha: Just a late thought: You committed that directly to git master, right? Is there a risk that the erroneous file is still in damned lies, and that the problem will re-appear?18:16
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gQuigsseb128: jbicha, still trying to test it properly, but something like this - https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/YtcfQJSqYn/19:16
gQuigsnot sure if it really needed a debdiff/changelog...19:16
gQuigstest complete /me likes autopkgtest command, that made it pretty easy19:37
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seb128gQuigs, thanks, I've called it a day for today but I put that on my todo to review20:50
jbichagQuigs: does NM pass all of its autopkgtest with that patch?20:56
gQuigsjbicha: I ran autokpkgtests against the source.. which I think means yes20:57
jbichaok, I'll go ahead and land it. If someone complains, they can handle NM next time ;)20:57
gQuigsjbicha: ty :)21:03
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wealth5VC5V9_   _      _   _    _        _        _______  _______  _______  _______22:23
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wealth5VC5V9(_) (_)    (_) (_)  (_______/(_______/|/     \||/     \||/     \|\_______)22:23
wealth5VC5V9mmstick bschaefer zzarr RAOF apw mcs_ shengyao phil8o[m] jansenfreezy[m] jjmarin[m] SKYNET[m] ulfo[m] CrazyLemon siel ubot5` Savicq ajmitch andyrock Dmitrii-Sh maclin sabdfl mpt heber gQuigs sil2100 mdeslaur rbasak xnox musalbas malx[m] ryeguy[m] mohammadss[m] kenvandine[m][m] kostadinstoilov[ Hanma[m] ahayzen[m] blackfire[m] cassidyjames[m] stormer97 freem[m] lyr[m] xclaesse[m] GregKNicholson[m spoonless[m] xamerin[m] jjohansen charles jbrett22:23

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