
zygaok, it's time to EOW00:11
zygasee you next week John!00:11
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Chipacajdstrand: you around by chance?11:50
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Chipacasomething's broken with completion19:17
Chipacaohh maybe it's just the snap19:19
Chipacastgraber: you here?19:25
Chipacawoo, i have code in lxd!19:57
* Chipaca stretched the definition of code *so much*19:57
Chipacazyga: you around?21:35
zygahow are you? :)21:35
zyga*disclaimer: I'm not *always* here :)21:36
Chipacazyga: hiya21:38
zygahi :)21:38
Chipacazyga: procrastinating so hard from tiding up my mess of cables, I'm looking at spread failures21:38
Chipaca(also: it's freezing, and i'm in bed where it's nice and warm, and the cables are out in the inhospitable cold)21:39
Chipacazyga: seeing this:21:39
ChipacaAppArmor parser error for /etc/apparmor.d/snap.core.4142.usr.lib.snapd.snap-confine in /etc/apparmor.d/snap.core.4142.usr.lib.snapd.snap-confine at line 11: Could not open '/var/lib/snapd/apparmor/snap-confine.d'21:39
zygait's -11 now, I hope it's not that cold in UK21:39
zygaoh, that's curious21:39
zygathat .d directory is created by snapd and is in packaging21:40
Chipacazyga: nah, just reaching zero21:40
zygado you have the seed?21:40
zygaah, so "literally freezing" :)21:40
Chipacalog is https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/345729874/log.txt21:40
Chipacazyga: seed is -seed=151950237621:40
zygaI think chasing those is somewhat annoying as it's a never-ending game without better automation which would say "oops, this test didn't clean up properly"21:40
zygaI'm looking at the log21:41
zyga-R is *remove*21:42
zygawhich is so ... silly here21:42
zygawe want to remove a profile21:42
* Chipaca is no wiser21:42
zygabut we cannot because #include thing is missing21:42
zygais this master or some PR?21:42
Chipaca.. because it was removed just prior?21:42
Chipacai mean, it's a PR, but it doesn't touch any of that21:43
mupPR #4737: cmd/snap: tweaks to 'snap info' (feat. installed->current rename) <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4737>21:43
zygahmm hmm21:44
zygaChipaca I'll run this and see if it happens21:48
zygaafter 18.04 I plan to redo prepare/restore thing21:48
zygait's wrong wrong wrong IMO21:48
gsilvaptIs there a particular reason to have a vscode folder in the snapcraft repository? just wondered22:09
Chipacagsilvapt: I don't know, but looking at its contents it seems to help people using vscode run the unit tests from the ide22:11
=== ikey is now known as ikey|zzz

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