
=== akaWolf1 is now known as akaWolf
CocoaGeekhello, I'm trying to cross-compile a project to armhf, but I need libssl-dev (I'm on x64), but while I can see the package on launchpad, I can't get apt-get (on the host) to find it. Any suggestion?17:47
k1lwhat ubuntu is that?17:49
CocoaGeekk1l: 16.0417:50
k1lapt policy libssl-dev17:50
k1ldoesnt show it?17:50
CocoaGeekit does, but only amd6417:51
CocoaGeekI was able to install the i386 version of the package17:51
k1lso what you need now?17:52
CocoaGeekthe armhf one17:52
k1lwhy you need the armhf one?17:54
CocoaGeekto cross-compile for armhf17:57
CocoaGeeki guess i'll just cross-compile libssl18:13

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